Shell script: Remove hello world docker container without knowing ID - shell

I'm running hello world docker container in a shell script:
sudo docker run hello-world
I'm doing this to verify if the installation of docker was correct. After this I would like to remove this container again. But as I don't know the ID of this new container I can't remove it:
sudo docker rm hello-world
... is failing.

In the docs of docker: Explore the Application it's described how you can do this.
When you docker run hello-world, the container gets created with a random name that you can check with the following command:
docker container ls --all
Under the NAMES column of the output of the command you can check the generated name (you can see below on my example image. peaceful_morse in my case).
Then you can use this name as a parameter when you call the docker remove command:
docker rm peaceful_morse
Image with all the steps:

Give the container a name:
sudo docker run --name hello-world-container hello-world
Then you can remove it by name:
sudo docker rm hello-world-container


How to stop and start Docker container from bash script Synology?

Hey guys so I'm on a synology DS218+ and I'm running docker and hosting my own instance of gitlab in it.
So now I'm trying to write an update Script with bash.
docker stop gitlab_td3v
rm -rf /volume1/docker/"gitlab"
rm -rf /volume1/gitlab/"gitlab_backup.rb"
cp -r /volume1/gitlab /volume1/docker/"gitlab"
cp /volume1/gitlab/config/gitlab.rb /volume1/gitlab/"gitlab_backup.rb"
docker rm -f gitlab_td3v
docker pull gitlab/gitlab-ee:latest
docker run --detach --hostname --name gitlab_td3v --publish ..:.. --publish ..:.. --publish ..:.. --restart always --volume /volume1/gitlab/config:/etc/gitlab --volume /volume1/gitlab/data:/var/opt/gitlab --volume /volume1/gitlab/logs:/var/log/gitlab gitlab/gitlab-ee:latest
The problem I have now as you can see in the image I'm trying to stop and remove the container but It doesn't recognise it's name, but if I echo docker ps in the file it gives me the container with the name I used in the file.
Also when I just run the commands in the bash shell it works only as soon as I try to run the file it doesn't work and now I'm really confuse cause I made sure I'm on the same user on the same shell and everything and that I am but in the file it won't let me select the container over the name or the id I get from docker ps.
So now the question I guess is did anyone have the same problem or does anyone know a fix for it?
Would really appreciate it thanks.
The script must be executed as root.
CONTAINERNAME is definied by value "NAME"
See by
docker stats

Docker exec -it <containerid> dir doesn't work. Why? How to get directory info?

I'm very new to docker.
Also I'm using Docker for Windows (ie Image and Container are for Windows OS).
I'm trying to get a list of all the folders and subfolders to resolve another issue I'm having. I read several post and blogs and seems like I should be able to run
docker exec -it <container id> dir
To get the info as it is suppose to allow me to run commands against the container.
I even ran
docker exec -it f83eb1533b67 help
which gave me a list of commands (because no one tells what are acceptable 'commands'...) and it is listed. however I get the following message when I run DIR command
PS P:\docker\tmp\SqlServerSetup> `docker exec -it f83eb1533b67 dir`
container f83eb1533b671b4462b8a1562da7343185b2dd27e94ff360e0230969d432ec37 encountered an error during CreateProcess: failure in a Windows system call: The system cannot find the file specified. (0x2)
[Event Detail: Provider: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000] extra info: {"CommandLine":"dir","WorkingDirectory":"C:\\","Environment":{"ACCEPT_EULA":"Y","attach_dbs":"[]","sa_password":"Pass1.4DBAs","sa_password_path":"C:\\ProgramData\\Docker\\secrets\\sa-password"},"EmulateConsole":true,"CreateStdInPipe":true,"CreateStdOutPipe":true,"ConsoleSize":[0,0]}
PS P:\docker\tmp\SqlServerSetup>
Please note: I don't want to persist a volume. Seems like that option is for people that are trying to reuse data.
This is the statement that i'm using to create the container:
docker run -p 1433:1433 -e sa_password=Pass1.4DBAs -e ACCEPT_EULA=Y -p 11433:1433 --name sqlTraining --cap-add SYS_PTRACE -d microsoft/mssql-server-windows-developer
It works fine. Container is created, but I want to view the filesystem within that container.
For Windows containers, prefix the command with the command shell (cmd) and the /c parameter. For example:
docker exec <container id> cmd /c dir
This will execute the dir command on the specified container and terminate.
Try running:
docker exec -it <container id> sh
to start the interactive shell console. This should help you with debugging.

