Visual Studio 2012 Keyboard Freezing - visual-studio

I am having an issue within the razor view in Visual Studio 2012. For some reason, most of the time when I am trying to edit a style property, my keyboard freezes and doesn't allow me to type anything.
<section style="height: 15[Try to edit here]">
For instance, trying to add in a zero or 'px' where the "Try to edit here" has been placed above is impossible as the keyboard freezes.
I have ReSharper 7.1 installed, I'm not sure if that is the culprit?
Closing the tab and re-opening it fixes the issue, but it then re-occurs later on (not sure if there is a pattern as to when it re-occurs)

This happens to me often. I just switch tabs and come back and it doesn't happen(for sometime of course :-)). It could be some kind of unresolvable bug although i would suggest that you uninstall ReSharper and try again to see if it gets fixed.

It happens to me and my other colleagues as well.
I have found it to be linked to having a floating code window(s). Unlike the floating window for something like Find Results (without a title bar), these appear almost like another instance of Visual Studio. These do not come to the front when the main Visual Studio Window is selected. I have found the keyboard stops responding only on these windows if there is a Find Results kind of floating window open. When the problem occurs, clicking on another VS window and come back sorts it.
In earlier versions of VS, any pulled code windows appeared without a thick title bar and window controls box.
I tried posting images of the two kinds of floating windows but don't have enough reputation to do so! Let me know if it is confusing and I'll try to clarify.
This may not be the only way for this problem to occur but this is what I've observed consistently in the last few weeks of using Visual Studio 2012. I have C# environment settings with Resharper 7 and Reflector installed.


Mose clicks not registering in Visual Studio

This is not a coding question, this is a problem I frequently encounter in the Visual Studio IDE. My mouse clicks are often ignored if I work fast. Usually it happens when I click on a variable name, the studio starts loading a tooltip or a highlighter for that variable and I immediately click on another variable or any other place in the editor window - the click will be ignored. Has anyone experienced anything like this?
This started happening around 2 years ago, don't remember exactly when, but it was right after a new version of the Studio was released.

Visual Studio's Ctrl+tab messing up and disappearing

So I've seen a couple of questions about Visual Studio's Ctrl+Tab but none of them were referring to my problem
My Visual Studio will randomly start acting funny. Sometimes, when I hit on Ctrl+Tab to change tab, the navigation pane appears for half a second an disappears. If I hold Ctrl+Tab, it'll just appear and disappear constantly, disappearing too early to even switch one tab. When it disappears it gives the keyboard focus back to whichever document I was on (so no other program actually intercepts the focus)
Then it will randomly accept my Ctrl+Tab and stay on screen once every X tries for some reason.
I double-checked my Visual Studio parameters (which have never changed) and the shortcuts are correctly set: Ctrl+Tab to Window.NextDocumentWindowNav and Ctrl+Shift+Tab to Window.PreviousDocumentWindowNav. I try removing them and resetting them with no success.
Anyone ever had this problem? I don't know what is intercepting my Ctrl+Ctrl+Tab. When I restart Visual Studio, it'll work fine again for a while until at some point Ctrl+Tab messes up again for no reason.
Anyone ever had this bug? Any tips on how to figure out what it's from and how to fix it? I'm on Visual Studio 2013. If it's any help, I also have Resharper 8.2.1 with it
A few extra details:
Disabling Resharper doesn't remove the problem, still happens
I tried setting the NextDocumentPaneNav shortcut to another combination, bug still happened
So basically it's not another running program catching Ctrl+tab for some reason, it's literally Visual Studio not willing to show the navigation pane for more than a micro second

How do I print the screen layout in Visual Studio 2012 (Windows Forms)

I have a complex form that I created in Visual Studio 2012; I want to print out that form exactly as it shows in the designer using Visual Studio 2012 (not while the program/form is running). Is this possible?
I know I can just do a screen shot, but I will need to be doing this quite often and would prefer a simple, direct way to do this.
I'm not sure if there's anything within visual studios that does exactly what you're suggesting.
I would definitely recommend snagit. We use it at work quite a bit when putting together internal documentation.
You just click and drag and it saves everything in one location. You can also do a quick click on the title bar of the vs window and it will save a screenshot of everything within that window. It's a lot easier than constantly pressing the print button and then pasting it somewhere.
Or you could write your own program that does exactly what you need it to do.

