Changing ip Address Mac - macos

how can I change my ip address on a mac, but without proxies? I've used vpns and have gone to the advanced setting proxy list (using hidemyass etc), but I want a legitimately changed IP address. I've heard terminal can be used, but I don't know how to use that.

An IP address is something your ISP provides your router with. It is not something you can choose.
What you can do is use a VPN to send all your traffic to some server, which then works as a relay.
(And if you're just looking to browse the web anonymously, theres always Tor)


Why is wamp Apache not allowing APIs to access my www folder?

I have a piece of code where an external API needs to access my "www" folder for images. When I load the url, "http://localhost:8001/images/1.jpg" from the browser, it does show the image. But when I access it through the code it says, "connection refused". I have turned off the firewall as well. I also tried using the IP address instead of the "localhost".That doesn't work either. Please help.
Remember the domain name localhost has a special meaning. It always means this PC, or more accurately this network cards loopback address.
I cannot access your PC from here using the domain name localhost, as it will always be looped back to my PC.
If you want an external site to make a call to your PC then there are a number of things you will have to do.
Buy yourself an domain name, you either buy a real one or use a Dynamic DNS service like or or
Or you use your routers WAN ip address.
Then you must amend the httpd.conf file so that Apache allows access
from all ipaddress's
Then you must Port Forward your Router so the the NAT firewall allows
external accesses on port 80 to be forwarded to the internal PC
running Apache, and only that PC.
And possibly amend your software firewall on the Apache PC to allow access from external sources on port 80

FTP Behind Firewall and Dynamic IP Address

I'm currently working on a client project and I get access to files via FTP. Their server is behind a firewall and they're asking me for my IP address, I'm guessing for whitelisting.
Problem is, my IP address is dynamic and it changes quite a lot throughout the day. Is there anyway around this?
Thanks in advance.
The best way to avoid paying for a static IP is to carry on using a dynamic IP address, but use a dynamic DNS provider such as No-IP which you can cause to update every time your IP address changes (routers will often do this for you automatically, or there are Windows / OSX / Linux (such as ddclient) clients). That way, you can just use something like instead of an IP address and it will always resolve to your public address.
You can find the whole answer here:

java socket server hosting

I am creating an android client app connected to a Java server using sockets. At the moment I am working both on my pc. How can I upload my Java server to an online server so I can set my app to friends and test it?
I used OpenShift but could figure our how and if I can use it for what I want.
Also I looked at Amazon ec2, but they need credit card information, something that I would prefer not sharing for this.
Is there any way I can do this for free?
Make sure you have a computer able to connect to the internet, and that can run 24/7. Then run your server on that computer, assume you run it on port 8080. Make sure that your host computer's IP address is it to static, otherwise DHCP will give it a different IP every time it connects to the router.
To allow your friends to connect, unless if they're on the same LAN as your host, you will need to port forward port 80 -> ComputerIP:8080 on your router. Once that's done, you will need to retrieve your router's global IPv4 address from it's configuration page and then send that to your friends.
If they're on the same LAN as your host, then you can just give them the IP address of your host computer.
If you port forwarded your server and you would like to get a host name, like, you're going to need to buy that from whoever owns the host name you would like to use. I don't know many details about how to update the DNS servers though.
If your server is local and you would like a host name, then just go onto your router configurations page and tell it to automatically assign each computer the default gateway as the primary DNS and then add a mapping in the router's DNS settings to map the host name to your computer's local IPv4 address. Note that not all routers support this feature.
Edit: You'll also need a good bandwidth to support multiple simultaneous connections.

Recaptcha IP addresses

Okay, so we implement Recaptcha in production. We get errors because it can't reach the IP address it needs to use the service. We open a port for the IP address to reach Google. No problem. We do that and configure that IP address explicitly to work. It works great. Then, the next day, we start getting errors again because Recaptcha is using a different IP address. I can allow requests from that IP address, too, but now I'm unsettled. Where are these addresses coming from? How do I configure this to work reliably?
Recatpcha from Google can use any Google IP address and there are lots of them.
Ran this from Windows: text =
nslookup -type=TXT
"v=spf1 ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ip4: ?all"
That's all the network Google uses currently. These can change so check them often.
Google suggest allowing port 80 to all IPs outbound, this highly insecure. They recommend going through a proxy server but again that is highly insecure if your web server is an DMZ. Proxy aware trojans do exist. All that need to be done is exploit a vulnerability to execute arbitrary code and you can create reverse connection on port 80 through a proxy server to download the payload. Then it is trivial to escalate privileges and own the box. I don't mean just Windows servers but Linux as well. I've done it in lab environment on security was on. It's really easy to do.
This is the Google website I got this from:
I wanted to append to this answer with more recent information. The documentation that Chris is pointing to does not include all of the TXT records necessary to dig (thanks Google): (IPv6 subnets) (Additional IPv4 subnets)
In my particular case, the _netblocks3 entry contained 2 large /19's that made my initial rule ineffective
(I found additional references here:
Perhaps you should be using a hostname rather than IP

HIding behind a proxy did not seem to work?

I often visit various sites and like to do so anonymously from behind a proxy. However, it seems as if some websites are still able to detect my real IP address. I know this because they use the IP address to attempt to geolocate me for services.
How did they actually get my real IP Address if I am using a proxy?
How can I truly hide myself?
Most proxies you'll find online are so-called 'transparant proxies'. This means they identify themselves as proxy and even give your real IP-address to the site.
These proxies are commonly used to load pages on the proxy-server instead of your PC.
IP proxies won't protect you at all, to be honest.
What you need are VPN's (Virtual Private Networks) a.k.a. Network Tunnel.
VPN's allow you to do everything online via an external PC inside that network. You'll get that PC's IP and all loading etc happens on that PC.
Not all VPN's are undetected. If you always want to browse the web anonymously, you'll need to find some HQ VPN's (barely for free) and you'll need to change VPN frequently.
Try searching on HideMyAss, SecurityKISS, ... or maybe even the TOR-network
