makefile linking error -lSDL (linux) - gcc

I recently tried to make a makefile and it works fine on my laptop. I was making a game in c++ and shared my code on github. One of my friends cloned
the repo and informed me that he ran into some errors. Coming to errors I must inform you that my project uses QuickCG which is based on SDL, so naturally one needs to have SDL installed. My friend did not have that initially but later downloaded it using sudo apt-get install libsdl1.2-dev. After downloading, the 'header include' error was removed but still there is linking error I suppose.
Here is my makefile
CC = g++
CFLAGS = -c -O3
all : game
game : main.o quickcg.o
$(CC) main.o quickcg.o -o game $(CLINK_FLAGS)
main.o : main.cpp
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) main.cpp
quickcg.o : quickcg.cpp
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) quickcg.cpp
clean :
rm *.o game
My Game folder contains only 2 cpp files which are main.cpp and quickcg.cpp. It also contains 1 header file quickcg.h
Now to come to the exact error statement after executing make
g++ -c -O3 main.cpp
g++ -c -O3 quickcg.cpp
g++ main.o quickcg.o -o game -lSDL
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lSDL
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [game] Error 1
Please note that this worked completely fine on my laptop.
Also please note that the following command worked like a charm even on his laptop
g++ *.cpp -lSDL -O3
So clearly there seems to be a fault with makefile.
Forgive me if I have done anything stupid because I am new to makefiles but I am not able to find any errors here. Thanks in advance

You may try
CLINK_FLAGS = `sdl-config --libs`
if you don't know the path for -L.


How does cygwin terminal work? (Makefile issue)

Here's my makefile:
assemblera: main.o parsingA.o parsingC.o symbolTable.o
gcc -o assemblera main.o parsingA.o parsingC.o symbolTable.o
main.o: main.c parsingA.h parsingC.h symbolTable.h
gcc -c main.c
parsingA.o: parsingA.c parsingA.h
gcc -c parsingA.c
parsingC.o: parsingC.c parsingC.h
gcc -c parsingC.c
symbolTable.o: symbolTable.c symbolTable.h
gcc -c symbolTable.c
rm *.o assemblera
Now for the problem: with Windows command prompt I can easily generate all the .o files and .exe file, and if I run the latter it works as intended. Now, if I use the cygwin terminal, I can give the instructions to generate the object files / the exe, but those do not appear nowhere in the folder and no error is returned. Also, if I use the make command, it returns this error:
gcc -c main.c
make: *** [Makefile:5: main.o] Error 1
(I did put tabs in front of every "gcc" and "rm"). I know next to nothing about makefiles and cygwin.

Makefile: "No such file or directory" for target file

First, I should admit makefiles are something that I'm very inexperienced at, so I apologize if this is an error that I should have been able to solve myself, but I have spent several hours on this, including reading the various answers on this site, and have been unable to discover a solution.
With that said, I have created the following makefile to compile my code on a Linux machine; it completes the sub compilations just fine, but when it comes to making the output itself, xPlatST, it throws an error.
g++ -std=c+=11 -g -Wall -pthread -c -o xPlatST.o xPlatST.cpp
g++ -std=c+=11 -g -Wall -pthread -c -o stdafx.o stdafx.cpp
g++ -std=c+=11 -g -Wall -pthread -c xPlatST xPlatST.o stdafx.o -L../hwloc
g++ error: xPlatST: No such file or directory
make: *** [xPlatST] Error 1
I believe it seems to think that the xPlatST is one of it's compilation files and thus can't find it, but for the life of me I can't work out why.
hwloc is a third party library, and should be unrelated to this issue. The code compiles just fine when compiled from the command line directly.
My files are xPlatST.cpp, xPlatST.h, stdafx.cpp, stdafh.h
Code is as follows:
CXX = g++ -std=c++11
LIBS = -L../hwloc
CXXFLAGS = -Wall -g -pthread
OBJS = xPlatST.o stdafx.o
xPlatST: ${OBJS}
-rm xPlatST *.o
Any help would be greatly appreciated; thank you in advance.
Your assumption is correct. Your recipe is trying to use xPlatST as a source. Change the -c into a -o in your rule:
The -c flag tells the compiler to take all files, compile, and assemble them into an object file (.o). The -o flag specifies the destination file.

Creating .o file with make

I'm trying to learn how to write makefiles. I have started reading the manual of gnu make:
I have 3 files in the same directory:
main.cpp: which creates a rectangle and prints some information. Therefor it includes Rectangle.h
Rectangle.h: header file for rectangle class
Rectangle.cpp: implementation of rectangle class
I am having troubles with the include of Rectangle.h in main.cpp. My makefile is:
main: main.o rectangle.o
g++ -o main.exe main.o rectangle.o
main.o: main.cpp
g++ main.cpp
rectangle.o: Rectangle.cpp
g++ Rectangle.cpp
rm main.exe main.o rectangle.o
I know something is missing to create main.o but I can't find out what it is. I tried adding various variations of Rectangle.h/.o/.cpp and finding something on the internet but I was unable to find something.
Help will be much appreciated :)
PS: The code is fine, I can compile it with the command:
g++ -o main.exe main.cpp Rectangle.cpp
man g++
When you invoke GCC, it normally does preprocessing, compilation, assembly and linking. The "overall options" allow you to stop this process at an intermediate stage. For example, the -c option says not to run the linker. Then the output consists of object files output by the assembler.

Clang error while creating shared library

I want to compile a shared library on MBP and based on the advise given here, I have switched to clang (from gcc) to create the shared library. My makefile is:
CC = clang
CFLAGS = -c -fPIC -Wall -O3 -lpthread -g
BaseDir = /Users/admin/Prog/
Include = -I$(BaseDir)UMFPACK/Include -I$(BaseDir)AMD/Include -I$(BaseDir)SuiteSparse_config
Lib = -L$(BaseDir)UMFPACK/Lib -L$(BaseDir)AMD/Lib -L$(BaseDir)GotoBLAS2 -L$(BaseDir)SuiteSparse_config
AddFiles = -lumfpack -lamd -lgoto2 -lsuitesparseconfig
StaticLibs = $(BaseDir)GotoBLAS2/libgoto2.a $(BaseDir)UMFPACK/Lib/libumfpack.a $(BaseDir)AMD/Lib/libamd.a $(BaseDir)SuiteSparse_config/libsuitesparseconfig.a
all: TDS.o TDSJac.o ExtraRoutines.o CalcVFC.o TDS.h
$(CC) $(Include) $(Lib) $(AddFiles) -dynamiclib -lpthread -o $^ -lm -g $(StaticLibs)
TDS.o: TDS.c TDS.h
$(CC) $(Include) $(CFLAGS) $^
TDSJac.o: TDSJac.c TDS.h
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $^
ExtraRoutines.o: ExtraRoutines.c TDS.h
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $^
CalcVFC.o: CalcVFC.c TDS.h
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $^
MexFile: TDSGateway.c
mex -g -largeArrayDims -ldl TDSGateway.c
mv ../../
mv TDSGateway.mexmaci64 ../../
What I do here is:
1) Only compile TDS.c, TDSJac.c, ExtraRoutines.c, and CalcVFC.c to create four corresponding object files.
2) Merging object files and creating a shared library using following command:
clang -I(Some folders) -L(Some folders) -l(Some libraries) -shared -lpthread -o TDS.o TDSJac.o ExtraRoutines.o CalcVFC.o TDS.h -lm -g
clang: error: cannot specify -o when generating multiple output files
As I am absolutely new to clang, I do not know what is wrong with Makefile. (If I replace CC=clang with CC=gcc, everything works good.)
I searched the internet with no success. Manual page of clang says nothing about shared library. I could not even get anything out of clang homepage. It is appreciated if help me to work around this problem.
Thanks for your help in advance.
I had yesterday almost the same problem.
But i never used cmake. I'm using an own makefile system of my company, so I just can tell you, what fixed the problem for me so far.
Clang has still some trouble with giving you the right hints on errorcase.
The linking error was:
/usr/bin/ld: /usr/lib/crt1.o: relocation R_X86_64_32 against `_DYNAMIC' can not be used when making a shared object; recompile with -fPIC
I solved the problem as I figgered out, that the -shared Parameter has to be behind the -o X.o parameters. As I see this is not made in your case, too. You should try that first.
In our case I also had to parse the LFlags with -WL, or -L, (afaik it doesn't matter which one you take but I read about a clang bug in relation to -Wl,).
But idk in how far you have to parse LFlags or not, when using cmake.
You've listed headers (TDS.h) as dependencies, which is fine, but you've then used $^ as inputs, which includes all dependencies. You should not list a header as an input. It should not be on the command-line at all, and in clang this is actually an error.
The error message is obscure but easy to resolve. You have 2 choices:
Be explicit instead of using $^. You could use a variable for inputs and another for dependencies, e.g.; or
Use intermediate .o files instead of .c files as inputs to a .so. The *.o files can depend on any .h they include.

Gcc error only when using makefile (CreateProcess: No such file or directory)

I am having trouble compiling using make in windows 7 with gcc and the gsl library. It occurs only when using make (when I type the compilation commands manually into the cmd line, it compiles correctly). I found some posts where people had similar errors from gcc, but none where it worked when typing normally, but not when using make. The contents of my Makefile are shown below:
# Compiler Flags. -Wall turns on all warnings
# GSL include file dir
# GSL Libraries directory
# Library Flags
LFLAGS=-lgsl -lgslcblas -lm
# Target Program
# Dependencies needed for $(PROGRAM)
# List of source files for objects
# List with types of files to be cleared by clean:
TRASH=*.exe *.o
# I/O files to be cleaned with 'very clean' target
#IOFILES= *.dat *.out *.csv *.mod
all: $(SRC) $(EXE)
$(EXE): $(OBJ)
$(COMP) -L/$(LIB) $(OBJ) $(LFLAGS) -o $(EXE)
$(OBJ): $(SRC)
$(COMP) -I/GnuWin32/include -c ex2.1.c
#$(COMP) -I/$(INCLUDES) -c $(SRC)
del $(TRASH)
If I type make with only the ex2.1.c present in the directory, I get the following output and error:
gcc -I/GnuWin32/include -c ex2.1.c
gcc: error: CreateProcess : No such file or directory
make: *** [ex2.1.o] Error 1
However, if I first type "gcc -I/GnuWiun32/include -c ex2.1.c", ex2.1.o is created successfully with no error. If then type 'make' I get the following output/error:
gcc -L/GnuWin32/lib ex2.1.o -lgsl -lgslcblas -lm -o ex2.1.exe
gcc: fatal error: -fuse-linker-plugin, but liblto_plugin-0.dll not found
compilation terminated
make: *** [ex2.1.exe] Error 1
But if I manually enter "gcc -L/GnuWin32/lib ex2.1.o -lgsl -lgslcblas -lm -o ex2.1.exe" then the executable compiles and runs like it should, so the problem seems to be with how make is calling gcc? My PATH variable contains the paths to both make.exe as well as gcc.exe, so I am not sure what I do not set up correctly. Does anyone have an idea of what may be wrong? Thanks.
