Gcc error only when using makefile (CreateProcess: No such file or directory) - gcc

I am having trouble compiling using make in windows 7 with gcc and the gsl library. It occurs only when using make (when I type the compilation commands manually into the cmd line, it compiles correctly). I found some posts where people had similar errors from gcc, but none where it worked when typing normally, but not when using make. The contents of my Makefile are shown below:
# Compiler Flags. -Wall turns on all warnings
# GSL include file dir
# GSL Libraries directory
# Library Flags
LFLAGS=-lgsl -lgslcblas -lm
# Target Program
# Dependencies needed for $(PROGRAM)
# List of source files for objects
# List with types of files to be cleared by clean:
TRASH=*.exe *.o
# I/O files to be cleaned with 'very clean' target
#IOFILES= *.dat *.out *.csv *.mod
all: $(SRC) $(EXE)
$(EXE): $(OBJ)
$(COMP) -L/$(LIB) $(OBJ) $(LFLAGS) -o $(EXE)
$(OBJ): $(SRC)
$(COMP) -I/GnuWin32/include -c ex2.1.c
#$(COMP) -I/$(INCLUDES) -c $(SRC)
del $(TRASH)
If I type make with only the ex2.1.c present in the directory, I get the following output and error:
gcc -I/GnuWin32/include -c ex2.1.c
gcc: error: CreateProcess : No such file or directory
make: *** [ex2.1.o] Error 1
However, if I first type "gcc -I/GnuWiun32/include -c ex2.1.c", ex2.1.o is created successfully with no error. If then type 'make' I get the following output/error:
gcc -L/GnuWin32/lib ex2.1.o -lgsl -lgslcblas -lm -o ex2.1.exe
gcc: fatal error: -fuse-linker-plugin, but liblto_plugin-0.dll not found
compilation terminated
make: *** [ex2.1.exe] Error 1
But if I manually enter "gcc -L/GnuWin32/lib ex2.1.o -lgsl -lgslcblas -lm -o ex2.1.exe" then the executable compiles and runs like it should, so the problem seems to be with how make is calling gcc? My PATH variable contains the paths to both make.exe as well as gcc.exe, so I am not sure what I do not set up correctly. Does anyone have an idea of what may be wrong? Thanks.


make: f90: command not found

I am trying to run some old Fortran code of my project team in ubuntu 16.04. I have not done any modifications to the existing code. All I have done is installed gfortran, opened a terminal, and gone to the file location using the cd command. Here I have many files, but just consider these two: a script file compile.sh, and a makefile remail.make.
In compile.sh:
make -f remail.make
In remail.make:
TARGET = remail.e
OBJECTS = $(SOURCES_f77:.f=.o)
.f90.o :
$(COMPILE) -o $*.o -c $*.f90
.f.o :
$(COMPILE) -o $*.o -c $*.f
del :
When I run compile.sh, I get this error:
f90 ../SOURCES_COUNTERFLOW/grcom.o -o remail.e
make: f90: Command not found
make: *** [remail.e] Error 127
I have installed fort77 and gfortran-4.8 compilers.
What is the reason for this error?
The problem was that I was not using the correct executable.
For example, In my case, I installed fort77 and gfortran-4.8 and the executable was saved in the name as fort77 and gfortran-4.8.
The reason for my error was that I was calling these two executables as fort77 and gfortran instead of fort77 and gfortran-4.8.
When I called fort77 and gfortran-4.8 correctly in the terminal, it works!!

How does cygwin terminal work? (Makefile issue)

Here's my makefile:
assemblera: main.o parsingA.o parsingC.o symbolTable.o
gcc -o assemblera main.o parsingA.o parsingC.o symbolTable.o
main.o: main.c parsingA.h parsingC.h symbolTable.h
gcc -c main.c
parsingA.o: parsingA.c parsingA.h
gcc -c parsingA.c
parsingC.o: parsingC.c parsingC.h
gcc -c parsingC.c
symbolTable.o: symbolTable.c symbolTable.h
gcc -c symbolTable.c
rm *.o assemblera
Now for the problem: with Windows command prompt I can easily generate all the .o files and .exe file, and if I run the latter it works as intended. Now, if I use the cygwin terminal, I can give the instructions to generate the object files / the exe, but those do not appear nowhere in the folder and no error is returned. Also, if I use the make command, it returns this error:
gcc -c main.c
make: *** [Makefile:5: main.o] Error 1
(I did put tabs in front of every "gcc" and "rm"). I know next to nothing about makefiles and cygwin.

