Maven SCR Plugin Reference Annotation Target Attribute Usage - osgi

You can filter out available implementations through the "target" attribute of the #Reference as shown below:
ISomeServiceContract svc1;
My question is about the filter value. The documentation says very little about it and I am confused. states the following for the "target" attribute:
"A service target filter to select specific services to be made available".
Do filter values in SCR plugin have a specific syntax (i.e. why do I even need the parenthesis surrounding key equals value specification)? Does it allow you to specify things like "(k1=v1&&k2=v2)" or "(k1=v1||k2=v2&&(...))".

The syntax is explained in chapter "3.2.7 Filter syntax" of OSGi Core specification. The filters you define in the SCR annotation are OSGi filters. Some examples:
The syntax that OSGi specifies is the same as for LDAP search filters.


Spring Framework: Is there a list of "reserved words" or "Predefined Variables" about SpEL?

For Spring Framework where is the complete list of reserved words or Predefined Variables about SpEL with their respective explanation? It such as for:
For example in this valuable tutorial is just shown the 2 latest of the list shown above
Spring Expression Language (SpEL) Predefined Variables
Consider if Spring 6 added more of them, it as an improvement, therefore could be more.
Yes, I did do a research - currently for version 6 - at the official documentation at:
Spring Expression Language (SpEL)
But does not contain the reserved words.
There isn't really a list of reserved words for SpEL like what you are looking for, at least not in generic SpEL parsing and evaluation.
There is default SpEL support in the application context and notably in #Value annotations, as documented in the reference guide: Expressions in Bean Definitions.
Thi is provided via a SpEL StandardEvaluationContext which uses the beanFactory as the root object. Or rather, it uses a BeanExpressionContext view of the bean factory plus a dedicated PropertyAccessor is added to this evaluation context so that every beanName in the bean factory is considered a property of that root object during evaluation.
As a result, if a bean named foo is registered in the factory, #Value("#{ foo }") will be interpreted as "the property foo of the root object", which resolves to the aforementioned bean.
So systemProperties/systemEnvironment and environment are not really predefined SpEL variables, but rather standard beans in an AbstractApplicationContext.

How does Spring Data JPA resolve property name containing single letter abbreviation for a word in query methods?

I've an entity with property name qYear. I tried creating a findByIdAndQYear method in repository but that did not work. I ran into IllegalArgumentException: Unable to locate Attribute with the the given name [QYear] on this ManagedType).
However findByIdAndqYear works. Any idea how single letter abbreviations like this are expanded please?
Spring Data (not just the JPA module) base this on the Java Bean Specification.
In order to avoid misinterpretation of the specification this is actually implemented using [java.beans.Introspector][1].
See also

How to load a bean only if the property value is other than a fixed value

I am facing a situation in which a bean should be created by the application context only if the property contains any other value than a specific value.
i.e... one property file.path= /specific/path, If the value is other than this then bean should be loaded.
I can see that there is #ConditionalOnProperty (name="file.path", havingValue="....") out of the box but in my case, I am looking a property like havingValueOtherThan="..." or similar kind of property or annotation if it is there out of the box in the spring.
There are many possible options, besides profiles that were stated in comments, here are 2 options:
Option 1
Use #ConditionalOnExpression with any SPeL expression you wish
Option 2
You can always create your own conditional annotation with any logic:
Create an annotation that will depict your own business case with a #Conditional on it.
Then Implement the conditional logic of your choice. Here is an example of achieving this.
BTW, the profiles that mentioned in comments are using Conditionals engine under the hood (The #Profile annotation has a #Conditional({ProfileCondition.class}) in its definition since Spring 4.x)

JAX-WS and curly braces syntax

All over the Internet I find code examples of JAX-WS beans being defined in this fashion:
<jaxws:client name="{}MyService" createdFromAPI="true">
What is the meaning of the curly braces here exactly?
You might need to specify individual examples of where you've seen it, but from what you've shared here, this seems to be erroneous use of that naming convention.
See, the schema for the Spring-CXF XML configuration document supports two types of "name" attributes:
name: use this to name just the bean within the spring context - treat it no differently as you would adding id to a spring bean. No need for a namespace or prefixing of any kind
serviceName: this name should come from the WSDL as part of the name attribute from the definitions root element. It's this one that uses the QName format - what you have here as {}MyService which the CXF API will try to match with what's in the WSDL of the SOAP service you're consuming.
TL;DR: that naming convention with the URL prefix doesn't belong on the name attribute but on the serviceName attribute and its value ought to come from the WSDL file.

