NetMQ why is "SendReady" needed for Req-Rep? - zeromq

I have a problem that I managed to fix... However I'm a little concerned as I don't really understand why the solution worked;
I am using NetMQ, and specifically a NetMQ poller which has a number of sockets, one of which is a REQ-REP pair.
I have a queue of requests which get dequeued into requests, and the server handles each request type as required and sends back an appropriate response. This had been working without issue, however when I tried to add in an additional request type the system stopped working as expected; what would occur is that the request would reach the server, the server would send the response... and the client would not receive it. The message would not be received at the client until the server was shut down (unusual behavior!).
I had been managing the REQ-REP pair with a flag that I set before sending a request, and reset on receipt of a reply. I managed to fix the issue by only triggering replies within the "SendReady" event of the REQ socket - this automagically fixed all of my issues, however I can't really find anything in the documentation that tells me why the socket might not have been in the "sendready" state, or what this actually does.
Any information that could be shed on why this is working now would be great :)
Edit: Source
"Subscribe" is run as a separate thread to the UI
private void Subscribe(string address)
using (var req = new RequestSocket(address + ":5555"))
using (var sub = new SubscriberSocket(address + ":5556"))
using (var poller = new NetMQPoller { req, sub })
// Send program code when a request for a code update is received
sub.ReceiveReady += (s, a) =>
var type = sub.ReceiveFrameString();
var reply = sub.ReceiveFrameString();
switch (type)
case "Type1":
case "Type2":
string[] args = reply.Split(',');
eventAggregator.PublishOnUIThread(new MyEvent(args[0], (SimObjectActionEventType)Enum.Parse(typeof(MyEventType), args[1])));
req.ReceiveReady += Req_ReceiveReady;
sub.Connect(address + ":5556");
sub.Options.ReceiveHighWatermark = 10;
reqQueue = new Queue<string[]>();
reqQueue.Enqueue(new string[] { "InitialiseClient", "" });
req_sending = false;
while (programRunning)
if (reqQueue.Count > 0 && !req_sending)
req_sending = true;
string[] request = reqQueue.Dequeue();
Console.WriteLine("Sending " + request[0] + " " + request[1]);
private void Req_ReceiveReady(object sender, NetMQSocketEventArgs e)
var req = e.Socket;
var messageType = req.ReceiveFrameString();
Console.WriteLine("Received {0}", messageType);
switch (messageType)
case "Reply1":
// Receive action
case "Reply2":
// Receive action
case "Reply3":
// Receive action
req_sending = false;
using (var rep = new ResponseSocket("#tcp://*:5555"))
using (var pub = new PublisherSocket("#tcp://*:5556"))
using (var beacon = new NetMQBeacon())
using (var poller = new NetMQPoller { rep, pub, beacon })
// Send program code when a request for a code update is received
rep.ReceiveReady += (s, a) =>
var messageType = rep.ReceiveFrameString();
var message = rep.ReceiveFrameString();
Console.WriteLine("Received {0} - Content: {1}", messageType, message);
switch (messageType)
case "InitialiseClient":
// Send
case "Req2":
// do something
case "Req3":
args = message.Split(',');
if (args.Length == 2)
// Do Something
rep.SendMoreFrame("Ack").SendFrame("RequestError - incorrect argument format");
case "Req4":
args = message.Split(',');
if (args.Length == 2)
requestData = //do something
rep.SendMoreFrame("Ack").SendFrame("RequestError - incorrect argument format");
// setup discovery beacon with 1 second interval
beacon.Publish("server", TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1));
// start the poller
// run the simulation loop
while (serverRunning)
// todo - make this operate for efficiently
// push updated variable values to clients
foreach (string[] message in pubQueue)

You are using the Request socket from multiple threads, which is not supported. You are sending on the main thread and receiving on the poller thread.
Instead of using regular queue try to use NetMQQueue, you can add it to the poller and enqueue from the UI thread. Then the sending is happening on the poller thread as well as the receiving.
You can read the docs here:

Only thing I can think of is that the REP socket is ready to send only after you actually received a message fully (all parts).


ZeroMQ NetMQ TrySend always succeeds

public static void ZeroMQ()
TimeSpan timeout = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(2000);
using (PairSocket client = new PairSocket("tcp://"))
client.Options.SendHighWatermark = 0;
client.Options.Linger = TimeSpan.Zero;
bool success = client.TrySendFrame(timeout, "Hello");
Debug.Log($"Success = {success}");
string msg = string.Empty;
success = client.TryReceiveFrameString(timeout, out msg);
Debug.Log($"Success = {success} - {msg}");
success = client.TryReceiveFrameString(timeout, out msg);
Debug.Log($"Success = {success} - {msg}");
catch (Exception e)
Here's some code with two problems:
If I run this code with no server running on :5555, this program prints "Success = true" for the TrySendFrame(), and false for both receives. I would expect it to fail and can't get it to fail even with Linger set to 0 and the high water mark also set to zero.
The second issue is that after the execution hits the finally block, the program freezes forever.
Can someone better versed in ZMQ give me any pointers as to why this might be happening?