Prevent Visual Studio to scroll to the end of file when pressing Ctrl A (select all)

It's basically in the title.
Whenever you "select all" in the Visual Studio code editor, the editor will scroll down to the bottom of the file. Is there a way to prevent this?
I'm using Visual Studio 2008 at the moment, but this applies to all versions.
No, you cannot change this behavior.
Microsoft has been aware of this since at least VS 2010, but either doesn't think it's a bug or doesn't think it's important enough to fix.
From their response to a 2010 bug report filed on the issue:
We unfortunately do not plan to change Ctrl+A's scrolling at this
time, so we're unfortunately resolving this issue as Won't Fix for VS
2010. However, it will remain in our database to be revisited for a future release of Visual Studio.
Source: Microsoft Connect
A quick Ctrl-Z-Ctrl-Y will get you back to where you were. If you tend to do a Ctrl-S Ctrl-A Ctrl-C a lot then just get used to this whole chain instead: Ctrl-SACZY. Or, create a macro:
I was struggling with this myself, but the "undo" suggestion gave me an idea and I feel kinda dumb for not thinking of it earlier. Visual Studio includes "Navigate Backwards" and "Navigate Forwards" buttons (CTRL-, and CTRL+, respectively). So after you finish selecting and copying, simple click the navigate backwards button or type CTRL- and voilĂ ! you're back where you were.
I know it doesn't stop the scroll to begin with, but at least it puts your cursor back exactly where you left it!

Visual studio does not show content of files

Picture says it all, it should currently be showing a file but as you can see its having issues drawing the content of the file.
I have unloaded all addons and restart visual studio.
If it mathers the previus project was a VS 2k8.
New Info:
If i wait a good 5min ( I have a Quad core I7 with 6gb ram, 295gtx. VS is running from a SSD).
It will load the text, but im unable to "edit", as it will have loaded some document (.cs ) but when i select the one i want to edit it not realy open that file.
It can best be described as visual studio having a 5min lag.
I had this precise bug. I would open files from the solution explorer but the editor window would either not appear, only 1-2 lines of 100+ line files would display, or the file would display but I could not scroll or otherwise edit the file. Some parts of VS were working, i.e. little tooltips would appear if I moused over the right part of the (invisible) text but I obviously couldn't do much in this state.
I have a lot of VS stuff installed so I thought it was some sort of plugin or extension that was causing things to go screwy. These installed items include:
Visual Studio 2010 10.0.30319.1
ReSharper 5.1.3000.12 (JetBrains)
DevExpress DXCore 10.1.5 (free community edition)
DX Source Outliner (reason for DXCore, from sbohlen)
Tabs Studio 2.0.6 (
Productivity Power Tools 10.0.11019.3 (Microsoft)
Snippet Designer 1.3.0 (Matt Manela)
I solved it (2/18/2011) by Tools... Extension Manager... disabling the Productivity Power Tools and Snippet Designer. No idea what was going on but this fixed it for me and I was back to work. Probably something in the system drawing and/or display options.
The issue continues. Unfortunately it is intermittent and I have not be able to reproduce it reliably. Now the suspects are the BugShooting and CaptureWiz screen capture tools. I've had the behavior show up and then disappear in and around the time of logging bugs with them.
2nd EDIT
The issue continually continues. I have not yet been able to determine the cause but usually quitting VS and restarting resolves the issue(s). Other parts of the behavior includes the menu options (File, Edit, View, etc.) not operating properly as they show only the highlight but not the actual menu items. The solution will build and run just fine, but things still won't show up properly.
I had a similar issue whereby VS2012 was telling me that I had active (open) files, but the text editor was not displaying them. Clicking on the file(s) in the solution explorer seemingly did nothing. Alt + Tab just cycled through the open files, but still, nothing rendered on screen.
I solved it by clicking on the "WINDOW" menu item and then"Close All Documents". Visual Studio then behaved as expected and opened (and rendered) the files correctly.
This bug was created by mumble 1.2.x, but is fixed in the snapshot versions of 1.3.x. YOu can likely get simular bugs by other software that does DirectX overlay.
I had the same issue in Visual Studio 2012. It was fixed by running a repair of Visual Studio 2012 via Add/ Remove Programs.
The following had no effect:
Closing and reopening a solution
Opening different file types
Restarting Visual Studio
Adding and removing plugins
Resetting options via the 'Reset all Settings' option in Visual Studio's 'Import and Export Settings'
Rebooting windows
I had this problem in Visual Studio 2013. Problem was: extension "Regex Tester". I had to uninstall this extension.
