How can I fix the VS2008 tool window buttons on Windows 10? - visual-studio

I have to maintain a legacy codebase which for a variety of reasons, can only be worked on in Visual Studio 2008.
I noticed the Tool Windows' buttons for Menu, Pin, and Close have their icons replaced with the letters "H D A" or "H B A".
Whereas on Windows Server 2008 R2 (Windows 8.1) it looks like this:
My guess is that the font it uses for the buttons is either missing or being overridden. Does anyone know what font it is (so I can see if it's missing) or some other fix?

After running Windows 10 for a few weeks I noticed the Visual Studio 2008 tool window caption buttons have been restored to their correct appearance without me having to do anything specifically, weird. No bug then, I guess :)


Visual Studio 2012 Keyboard Freezing

I am having an issue within the razor view in Visual Studio 2012. For some reason, most of the time when I am trying to edit a style property, my keyboard freezes and doesn't allow me to type anything.
<section style="height: 15[Try to edit here]">
For instance, trying to add in a zero or 'px' where the "Try to edit here" has been placed above is impossible as the keyboard freezes.
I have ReSharper 7.1 installed, I'm not sure if that is the culprit?
Closing the tab and re-opening it fixes the issue, but it then re-occurs later on (not sure if there is a pattern as to when it re-occurs)
This happens to me often. I just switch tabs and come back and it doesn't happen(for sometime of course :-)). It could be some kind of unresolvable bug although i would suggest that you uninstall ReSharper and try again to see if it gets fixed.
It happens to me and my other colleagues as well.
I have found it to be linked to having a floating code window(s). Unlike the floating window for something like Find Results (without a title bar), these appear almost like another instance of Visual Studio. These do not come to the front when the main Visual Studio Window is selected. I have found the keyboard stops responding only on these windows if there is a Find Results kind of floating window open. When the problem occurs, clicking on another VS window and come back sorts it.
In earlier versions of VS, any pulled code windows appeared without a thick title bar and window controls box.
I tried posting images of the two kinds of floating windows but don't have enough reputation to do so! Let me know if it is confusing and I'll try to clarify.
This may not be the only way for this problem to occur but this is what I've observed consistently in the last few weeks of using Visual Studio 2012. I have C# environment settings with Resharper 7 and Reflector installed.

Visual Studio 2012 MFC wizard generated application glitches with aero

For some time I have been struggling with this glitch in MFC.
It can be easily observed.
In Visual Studio 2012 Update 1 create a new MFC application,
in wizard settings set Multiple documents/Tabbed documents, Office 2007 Black style
run the application on Windows 7:
Application launched while Windows 7 Aero theme is on:
Theme in Windows control panel set to Windows 7 Basic:
Theme in Windows control panel set back to Windows 7 Aero:
Notice the unpainted gaps when aero off, and black title with missing close button when aero back on.
This problem has always been around,
in Visual Studio 2010 wizard generated application used to work ok with themes switching through Windows control panel, but still showed black title after aero was disabled/reenabled with DwmEnableComposition() API call.
I hoped that in Visual Studio 2012 the problem was sorted out, but seems it was not.
So what can I do to workaround the bug?
I suppose that Windows Aero Glass background is broken after hibernate. How can I solve this? is basically the same problem.
Hence the answer to that question should be what you are looking for.

Dock Code Windows in Visual Studio 2010

In Visual Studio, you are able to dock code windows in horizontal and vertical tab groups (something you can also do with tool windows).
However, when doing so you may end up with a lot of redundant screen space. What would be ideal would be if you could mix docking orientations for code windows. This is possible with tool windows in Visual Studio 2010. Here is an image showing the feature used for tool windows:
My question is: is it possible to get this same functionality with the code windows - i.e. being able to mix horizontal and vertical docking, like with the tool windows shown? I've heard rumours that its possible, but I've been unable to find any truth in that.
I too wish this was a naitive feature in visual studio, but there is one workaround by using the 'floating tab group' feature of visual studio
Move the visual studio main window out of the way (maybe to another monitor, or to smallest area of the monitor needed to see the tooling windows)
"Tear out" or Right Click > Float on the desired tab
Position the tab to your desire (I suggest using WinSplitRevolution, via codinghorror)
Repeat, note that you can move a tab to an existing 'floating' tab group
And voila!
There are some setbacks, some commands will pop up over the main tooling window instead of your current tab group etc. but its still pretty nice. I'm not sure if there's any changes coming in VS2012, but I haven't heard about anything related.

VC6 on Win7, SourceSafe diff viewer doesn't draw text on the left pane (when maximized)

I recently upgraded my computer, and moved from XP to Win7. We have old VC6 projects which we continue to develop. But on Win7 SourceSafe's diff viewer behaves oddly, if it is maximized. On the right pane all the text is drawn, but on the left pane most of the text is missing - there is just gray background where there should be text.
When I move the cursor to those white lines, the text on them appears, but only on the line where the cursor is. One way to show all the text is to select everything in the left pane (like Ctrl+A). Has anyone else encountered this problem?
'Disable visual themes' on the application shortcut's 'Compatibility' dialog tab did the trick for me, even when maximized, as suggested by Cody Gray. That is the only compatibility option I changed. I had the problem, changed the checkbox to checked to select the setting, the problem went away.
Environment: Windows Server 2008 R2 with the Windows 7 Desktop Experience feature, Visual SourceSafe 2005.

Navigating backward and forward with the mouse in Visual Studio 2008

My install of Visual Studio 2008 does not support IE style back and forward navigation withe the mouse in the C# code editor.
Searches show that multiple people have run into this problem but I have yet to find a correct solution.
There's even a VS add-in hack just to work around the "bug".
Any idea why this functionality fails for some users and how to fix it?
You can mitigate the problem by AutoHotKey tool (free, open source).
Let's assume your Visual Studio 2008 has these editor commands and their respective shortcuts:
View.NavigateBackward = Ctrl+-
View.NavigateForward = Ctrl+Shift+-
You should be able to verify these shortcuts in keyboard options. Verified? Let's proceed.
So will you be just fine if your mouse will send these keyboard shortcuts if the Visual Studio's main window is active?
Then install the tool and add the following two mappings:
These correspond to above keyboard shortcuts: ^ = Ctrl, + = Shift, - = -
Using AutoHotKey icon in notification area, reload definition file you just updated. Now your mouse buttons should produce the above shortcuts. Test them.
If they work for you in Visual Studio editor, you can limit them only to Visual Studio main window, otherwise they work across the entire desktop:
SetTitleMatchMode, RegEx
#IfWinActive, .*- Microsoft Visual Studio
Feel free to adjust title-matching regex if needed.
Do not forget to reload definitions file to apply any changes you made.
And here are some other handy operations if you are holding Shift or Ctrl:
(You have those mouse buttons, let's use them... for commands across the entire desktop.)
(Letters must be lowercase, because uppercase means Shift+letter.)
(And always make sure you are running AHK elevated (as administrator.))
Visual Studio 2008 is an editor and the apps built in it can also be built in any later version such as Visual Studio 2015. Not trying to be flippant, but the fix is to move to a later version of Studio. If money is a factor look into the Community version. (See Free Dev Tools - Visual Studio Community 2015)
