Magento installation Problem in plesk - magento

I have installed magento from Plesk,The home is well,with layout buy when I click any link it show "Not Found" message.
I can not figure out the problem
Thanks in advance.

It looks like you have a problem with Apache mod_rewrite.
Anyway, you can check is it true. Let's just say that you where going to open and got 404. Ok, no panic. Try to edit URL to be like this:
If it works, than definitely you have a troubles with one of the following:
Apache mod_rewrite is not enabled. If you can open a page with phpinfo(), you may try to search "mod_rewrite" on that page. No results found -- no mod_rewrite... Call your hosting support.
You need to set RewriteBase directive in your .htaccess file (it may be hidden for web based filemanager). By default the line with RewriteBase is commented, and you can uncomment it and leave it's default value "/" if your Magento is uploaded to document root. If your Magento is in some sub-directory under document root, you need to set RewriteBase value lie this "/my_folder_with_magento".


URL rewrites do not work after moving Magento installation to new server

After duplicating our web store onto a new server, copying the database over and changing the base url/safe base url in the db, all we get from the copied installation is the front page. That is, no custom url redirects work (for products, the admin panel, etc.), they all result in a 404 (and not the magento 404, the server default). Do you have any ideas what I could check out? Could there be an issue with one of the libraries included in magento?
I tried reindexing with /shell/indexer.php - which executed successfully but didn't fix the redirects.
Any ideas? Note I cannot access the admin panel via /admin because of this issue.
Edit: solution was .htaccess file missing in root directory
I added the sample htaccess file from the magento installation (I uploaded a copy in case someone finds it useful:, and mod_rewrite was activated the next time I visited the site.
Make sure your vhosts file is setup correctly to allow mod_rewrite
Make sure your .htaccess file is setup correctly
How to enable mod_rewrite for Apache 2.2
You can access your admin through /index.php/admin in the meanwhile.

Magento Use Web Server Rewrites in Multi Domain Setup

I have to two stores each having different domain. They are hosted on dedicated server with SuExec disabled. I have copied the .htaccess and index.php and everything works fine.
The problem I am having is with my 2nd store Web Server Rewrites. As soon I enabled this for the 2nd store which is using symbolic link to the root directory, it starts giving page not found error. ----- Works Fine with Use Web Server Rewrites Turned Off ----- Does not work with Use Web Server Rewrites Turned ON
The base store works without any problem.
Any help is much appreciated.
Farrukh Khan
-> Flush The Magento Cache
Goto System->Cache Management
Refresh the catalog rewrites
Goto All Cache and change drop down to Refresh.
Click save
On most server, this should take out the index.php in your URL’s.
If you are getting a 404 error, continue reading.
-> Fixed Mode_Rewrite Errors
Please check you webserver configuration.
Do you use Apache? Maybe there is something like "AllowOverride none" in your configuration which disables .htaccess-files (the .htaccess-file in your magento-root-directory defines the rewrite-rules).
The most common cause for this is that you have an incorrect .htaccess file in your ftp.
Goto the site and download the magento files again.
Extract the files, and ONLY upload the .htaccess file to your Magento root directory.
This should fix any problems related to enabling the use of web server rewrites in Magento.
I was facing the same problem above, but now i solved already. The main reason for that problem is .htaccess file. By replacing .htaccess file with magento default .htaccess file solve all the problem. Web Server Rewrites Turned on or off, you can do as you like.
After saving the configuration, don't forget to clear cache.

Eliminating index.php from URL in Joomla 2.5

I am using Joomla 2.5. The problem is, every link has 'index.php', like:
How do i remove the '.../index.php/...' from my URLs?
My SEO settings under Global Configuration are:
Search Engine Friendly URLs Yes
Use Apache mod_rewrite Yes
Adds Suffix to URL No
Unicode Aliases No
Include Site Name in Page Titles No
I have changed htaccess.txt to .htaccess. I have tried everything, but still can't remove 'index.php' from the URLs. Please help me. My apologies if this exists elsewhere.
Go into your Joomla administration panel.
1. Select Site > Global Configuration
2. Under SEO Settings set Use URL Rewriting to Yes
3. Click Save
The next step is to rename the htaccess.txt file that came with the installation to .htaccess
thats it. Hope this helps .
Did you change the setting on the administrator backend or the actual configuration file? Sometimes if you directly modify the configuration.php this wont work. If you did it from backend panel then check your configuration.php to make sure the changes are reflecting.
Also check with your hosting to have mod_rewrite available on the Apache server.
Very unlikely but it could be a small mistake on renaming process of the htaccess.txt , double check the renamed file.

