Preventing variable overwriting in recursive Makefiles - makefile

I have the following project structure:
- Makefile
- foo/
- bar/
Contents of Makefile:
.PHONY: all foo bar
all: foo bar
include foo/
include bar/
Contents of foo/
#echo $(SOME_VAR)
Contents of bar/
#echo $(SOME_VAR)
Running the command make in yields the output
The observed output is easy to explain: variables in recipes are expanded only when the rule is executed, so when SOME_VAR is overwritten in the rule for foo prints bar. Is there any way of preventing this behaviour?

One way is to use target-specific variable values.
Change your sub-makefiles to
bar: SOME_VAR=bar
#echo $(SOME_VAR)
foo: SOME_VAR=foo
#echo $(SOME_VAR)
Recursive make will also work
$(MAKE) -C foo -f
$(MAKE) -C bar -f


Can a target's prerequisite without build rule have generated transitive prerequisites?

I have the following Makefile:
.PHONY: all
all: foo qux
foo: bar
cp bar foo
qux: bar
cp bar qux
-include bar.d
rm -f foo qux
which includes a generated bar.d file:
bar: baz
I'd like to be able to run the rules for foo and qux whenever bar or baz is changed.
Without surprise, it works well when I change bar, but when I change baz, I get the following message:
make: Nothing to be done for 'all'.
If I change the contents of bar.d to the following, I get the expected behaviour:
foo: baz
qux: baz
But it would be easier for me not to have to duplicate the $x: baz rule for every target that depends on bar.
Is there a solution that does not involves changing baz.d?
Since there is no recipe for bar, Make's actions are correct; yes, baz has changed, but there is no way to bring bar up to date, therefore no point in rebuilding the targets that depend on bar.
You can get the behavior you want by adding an "update" recipe to the rule:
bar: baz
#touch $#

Makefile: target-specific variables in target dependencies declaration

I'm trying to write a makefile that uses target-specific variables, but while the variables are set correctly in each target and prerequisite body, the prerequisites list itself isn't updated with the variable, thus causing the wrong prerequisite to be checked and called.
How can I update target-specific variables in the prerequisites too?
In the example below, both make foo and make bar should print "world", but make foo prints "hello".
echo "hello"
echo "world"
make $(X)
The goal I'm trying to achieve is that different targets will build similar prerequisites - the same files, in different folders - by passing the folders as a target-specific variable. The issue is that as in the example below, if one target is called first (foo, in the example), calling the second will not do anything.
touch $(FILE)
echo $(FILE)
foo: $(FILE)
bar: $(FILE)
6.11 Target-specific Variable Values:
As with automatic variables, these values are only available within the context of a target’s recipe (and in other target-specific assignments).
But not in the prerequisite list. In other words, in foo:$(X) X is not target specific.
One way to achieve the desired results is:
same_files := filename another_filename
# ${1} is the target name.
# ${2} is the directory.
define similar_prerequisites
${1} : $(addprefix ${2}/,${same_files})
$(addprefix ${2}/,${same_files}) : | ${2}
touch $$#
${2} :
mkdir $$#
all : foo bar
foo bar :
#echo "$# prerequisites are $^"
$(eval $(call similar_prerequisites,foo,fooDir))
$(eval $(call similar_prerequisites,bar,barDir))
$ make
mkdir fooDir
touch fooDir/filename
touch fooDir/another_filename
foo prerequisites are fooDir/filename fooDir/another_filename
mkdir barDir
touch barDir/filename
touch barDir/another_filename
bar prerequisites are barDir/filename barDir/another_filename
I needed something similar. Does this exemple suit your needs ?
# Basic rules can be ignored
# Use % to not take much space
.PHONY: foo bar
foo bar:
#printf "%s depends on %s\n" "$#" "$^"
fooDir/ barDir/:
#printf "%s\n" "Building $#"
#mkdir "$#"
fooDir/%: fooDir
barDir/%: barDir
%/filename: %/
#printf "%s\n" "Building $#"
#touch "$#"
%/filename2: %/
#printf "%s\n" "Building $#"
#touch "$#"
%/filename3: %/
#printf "%s\n" "Building $#"
#touch "$#"
fooFile = fooDir/filename2
barFile = barDir/filename2
DIR = $(*)Dir
FILE = $(DIR)/filename3
# Here the fun begin
# See full details on
foo bar: %: $$(*)Dir/filename $$($$(*)File) $$(FILE)
$ make foo; make bar
Building fooDir/
Building fooDir/filename
Building fooDir/filename2
Building fooDir/filename3
foo depends on fooDir/filename fooDir/filename2 fooDir/filename3
Building barDir/
Building barDir/filename
Building barDir/filename2
Building barDir/filename3
bar depends on barDir/filename barDir/filename2 barDir/filename3
The tricks is in .SECONDEXPANSION: all target defined after (that's why I put it at the end) will get a second expansion. The $(*) aka the stem of matched rules will only become available in the second expansion. This allow us to build name that is linked to the target.
The pattern targets: %: deps allow to match only on listed target and not catch all target.
I prefer the version 1 or 2 because the third version you might be tempted to use in place before .SECONDEXPANSION: and thus you will get weird error messages. If you really want to use 3 then put this special target at the top. Also 3 might have wrong value (you might want MAKECMDGOALS or something like that instead of *) if used with multiple wildcard rule. Just remember if you want to use 3 then put $$ either in DIR in FILE definition or in the use site.

