Detecting pasted shape (or object) within an image - image

I'm trying to find a way to reliably determine the location of a puzzle piece in an image. The puzzle piece varies in both shape and how easy it is to find it. What algorithm(s) in the opencv module would help me with the task at hand? Or is what I'm trying to do beyond the scope of the module?
Example images below:
The original title was "Detecting obscure shapes with Opencv Python". However I am interested in concepts of image-processing that would solve such a problem: How to find a pasted image inside the bigger image?
Assume the following:
The jigsaw shapes are always of same (rectangle) boundary size (ie: a template-based searching method could work).
The jigsaw shape is not rotated to any angle (ie: there will be straight(-ish) horizontal and vertical lines to find.
The jigsaw shape is always "pasted" into some other "original" image (ie: a paste-detection method could work).
The solution can be OpenCV (as requested by the asker), but the core concepts should be applicable when using any appropriate software (ie: can loop through image pixels to process their values, in order to achieve the described solution).
I myself use JavaScript, but of course I will understand that openCV.calcHist() becomes a histogram function in JS code. I have no problem translating a good explanation into code. I will consider OpenCV code as pseudo-code towards a working idea.

In my opinion the best approach for a canonical answer was suggested in the comments by Christoph, which is training a CNN:
Implement a generator for shapes of puzzle pieces.
Get a large set of natural images from the net.
Generate tons of sample images with puzzle pieces.
Train your model to detect those puzzle pieces.

Histogram of Largest Error
This is a rough concept of a possible algorithm.
The idea comes from an unfounded premise that seems plausible enough.
The premise is that adding the puzzle piece drastically changes the histogram of the image.
Let's assume that the puzzle piece is bounded by a 100px by 100px square.
We are going to use this square as a mask to mask out pixels that are used to calculate the histogram.
The algorithm is to find the placement of the square mask on the image such that the error between the histogram of the masked image and the original image is maximized.
There are many norms to experiment with to measure the error: You could start with the sum over the error components squared.

I'll throw in my own attempt. It fails on the first image, only works fine on the next two images. I am open to other pixel-processing based techniques where possible.
I do not use OpenCV so the process is explained with words (and pictures). It is up to the reader to implement the solution in their own chosen programming language/tool.
I wondered if there was something inherent in pasted images (something maybe revealed by pixel processing or even by frequency domain analysis, eg: could a Fourier signal analysis help here?).
After some research I came across Error Level Analysis (or ELA). This page has a basic introduction for beginners.
Process: In 7 easy steps, this detects the location of a pasted puzzle piece.
(1) Take a provided cat picture and re-save 3 times as JPEG in this manner:
Save copy #1 as JPEG of quality setting 2.
Reload (to force a decode of) copy #1 then re-save copy #2 as JPEG of quality setting 5.
Reload (to force a decode of) copy #2 then re-save copy #3 as JPEG of quality setting 2.
(2) Do a difference blend-mode with original cat picture as base layer versus the re-saved copy #3 image. Thimage will be black so we increase Levels.
(3) Increase Levels to make the ELA detected area(s) more visible. note: I recommend working in BT.709 or BT.601 grayscale at this point. Not necessary, but it gives "cleaner" results when blurring later on.
(4) Alternate between applying a box blur to the image and also increasing levels, to a point where the islands disappear and a large blob remains..
(5) The blob itself is also emphasized with an increase of levels.
(6) Finally a Gaussian blur is used to smoothen the selection area
(7) Mark the blob area (draw an outline stroke) and compare to input image...


Resources & approaches for detecting content-aware fill

How would one approach the problem of telling apart images (and highlighting areas) that have been content-aware filled?
Positive class image (original image without edits):
Negative class image (Tampered image with insignia removed):
I understand that this can be quite meaningfully tackled by training a segmentation CNN network. Is there a working solution that I haven't been able to find or an approach that in relatively simple to implement.
These images are samples from a codebase that throws Runtime errors.
I am no expert on this, but as far as I know structural image manipulation algorithms like Photoshop's content aware fill (which is based on the PatchMatch Algorithm) are dividing an image up into so-called patches defined by a common intensity statistic. The manipulation is then carried out by replacing the target patch by a source patch with statistics matching the adjacent patches as well as possible (minimizing some distance metric).
Therefore, in a forged image you would find cloned regions, e.g. patches with identical or almost identical intensity distributions. To detect this, my naive approach would be to split the image up in many small subimages and use each one as a filter mask to be cross-correlated with the full image. I would expect authentic images to show only one more or less clear global maximum. A forged image would potentially produce two or more "global" maxima having a similar height.
But there seems to be a whole bunch of people having released some open source code for forgery detection, most probably using smarter approaches then mine -> Github topic: Fogery detection.