Google API Client for .NET: How to implement Exponential Backoff

I've created a method to add members in a Batch Request to a google group using .NET core and google's .NET client library. The code looks like this:
private void InitializeGSuiteDirectoryService()
_directoryServiceCredential = GoogleCredential
_directoryService = new DirectoryService(new BaseClientService.Initializer()
HttpClientInitializer = _directoryServiceCredential,
ApplicationName = _applicationName
public OperationResult<int> AddGroupMembers(Group group, IEnumerable<Member> members)
var result = new OperationResult<int>();
var memberList = members.ToList();
var batchRequestCount = 0;
if (memberList.Any())
var request = new BatchRequest(_directoryService);
foreach (var member in memberList)
request.Queue<Members>(_directoryService.Members.Insert(member, group.Id), (content, error, i, message) =>
if (message.IsSuccessStatusCode)
//log OK
// Implement Exponential backoff only on the request that failed.
if (batchRequestCount == 30|| member.Equals(memberList.Last()))
request = new BatchRequest(_directoryService); //Clear queue
return result;
The logic works fine if the amount of members is small; however, when the members count is let's say 100( this is the max amount of users in my google's test instance), I get an Error from Google that reads: "quotaExceeded". According to Google's documentation, the limit for a batch request on their Admin SDK is 1000 and I've set my logic to Execute when we reach a limit of 30.
The QUESTION is: How do I implement error handling to retry whenever I get this error? Their documentation suggests implementing 'Exponential Backoff' with a response that contains a 'retry-able error'(I don't see this when I inspect my response).
So here's what I ended up doing to implement Exponential Backoff on my call to add members to a Gsuite group. Since I'm using dotnet core, I was able to use 'Polly', which is a resilience and transient-fault-handling library that offers this functionality out of the box. There may be some need for refactoring, but here's what the code looks like for now:
public OperationResult<int> AddGroupMembers(Group group, IEnumerable<Member> members)
var result = new OperationResult<int>();
var memberList = members.ToList();
var batchRequestCount = 0;
if (memberList.Any())
var request = new BatchRequest(_directoryService);
foreach (var member in memberList)
retryRequest = false; // This variable needs to be declared at the class level to guarantee the value is available to the original thread running the process.
request.Queue<Members>(_directoryService.Members.Insert(member, group.Id), (content, error, i, message) =>
// If error code is 'quotaExceeded' retry the request ( You can add as many error codes as you'd like to retry here)
if (error.Code == 403)
retryRequest = true;
// Execute batch request to add members in batches of 30 member max
if (batchRequestCount == 30|| member.Equals(memberList.Last()))
// Below is what the code to retry using polly looks like
var response = Policy
.HandleResult<HttpResponseMessage>(message => message.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Conflict)
}, (results, timeSpan, retryCount, context) =>
// Log Warn saying a retry was required.
.Execute(() =>
var httpResponseMsg = new HttpResponseMessage();
// Execute batch request Synchronously
if (retryRequest)
httpResponseMsg.StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.Conflict;
retryRequest = false;
httpResponseMsg.StatusCode = HttpStatusCode.OK;
return httpResponseMsg;
if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
// Log info
// Log warn
requestCount = 0;
request = new BatchRequest(_directoryService);
return result;

