Unity onClick.addlistener not working - user-interface

I load a Canvas prefab at runtime when an event occurs. The canvas simply has a Panel inside it, which in turn has 2 buttons. I'm trying to add OnClick events to both these buttons in the script, but it only works for the first button somehow!
I have the following two lines of code one after the other:
GameObject.Find("RestartButton").GetComponent<Button>().onClick.AddListener(() => RestartClicked());
GameObject.Find("ViewButton").GetComponent<Button>().onClick.AddListener(() => ViewClicked());
The callback only works for the RestartButton, and not for the ViewButton.
It may well be a very small thing, but I searched Google and Bing extensively and remain clueless, so any help would be appreciated.
The script instantiates the prefab and tries to reference the two buttons in the prefab through GameObject.Find(), given that once Instantiate is called the Canvas should be active in the heirarchy.
I also opened up the part of the code that attaches buttons to the listener for debugging. I dont think it attaches the listener at all.
void Start () {
var prefab = Resources.Load("RestartOrViewPrefab");
if (prefab == null)
Debug.LogAssertion("Prefab missing!");
restartCanvas = (GameObject)Instantiate(prefab);
Button btn = GameObject.Find("ViewButton").GetComponent<Button>();
btn.onClick.AddListener(() => ViewToggle());
Button btn2 = GameObject.Find("RestartButton").GetComponent<Button>();
btn2.onClick.AddListener(() => RestartClicked());
private void RestartClicked()
private void ViewToggle()
if (freshStart)
//Something here
freshStart = false;
//Something else here
freshStart = true;

So I took two days to solve my problem. Apparently, doing a GameObject.Find() for a GameObject within a prefab that you just instantiated doesn't work. We always need to use the GameObject that the Instantiate() method returns to find any component within the prefab.
The code I used to make my scene work may not be the best solution if your prefab is very big/complex (say you have 15 buttons and need to do something with one), but it sure does work. :)
I replaced the following lines of code:
Button btn = GameObject.Find("ViewButton").GetComponent<Button>();
btn.onClick.AddListener(() => ViewToggle());
Button btn2 = GameObject.Find("RestartButton").GetComponent<Button>();
btn2.onClick.AddListener(() => RestartClicked());
With the following lines of code:
Button[] buttons = restartCanvas.GetComponentsInChildren<Button>();
foreach(Button but in buttons)
if(but.gameObject.name == "RestartButton")
but.onClick.AddListener(() => RestartClicked());
else if(but.gameObject.name == "ViewButton")
but.onClick.AddListener(() => ViewToggle());
So I just reused the restartCanvas that I got a reference to.
restartCanvas = (GameObject)Instantiate(prefab);
Hope this helps someone. :)

I answered this on another post, but I'll answer it here for people that still need this info.
The GameObject your instantiated button is a child of must have a CanvasRenderer component on it.
I'm not sure why this works, but it does.
Once the parent of the button GameObject has the CanvasRenderer on it, you can call myButton.onClick.AddListener(() => MyMethod(MyArgs)); as you normally would.

Ok make sure you are not getting any null reference error, and check tht spelling of you buttons , output some debug logs in your second function to see if its even reaching there


Xamarin, how can I gain a completed state from a command?

I have a ListView and am using the SelectedItem to call a command and show a modal view.
However, I have an issue where the user can tap multiple times on the listview row and multiple modal views are shown before the view has loaded. Granted this only happens on slower devices.
This is is caused because the command doesn't have any call back.
I wouldn't normally paste code here, but in this case I thought it was more descriptive to provide a screen shot.
I've looked into the AsyncCommands but these seem to be used more to handle errors.
I'm currently thinking about a subscribe approach which is triggered when the modal is exited, however I think there must be another way I haven't thought of.
Can you try using a Boolean as IsSelected & make IsSelected true when user clicks an item from list & change your condition in setter as below. When your operations are done reset the flag.
This was, there wont not be any duplication of modals. This is what I understood from your question, if there's something else, please let me know.
if( _locationAssetSelected || !IsSelected )
IsSelected = true;
_locationAssetSelected = value;
..... //your code
_locationAssetSelected = null;
IsSelected = false;
You could move the logic to the command to make sure it doesn't execute multiple times. This is a snippet on the sample/template Forms app which uses this method as a command. Lock seems unnecessary.
async void OnItemSelected(Item item)
//lock (selectLock)
if (item == null || selectionOn)
selectionOn = true;
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"{item.Text} selected");
// This will push the ItemDetailPage onto the navigation stack
await Shell.Current.GoToAsync($"{nameof(ItemDetailPage)}?{nameof(ItemDetailViewModel.ItemId)}={item.Id}");
selectionOn = false;

