Archive Watch app application without iOS application - xcode

Ive builded a watch application for OS 2.x, and i wanted to submit the watch app to the app store without the iOS application. how can i do that ? what targets do i need to remove and so i can send the watch app standalone app without iOS ?
Do i have to submit both of them and apple will decide to take the apple watch application without iOS app ?
i tried to remove iOS application from targets. then the app stopped running on simulator. and couldn't be archived.

You can't do it. A watchOS application doesn't currently exist without a corresponding iOS application. If you are only updating the watch app, you still have to resubmit the whole thing, and the version of the iOS app must be incremented as well.


How can I test a standalone watchOS application?

I can't figure out how to test running my watchOS app as a standalone app. When I run it on the simulator it never works unless I also have the associated iOS app. Running the watch scheme shows that the iOS app is running along with the watchOS app. I created a scheme which just builds the watch and it will cause the watch app to start, but it doesn't actually update the compiled binary.
First of all, you have to create certificates for all project targets and upload on Testflight, Through Testflight (mobile application) you can install the app and it will sync automatically in the watch.
The second option will, Connect your watch with mobile and install that watch application via Xcode on mobile, it will sync automatically in the watch.

how to build connection between independent watch app and companion iOS app?

I created a project with "iOS App with Watch App" template in XCode11(beta5), the project setting item - "Supports Running Without iOS App Installation" has been selected by default. The official doc shows that independent watch app can still use WatchConnectivity framework to transfer data, so I did it but it didn't work on simulator. I captured the error info with "Companion app is not installed". But it works When I uncheck "Supports Running Without iOS App Installation" (become dependent watch app).
How can I use WatchConnectivity to communicate between Watch & iPhone simulator when watch app is independent?

XCode Archive for app store Submission

i have several apps in the AppStore but now i am struggling with one of the apps submission.
I added to my app the chart module, and i used AMCharts for that, so to make it work, i added the AMChartLibrary project into my project, and everything works fine either usgin the simulator and the device itself for testing, and now I am ready to submit the new version to appstore and then the nightmare starts
When i run the archive to create the file to be submitted, it falls under Other Items instead iOS Apps, this disables the button "Upload to App Store", my best guess is that the AMChart library can be used for MAC and iOS apps, and for some reason the xCode organizer is not identifying it as iOS app...
I know i am missing something, but i am not finding it.
Problem solved, i should change the skip install for the subproject under Build Settings.

How to submit watchOS2 app without an iPhone app?

I created an app for watchOS 2. So, How can I submit only the watchOS 2 app to iTunes? Which bundleID should be used for submitting the app?
Which one should i choose? What is the submitting process for only watchOS2 app?
You can't submit Apple Watch apps without a corresponding iPhone app. You are required to have an iPhone app for any watch app you submit to the Apple App store.
(All three of the bundles you mention are required for submitting a Watch app...)

How application behaves when updated from Mac App Store?

I'm building sandboxed OSX app (with embeded helper app that is running on the background) that will be delivered through the Mac App Store and I'm not sure how update will affect app life cycle.
What will happen with running app, when user hits update in app
What will happen with running background helper app when user hits
update in app store?
Are apps installed under different accounts updated separately?
Thanks for any help, documentation for sandboxed apps doesn't have any information about update process.
