Disallow DTD's while evaluating xpath - xpath

I have below code to evaluate xpath expression.
String inputXml = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?><!DOCTYPE document SYSTEM \"test.dtd\"><Request><Header><Version>1.0</Version></Header></Request>";
String xpath="/Request/Header/Version";
XPathFactory xpf = new net.sf.saxon.xpath.XPathFactoryImpl();
final InputSource is = new InputSource(new StringReader(inputXml));
String version = xpf.newXPath().evaluate(xpath, is);
xpf.newXPath().evaluate throws error as test.dtd couldn't be found. I want to disallow DTD completely. I have been reading about setting SAXParser feature "http://apache.org/xml/features/disallow-doctype-decl" but not sure how to apply in this case or is there any other way to disallow/ignore DTD's.

I'm not quite sure what you want to achieve. If you want this to fail because there is a DTD referenced, then you already seem to be achieving that.
However, if you want to set a property on the XML parser, there are two ways you could achieve it:
(a) Supply a SAXSource rather than an InputSource; initialize the XMLReader in the SAXSource to the XML parser you want to use, and use the XMLReader's setFeature interface to configure it before you pass it to the XPath engine.
(b) Set the Saxon configuration feature http://saxon.sf.net/feature/parserFeature?uri=http://apache.org/xml/features/disallow-doctype-decl (that's a single string with no spaces or newlines) to the value true. You can do this using
xpf.getConfiguration().setConfigurationProperty(featureName, true);


Use Datasource Properties in XPath Expression of SoapUI

I need to know whether it is possible to use a datasource property in XPath Expression panel of XPath Match Configuration. For instance, if we have the following XML document:
I need to evaluate to see whether a content of IonType is 'A' only if its sibling node, Ion, has a value of 'CF'. I was hoping to accomplish this by setting XPath Match Configuration as following:
XPath Expression (DataSourceInput#ION is 'CF')
declare namespace ns1='http://my.namespace.com';
Expected Results (DataSourceInput#ION_TYPE is 'A')
Running the test would result in SoapUI [Pro] to error the following, Missing content for xpath declare. If I replace ${DataSourceInput#ION} with an actual value, i.e. 'CF', the test works accordingly (I even tried place single quotes around ${DataSourceInput#ION}, but it didn't work).
Is there another way of accomplish this in SoapUI?
I try what you do and it works for me if I put single quotes around the property:
declare namespace ns1='http://my.namespace.com';
Did you check that testStep name is exactly DataSourceInput? If there are spaces in the TestStep name (i.e your testStep name is Data Source Input you have to put ${Data Source Input#ION}).
Anyway I give you another way to do so, you can add a testStep of type groovy script after the testStep where you are getting the <Ions>response, and check the assert here like follows:
// get xml holder
def groovyUtils = new com.eviware.soapui.support.GroovyUtils(context);
def ionsHolder = groovyUtils.getXmlHolder("IonsTestStepName#response");
// generate xpath expression
def xpathExpression = "//*:Ions[*:Ion[text()='" + context.expand('${DataSourceInput#ION}') + "']]/*:IonType/text()";
log.info xpathExpression;
// get the node value
def nodeValue = ionsHolder.getNodeValue(xpathExpression);
// check expected value
assert nodeValue == context.expand('${DataSourceInput#ION_TYPE}'),'ERROR IONS VALUE';
Hope this helps,

xerces-c 3.1 XPath evaluation

I could not find much examples of evaluate XPath using xerces-c 3.1.
Given the following sample XML input:
<def>AAA BBB CCC</def>
I need to retrieve the "AAA BBB CCC" string by the XPath "/abc/def/text()[0]".
The following code works:
// create the DOM parser
XercesDOMParser *parser = new XercesDOMParser;
// get the DOM representation
DOMDocument *doc = parser->getDocument();
// get the root element
DOMElement* root = doc->getDocumentElement();
// evaluate the xpath
DOMXPathResult* result=doc->evaluate(
XMLString::transcode("/abc/def"), // "/abc/def/text()[0]"
// look into the xpart evaluate result
return 0;
But I really hate that:
Has it to be a node set instead of the exact node I want?
I tried other format of XPath such as "/abc/def/text()[0]", and "DOMXPathResult::STRING_TYPE". xerces always thrown exception.
What did I do wrong?
I don't code with Xerces C++ but it seems to implement the W3C DOM Level 3 so based on that I would suggest to select an element node with a path like /abc/def and then simply to access result->getNodeValue()->getTextContent() to get the contents of the element (e.g. AAA BBB CCC).
As far as I understand the DOM APIs, if you want a string value then you need to use a path like string(/abc/def) and then result->getStringValue() should do (if the evaluate method requests any type or STRING_TYPE as the result type).
Other approaches if you know you are only interested in the first node in document order you could evaluate /abc/def with FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE and then access result->getNodeValue()->getTextContent().