BroadcastBlock missing items

I have a list of project numbers that I need to process. A project could have about 8000 items and I need to get the data for each item in the project and then push this data into a list of servers. Can anybody please tell me the following..
1) I have 1000 items in iR but only 998 were written to the servers. Did I loose items by using broadCastBlock?
2) Am I doing the await on all actionBlocks correctly?
3) How do I make the database call async?
Here is the database code
public MemcachedDTO GetIR(MemcachedDTO dtoItem)
string[] Tables = new string[] { "iowa", "la" };
using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["test"].ConnectionString))
using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("test", connection))
DataSet Result = new DataSet();
command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
command.Parameters.Add("#ProjectId", SqlDbType.VarChar);
command.Parameters["#ProjectId"].Value = dtoItem.ProjectId;
Result.EnforceConstraints = false;
Result.Load(command.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection), LoadOption.OverwriteChanges, Tables);
dtoItem.test = Result;
return dtoItem;
I have updated the code to the below. It just hangs when I run it and only writes 1/4 of the data to the server? Can you please let me know what I am doing wrong?
public static ITargetBlock<T> CreateGuaranteedBroadcastBlock<T>(IEnumerable<ITargetBlock<T>> targets, DataflowBlockOptions options)
var targetsList = targets.ToList();
var block = new ActionBlock<T>(
async item =>
foreach (var target in targetsList)
await target.SendAsync(item);
}, new ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions
CancellationToken = options.CancellationToken
block.Completion.ContinueWith(task =>
foreach (var target in targetsList)
if (task.Exception != null)
return block;
public async Task< HttpResponseMessage> ReloadItem(string projectQuery)
var linkCompletion = new ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions
MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 2
var cts = new CancellationTokenSource();
var dbOptions = new DataflowBlockOptions { CancellationToken = cts.Token };
IList<string> projectIds = projectQuery.Split(',').ToList();
IEnumerable<string> serverList = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ServerList"].Split(',').Cast<string>();
var iR = new TransformBlock<MemcachedDTO, MemcachedDTO>(
dto => dto.GetIR(dto), new ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 3 });
List<ActionBlock<MemcachedDTO>> actionList = new List<ActionBlock<MemcachedDTO>>();
List<MemcachedDTO> dtoList = new List<MemcachedDTO>();
foreach (string pid in projectIds)
IList<MemcachedDTO> dtoTemp = new List<MemcachedDTO>();
dtoTemp = MemcachedDTO.GetItemIdsByProject(pid);
foreach (string s in serverList)
var action = new ActionBlock<MemcachedDTO>(
async dto => await PostEachServerAsync(dto, s, "setitemcache"));
var bBlock = CreateGuaranteedBroadcastBlock(actionList, dbOptions);
foreach (MemcachedDTO d in dtoList)
await iR.SendAsync(d);
await Task.WhenAll(actionList.Select(action => action.Completion).ToList());
return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, new { message = projectIds.ToString() + " reload success" });
catch (Exception ex)
return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, new { message = ex.Message.ToString() });
1) I have 1000 items in iR but only 998 were written to the servers. Did I loose items by using broadCastBlock?
Yes in the code below you set BoundedCapacity to one, if at anytime your BroadcastBlock cannot pass along an item it will drop it. Additionally a BroadcastBlock will only propagate Completion to one TargetBlock, do not use PropagateCompletion=true here. If you want all blocks to complete you need to handle Completion manually. This can be done by setting the ContinueWith on the BroadcastBlock to pass Completion to all of the connected targets.
var action = new ActionBlock<MemcachedDTO>(dto => PostEachServerAsync(dto, s, "set"), new ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 3, BoundedCapacity = 1 });
broadcast.LinkTo(action, linkCompletion);
Option: Instead of the BroadcastBlock use a properly bounded BufferBlock. When your downstream blocks are bound to one item they cannot receive additional items until they finish processing what they have. That will allow the BufferBlock to offer its items to another, possibly idle, ActionBlock.
When you add items into a throttled flow, i.e. a flow with a BoundedCapacity less than Unbounded. You need to be using the SendAsync method or at least handling the return of Post. I'd recommend simply using SendAsync:
foreach (MemcachedDTO d in dtoList)
await iR.SendAsync(d);
That will force your method signature to become:
public async Task<HttpResponseMessage> ReloadItem(string projectQuery)
2) Am I doing the await on all actionBlocks correctly?
The previous change will permit you to loose the blocking Wait call in favor of a await Task.WhenAlll
actionList.ForEach(x => x.Completion.Wait());
await bufferBlock.Completion.ContinueWith(tsk => actionList.ForEach(x => x.Complete());
await Task.WhenAll(actionList.Select(action => action.Completion).ToList());
3) How do I make the database call async?
I'm going to leave this open because it should be a separate question unrelated to TPL-Dataflow, but in short use an async Api to access your Db and async will naturally grow through your code base. This should get you started.
BufferBlock vs BroadcastBlock
After re-reading your previous question and the answer from #VMAtm. It seems you want each item sent to All five servers, in that case you will need a BroadcastBlock. You would use a BufferBlock to distribute the messages relatively evenly to a flexible pool of servers that each could handle a message. None the less, you will still need to take control of propagating completion and faults to all the connected ActionBlocks by awaiting the completion of the BroadcastBlock.
To Prevent BroadcastBlock Dropped Messages
In general you two options, set your ActionBlocks to be unbound, which is their default value:
new ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 3, BoundedCapacity = Unbounded });
Or broadcast messages your self from any variety of your own construction. Here is an example implementation from #i3arnon. And another from #svick