How to map service factory PIDs to their `ObjectClassDefinition`

In OSGi R6 I desire to programmatically validate user-supplied String configuration properties plus a service factory PID against what is supported by whatever configurable #Component (or ManagedServiceFactory) that declares it configures this PID, e.g. #Component(, ...). Additionally, I want to somehow convert valid String properties to their appropriate property types. Looking through the OSGi Compendium, it seems the Metatype Service is what I'm looking for.
If that's correct, given the following:
Applicable components uses component property types to specify their configuration
Component property types are annotated with #ObjectClassDefinition
Components are annotated with #Designate, mapping it to the applicable #ObjectClassDefinition
Is this the most straightfoward way to map factory PIDs to their ObjectClassDefinition:
Call BundleContext.getBundles(). For each bundle, call MetaTypeService.getMetaTypeInformation(Bundle).
For each returned MetaTypeInformation call MetaTypeInformation.getFactoryPids() and filter on the factory PIDs I care about.
For applicable MetaTypeInformation, call MetaTypeInformation.getObjectClassDefinition(String, String) to obtain the ObjectClassDefinition, using either a default or specific locale.
(Tangential, the above seems expensive to perform each time, so caching bundle IDs, mapping them to associated factory PIDs, and keeping the cache up-to-date somehow seems appropriate.)
Or, is there some other OSGi magic that can be programmatically queried with a service factory PID, which returns something that gets to some ObjectClassDefinition quicker than the above process?
Update 1
Stepping back, I'm writing a CRUD-wrapper around ConfigurationAdmin for each of my configurable components. I'm trying to avoid createFoo, deleteFoo, updateFoo, createBar, ... My application happens to be amenable to URIs. So my working approach was to use Metatype Service, pass in a parsed URI query (Map<String, List<String>>), and then utilize Metatype Service to validate and reconstruct these values, circling back to the OP. (On the side, seems like a not-pretty hack to me.)
Another approach was to use aQute.bnd.annotations.metatype.Configurable.createConfigurable(Class, Map), which I preferred more! Until I saw this bnd GitHub comment:
The bnd metatype annotations are deprecated in bnd 3.2 and will be removed in bnd 4.0. These annotations are replaced by the OSGi metatype annotations.
So I didn't want to rely on that package if it's going away soon. I looked at what Felix does and didn't want to use their equivalent Configurable class. I'm all ears on different approaches!
Update 2
Reducing this more, I'd like to validate potentially user-supplied key/values configuration properties to ensure they're applicable for some configuration pid, prior to calling ConfigurationAdmin.createFactoryConfig. Maybe this is overkill?
I once created a class that takes the configuration class, creates a proxy, and then uses this proxy to get the name of the method and the type. It was used something like this:
ConfigHelper<Config> helper = new ConfigHelper( Config.class, "");
int port = helper.get().port(); // get the configuration
helper.set( helper.get().port(), 1000);
The proxy you get from the get would record the method when one of the methods is called. On the set method it would use the last called proxy method to identify the property. It would then convert the given value to the property type based on the method's return value. The bnd converter is ideal for this but I think Felix now has a standard OSGi converter. (Which is based on the ideas of the bnd converter.)
The method name is then used as the property. The name mangling necessary is defined in an OSGi spec. This allows you to use underscores, Java keywords, and dotted names.
So this would allow you to roundtrip configurations. No worry about the types, they will automatically fall in their place.
Updated This is updated after I understood the question better
Updated 2 Added an example at
