Use Datasource Properties in XPath Expression of SoapUI - xpath

I need to know whether it is possible to use a datasource property in XPath Expression panel of XPath Match Configuration. For instance, if we have the following XML document:
I need to evaluate to see whether a content of IonType is 'A' only if its sibling node, Ion, has a value of 'CF'. I was hoping to accomplish this by setting XPath Match Configuration as following:
XPath Expression (DataSourceInput#ION is 'CF')
declare namespace ns1='';
Expected Results (DataSourceInput#ION_TYPE is 'A')
Running the test would result in SoapUI [Pro] to error the following, Missing content for xpath declare. If I replace ${DataSourceInput#ION} with an actual value, i.e. 'CF', the test works accordingly (I even tried place single quotes around ${DataSourceInput#ION}, but it didn't work).
Is there another way of accomplish this in SoapUI?

I try what you do and it works for me if I put single quotes around the property:
declare namespace ns1='';
Did you check that testStep name is exactly DataSourceInput? If there are spaces in the TestStep name (i.e your testStep name is Data Source Input you have to put ${Data Source Input#ION}).
Anyway I give you another way to do so, you can add a testStep of type groovy script after the testStep where you are getting the <Ions>response, and check the assert here like follows:
// get xml holder
def groovyUtils = new;
def ionsHolder = groovyUtils.getXmlHolder("IonsTestStepName#response");
// generate xpath expression
def xpathExpression = "//*:Ions[*:Ion[text()='" + context.expand('${DataSourceInput#ION}') + "']]/*:IonType/text()"; xpathExpression;
// get the node value
def nodeValue = ionsHolder.getNodeValue(xpathExpression);
// check expected value
assert nodeValue == context.expand('${DataSourceInput#ION_TYPE}'),'ERROR IONS VALUE';
Hope this helps,


JMeter XPath getting multiple values and odd output order

I have a JMeter script with an XPath Extractor, in this I have specified a query that gets multiple values from the XML document. This all works fine
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<AvailableQuantity UnitOfMeasure="EA">13</AvailableQuantity>
<AvailableQuantity UnitOfMeasure="EA">17</AvailableQuantity>
When I then try to get these values in a loop using a JSR232 Sampler they don't seem to come out in the order declared in the XPath Query.
I expected theData_2 to contain the UnitOfMeasure attribute and theData_3 to contain the quantity, but as you can see they are reversed.
Is this expected behavior? If so, when an element has multiple attributes how do I know which order those will be made available as?
The order of XPath nodesets produced by union operator is not guaranteed, you can see putValuesForXPathInList() function for implementation details
Actually if you've decided to go for Groovy - you don't even need the XPath Extractor, you can use XmlSlurper class for parsing the XML response.
Example code:
def response = new XmlSlurper().parseText(prev.getResponseDataAsString())
response.InventoryItem.eachWithIndex { item, index ->'Item: ' + index)'ItemNumber: ' + item.ItemNumber)'AvailableQuantiry: ' + item.AvailableQuantity)'UnitOfMeasure:' + item.AvailableQuantity.#UnitOfMeasure)
Groovy: Processing XML
Apache Groovy - Why and How You Should Use It

I can't extract the node text with a Xpath

I have a XML file (test.xml) like this one:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<Name>This is the name</Name>
<DateOfUpdate day="07" month="02" year="2018">20180207</DateOfUpdate>
<CompanyName>MY COMPANY</CompanyName>
<TaxCode FlagCheck="0">XXXYYYWWWZZZ</TaxCode>
<Rating Code="2">Rating Description for Code 2</Rating>
<ScoreDistribution />
<Rating Code="1">SICUREZZA</Rating>
<Rating Code="2">SOLVIBILITA' ELEVATA</Rating>
I'm trying to get the "Name" node text ("This is the name") with a U-SQL script using the XmlExtractor. The following is the code I'm using:
USE TestXML; // It contains the registered assembly
REFERENCE ASSEMBLY [Microsoft.Analytics.Samples.Formats];
#xml = EXTRACT xml_text string
FROM "textxpath/test.xml"
USING Extractors.Text(rowDelimiter: "^", quoting: false);
#xml_cleaned =
xml_text.Replace("\r\n", "").Replace("\t", " ") AS xml_text
FROM #xml;
#values =
SELECT Microsoft.Analytics.Samples.Formats.Xml.XPath.Evaluate(xml_text, "s2xResponse/s2xData/Name")[1] AS value
FROM #xml_cleaned;
OUTPUT #values TO #"outputs/test_xpath.txt" USING Outputters.Text(quoting: false);
But I'm getting this runtime error:
Execution failed with error '1_SV1_Extract Error :
while evaluating expression
\"\").Replace(\"\t\", \" \"),
\"s2xResponse/s2xData/Name\")[1]","description":"Inner exception from
user expression: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less
than the size of the collection.
I get the same error even if I use a zero index for the Evaluate result ([0]).
What's wrong with my query?
The problem here is that you are applying the subscript [1] to the result of XPath.Evaluate, which I believe will be returning the Name nodes. However, you are applying the [1] subscript in code, not in XPath, so the subscript is likely to be zero based, and not 1-based as it is in XPath, hence the Index out of range error.
Here's one solution - simply apply the subscript operator in Xpath (where it is still 1-based), and select the text() there
Is there a particular reason you want to use the Evaluate method? I got his to work using the XmlDomExtractor, which would allow you to extract multiple values from the xml, eg
REFERENCE ASSEMBLY [Microsoft.Analytics.Samples.Formats];
DECLARE #inputFile string = "/input/input100.xml";
#input =
EXTRACT Name string
FROM #inputFile
USING new Microsoft.Analytics.Samples.Formats.Xml.XmlDomExtractor(rowPath : "/s2xResponse",
columnPaths : new SQL.MAP<string, string>{
{ "s2xData/Name", "Name" },
#output =
FROM #input;

