docker-compose not found from script - bash

I have a Dockerfile which is basically the following:
FROM mhart/alpine-node:5
COPY . /project
WORKDIR /project
And my is quite simple too:
set -e
docker-compose up -d
I do have a docker-compose.yml, but there is no point to describe it here.
First thing I do is to build the docker image by using my Dockerfile, so:
docker build -t test .
Then run this image:
docker run -d test
Which will launch the
Unfortunately, I have the following error showing up:
./ line 10: docker-compose: not found
And if I do only ./ without the docker stuff, it works like a charm.
Where the issue can be possibly coming from?

Try to add the full path to the docker-compose inside the script
which docker-compose
Then add this to your script
set -e
/usr/bin/some/path/docker-compose up -d
Your local PATH settings are unknown to the script called by docker. Therefore you have to name the full path.


Run local script with arguments with docker

I am trying to run a local script with docker bash in windows PowerShell but not working.
My script part is another program, but the finally goal is to process a media file and zip it with the shell script.
The cmd: docker exec -it containername /bin/bash < -f fileone.mp4 -h output
I have an error in ps:
The '<' operator is reserved for future use.
The parameters (and also the files) are changing, if rerun the shell script, and after the script, processing is done it will create a zip file (what I need) with the output name, but random strings will be placed to the zipped filename too.
Anyone tried to use docker in that way in windows?
I figure out a solution for my own question. I just leave it here, if someone needs it.
The docker-compose file:
version: '3.8'
context: .
dockerfile: Dockerfile
container_name: 'name_if_you_need'
The dockerfile:
FROM debian:latest
# Install and/or config anything what you need
ADD . /newfolder
WORKDIR /newfolder
ENTRYPOINT [ "/newfolder/" ]
To call (with arguments and/or flags if your script need it): docker run --rm -v ${PWD}:/newfolder image_name -flag1 sample.mp4 -flag2 sample (no tty error, not need winpty)
Please note, if your script working with file or files, and you pass it via arguments like me, you need to copy them in your current folder before docker run
With this solution, if your script generates a file or files when/after executing, you will see them automatically in your current folder.

Docker Container goes to stop state immediately

Here is my dockerfile
FROM httpd:latest
ENV ENV_VARIABLE "http://localhost:8081"
RUN chmod +x /
Here is the file
sed -i 's,ENV_VARIABLE,'"$ENV_VARIABLE"',g' /path/to/config/file
exec "$#"
To run the container
docker run -e ENV_VARIABLE=some-value <image-name>
The sed command works perfectly fine and the value from environment variable gets reflected in config file. But whenever i start the container the container stops automatically.
I ran the command docker logs to check the logs but logs were empty.
The Dockerfile reference notes:
If CMD is defined from the base image, setting ENTRYPOINT will reset CMD to an empty value. In this scenario, CMD must be defined in the current image to have a value.
So you need to find the CMD from the base image and repeat it in your Dockerfile. Among other places, you can find that on the Docker hub listing of the image history
CMD ["httpd-foreground"]
docker inspect httpd or docker history httpd would also be able to tell you this.

Run a shell script with arguments on any given file with docker run

I am a docker beginner. I have used this SO post to run a shell script with docker run and this works fine. However, what I am trying to do is to apply my shell script to a file that lives in my current working directory, where Dockerfile and script are.
My shell script - given a file as an argument, return its name and the number of lines:
echo $1
wc -l $1
FROM ubuntu
COPY ./ /
CMD /bin/bash
then build and run:
docker build -t test .
docker run -ti test / text_file
This is what I get:
wc: text_file: No such file or directory
I'm left clueless why the second line doesn't work, why the file can't be found. I don't want to copy my text_file to the container. Ideally, I'd like to run my script from docker container on any file in my current working directory.
Any help will be much appreciated.
You're building your Docker image containing the script / Still, your Docker container does not contain (or know) about the file text_file which you're passing as an argument.
In order to make it known to your Docker container, you have to mount it when running the container.
docker run --rm -it -v "$PWD"/text_file:/text_file test / /text_file
In order to check for other files, you just have to swap text_file in both the mount and the argument.
In addition to Docker volume mounts, I might suggest some more improvements to spice up your image.
In order to run a script, you don't have to use ubuntu as your base image. You might be fine with alpine or even more focused bash. And don't forget to use tags in order to enforce the exact same behavior over time.
You can set your script as an ENTRYPOINT of your Dockerfile. Then, your only specifying the script name (text_file in that case) as your command.
When mounting files, you can change the name of the file in your container. Therefore, you can simplify your script and just mounting the file to test at the exact same place every time you run the container.
FROM alpine:3.10
COPY /usr/local/bin/wordcount
ENTRYPOINT /usr/local/bin/wordcount
CMD file
docker run --rm -it -v "PWD"/text_file:/tmp/file test
will do the job.

Dockerfile does not replace text but command line does, possible bug?

I have a simple Dockerfile that copies over a template which I used sed to replace some of the variables. Pretty straight forward. Looks very doable and from what I've seen/read for all intents and purposes, it should do it.
COPY /my-dir/my-textfile.conf /to/my/docker/path.conf
RUN sed -i s:TEXTTOREPLACE:my-new-text:g /to/my/docker/path.conf
I then run docker build.... then docker run ... bash
then I cat my file and TEXTTOREPLACE is still there.
Run the same sed command in the bash and it works no problem.
Any thoughts? What am I doing wrong/not seeing?
EDIT per request: base image is debian:7.11, work station is MAC OSX
Just to recap.
I have the file my-textfile.conf in my working directory. Its content is:
I need to change TEXTTOREPLACE with my-new-text
My test system is Ubuntu Linux 16.04 running Docker version 18.09.0, build
This is the Dockerfile
FROM debian:7.11
COPY my-textfile.conf /tmp/path.conf
RUN sed -i s:TEXTTOREPLACE:my-new-text:g /tmp/path.conf
I run the following commands:
docker build -t mytestimage .
docker run -ti -d --name mytestcontainer mytestimage
docker exec -ti mytestcontainer /bin/bash
Then, inside the container, I run:
cat /tmp/path.conf
and I get this result:
I need to change my-new-text with my-new-text
So it seems it works as expected.

Shell script: Remove hello world docker container without knowing ID

I'm running hello world docker container in a shell script:
sudo docker run hello-world
I'm doing this to verify if the installation of docker was correct. After this I would like to remove this container again. But as I don't know the ID of this new container I can't remove it:
sudo docker rm hello-world
... is failing.
In the docs of docker: Explore the Application it's described how you can do this.
When you docker run hello-world, the container gets created with a random name that you can check with the following command:
docker container ls --all
Under the NAMES column of the output of the command you can check the generated name (you can see below on my example image. peaceful_morse in my case).
Then you can use this name as a parameter when you call the docker remove command:
docker rm peaceful_morse
Image with all the steps:
Give the container a name:
sudo docker run --name hello-world-container hello-world
Then you can remove it by name:
sudo docker rm hello-world-container
