Google don't index my site with sitemap.xml - sitemap

I have problem with indexing my website. I have sent to google my website sitemap and google was delete all indexed sites. My sitemap is here: enter link description here
What is wrong with this sitemap?


How to make Robots.txt and Sitemap.xml only accessable through search engine bots

Several website like Quora, Stackechange, and including Stackoverflow ( only access through the search engine crawlers (Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc).
How can i do same for my website robots.txt and sitemap.xml
What are the user-agents these crawlers use and where i can find a list
Google and Bing crawlers do not use any static IP's, they are dynamic and lot of IP's. How this big site like Stackoverflow manage whitelisting IP's of crawlers.
How big site content indexed instantly on Google. like my this question will get indexed instantly after publishing it. where my website usually take 2-7 days for indexing.

Google custom search results published date

The published date of the results can be displayed on Google search in a browser by using &as_qdr=y15. Example Link
I need to get this information on the google custom search API
The API pulls the article:published_time when available on the webpage but this not available for all the pages so Google also estimates a page date based on features of the page such as dates in the title and URL.
How to get Google estimated page date from the Google Custom Search API?
The Custom Search API returns metadata of a page only if it is mentioned in its HTML source. You could have a look at my answer to Get Date From Google Custom Search API.
The date displayed in the browser might be the day Google discovered and indexed that page. Or it could be the output of a smart-scraping of the page (i.e. by looking for keywords like "last updated" or "published on" in the content of the page).

Cant find Google Base tab under Google API

I was searching about How to create froogle.xml file in magento and i came to know that it can be done through Google Base which can be founded under Google Api tab . But in my case there is no Google Base tab there . I am using version 1.7 .
Is there some configuration error or some other issues ?
Google has retired its old Google Base Data API and replaced it with its new Google Content API for Shopping. Check this Google Content API for Magento

Add blocked (via robots.txt) URLs in Sitemap?

In my sitemap there are some links which I don't want Google to index, so I blocked them using robots.txt.
Now in Google Webmaster Tool, it is showing warnings. Will it adversely impact my website in Google?
It's better to remove these URLs from XML sitemap.

magento and google adwords/organic search conversion

Basically I'd like to know what is the conversion rate of customers coming from both google adwords and organic search and actually buying something on magento based webshop. Is there a way to do that? I already have google analytics on the website.
If you have auto-tagging set up for your adwords & analytics account, you can get that information easily.Once you login into Google Analytics,you can go to traffic sources--> Overview ,and you will see top traffic sources.
If you click on view full report, you can see the data that you are looking forward to.
