Runningvalue with a sum(iif - visual-studio

I was successful using Runningvalue here:
But when I try the next step to only capture the status "A"'s and determine the runningvalue
=Runningvalue(Sum(iif(Fields!status.Value = "A", 1, 0),Sum,"Tablix1")
/ Count(Fields!status.Value, "Tablix1"),)
I'm getting an error: "Has an incorrect number of parameters for the function 'Runningvalue'. I've tried this a number of ways and can't get it to work.

The following expression run without error at least:
=Runningvalue(iif(Fields!status.Value = "A", 1, 0),Sum,"Tablix1")
/ Count(Fields!status.Value, "Tablix1")
There were a few issues with extra commas/parentheses and key words.


How to set iteration limit for subsolver ipopt in mindtpy using pyomo?

i am new with using pyomo and mindtpy solver, and have a very basic question.
how can i set the iteration limit for a subsolver in mindtpy? I want to set the iteration limit of ipopt, but it seems like it is not possible.
I treid the following code:
result = opt.solve(model, strategy='OA', init_strategy='FP', iteration_limit=100000, time_limit=36000, constraint_tolerance=10e-5, fp_iteration_limit=10000, fp_mipgap=10e-3, mip_solver='cplex', heuristic_nonconvex=True, mip_solver_args={'timelimit': 36000, 'warmstart': True}, mip_solver_mipgap=0.001, nlp_solver='ipopt', nlp_solver_args={'timelimit': 36000, 'maxiter': 10000}, tee=True, mip_solver_tee=True, nlp_solver_tee=True)
Setting the timelimit works and iteration limit not! I also tried it with iteration_limit instead of maxiter or max_iter.
I always get the error: ValueError: ProblemWriter_nl passed unrecognized io_options: maxiter = 10000
Thank you very much!
Kind regards

Error with Condor: "$INT() macro: 50+ $((0/41)) does not evaluate to an integer!"

I want to run several jobs with Condor, my executable take as an argument b such that: b1=50+ $(($(Process)/41)), where $(())stands for the quotient of $(Process) divided by 41. b is defined in Here is my submit file:
# Unix submit description file
include : PATH/
executable = PATH/
arguments = $(b) $(Process)
log = fit_it_data_$INT(b)_$(Process).log
output = outfile_fit_$INT(b)_$(Process).txt
error = errors_fit_$INT(b)_$(Process).txt
transfer_input_files = PATH
should_transfer_files = Yes
when_to_transfer_output = ON_EXIT
queue 81
However I am getting the error Submitting job(s)ERROR at Queue statement on Line 13: $INT() macro: 50+ $((0/41)) does not evaluate to an integer!. I don't understand why it complains that is does not evaluate to an integer, since b should be equal to 50 here...
Any idea how to fix that issue?
b1=50+ $(($(Process)/41))
I think you have an extra "$" in there. Try this:
b1=50+ ($(Process)/41)

Wordcount Nonetype error pyspark-

I am trying to do some text analysis:
def cleaning_text(sentence):
sentence=re.sub('^\d+\/\d+|\s\d+\/\d+|\d+\-\d+\-\d+|\d+\-\w+\-\d+\s\d+\:\d+|\d+\-\w+\-\d+|\d+\/\d+\/\d+\s\d+\:\d+',' ',sentence.strip())# dates removed
sentence=re.sub("(.*?\//)|(.*?\\\\)|(.*?\\\)|(.*?\/)",' ',sentence.strip())
sentence = re.sub('[%s]' % re.escape(string.punctuation),'',sentence.strip())
cleaned=' '.join([w for w in sentence.split() if not len(w)<2 and w not in ('no', 'sc','ln') ])
return "NA"
return cleaned
df_new =df.withColumn("cleaned_short_desc", org_val(df["symptom_short_description_"]))
df_new =df_new.withColumn("cleaned_long_desc", org_val(df_new["long_description"]))
longWordsDF = ('cleaned_long_desc',' ')).alias('word'))
I get the following error.
File "<stdin>", line 2, in cleaning_text
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'lower'
I want to perform word counts but any kind of aggregation function is giving me an error.
I tried following things:
sentence=sentence.encode("ascii", "ignore")
Added this statement in the cleaning_text function
Its still giving the same issue, I do not know how to resolve this issue.
It looks like you have null values in some columns. Add an if at the beginning of cleaning_text function and the error will disappear:
if sentence is None:
return "NA"

How to solve distinct-values error

How to solve this error in XQuery. I want the data to be distinct with out duplication in XML result. I tried to add distinct-values in front of the doc in for statement, but this error was depicted.
Engine name: Saxon-PE XQuery
Severity: fatal
Description: XPTY0019: Required item type of first operand of '/' is node(); supplied value has item type xs:anyAtomicType
Start location: 23:0
This is code :
for $sv1 in distinct-values(doc('tc.xml')//term/year)
let $sv2 := doc('tc.xml')//term[year= $sv1]
let $sv3 := doc('tc.xml')//student[idStudent= $sv1/idStudent](:HERE IS THE ERROR LINE:)
let $sv4 := doc('tc.xml')//program[idStudent= $sv3/idStudent]
{$sv1 }
<a50_60>{count(doc('tc.xml')/mydb//program[doc('tc.xml')/mydb//term/year =$sv1][avg>= 50 and avg < 60])}</a50_60>
thank you in advance.
distinct-values() will atomize your input, this means that $sv1/idStudent won't work because $sv1 is not an element. Instead of using $sv1 on the line that give an error I think you should be using $sv2.

Coffeelint indentation in Web Essentials 2013

I have 4 space indentation in my coffee files and when I am compiling those I am getting errors:
CoffeeLint: compilation failed: CoffeeLint: Line contains inconsistent indentation; context: Expected 2 got 4
I found that actually provides option to configure indentation and in Web Essentials menu there is option to edit Global CofeeLint settings. So I changed that option to be:
"indentation": {
"name": "indentation",
"value": 4,
"level": "error"
(changed value from 2 to 4)
But it makes no difference I even tried to change level from error to ignore still no success. I even tried to restart VS and Windows, What I am doing wrong?
Update 1.
As requested in comments here is code I have:
if 1
And also screenshot of it with View White Space ON:
If you are using coffeelint and you want to change the indentation value to 2 spaces then you must edit the coffeelint/lib/coffeelint.js file and change the value of the "value" to 2 as follows:
module.exports = Indentation = (function() {
Indentation.prototype.rule = {
name: 'indentation',
value: 2,
level: 'error',
message: 'Line contains inconsistent indentation',
description: "This rule imposes a standard number of spaces to be used for\nindentation. Since whitespace is significant in CoffeeScript, it's\ncritical that a project chooses a standard indentation format and\nstays consistent. Other roads lead to darkness. <pre> <code>#\nEnabling this option will prevent this ugly\n# but otherwise valid CoffeeScript.\ntwoSpaces = () ->\n fourSpaces = () ->\n eightSpaces = () ->\n 'this is valid CoffeeScript'\n\n</code>\n</pre>\nTwo space indentation is enabled by default."
The file you edited is probably a generated file that is of no consequence.