Check if the node value exist

I want to check in a xml if there is a node with the value "Hotel Hafen Hamburg".
But I get the error.
SimpleXMLElement::xpath(): Invalid predicate on line 25
You can view the xml here.
Until now I have written the following code.
$apiUmgebungUrl = "xml.xml";
$xml_umgebung = simplexml_load_file($apiUmgebungUrl);
echo $nameexist = $xml_umgebung->xpath('boolean(//result/name[#Hotel Hafen Hamburg');
It seems that your parantheses and brackets do not close properly at the end of your XPath expression - it should end on ]).
Also, what is Hotel Hafen Hamburg? If it is an attribute called value, your value check should look like this:
[#value="Hotel Hafen Hamburg"]
You cannot just write # and then a value, without specifying where that value is supposed to be.
EDIT: Looking at the Xml document, it seems that Hotel Hafen Hamburg is supposed to be the text content of the <name> element. Therefore, try looking for a text node with that value rather than an attribute:
boolean(//result/name[text() = "Hotel Hafen Hamburg"])

How to use "Result Variable Name" in JDBC Request object of Jmeter

In JMeter I added the configuration for oracle server. Then I added a JDBC request object and put the ResultSet variable name to status.
The test executes fine and result is displayed in treeview listener.
I want to use the variable status and compare it with string but jmeter is throwing error about casting arraylist to string.
How to retrieve this variable and compare with string in While Controller?
Just used some time to figure this out and think the accepted answer is slightly incorrect as the JDBC request sampler has two types of result variables.
The ones you specify in the Variable names box map to individual columns returned by your query and these you can access by saying columnVariable_{index}.
The one you specify in the Result variable name contains the entire result set and in practice this is a list of maps to values. The above syntax will obviously not work in this case.
The ResultSet variable returned with JDBC request in JMeter are in the for of array. So if you want to use variable status, you will have to use it with index. If you want to use the first(or only) record user status_1. So you need to use it like status_{index}.
String host = vars.getObject("status").get(0).get("option_value");
print(host);"----- " + host);
Form complete infromation read the "yellow box" in this link:
Other util example:
You can use Beanshell/Groovy (same code works) in JSR233 PostProcessor to work with “Result Variable Name” from JDBC Request like this:
ArrayList results = vars.getObject("status");
for (HashMap row: results){
Iterator it = row.entrySet().iterator();
while (it.hasNext()){
Map.Entry pair = (Map.Entry); + "=" + pair.getValue());
Instead of output to log replace with adding to string with delimiters of your choice.

xerces-c 3.1 XPath evaluation

I could not find much examples of evaluate XPath using xerces-c 3.1.
Given the following sample XML input:
<def>AAA BBB CCC</def>
I need to retrieve the "AAA BBB CCC" string by the XPath "/abc/def/text()[0]".
The following code works:
// create the DOM parser
XercesDOMParser *parser = new XercesDOMParser;
// get the DOM representation
DOMDocument *doc = parser->getDocument();
// get the root element
DOMElement* root = doc->getDocumentElement();
// evaluate the xpath
DOMXPathResult* result=doc->evaluate(
XMLString::transcode("/abc/def"), // "/abc/def/text()[0]"
// look into the xpart evaluate result
return 0;
But I really hate that:
Has it to be a node set instead of the exact node I want?
I tried other format of XPath such as "/abc/def/text()[0]", and "DOMXPathResult::STRING_TYPE". xerces always thrown exception.
What did I do wrong?
I don't code with Xerces C++ but it seems to implement the W3C DOM Level 3 so based on that I would suggest to select an element node with a path like /abc/def and then simply to access result->getNodeValue()->getTextContent() to get the contents of the element (e.g. AAA BBB CCC).
As far as I understand the DOM APIs, if you want a string value then you need to use a path like string(/abc/def) and then result->getStringValue() should do (if the evaluate method requests any type or STRING_TYPE as the result type).
Other approaches if you know you are only interested in the first node in document order you could evaluate /abc/def with FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE and then access result->getNodeValue()->getTextContent().