Instagram/FB-like back navigation w/ animation

I need to add back navigation on swipe. I can do that fairly easily by just adding a swipe listener to the page view and calling goBack. But I really would like the animation that goes with it (in Instagram or FB) where as soon as you start dragging your thumb, the page translates to the right and the previous page starts to translate into view. And then once you get to a certain point it actually performs the navigation.
I tried animating the page, as well as the frame to the right figuring since the view isn't being destroyed it might work. But it doesn't display the page Im navigating back to.
Looking for help on how to accomplish this!
I guess you might have come across the other SO thread answering this question natively.
All you have to do is modify the default gesture recogniser on iOS frame.
export function onNavigatedFrom(args: EventData) {
console.log("Adding gesture...");
const frame = (<Page>args.object).frame;
if (frame.ios && !(<any>frame)._gestureRecognizer) {
const controller = frame.ios.controller;
const popGestureRecognizer = controller.interactivePopGestureRecognizer;
const targets = popGestureRecognizer.valueForKey("targets");
if (targets) {
let gestureRecognizer = UIPanGestureRecognizer.alloc().init();
gestureRecognizer.setValueForKey(targets, "targets");
(<any>frame)._gestureRecognizer = gestureRecognizer;
export function onNavigatedTo(args: EventData) {
console.log("Back to root page, removing gesture...");
const frame = (<Page>args.object).frame;
if (frame.ios && (<any>frame)._gestureRecognizer) {
(<any>frame)._gestureRecognizer = null;
Playground Sample

p5.js global and instance mode confusion

I have two p5 sketches, and I want to use them in the same space of a website. So that after clicking a button, the sketches switch. So I made three different files. The first two, are the sketches, and they are wrapped in a function (instance mode). The third sketch is a code written in global mode, because It has the information that loads a button right when the website is first accesed, and it has the information containing what the button is supposed to do: call the other sketches.
The code looks like this:
var playing = false;
var button;
function setup() {
var col = color(185,185,185,150);
button = createButton('Play');
button.style("background-color", col);
button.style("padding", "10px 20px");
button.style("font-size", "14px");
button.mousePressed(toggleCanvas); // attach button listener
function mousePressed() {
function toggleCanvas() {
if (playing) {
}else {
playing = !playing;
I have been warned, to not mix global and instance mode, although my "common sense" says that it is ok to use a global mode for the button. Because I want it to be loading first, along with the page.
I noticed that weird things happen, though. Like, I get a blank space added beneath the footer, it looks horrible. And, even more worse, button is not appearing in the correct spot in the site. I already ckecked that css has position:relative for example. And the design works in localhost, but not in the site.

Delay shared element transition to complete statelist animation

I've been trying out shared element transition on Lollipop. i have a recyclerview which loads some cards and one click the card expands to its details in the next activity.
I have set a ripple effect and a StateListAnimator on the card. But those are not visible cause the transition starts before these effects are completed.
Is there any way to delay the transition so that it can wait for the statelist animator and ripple to complete?
Here is the code I use
ActivityOptions options = null;
if (Utilities.isLollipop()) {
options = ActivityOptions.makeSceneTransitionAnimation(this, Pair.create(view, "hero_view"), Pair.create((View) fab, "fab"));
startActivity(detailIntent, options.toBundle());
Thanks in advance
I ended up using a work around, but I still would want to know what is the right way of doing this and therefore leaving the question open.
The work around I did was
1. remove the state list animator and add that as an animator in the onclick method.
2. Used a Handler to post a delayed call to the activity
new Handler().postDelayed(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
Intent i=new Intent(SearxhJobs.this,JobsTypes.class);
}, 200);
P.S- I did end up removing the effect as it was not very intuitive.
The way that may help some that already have the Transitions setup in Second Activity:
.setInterpolator(new DecelerateInterpolator());

Scriptaculous Autocomplete list closes on scroll bar click

I have a really annoying issue with Autocomplete with Prototype 1.6. I set up and dialog-style div with a form, which contains an Autocomplete. Everything works fine until I click the scroll bar, or drag it; it closes the list of suggestions. I checked this solution but now I got an javascript error
event.srcElement is undefined
I was checking the controls.js and tried to catch the event object inside the onBlur event, but it travels empty. Printed the offsetX property and is undefined. Looks like the event doesn't exist anymore. either way, it prevents that the list closes but, If I click outside the area, the list now doesn't close. And that's kinda of issue too
Anyone with this same issue? Any idea?
Thanks in advance
I was having the exact issue yesterday, but after doing some r&d I got a pretty handy fix for this.
By default this script was hiding the result div (Suggestion List) on the blur event on the search text box so as soon as we click on result div's scroll bar focus gets lost from input element & result div closes. So I did a small edit in controls.js to change the behavior of script, so now result div close method doesn't invoke on blur (focus out) from input element but triggered on the click on the document except the text input element.
For your convenience I've put the edited controls.js here.
If you like to know what has changed in JS file, here it is;
Added a event listener to the document. Just below this line
"Event.observe(this.update, "keypress", this.onKeyPress.bindAsEventListener(this));"
Event.observe($(document), "mouseup", this.onMouseup.bindAsEventListener(this));
Added a new onMouseup method.
onMouseup: function(event) {
if(!this.hasFocus) {
this.hideTimeout = setTimeout(this.hide.bind(this), 250);
this.hasFocus = false;
this.active = false;
Modify the onBlur method (Comment out two line in block)
onBlur: function(event) {
//this.hideTimeout = setTimeout(this.hide.bind(this), 250);
//this.active = false;
this.hasFocus = false;
I hope this will solve your issue.
Vinod Kumar
