Makefile target dependency to generated files - makefile

I have a question regarding the behavior of Make when running targets that are dependent on generated files.
Given the source tree and Makefile below, when I run this it takes two runs to complete the "build" even though everything was generated on the first run.
$ ls -R
bar foo Makefile
all: foobar
mkdir -p work
work/foo: work foo
cp foo work/foo
work/bar: work bar
cp bar work/bar
foobar: work/foo work/bar
$ make
mkdir -p work
cp foo work/foo
cp bar work/bar
$ ls -R
work/ bar CMakeLists.txt foo Makefile
bar foo
$ make
cp foo work/foo
$ make
make: Nothing to be done for 'all'.
Why does this happen?

You need to make the directory an order-only prerequisite, otherwise the targets will be remade each time the directory changes; during the second invocation work is newer than work/foo because work/bar was created after work/foo, so work's timestamp is newer than work/foo.
work/foo: foo | work
cp foo work/foo
work/bar: bar | work
cp bar work/bar
Or more concisely
work/foo work/bar: work/%: % | work
cp $< $#


Is there any way to make multiple targets as series of single make invocations?

I have the following Makefile:
ifneq ($(MAKECMDGOALS),clean)
FOO ?= foo
all: a.txt
echo $(GEN_FOO) > $# Makefile
echo GEN_FOO = $(FOO) > $#
.PHONY: clean
$(RM) a.txt
It works OK when building single targets:
$ make clean
rm -f a.txt
rm -f
$ make all
echo GEN_FOO = foo >
echo foo > a.txt
However when I try to build multiple targets at once things go not so smooth:
$ make clean all
rm -f a.txt
rm -f
echo foo > a.txt
$ make all
echo GEN_FOO = foo >
make: Nothing to be done for 'all'.
It gets even worse if variables were provided:
$ make clean
rm -f a.txt
rm -f
$ make FOO=bar clean all
echo GEN_FOO = bar >
rm -f a.txt
rm -f
echo bar > a.txt
$ make all
echo GEN_FOO = foo >
make: Nothing to be done for 'all'.
$ make FOO=bar clean all
rm -f a.txt
rm -f
echo foo > a.txt
Are there any ways to fix such incorrect behavior?
Make is doing exactly what you told it to do, and you haven't told us what you want it to do that's different than what you told it to do (saying fix such incorrect behavior doesn't really help us when you don't define what's incorrect about the behavior), so we can't help you very much.
You are probably getting confused about the interaction between included makefiles and comparing $(MAKECMDGOALS). Please note:
ifneq ($(MAKECMDGOALS),clean)
this will not match unless you specify exactly one target: clean. In situations where you specify multiple targets, one of which is clean, that will match because clean all is not equal to clean. So, when you run make clean all make will include the generated makefile, and will generate it if it doesn't exist.
Because generated include files are only rebuilt once, when the makefile is first parsed, it's not possible to say something like: "first run rule X (e.g., clean) then rebuild the included makefiles, then reinvoke make".
However, it's pretty much always a bad idea to invoke make with clean all. This is because if you were to ever try to add -j for parallelism, the clean and the build would be running in parallel and corrupt everything.
One semi-common option is to provide a different rule that will do both, something like this:
$(MAKE) clean
$(MAKE) all
then run make rebuild instead.
You can certainly force the behavior with the help of the shell. For instance, in bash you could use
for target in "clean" "all";
make $target;
and if you were going to re-do the procedure a lot you could either make it an executable script or wrap it in a shell function.

Preventing variable overwriting in recursive Makefiles

I have the following project structure:
- Makefile
- foo/
- bar/
Contents of Makefile:
.PHONY: all foo bar
all: foo bar
include foo/
include bar/
Contents of foo/
#echo $(SOME_VAR)
Contents of bar/
#echo $(SOME_VAR)
Running the command make in yields the output
The observed output is easy to explain: variables in recipes are expanded only when the rule is executed, so when SOME_VAR is overwritten in the rule for foo prints bar. Is there any way of preventing this behaviour?
One way is to use target-specific variable values.
Change your sub-makefiles to
bar: SOME_VAR=bar
#echo $(SOME_VAR)
foo: SOME_VAR=foo
#echo $(SOME_VAR)
Recursive make will also work
$(MAKE) -C foo -f
$(MAKE) -C bar -f

Is this a make bug?

Most likely it is not but I've been struggling with this one for an hour now:
$ cat Makefile
touch $#
a: ${FILE1}
${FILE2}: a
touch $#
$ make FILE1=foo FILE2=bar bar
touch foo
touch bar
$ ls
bar foo Makefile
$ make FILE1=foo FILE2=bar bar
touch bar
Why is the bar rule still activated?
If I change Makefile to:
touch $#
${FILE2}: ${FILE1}
touch $#
Everything works, i.e. bar is not touched again.
The target bar has a prerequisite, a. You have a rule for a, but it does not actually build a file named "a". So every time you ask Make to rebuild bar (if necessary), Make sees that the prerequisite a does not exist, and therefore it must attempt to rebuild both targets.

How to tell make to watch dependencies of a sub-make target?

I was investigating on the same question here, but I was not very clear of what I was asking, even for myself. Sorry for those who spent time answering my unclear question.
So let's try again with a more realistic example. We consider this structure:
├── Makefile
└── src/
├── bar
├── foo
└── Makefile
Where the main Makefile is:
all: src/foobar
make -C $(dir $#)
And the sub-makefile is:
foobar: foo bar
join $^ > $#
If I run make for the first time (from ./) everything works as expected, foobar is produced.
$ make
make -C src/
make[1]: Entering directory '/project/src'
join foo bar > foobar
make[1]: Leaving directory '/project/src'
$ make
make: Nothing to be done for 'all'.
However if I touch any of the foobar dependencies. The parent Makefile will not regenerate the target. Here, I perfectly understand the behavior of Make, but I want to tell it to be aware of foobar' dependencies.
$ touch src/foo
$ make
make: Nothing to be done for 'all'.
My current solution which is not very neat is to ask for the dependencies. So the src/Makefile become:
src=foo bar
foobar: $(src)
#echo "Joining"
join $^ > $#
files: $(src)
#echo $^
And the ./Makefile:
all: src/foobar
src=$(addprefix src/,$(shell make --no-print-directory -C src files | tr '\n' ' '))
src/foobar: $(src)
make -C $(dir $#)
I must also say that this particular example could be simplified using a single Makefile only. My real example is quite more complex. The src/Makefile generate an executable while the parent Makefile do lots of other things (packing in a specific format, generate the documentation, build other sub-makefiles and so on). Thus, I want to keep these tasks well separated and I need to different Makefiles.
In the main Makefile create a dependency for the child target or directory that is always in need of building, and let the child Make then do the real work.
There is a good example here:
To translate for your case, change your main Makefile to be:
all: src/foobar
src/foobar: force
$(MAKE) $(MFLAGS) -C src
I also added $(MFLAGS) which will pass same flags from parent to child make.

Rule for all targets in make - even if the file exists

I want to create a Makefile that outputs foo no matter what target name is given to make.
So all of these should work:
$ make
$ make a
$ make foobar
The following Makefile does almost what I want:
all %:
#echo foo
.PHONY: all
However it fails if there exists a file with the same name as the target:
$ touch abc
$ make abc
make: `abc' is up to date.
As .PHONY doesn't accept pattern rules, I don't know how I can get make to ignore every file.
How about:
all $(MAKECMDGOALS): ; #echo foo
