JAX-WS and curly braces syntax - spring

All over the Internet I find code examples of JAX-WS beans being defined in this fashion:
<jaxws:client name="{http://cxf.apache.org/}MyService" createdFromAPI="true">
What is the meaning of the curly braces here exactly?

You might need to specify individual examples of where you've seen it, but from what you've shared here, this seems to be erroneous use of that naming convention.
See, the schema for the Spring-CXF XML configuration document supports two types of "name" attributes:
name: use this to name just the bean within the spring context - treat it no differently as you would adding id to a spring bean. No need for a namespace or prefixing of any kind
serviceName: this name should come from the WSDL as part of the name attribute from the definitions root element. It's this one that uses the QName format - what you have here as {http://cxf.apache.org/}MyService which the CXF API will try to match with what's in the WSDL of the SOAP service you're consuming.
TL;DR: that naming convention with the URL prefix doesn't belong on the name attribute but on the serviceName attribute and its value ought to come from the WSDL file.


Spring Framework: How and where use the "name" of the #PropertySource?

In Spring Framework, for the #PropertySource, according with its API or javadoc it has the name attribute
Indicate the name of this property source.
If omitted, the factory() will generate a name based on the underlying resource
(in the case of DefaultPropertySourceFactory:
derived from the resource description through a
corresponding name-less ResourcePropertySource constructor).
Ok, is clear that is possible define the name such as:
But How and where use that name? What is its purpose?

Spring Framework: Is there a list of "reserved words" or "Predefined Variables" about SpEL?

For Spring Framework where is the complete list of reserved words or Predefined Variables about SpEL with their respective explanation? It such as for:
For example in this valuable tutorial is just shown the 2 latest of the list shown above
Spring Expression Language (SpEL) Predefined Variables
Consider if Spring 6 added more of them, it as an improvement, therefore could be more.
Yes, I did do a research - currently for version 6 - at the official documentation at:
Spring Expression Language (SpEL)
But does not contain the reserved words.
There isn't really a list of reserved words for SpEL like what you are looking for, at least not in generic SpEL parsing and evaluation.
There is default SpEL support in the application context and notably in #Value annotations, as documented in the reference guide: Expressions in Bean Definitions.
Thi is provided via a SpEL StandardEvaluationContext which uses the beanFactory as the root object. Or rather, it uses a BeanExpressionContext view of the bean factory plus a dedicated PropertyAccessor is added to this evaluation context so that every beanName in the bean factory is considered a property of that root object during evaluation.
As a result, if a bean named foo is registered in the factory, #Value("#{ foo }") will be interpreted as "the property foo of the root object", which resolves to the aforementioned bean.
So systemProperties/systemEnvironment and environment are not really predefined SpEL variables, but rather standard beans in an AbstractApplicationContext.

When using ConfigurationProperties with a camelCase prefix, how do I solve "Prefix must be in canonical form"?

I had a property configured in my yml as
baz: 7
and a configuration class annotated with
#ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "foobar")
and everything was working fine.
The code in my organization is generally camelCase, so I renamed both the property and prefix to fooBar. IntelliJ is now highlighting the prefix = "foobar" line with the error, "Prefix must be in canonical form". What can I do, while keeping camelCasing in the yml config?
Spring Boot supports multiple formats of property names, but encourages you to access them in a canonical way.
Per Property Binding in Spring Boot 2.0:
It turns out the idea of relaxed property names is much easier to implement if you restrict it to one direction. You should always access properties in code using a canonical form, regardless of how they are represented in the underlying source.
The ConfigurationPropertyName class enforces these canonical naming rules, which basically boil down to “use lowercase kebab-case names”.
So, for example, you should refer to a property in code as person.first-name even if person.firstName or PERSON_FIRSTNAME is used in the underlying source.
You can keep your config yml in camel case:
baz: 7
but change the access in the configuration class annotation to use kebab-case:
#ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "foo-bar")

How does Spring Data JPA resolve property name containing single letter abbreviation for a word in query methods?

I've an entity with property name qYear. I tried creating a findByIdAndQYear method in repository but that did not work. I ran into IllegalArgumentException: Unable to locate Attribute with the the given name [QYear] on this ManagedType).
However findByIdAndqYear works. Any idea how single letter abbreviations like this are expanded please?
Spring Data (not just the JPA module) base this on the Java Bean Specification.
In order to avoid misinterpretation of the specification this is actually implemented using [java.beans.Introspector][1].
See also https://jira.spring.io/browse/DATACMNS-1589

In a spring configuration, what is the difference between using name vs id?

In a spring configuration, what is the difference between using name vs id? I'm aware that XML restricts the "id" attribute to be unique in a document and limits the characters for using in the id. But otherwise when declaring a bean, what is the difference between using the "name" attribute vs the "id" attribute?
Essentially, this is really just a XML matter. But you can also use the name attribute to specify aliases for a bean using characters which would be illegal in an id, I think.
In general, you should try to use id instead of name when you can. That way, the parser can catch duplicates for you.