Freemarker - replace & with &

If i have the & symbol in some field (from a db, cannot be changed), and i want to display this via freemarker... but have the display (from freemarker) read &, what is the way to do so?
To reiterate, I cannot change the value before hand (or at least, I don't want to), i'd like freemarker to "unmark" &.
To double re-iterate, this is a value that is being placed with a lot of other xml. The value itself is displayed on its own, surrouded by tags... so something like
As a result, i don't want all ampersands escaped, or the xml will look funny... just that one in the interpolation.
Oh goodness.
I see the problem: the code was written like this:
<#escape x as x?xml>
<#import "small.ftl" as my>
and at which i'd assumed that the excape would excape all the calls within it - it is certainly what the documentation sort of implies
<#assign x = "<test>"> m1>
m1: ${x}
<#escape x as x?html>
<#macro m2>m2: ${x}</#macro>
the output will be:
m1: <test>
m2: <test>
However it appears that when you import the file, then this isn't the case, and the escape... escapes!
the above link details how to solve the problem. In effect, it comes down to loading a different FreemakerLoader, one that wraps all templates with an escape tag.
class SomeCoolClass implements TemplateLoader {
//other functions here
public Reader getReader(Object templateSource, String encoding) throws IOException {
Reader reader = delegate.getReader(templateSource, encoding);
try {
String templateText = IOUtils.toString(reader);
return new StringReader(ESCAPE_PREFIX + templateText + ESCAPE_SUFFIX);
} finally {
which is a snippet from the link above. You create the class with the existing templateLoader, and just defer all the required methods to that.
Starting from FreeMarker 2.3.24 no TemplateLoader "hack" is needed anymore. There's a setting called output_format, which specifies if and what escaping is needed. This can be configured both globally, and/or per-template-name-pattern utilizing the template_configurations setting. The recommend way of doing this is even simpler (from the manual):
[...] if the
recognize_standard_file_extensions setting is true (which is the
default with the incompatible_improvements setting set to 2.3.24 or
higher), templates whose source name ends with ".ftlh" gets "HTML"
output format, and those with ".ftlx" get "XML" output format

DisplayTool installation and usage

I am using Velocity 1.7 to format string and I had some trouble with default values. Velocity by itself has no special syntax for case when value is not set and we want to use some another, default value.
By the means of Velocity it looks like:
#if(!${name})Default John#else${name}#end
which is unconveniant for my case.
After googling I've found DisplayTool, according to documentation it will look like:
$display.alt($name,"Default John")
So I added maven dependency but not sure how to add DisplayTool to my method and it is hard to found instructions for this.
Maybe somebody can help with advice or give useful links?..
My method:
public String testVelocity(String url) throws Exception{
VelocityContext context = getVelocityContext();//gets simple VelocityContext object
Writer out = new StringWriter();
Velocity.evaluate(context, out, "testing", url);
logger.info("got first results "+out);
return out.toString();
When I send
String url = "http://www.test.com?withDefault=$display.alt(\"not null\",\"exampleDefaults\")&truncate=$display.truncate(\"This is a long string.\", 10)";
String result = testVelocity(url);
I get "http://www.test.com?withDefault=$display.alt(\"not null\",\"exampleDefaults\")&truncate=$display.truncate(\"This is a long string.\", 10)" without changes, but should get
"http://www.test.com?withDefault=not null&truncate=This is...
Please tell me what I am missing. Thanks.
The construction of the URL occurs in your Java code, before you invoke Velocity, so Velocity isn't going to evaluate $display.alt(\"not null\",\"exampleDefaults\"). That syntax will be valid only in a Velocity template (which typically have .vm extensions).
In the Java code, there's no need to use the $ notation, you can just call the DisplayTool methods directly. I've not worked with DisplayTool before, but it's probably something like this:
DisplayTool display = new DisplayTool();
String withDefault = display.alt("not null","exampleDefaults");
String truncate = display.truncate("This is a long string.", 10);
String url = "http://www.test.com?"
+ withDefault=" + withDefault
+ "&truncate=" + truncate;
It might be better, though, to call your DisplayTool methods directly from the Velocity template. That's what is shown in the example usage.

MSXML2.DOMDocument.xml give me malformed xml

We have an old legacy system that where a component is writter in VB6. One method returns a string that is xml data. The xml data is created with msxml3.dll MSXML2.DOMDocument and returns the data of the document with the property xml: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms755989(v=VS.85).aspx
However, some data of the xmldocument is from the database and one field is a hashed password string. The code that set the data for the element:
Set cellNode = rowNode.appendChild(xml.createElement("COL"))
If IsNull(rs(oField.name).Value) Then
cellNode.Text = ""
cellNode.Text = rs(oField.name).Value
End If
This gives me malformed/non-wellformed xml:
Is there a workaround for this?
You should escape unicode characters. Or put them in a CDATA tag (which is not such a nice solution though)
Btw < > and & should be escaped as well.