Joomla SEO doesn't work after migration

I have a Joomla 1.5 website and I enabled SEO on it. I moved it to different location with different DNS and now SEO doesn't work. How can I fix it?
Three checkboxes ("Search Engine Friendly URLs", "Use Apache mod_rewrite" and "Add suffix to URLs") on global configuration page regarding SEO are checked.
Is the new server definitely an apache web server?
Is mod_rewrite enabled on the server?
If the answer to either of the above is no, then you have problems. For the first you'll need to change servers. For the second you'll need to get the server administrators to enable (and possibly install) mod_rewrite.
Is your website in a sub-folder? For example /joomla/ for example.
If so you need to edit the RewriteBase line within the .htaccess file.
Change the line from
RewriteBase /
RewriteBase /joomla/
Rename your htaccess to .htaccess.
There might be more problems, but I think you should start checking this:
1) You have the right .htaccess file in your joomla root and it is readable by your Apache user.
2) Go to the administrator > Site > Global Configuration and check you have "Search Engine Friendly URL's" and "Use Apache mod_rewrite" to "Yes".
3) Make sure that the Apache you are using has all the modules needed.

Friendly urls not working - modrewrite enabled. what gives?

I'm trying to install SilverStripe and during the installation, it returns an error saying that friendly links aren't working. However mod_rewrite is enabled and AllowOverride is set to All. I'm using CentOS Linux on a dedicated server with Webmin as the cp (yes, I know.. not my choice).
The installer should have set things up as best it can, even if you receive that error message.
This question is a little tricky to answer because the problem could lie in a number of different places, but I've tried to put together a troubleshooting guide below.
Note: Many of the links below have been deliberately broken because Stack Overflow think I might be a spammer. ;-)
Assuming that your site is at http:/, try visiting http:/ - you should see a page with a heading "Environment Builder (formerly db/build)". If that works, then you have no problems with rewrite, and the installer gave you that message in error.
If that gives you a 404, try http:/ - this will visit the same feature, but bypasses mod_rewrite. If that gives you the heading "Environment Builder (formerly db/build)" and the previous URL didn't, then you have a problem with mod_rewrite and not some other problem.
Check the content of your .htaccess file. It should look something like this but may have RewriteBase line.
Try putting some junk text - e.g. 'asdfsahjadsfasdf' - into the .htaccess file and saving. Open your site. Does it give you a 500 error? If not, then your AllowOverride All setting isn't working. Check that you have set it in the right place. Remember - it needs to be in your Apache config file, and not the .htaccess. If you don't have access to the relevant config files you might need to ask your ISP to help you answer this question.
If that doesn't uncover the issue, we'll have to tinker with the rewrite rules to see if we can explore what's going on. Try changing this line:
RewriteRule .* sapphire/main.php?url=%1&%{QUERY_STRING} [L]
To this (it will turn the rewrite rules into redirection rules):
RewriteRule .* sapphire/main.php?url=%1&%{QUERY_STRING} [L,R]
Visit http:/ again Did it redirect anywhere? If not, then mod_rewrite isn't working. It should be redirecting to http:/ Is it redirecting somewhere else? For example, has extra junk been inserted into the ?url= parameter? This can sometimes happen if you are running SilverStripe in a subdirectory. In this case, check that the RewriteBase setting is set that subdirectory. Something like RewriteBase /mysubdir.
If you're still unable to get friendly URLs working, then congratulations - you've found a really nasty edge-case! Post the details of what you discovered following the steps above to the SilverStripe IRC channel or Forum on
Step 1. Put some garbage in your .htaccess file and see if the web server gives you an error.
The point here being to find out - assuming the server is running Apache - whether the .htaccess file the SS installer generated is actually being read. If you've still problems, try asking on the SS IRC channel.
