I want to rewrite my joomla site link - joomla

I dont have much knowledge about joomla, So my site link is as siteurl/services/digital-antenna-installation-brisbane which I want to redirect or change to siteurl/digital-antenna-installation-brisbane
Can anyone Please help me on that will guide me how should I do it in joomla. What I tried so far is editing the .htaccess file. I did it as follows.
RewriteRule ^services/digital-tv-antenna-installation-brisbane$ /digital-antenna-installation-brisbane [R=301,L]
but that did not work. can anyone guide me how to do it. Thanks In advance.

The free version of Direct Alias will fix this issue for you:
Direct Alias, "allows you to control menu item alias and have short SEF URLs without including aliases of parent menu items."


URL point sub folder not working in Joomla2.5

I want new domain to point existing site sub folder of joomla2.5
for example: http://olddomain.com/subfolder is working but
http://newdomain.com is not working
I have tried
Options +FollowSymlinks
RewriteEngine on
rewriterule ^subfolder/(.*)$ http://newdomain.com/$1 [r=301,nc]
but not working
Thanks for help in advance.
The most simple solution is to change the DNS entry for newdomain.com and let it point to the subfolder directly.
Move the files to the right location, it's really not meaningful to fool apache on every request and moving stuff around, you're really looking for trouble here.
Maybe you should clear the cache? check the configuration.php for wrong paths? set up a fresh .htaccess?

Multiple URLs for magento store?

Quick question-
Noticed a problem on my Magento 1.7. Consider the site http://www.seacadetshipsstore.com/magento/. This site has a sub-store that's /magento/gearlocker/. The two should be isolated - if you go to /magento/gearlocker/, you shouldn't interact with the generic store at /magento/ at all.
Here's the problem: the store's base URL is set explicitly to http://www.seacadetshipsstore.com/magento/gearlocker/. When users navigate to http://seacadetshipsstore.com/magento/gearlocker/ (no www), they get redirected to http://www.seacadetshipsstore.com/magento/.
My question is this: if a user navigates to the gearlocker site without www, is there a way to set a second store URL to prevent a redirect? Or would it be easier to control that redirect back to /magento/gearlocker/, instead of /magento/? Any thoughts, solutions, or references would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
See my comments above. Thanks #CodeMoose
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^seacadetshipsstore.com
RewriteRule (.*) http://http://www.seacadetshipsstore.com/magento/$1 [R=301,L]
If I remember correctly I believe duplicate urls across multiple stores are not possible without one of the urls being auto incremented with a -1 -2 etc. Please try modifying one of the url keys and let me know what happens.

Joomla SEO remove index.php through canonical?

I've run my Joomla 1.5 site through the Google Webmaster Tools, it's telling me my site has multiple pages with double title-tags.
Here's an example:
I'm using the default .htaccess-file from Joomla 1.5, what should I add to prevent Google to see things like this?
Perhaps a canonical-tag, but a rewrite would be mostly loved for, right?
Thanks in advance!
Either will work.
An htaccess instruction following the correct logic with a 301 redirect from index.php to clean, or
A dynamic canonical tag placed on each page template (generally in Joomla this will fix it, as placing the code on one template will (by default) place it on both the / and /index.php pages.

Magento installation Problem in plesk

I have installed magento from Plesk,The home is well,with layout buy when I click any link it show "Not Found" message.
I can not figure out the problem
Thanks in advance.
It looks like you have a problem with Apache mod_rewrite.
Anyway, you can check is it true. Let's just say that you where going to open http://www.example.com/electronics and got 404. Ok, no panic. Try to edit URL to be like this: http://www.example.com/index.php/electronics
If it works, than definitely you have a troubles with one of the following:
Apache mod_rewrite is not enabled. If you can open a page with phpinfo(), you may try to search "mod_rewrite" on that page. No results found -- no mod_rewrite... Call your hosting support.
You need to set RewriteBase directive in your .htaccess file (it may be hidden for web based filemanager). By default the line with RewriteBase is commented, and you can uncomment it and leave it's default value "/" if your Magento is uploaded to document root. If your Magento is in some sub-directory under document root, you need to set RewriteBase value lie this "/my_folder_with_magento".

URL rewriting in joomla

I need to rewrite url in joomla. But the url should not be showing "index.php" and no numbers (0-9) as well.
1st condition:
The url cannot be " http://www.abc.com/index.php/components/article" rather than it should be "http://www.abc.com/components/article".
2nd condition:
the url cannot be "http://www.abc.com/components/article/9" where it contains 9 number .
How can this be done?
Joomla comes with htaccess.txt, and the option to rewrite urls. So you have to first change the htaccess.txt file to .htaccess on the server, then login and in the configuration settings change SEF to on, and use .htaccess to on.
In support of the answers from gnomeontherun and Hennie. You have some control over how the url is made up by joomla, through the menu structure and the alias for the each menu.
Sometimes it's worth creating menu items even if you don't show them on a menu on your site.
Menu structure:
-Latest News *(Could be a category blog view)*
--News article 1 *(Link to article but this level need not be shown on menu)*
--News article 2 *(Link to article but this level need not be shown on menu)*
url should look like:
/latest-news *(for the blog view)*
/latest-news/news-article-1 *(for the article view)*
If there is no menu item which relates to an article, Joomla makes up the url itself using category+id/article-alias+id etc. If it does find a menu item, it will use the structure of the menu instead.
Joomla uses the alias of the menus for the actual content:
i.e. menu-alias-level1/menu-alias-level2/news-article-1
Using this method from the beginning will allow you to keep your urls consistent whether they are accessed through the blog page route or directly. This will help with your SEO.
Of course it can be a pain to create a menu item for every article but I know some Joomla guys who swear by it and will do it even for thousands of pages...
for the index part ...
Perhaps this will work for you too
RewriteRule ^index\.php$ http://www.yourdomain.com/ [R=301,L]
Redirect 301 /index.php http://www.yourdomain.com
To get rid of the 'index.php':
Rename the htaccess.txt file to .htaccess
In the backend, turn on SEF URLs and URL rewrite
Joomla will then show your article using something like "http://www.example.com/category/article/9", unless you assign a menu item to that article. There is no need to show that menu, so you can create new menu, call it 'hidden' (or any other valid name) and do not publish the module.
A more comfortable option is to use one of the many SEF components, which make it much easier to manage the URLs. Most if them additionally provide meta data control.