Dynamic library cannot load when running program outside build directory

I have the following Makefile:
OBJ=main.o other.o other1.o other2.o
LINKDIVSUF=-L libdivsufsort-master/build/lib/ -ldivsufsort64 -Wl,-R libdivsufsort-master/build/lib/
INCDIVSUF=-I libdivsufsort-master/build/include -ldivsufsort64
COMPFLAGS=-MMD -fopenmp -std=c++17 -O3
$(CXX) $(COMPFLAGS) $(OBJ) -o $(EXE) $(LINKDIVSUF) -lz -lboost_regex -lboost_program_options
%.o: %.cpp
-include $(OBJ:.o=.d)
The program links to a dynamic library, libdivsufsort64.so.3, located from the build directory at ./libdivsufsort-master/build/lib/.
Use of -Wl,-R libdivsufsort-master/build/lib/is to avoid having to concatenate absolute/path/to/libdivsufsort-master/build/lib/ to LD_LIBRARY_PATH in order to run program. Indeed, when I make program
without -Wl, -R libdivsufsort-master/build/lib/, and without setting the LD_LIBRARY_PATH as mentioned and subsequently run program, I get the following error message:
./program: error while loading shared libraries: libdivsufsort64.so.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
With -Wl, -R libdivsufsort-master/build/lib/, program runs successfully with no alteration to LD_LIBRARY_PATH, but only when
I run program from the same directory in which it was built.
If I try to run program when compiled with -Wl, -R libdivsufsort-master/build/lib/ from any other directory, it fails to run, terminating with
the aforementioned error message.
How can I change the g++ compilation options (or anything else at compilation time) to enable program to run from
any directory whilst avoiding the need to alter LD_LIBRARY_PATH? The only "solution" I have found is to concatenate libdivsufsort-master/build/lib/ to LD_LIBRARY_PATH. By doing so, I can run program from any
directory, thus removing the need to compile with Wl,-R libdivsufsort-master/build/lib/, however, this of course requires the user of program to manually set their LD_LIBRARY_PATH, which I specifically want to avoid.
Reading this post that discusses the use of relative or absolute paths with -R (-rpath) I came up with this solution.
Append the following lines, such that the Makefile is now:
libdivsufsort_lib = $(addprefix $(shell pwd), /libdivsufsort-master/build/lib/)
libdivsufsort_include = $(addprefix $(shell pwd), /libdivsufsort-master/build/include/)
OBJ=main.o other.o other1.o other2.o
LINKDIVSUF=-L libdivsufsort-master/build/lib/ -ldivsufsort64 -Wl,-R libdivsufsort-master/build/lib/
INCDIVSUF=-I libdivsufsort-master/build/include -ldivsufsort64
COMPFLAGS=-MMD -fopenmp -std=c++17 -O3
$(CXX) $(COMPFLAGS) $(OBJ) -o $(EXE) $(LINKDIVSUF) -lz -lboost_regex -lboost_program_options
%.o: %.cpp
-include $(OBJ:.o=.d)
This avoids the use of $ORIGIN, to produce an absolute path to programs
directory, which is not supported on some systems. The two additional
lines produce the absolute path irrespective of the binary's location -
it just needs to kept in the build directory and compiled again if the build
directory moves. Importantly, program can now be called from outside the
build directory.
You need to use $ORIGIN with -Wl,-R to locate the library in relative path:
LINKDIVSUF = ... -Wl,-R,'$ORIGIN/libdivsufsort-master/build/lib'

How to create a makefile that will place object code in different folder

I am very new to Makefile. I had build the following makefile(Which don't work).I wan't put genarated object codes in differnt folder(the folder is in current directory).
$ ls
main.cpp Makefile object_code Time.cpp Time_.h
how can I do this ??
VER = Debug
CC = g++
OBJECTFIELS = ./object_code/main.o ./object_code/Time.o
../$(VER)/main: $(OBJECTFIELS)
$(CC) $(OBJECTFIELS) -o $#
./object_code/main.o: main.cpp
./object_code/Time.o: Time.cpp
rm $(OBJECTFIELS) main
this is error.
$ make
g++ ./object_code/main.o ./object_code/Time.o -o ../Debug/main
g++: error: ./object_code/main.o: No such file or directory
g++: error: ./object_code/Time.o: No such file or directory
g++: fatal error: no input files
compilation terminated.
Makefile:8: recipe for target '../Debug/main' failed
make: *** [../Debug/main] Error 1
please this is last question.
I don't see how you can possibly get that output given the makefile you've posted here.
Either the object files already exist in which case the link will succeed rather than printing that error.
Or the object files don't exist in which case make will complain because it doesn't know how to make them. There must be some difference between the makefile you're using and the one you've posted here.
In any event, make knows how to build a file foo.o from a file foo.cpp for any string foo. There's a built-in rule that tells it how to do that.
But, make doesn't know how to build a file ./object_code/foo.o from a file foo.cpp, regardless of foo. There's no built-in rule that tells make how to build object files in some random other directory. If you want make to do that, you'll have to tell it how. You should remove the lines:
./object_code/main.o: main.cpp
./object_code/Time.o: Time.cpp
and replace them with a pattern rule describing how to build object files into the object_code directory (I'm using CXX as the compiler variable here: by convention CC is the C compiler and CXX is the C++ compiler, and you should always stick with convention unless there's a good reason not to):
VER = Debug
CXX = g++
OBJECTFIELS = ./object_code/main.o ./object_code/Time.o
../$(VER)/main: $(OBJECTFIELS)
./object_code/%.o : %.cpp
$(CXX) -c -o $# $<
rm $(OBJECTFIELS) main

The makefile creates the object files in the src directory rather than objects folder

Thanks!, I have updated my makefile now. And the .o are created in the src directory.
here is the makefile and output. The makefile throws the error because all the .o are created in the src folders. I don't know why? I am new to Makefile so kindly please bear with my silly questions.
# This is the Vpath; as my source directory is in the src folder - all the .c files
#folder structure
VPATH = src:include:objects
CFLAGS = -I ./include -g -Wall -DDEBUG
OBJS =./objects
# Look at the CFLAGS here; it has -DDEBUG because in my code, I have #ifdef DEBUG
# Look at the CFLAGS here; -Wall : To generate all the compiler warnings.
# include is required as my compilation depends on the .h files.
# The LD flags to link the shared objects
#in my mini-project, I am using maths library, Thus, I have lm.
# lc to link my main function with crt1.o
#what is the compiler, am I using.
#This is a good practice since I can modify these flags when cross-compiling.
cc= gcc
#PATH for the LIBS
#This might be useful while cross-compiling.
LIBS= -lm -lc
target: $(patsubst %.c,%.o,$(wildcard ./src/*.c))
#echo "making target"
#mkdir -p ./objects
$(cc) $(patsubst ./src/%.c,./objects/%.o,$(wildcard ./src/*.c)) $(LIBS) -o gif
./objects/%.o: ./src/%.c
#echo "making objects now"
$(cc) $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -c $< -o $#
#It is always better to write a PHONY rule for a rules like clean.
#It may happen that in source sandbox, you have a clean file. This may invoke the clean file.
#In order to prevent invoking a clean file during make clean; We give this general rule as PHONY
#PHONY tells the MAKEFILE that there is a rule clean, not a file called clean.
#Generally use PHONY for all, install, clean, distclean,
.PHONY: clean
#echo "cleaning everything"
#rm -f *.o
#rm -f gif
#echo "clearning .o from src"
#rm -f ./src/*.o
#rm -f ./objects/*.o
$make target
cc -I ./include -g -Wall -DDEBUG -c -o src/sysm.o src/sysm.c
cc -I ./include -g -Wall -DDEBUG -c -o src/x86_main.o src/x86_main.c
src/x86_main.c:11:9: warning: second argument of ‘main’ should be ‘char **’ [-Wmain]
src/x86_main.c: In function ‘main’:
src/x86_main.c:16:9: warning: implicit declaration of function ‘display_init’ [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]
src/x86_main.c:19:9: warning: implicit declaration of function ‘Gif_Read’ [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]
making target
gcc ./objects/gif_display.o ./objects/gif_lzw.o ./objects/gif_read.o ./objects/sysm.o ./objects/x86_main.o -lm -lc -o gif
gcc: error: ./objects/gif_display.o: No such file or directory
gcc: error: ./objects/gif_lzw.o: No such file or directory
gcc: error: ./objects/gif_read.o: No such file or directory
gcc: error: ./objects/sysm.o: No such file or directory
gcc: error: ./objects/x86_main.o: No such file or directory
make: *** [target] Error
You need to fix your patsubst to change the directory part of the filenames as well as the suffixes:
$(patsubst ./src/%.c,./objects/%.o,$(wildcard ./src/*.c))
You have other issues in your makefile too, e.g. this target has the wrong prerequisite:
./objects/%.o: %.c
The source file should be something like ./src/%.c
And the rule for that target is wrong, it outputs to ./objects/$# which would expand to something like ./objects/./objects/x86_main.o