Image comparison algorithm for unit testing

I have a small render engine written for fun. I would like to have some unit testing that would render automatically an image and then compare it to a stored image to check for differences. This should give some sort of metric to be able to gauge if the image is too far off or if we can attribute that to just different timings in animations. If it can also produce the location in the image of the differences that would be great, but not necessary. We can also assume that the 2 images are the exact same size.
What are the classic papers/techniques for that sort of thing ?
(the language is Go, probably nothing exists for it yet and I'd like to implement it myself to understand what's going on. The renderer is
Thank you
One idea could be to see your problem as a case in Image Registration.
The following figure (taken from gives a flow-chart for a method to solve the image registration problem.
Using the above figure terms, the basic idea is:
find some interest points in the Fixed image;
find in the Moving image the same corresponding points;
estimate the transformation between the two images using the point correspondences. One of the simplest transformation is a translation represented by a 2D vector; the magnitude of this vector is a measure of differences between the two images, in your case it can be related to the shift you wrote about in your comment. A richer transformation is an homography described by a 3x3 matrix, its distance from the identity matrix is again a measure of differences between the two images.
you can apply the transformation back, for example in the case of the translation you apply the translation to the Moving image and then the warped image can be compared (here I am simplifying a little) pixel by pixel to the Reference image.
Some more ideas are here: Image comparison - fast algorithm

Detecting hexagonal shapes in greyscale or binary image

For my bachelor thesis I need to analyse images taken in the ocean to count and measure the size of water particles.
my problem:
besides the wanted water particles, the images show hexagonal patches all over the image in:
- different sizes
- not regular shape
- different greyscale values
(Example image below!)
It is clear that these patches will falsify my image analysis concerning the size and number of particles.
For this reason this patches need to be detected and deleted somehow.
Since it will be just a little part of the work in my thesis, I don't want to spend much time in it and already tried classic ways like: (imageJ)
playing with the threshold (resulting in also deleting wanted water particles)
analyse image including the hexagonal patches and later sort out the biggest areas (the hexagonal patches have quite the biggest areas, but you will still have a lot of haxagons)
playing with filters: using gaussian filter on a duplicated image and subtract the copy from the original deletes many patches (in reducing the greyscale value) but also deletes little wanted water particles and so again falsifies the result
a more complicated and time consuming solution would be to use a implemented library in for example matlab or opencv to detect points, that describe the shapes.
but so far I could not find any code that fits my task.
Does anyone of you have created such a code I could use for my task or any other idea?
You can see a lot of hexagonal patches in different depths also.
the little spots with an greater pixel value are the wanted particles!
Image processing is quite an involved area so there are no hard and fast rules.
But if it was me I would 'Mask' the image. This involves either defining what you want to keep or remove as a pixel 'Mask'. You then scan the mask over the image recursively and compare the mask to the image portion selected. You then select or remove the section (depending on your method) if it meets your criterion.
One such example of a criteria would be the spatial and grey-scale error weighted against a likelihood function (eg Chi-squared, square mean error etc.) or a Normal distribution that you define the uncertainty..
Some food for thought
Maybe you can try with the Hough transform:
Matlab have an built-in function, hough, wich implements this, but only works for lines. Maybe you can start from that and change it to recognize hexagons.

Detect the vein pattern in leaves?

My aim is to detect the vein pattern in leaves which characterize various species of plants
I have already done the following:
Original image:
After Adaptive thresholding:
However the veins aren't that clear and get distorted , Is there any way i could get a better output
I tried color thresholding my results are still unsatisfactory i get the following image
Please help
The fact that its a JPEG image is going to give the "block" artifacts, which in the example you posted causes most square areas around the veins to have lots of noise, so ideally work on an image that's not been through lossy compression. If that's not possible then try filtering the image to remove some of the noise.
The veins you are wanting to extract have a different colour from the background, leaf and shadow so some sort of colour based threshold might be a good idea. There was a recent S.O. question with some code that might help here.
After that some sort of adaptive normalisation would help increase the contrast before you threshold it.
Maybe thresholding isn't an intermediate step that you want to do. I made the following by filtering to remove jpeg artifacts, doing some CMYK channel math (more cyan and black) then applying adaptive equalisation. I'm pretty sure you could then go on to produce (subpixel maybe) edge points using image gradients and non-maxima supression, and maybe use the brightness at each point and the properties of the vein structure (mostly joining at a tangent) to join the points into lines.
In the past I made good experiences with the Edge detecting algorithm difference of Gaussian. Which basically works like this:
You blur the image twice with the gaussian blurr algorithm but with differenct blur radii.
Then you calculate the difference between both images.
Pixel with same color beneath each other will creating a same blured color.
Pixel with different colors beneath each other wil reate a gradient which is depending on the blur radius. For bigger radius the gradient will stretch more far. For smaller ones it wont.
So basically this is bandpass filter. If the selected radii are to small a vain vill create 2 "parallel" lines. But since the veins of leaves are small compared with the extends of the Image you mostly find radii, where a vein results in 1 line.
Here I added th processed picture.
Steps I did on this picture:
desaturate (grayscaled)
difference of Gaussian. Here I blured the first Image with a radius of 10px and the second image with a radius of 2px. The result you can see below.
This is only a quickly created result. I would guess that by optimizing the parametes, you can even get better ones.
This sounds like something I did back in college with neural networks. The neural network stuff is a bit hard so I won't go there. Anyways, patterns are perfect candidates for the 2D Fourier transform! Here is a possible scheme:
You have training data and input data
Your data is represented as a the 2D Fourier transform
If your database is large you should run PCA on the transform results to convert a 2D spectrogram to a 1D spectrogram
Compare the hamming distance by testing the spectrum (after PCA) of 1 image with all of the images in your dataset.
You should expect ~70% recognition with such primitive methods as long as the images are of approximately the same rotation. If the images are not of the same may have to use SIFT. To get better recognition you will need more intelligent training sets such as a Hidden Markov Model or a neural net. The truth is to getting good results for this kind of problem may be quite a lot of work.
Check out:

How can I deblur an image in matlab?

I need to remove the blur this image:
Image source:
Any Ideas?
Although previous answers are right when they say that you can't recover lost information, you could investigate a little and make a few guesses.
I downloaded your image in what seems to be the original size (75x75) and you can see here a zoomed segment (one little square = one pixel)
It seems a pretty linear grayscale! Let's verify it by plotting the intensities of the central row. In Mathematica:
ListLinePlot[First /# ImageData[i][[38]][[1 ;; 15]]]
So, it is effectively linear, starting at zero and ending at one.
So you may guess it was originally a B&W image, linearly blurred.
The easiest way to deblur that (not always giving good results, but enough in your case) is to binarize the image with a 0.5 threshold. Like this:
And this is a possible way. Just remember we are guessing a lot here!
You cannot generally retrieve missing information.
If you know what it is an image of, in this case a Gaussian or Airy profile then it's probably an out of focus image of a point source - you can determine the characteristics of the point.
Another technique is to try and determine the character tics of the blurring - especially if you have many images form the same blurred system. Then iteratively create a possible source image, blur it by that convolution and compare it to the blurred image.
This is the general technique used to make radio astronomy source maps (images) and was used for the flawed Hubble Space Telescope images
When working with images one of the most common things is to use a convolution filter. There is a "sharpen" filter that does what it can to remove blur from an image. An example of a sharpen filter can be found here:
Some programs like matlab make convolution really easy: conv2(A,B)
And most nice photo editing have the filters under some name or another (sharpen usually).
But keep in mind that filters can only do so much. In theory, the actual information has been lost by the blurring process and it is impossible to perfectly reconstruct the initial image (no matter what TV will lead you to believe).
In this case it seems like you have a very simple image with only black and white. Knowing this about your image you could always use a simple threshold. Set everything above a certain threshold to white, and everything below to black. Once again most photo editing software makes this really easy.
You cannot retrieve missing information, but under certain assumptions you can sharpen.
Try unsharp masking.