NetMQ client to client messaging

I'm trying to create an rpc program to communicate hosts located on different networks and chose Router-Dealer configuration of NetMQ provided here:
But the problem is that router always selects a random dealer when routing a message to backend.
Code which I used :
using (var frontend = new RouterSocket(string.Format("#tcp://{0}:{1}", "", "5556")))//"#tcp://"
using (var backend = new DealerSocket(string.Format("#tcp://{0}:{1}", "", "5557")))//"#tcp://"
// Handler for messages coming in to the frontend
frontend.ReceiveReady += (s, e) =>
Console.WriteLine("message arrived on frontEnd");
NetMQMessage msg = e.Socket.ReceiveMultipartMessage();
string clientAddress = msg[0].ConvertToString();
Console.WriteLine("Sending to :" + clientAddress);
//TODO: Make routing here
backend.SendMultipartMessage(msg); // Relay this message to the backend };
// Handler for messages coming in to the backend
backend.ReceiveReady += (s, e) =>
Console.WriteLine("message arrived on backend");
var msg = e.Socket.ReceiveMultipartMessage();
frontend.SendMultipartMessage(msg); // Relay this message to the frontend
using (var poller = new NetMQPoller { backend, frontend })
// Listen out for events on both sockets and raise events when messages come in
Code for Client:
using (var client = new RequestSocket(">tcp://" + "" + ":5556"))
var messageBytes = UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("Hello");
var messageToServer = new NetMQMessage();
//PrintFrames("Client Sending", messageToServer);
NetMQMessage serverMessage = client.ReceiveMultipartMessage();
//PrintFrames("Server receiving", clientMessage);
byte[] rpcByteArray = null;
if (serverMessage.FrameCount == 3)
var clientAddress = serverMessage[0];
rpcByteArray = serverMessage[2].ToByteArray();
Code for Dealer:
using (var server = new ResponseSocket())
server.Options.Identity = UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(confItem.ResponseServerID);
Console.WriteLine("Server ID:" + confItem.ResponseServerID);
server.Connect(string.Format("tcp://{0}:{1}", "", "5557"));
using (var poller = new NetMQPoller { server })
server.ReceiveReady += (s, a) =>
byte[] response = null;
NetMQMessage serverMessage = null;
serverMessage = a.Socket.ReceiveMultipartMessage();
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine("Exception on ReceiveMultipartMessage : " + ex.ToString());
byte[] eaBody = null;
string clientAddress = "";
if (serverMessage.FrameCount == 2)
clientAddress = serverMessage[0].ConvertToString();
Console.WriteLine("ClientAddress:" + clientAddress);
eaBody = serverMessage[1].ToByteArray();
Console.WriteLine("Received message from remote computer: {0} bytes , CurrentID : {1}", eaBody.Length, confItem.ResponseServerID);
Console.WriteLine("Received message from remote computer: CurrentID : {0}", confItem.ResponseServerID);
Is it possible to choose a specific backend on frontend.ReceiveReady?
Your backend should be router as well. You need the worker to register or you need to know all the available workers and their identity. When send on the backend push the worker identity at the beginning of the server.
Take a look at the Majordomo example in the zeromq guide:

Why ServiceStack.Redis throw error instead of trying to connect to another read instance?

I successfully installed Redis on two machines and made then work as Master-Slave.
I tested some code to check if replication work and everything is ok.
My client manager looks like
var manager = new PooledRedisClientManager(new[] { "MasterIP:6379" }, new[] { "MasterIP:6379", "SlaveIP:6379" });
But now i shutdown my master instance and when i test my code again i get an error like client cant connect to Master server.
p.s For read i use GetReadOnlyCacheClient();
I repeated my code and i notice that client first is getting Master (error cant connect), then when i run my code again client is getting Slave, then again when i run my code client is getting master and so on.
I downloaded source code on ServiceStack.Redis client. I just wanted to check when that error happens and here is the code.
private void Connect()
socket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp)
SendTimeout = SendTimeout,
ReceiveTimeout = ReceiveTimeout
if (ConnectTimeout == 0)
socket.Connect(Host, Port);
var connectResult = socket.BeginConnect(Host, Port, null, null);
connectResult.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne(ConnectTimeout, true);
if (!socket.Connected)
socket = null;
Bstream = new BufferedStream(new NetworkStream(socket), 16 * 1024);
if (Password != null)
SendExpectSuccess(Commands.Auth, Password.ToUtf8Bytes());
db = 0;
var ipEndpoint = socket.LocalEndPoint as IPEndPoint;
clientPort = ipEndpoint != null ? ipEndpoint.Port : -1;
lastCommand = null;
lastSocketException = null;
LastConnectedAtTimestamp = Stopwatch.GetTimestamp();
if (ConnectionFilter != null)
catch (SocketException ex)
if (socket != null)
socket = null;
HadExceptions = true;
var throwEx = new RedisException("could not connect to redis Instance at " + Host + ":" + Port, ex);
log.Error(throwEx.Message, ex);
throw throwEx;
I really dont understand this code, couze project is really big, but i think there is no If this server fails, then try to get from another host in read only server list if any other exist
I can make some kind of mine custom logic to check if fail to try to get another read only instance..but isnt this client supported to be ready about this issue?
