HDInsight Installation failure - hortonworks-data-platform

I am trying to install Microsoft HDInsight Emulator for Windows Azure using the Web Platform Installer 5.0. The installation fails while installing Hortonworks Data Platform. The following are the part of logs after installation:
CAQuietExec: Checking JAVA_HOME is set correctly...
CAQuietExec: 'C:\Azul\zulu1.7.0_65-\bin\java -version 2>&1 | findstr /i "version"' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
CAQuietExec: operable program or batch file.
CAQuietExec: "1.6.0_31" was unexpected at this time.
CAQuietExec: Error 0x800700ff: Command line returned an error.
CAQuietExec: Error 0x800700ff: CAQuietExec Failed
CustomAction CheckPreReq returned actual error code 1603 (note this may not be 100% accurate if translation happened inside sandbox)
I have checked that JAVA_HOME is set in environment variables to C:\Azul\zulu1.7.0_65- When I run the command 'C:\Azul\zulu1.7.0_65-\bin\java -version 2>&1 | findstr /i "version"' in command prompt, It returns the result with the version 1.7.0_65.
I don't understand why in the log this command is not recognized while I am able to execute it and from where 1.6.0_31 version came in log?
Could you please help me to resolve this problem?
Thanks in advance.

I found the cause of the failure. It was that command was wrapped in single quotes by installer and command prompt was not recognising it. After replacing single quotes with double quotes I am not getting this error.


How to get Kotlinc 1.8.0 to run with Ubuntu on Windows

I installed Kotlinc through the zip file kotlin-compiler-1.8.0.zip and extracted it and moved the kotlinc\bin files to my C:\Program files. I later then verified that I had installed it correctly by running the kotlinc -version command in the terminal and got back info: kotlinc-jvm 1.5.21 (JRE 16.0.2+7-67). So I believe I have that working just fine. So I believe now the error is arising from Java somehow.
When I go to run my simple hello world program with this:
kotlinc main.kt -include-runtime -d main.jar
I am met with the error:
/mnt/c/Program Files/kotlinc/bin/kotlinc: line 98: java: command not found
Previously I was just getting: kotlinc command not found. I later read on StackOverflow someone else was having the same problem and the answer to that solution was just add it to the environment Variable path, in which I did but I very soon then ran into this issue.
I have since tried everything I have came across on this issue, I've reinstalled the kotlinc compiler and java and put the Java\jdk16.0.2\bin in my environment variable path as well. When I try to run the simple command kotlinc help in Ubuntu I am also met with the same line 98: java command not found error.

ES_JAVA_HOME is not set correctly because of a space in the directory extension

I am facing an issue while setting up elasticsearch on my windows machine as a service.
error details
C:\Users\Jyoti Prakash\Downloads\MARKVI\elk\elasticsearch\bin
λ elasticsearch-service.bat install
warning: ignoring JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk-; using bundled JDK
Installing service : elasticsearch-service-x64
Using ES_JAVA_HOME : C:\Users\Jyoti Prakash\Downloads\MARKVI\elk\elasticsearch\jdk
'C:\Users\Jyoti' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
ERROR: Failed installing 'elasticsearch-service-x64' service
The issue is in the file extension C:\Users\Jyoti Prakash\Downloads\MARKVI\elk\elasticsearch\jdk there is a space in my name.
What I tried so far: I created a environment variable called ES_JAVA_HOME with the file name, but still not working. And I am trying this with version Of elasticSearch 8.3.0
I have tried one more option, I downloaded 8.2.1 and same thing working fine and able to start the service.
How to solve this? Couldn't find similar post so raising it.

Error while installing Alien::XGBoost library

I'm unable to install the Alien::XGBoost library using the default installation of Strawberry Perl on Windows 10. I'm using the 64-bit version of Strawberry Perl.
When installing Alien::XGBoost, I receive an error on line 49 in the Alien/Build/CommandSequence.pm file as shown below.
gmake[1]: Leaving directory 'C:/STRAWB~1/cpan/build/Alien-XGBoost-0.04-1/_alien/build_wYwS'
Alien::Build::CommandSequence> + md "C:/STRAWB~1/cpan/build/Alien-XGBoost-0.04-1/blib/lib/auto/share/dist/Alien-XGBoost/dynamic"
Alien::Build::CommandSequence> + md "C:/STRAWB~1/cpan/build/Alien-XGBoost-0.04-1/blib/lib/auto/share/dist/Alien-XGBoost/bin"
Alien::Build::CommandSequence> + copy xgboost.exe C:/STRAWB~1/cpan/build/Alien-XGBoost-0.04-1/blib/lib/auto/share/dist/Alien-XGBoost/bin/
The syntax of the command is incorrect.
external command failed at C:/Strawberry/perl/site/lib/Alien/Build/CommandSequence.pm line 49.
gmake: *** [Makefile:2881: _alien/mm/build] Error 2
C:\STRAWB~1\c\bin\gmake.exe -- NOT OK
Stopping: 'install' failed for 'Alien::XGBoost'.
The author of the library just confirmed it was a bug. His statement is below. I installed the previous version and it worked perfectly.
Thanks for reporting this!!
It's a bug! I forgot to quote the path.
As you can see both md commands have the path double quoted (""), but not the copy command.
I'm working to fix it and also I'm going to get travis and appveyor integrations to avoid this in the future.
This weekend this will be fixed. Meanwhile please install the previous version:
cpanm PABLROD/Alien-XGBoost-0.03.tar.gz

Windows 8, gulp calling clear

I'm using laravel elixir for running phpunit and less compilations,
but when it's running it want's to call 'clear' but that throws the error
{ [Error: Command failed: 'clear' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
this is probably due the fact that windows doesn't know the command clear but uses cls so how can I fix that gulp uses cls?
Had the same issue !!! my bad , copied some stuff from the internet ...
there was a gulp.js file on the root of my project...
look for a line :
I just comment the clear out and replace with cls
Hope it works...

script to install MSI silently

Hi am using the following to silent install msi file name : agent.msi
C:\Users\Administrator > msiexec /qb /Lv* install.log /i agent.msi SSL_CERT_FILE=C:\Temp\Agent.ssl
After running the above command when am checking install.log file giving error as Installation Error: 1602 / 1603
I have cleared temp files and running folder is non encrypted, and having full admin access.
May i know how to fix it ?
MSI errors are often hard to find, since the install log will record a lot of information as part of the rollback that occurs after the error. Typically you should search for the string return value 3 as this will typically highlight the action where the real error occurred. Once you have that information there will be more to go on.