How to dynamically generate Makefile targets

Say I have a few files named foo.c, bar.c, baz.c, ... I want to create a Makefile target for each one that runs a build task.
make foo.c
.PHONY: foo
run build foo
make bar.c
.PHONY: bar
run build bar
I essentially just want to do make foo and it builds make foo.c. But I have x number of files and want to have make tasks for each. How to accomplish this. Something like:
FILES = $(foo bar baz ...)
make $(FILE)
$(FILES).c: $(FILES)
run build $(FILE)
But all the files are independent from each other.
You can use pattern rules for the .c targets and static pattern rules for the ones that have to be phony targets (i.e., foo and bar in your example):
targets := foo bar
.PHONY: $(targets)
# static pattern rule
$(targets): %:
make $*.c
# pattern rule
run build $*

How to avoid duplication in Makefile targets with similar recipes?

I have a Makefile which has a lot of targets and the recipe for each target is quite similar.
gcc foo.c -o foo
mv foo ~/bin
gcc bar.c -o bar
mv bar ~/bin
gcc baz.c -o baz
mv baz ~/bin
I would like to avoid all this duplication. I would like to have something like below (this is not valid syntax; this only expresses my intention).
mv $(TARGET_NAME) ~/bin
Is it possible to do something like this? If not, what is the best Makefile I can write that can minimize duplication in recipes?
Your makefile is wrong because your targets (foo, bar, etc.) don't depend on their source files (foo doesn't depend on foo.c, etc.) So, changing the source code won't cause the target to be rebuilt.
Also, your makefile says you're creating a file foo, but your recipe actually creates a file ~/bin/foo, which is not the same thing.
Anyway, this is exactly what pattern rules are for:
EXES = foo bar baz
all: $(addprefix $(HOME)/bin/,$(EXES))
$(HOME)/bin/%:: %.c
gcc $< -o $#
(Thanks to Beta for pointing out my think-o in the original)
A make rule can actually match multiple targets:
foo bar baz:
gcc $#.c -o $#
mv $# ~/bin
However, you should make the dependencies explicit in the rules:
foo: foo.c
bar: bar.c
baz: baz.c
foo bar baz:
gcc $< -o $#
mv $# ~/bin
The first three lines only specifiy the dependencies without any actions to actually build them. You can generate these with the help of gcc: gcc -MM foo.c will print a rule for foo.c.

Rule for all targets in make - even if the file exists

I want to create a Makefile that outputs foo no matter what target name is given to make.
So all of these should work:
$ make
$ make a
$ make foobar
The following Makefile does almost what I want:
all %:
#echo foo
.PHONY: all
However it fails if there exists a file with the same name as the target:
$ touch abc
$ make abc
make: `abc' is up to date.
As .PHONY doesn't accept pattern rules, I don't know how I can get make to ignore every file.
How about:
all $(MAKECMDGOALS): ; #echo foo