How to check if the docker image has all the files?

Is there a way to check if the docker image has all of the files that the Dockerfile copies over and to understand if the image is built as configured in the Dockerfile? My situation is that the image is built successfully, however when I try running it, docker complains that it cant find some file or other and the container fails to run, so I cant exec on it.
Doing docker inspect is not helping since it does not report on the files in the image. Is there some method?
You can run a shell based on that image:
docker run -it <image-name> bash
Use sh instead if there is no bash available. There you can search for files as any shell.
But maybe you have not bash in the image, so use sh:
docker run -it <image-name> sh
But maybe you have an odd entrypoint, so override it:
docker run -it --entrypoint sh <image-name>
You can see the history of file and check if all the required files are present at the time of image creation
docker image history --no-trunc [image_name] > [file_name]

How can I run a docker container and commit the changes once a script completes?

I want to set up a cron job to run a set of commands inside a docker container and then commit the changes to the docker image. I'm able to run the container as a daemon and get the container ID using this command:
CONTAINER_ID=$(sudo docker run -d my-image /bin/sh -c "sleep 10")
but I'm having trouble with the second part--committing the changes to the image once the sleep 10 command completes. Is there a way for me to tell when the docker container is about to be killed and run another command before it is?
EDIT: As an alternative, is there a way to trigger ctrl-p-q via a shell script in the container to leave the container running but return to the host?
There are following ways to persist container data:
Docker volumes
Docker commit
a) create container from ubuntu image and run a bash terminal.
$ docker run -i -t ubuntu:14.04 /bin/bash
b) Inside the terminal install curl
# apt-get update
# apt-get install curl
c) Exit the container terminal
# exit
d) Take a note of your container id by executing following command :
$ docker ps -a
e) save container as new image
$ docker commit <container_id> new_image_name:tag_name(optional)
f) verify that you can see your new image with curl installed.
$ docker images
$ docker run -it new_image_name:tag_name bash
# which curl
Run it in the foreground, not as daemon. When it ends the script that launched it takes control and commits/push it
I didn't find any of these answers satisfying, as my goal was to 1) launch a container, 2) run a setup script, and 3) capture/store the state after setup, so I can instantly run various scripts against that state later. And all in a local, automated, continuous integration environment (e.g. scripted and non-interactive).
Here's what I came up with (and I run this in Travis-CI install section) for setting up my test environment:
# Run a docker with the env boot script
docker run ubuntu:14.04 /path/to/
# Get the container ID of the last run docker (above)
export CONTAINER_ID=`docker ps -lq`
# Commit the container state (returns an image_id with sha256: prefix cut off)
# and write the IMAGE_ID to disk at ~/.docker_image_id
(docker commit $CONTAINER_ID | cut -c8-) > ~/.docker_image_id
Note that my base image was ubuntu:14.04 but yours could be any image you want.
With that setup, now I can run any number of scripts (e.g. unit tests) against this snapshot (for Travis, these are in my script section). e.g.:
docker run `cat ~/.docker_image_id` /path/to/
docker run `cat ~/.docker_image_id` /path/to/
Try this if you want an auto commit for all which are running. Put this in a cron or something, if this helps
for i in `docker ps|tail -n +2|awk '{print $1}'`; do docker commit -m "commit new change" $i; done

Docker. How to get bash\ssh inside runned container (run -d)?

I want to ssh or bash into runned docker container. Please, see example:
$ sudo docker run -d webserver
webserver is clean image from ubuntu:14.04
$ sudo docker ps
665b4a1e17b6 webserver:latest /bin/bash ... ... 22/tcp, 80/tcp loving_heisenberg
now I want to get something like this (go into runned container):
$ sudo docker run -t -i webserver (or maybe 665b4a1e17b6 instead)
$ root#665b4a1e17b6:/#
Previously I used Vagrant so I want to get behavior similar to vagrant ssh. Please, could anyone help me?
After the release of Docker version 1.3, the correct way to get a shell or other process on a running container is using the docker exec command. For example, you would run the following to get a shell on a running container:
docker exec -it myContainer /bin/bash
You can find more information in the documentation.
The answer is docker attach command.
For information see:
