XCode Archive for app store Submission - xcode

i have several apps in the AppStore but now i am struggling with one of the apps submission.
I added to my app the chart module, and i used AMCharts for that, so to make it work, i added the AMChartLibrary project into my project, and everything works fine either usgin the simulator and the device itself for testing, and now I am ready to submit the new version to appstore and then the nightmare starts
When i run the archive to create the file to be submitted, it falls under Other Items instead iOS Apps, this disables the button "Upload to App Store", my best guess is that the AMChart library can be used for MAC and iOS apps, and for some reason the xCode organizer is not identifying it as iOS app...
I know i am missing something, but i am not finding it.

Problem solved, i should change the skip install for the subproject under Build Settings.


App Icon not appearing on device with TestFlight installed app iOS 15

I have noticed on iOS 15, when I install an app from TestFlight, my app icon is not appearing on the device. Only placeholder for app icon appears on physical device.
All app icon assets for every resolution are correctly added to Assets. The app icon appears in the test flight app and in appstoreconnect everywhere including TestFlight and builds.
The only place it doesn't appear is on the device. It appears normally on the simulator.
The only fix I found was to add a version of the app to add a build where you submit for review and save it. No need to submit. Then install from TestFlight and reboot device. The problem is as soon as I uploaded a new build to TestFlight it stopped showing icon and had to go through this silly process again.
I have never had this issue with past apps and wondering what the issue is and how to resolve it.
I encountered the same issue with testflight on iOS 15. I found this from apple developer forum that might of help:
According to the accepted answer by #vladweinstein, a temporary solution is to restart the device after installing the app.
This works for me too.
We are still having the same issue with TestFlight apps (iOS 14.7 and iOS 15+)
The only solution we found is to restart the device as Raphael Rex mentioned.

Archived macOS app launches with blank window

I have a macOS app with a ViewController that renames and resizes the app window, has several buttons, and a WKWebView that loads a default webpage on launch.
The project itself is an .xcworkspace file, since it includes the CocoaPod SwiftSoup for HTML scraping.
The app runs great in the simulator. When it launches, it looks like this:
I want to run this app on my Mac outside of Xcode. I am not planning on releasing it to the App Store, it is just for my personal use.
I archive the project with Products > Archive, then select "Distribute App", then "Copy App" to create a directory with the archived app. This all works great.
When I launch the app, I just get an incorrectly sized blank title-less window, without the buttons or WKWebView from my Storyboard:
The app isn't hanging. I can open the "About" menu item, etc., so I know the app is running. it just doesn't seem to be using my Storyboard to draw the UI.
What would cause an archived app to differ from the app running in the simulator?
The funny thing is that I WAS able to archive this same app back in November under High Sierra, so I'm guessing the issue is either Cocoa Pods and/or Mojave related.
My debugging leads me to suspect either CocoaPods or Mojave related
My debug:
1) While debugging, I restored a version of the project from November. When I archive that restored project, I get the same blank non running app.
2) I AM able to archive another brand new project that doesn't use Cocoa Pods, so my guess is that this is either CocoaPods and/or Mojave related issue...
Any suggestions on how to proceed debugging, or help resolving this would be greatly appreciated!
I am using Xcode 10.2.1 under Mojave 10.14.5.
This problem is caused by WKWebView.
So, you need remove WKWebView from IB and then create it with code and add it to the view.

Application's new version uploaded on iTune with internal testing enabled not appearing on Testflight app

I have released one version on my Application on iTune and is in process to release second one. Now I have uploaded the the .ipa file of the application and switching on for internal testing. But the application is not appearing on Testflight app of internal tester. I am uploading the .ipa file through Xcode 6.1 and also trying with Xcode 6.3.
When you upload the app on iTunes, then you can not add new IPA in existing version of app.
Make sure that for your app you have turned the switch ON for TestFlight Beta Testing.
Once done with that go to Internal Testers tab and check the internal testers from the list and invite them. Thats it! Hope it helps :]
If you've uploaded a build for the next/new version, you should see it at the top of the list of builds under the "Prerelease" menu for your app.
Assuming you're Build is in the list, check the "Internal" column for that build. If it says "Invite Testers", then that build is not yet active. What you probably need to do then is click the build number and make sure all the fields are filled out - especially "What to Test" - and then click the Save button. When you go back to the Builds list, it should now say "Active (30 Days Left)" under Internal. And should show up for testers in the TestFlight app.
I've noticed that sometimes I need to go through this process for a new build (even on a version I've already been testing) and sometimes I don't. I haven't found the pattern but it's tripped me up several times.

Xcode 6 crashes while submit

I just loaded Xcode 6 GM seed. Now I want to submit an update of my app.
Archiving works so far. But when I click "Submit", as soon as the upload loading bar appears Xcode crashes.
Do I need Yosemite?
I had to download the Application Loader from Apple because Xcode could not find it.
Do I need Yosemite?
No. Mine crashed the same way, so i uploaded my app using Xcode 5.1. It worked fine.
The Application Loader seems the only thing that works right now. Had the same problem, while uploading or even just validating.
Just export via Organizer and Upload via Application Loader helped.
I was faced same problem. Now it works fine.
Solution : Just accept new changed terms and condition from apple developer account and resubmit it.
Please Make sure you've accepted all of the new agreements & condition in the Member Center.
To check if you need to, you can go to the preferences -> accounts in XCode, and chose to view details of an account and attempt to refresh button. Here, XCode will warn you that you need to accept new agreements in the Member Center before you can refresh.
or just login to developer account and go to here https://developer.apple.com/membercenter/index.action
I was able to make Xcode work, but I had to go to iTunes connect and start the process there first by going "My Apps" and clicking on the plus sign. Fill in the info and hit save. Then try submitting with Xcode and it should work.
OK. Here's my $0.02.
1) Xcode 6GM crashes every single time for me. I am running 10.9.4. I have no idea how widespread the issue is, but it is 100% repeatable for me. I cannot use Xcode 6 to submit apps for review.
The crash happens during the upload. I have submitted a RADAR report and given crash logs.
2) I was able to submit using the App Loader. Here's how you do that:
2.1) In the Organizer, after you have done the Archive, select the latest archive for submit.
2.2) Instead of "Submit," select "Export."
2.3) Select the first choice (App Store).
2.4) Open the Application Loader.
2.5) Select "Choose."
2.6) Select the .ipa that you just saved in the export.
2.7) That will work. You may get a message teling you that the API file is too big for analysis. I got that for all 9 of the apps I just submitted. In my case, I ignored it.
I think they rewrote the whole application load from scratch, and that Xcode is still buggy as hell.
They had a deadline, and rushed it. It shows.
I expect both the server (Web) component and Xcode to apply patches soon.
In my case, I'm quite annoyed, as I had to rush out a fix for the arbitrary decision they made to change the way that the CLLocationManager works, which broke all my location lookups. The fix is simple, but there will be a period of time when I receive hate mail from the users that upgrade to iOS 8, and the app stops working.
I just installed the official version from the App Store and now everything works fine.
I had the same problem. When XCode crashes during export or submit it means that you have non-valid certificate or provision profile in build settings.
Here is the solution:
Accept new changed terms and condition from apple developer account. (Just like Sandeep said)
Go to here to generate new provision profiles, for App Store & AdHoc (Tutorial)
Double click new provision profiles you downloaded to install them, and then XCode will never crash.
The problem is caused by XCode 6.0 does not handle provision profile migration properly. Developers should regenerate provision profiles for XCode 6+, but Xcode 6.0 fails to display this error message properly and crashes. (If you use XCode 6.1 Beta, it will display error messages for you, no crash. Then you will know that the problem is caused by "invalid"=="legacy" provision profile.)
After that, you can submit app and export Ad Hoc distribution for Testflight.

How to limit iTunes App Store "Requirements" listing?

The iTunes AppStore auto generates some listings on its published pages. One of them is "Requirements:" and shows the devices that this app is compatible with. iPod, iPhone or iPad etc.
QUESTION: Where is this REQUIREMENTS listing set during the build process?
I have submitted an app that I 'thought' was properly configured because the Xcode settings for iPhone and NOT iPhone/iPad. But apparently this is either broken or I am totally confused as to where this is set and how its created on the AppStore.
Can someone enlighten me?
If you create an app that is iPod/iPhone only, it will still run on an iPad, just not as an iPad native app. That is to say, an iPhone/iPod-only app will run in an iPhone-sized window on an iPad. I do not think that you can say you want your iPhone app NOT to run on iPad.
When you select iPhone/iPad for your app type in Xcode, that is telling Apple and iTunes that your app binary is a universal app -- built for both platforms.
may be it's done by apple reviewers according to this guidelines limitation
App Store Review Guidelines:
iPhone apps must also run on iPad without modification, at iPhone resolution, and at 2X iPhone 3GS resolution
... or else it will be rejected.
What's the problem? When you start a project you get to choose whether its for iPhone or iPad or both. When you submit it to apple this is also checked against your iOS build version and other things (normally though if there's a conflict it'll let you know before submission - eg: if you haven't included the iPad icons and your app says that its for iPad too).
In XCode4 theres a nice handy interface now that you can use. If you select your project in the left hand pane and click on your main target in the main window you can select the iOS application targets that your app is for.
In your Project settings Version, Device and Deployment Target are where the iTunes Requirements come from. If you choose only iPhone, then your requirements will inlcude iPod touch.
I believe this is the answer you are looking for:
