Is there a method to obtain the incoming call number with swift? - swift2

I want to write an app that blocks unwanted calls and am wondering if there is a library or framework I can work with swift. I know there's CT telephony but I read that someone says you can't obtain the number of the caller ?
Thanks for the help guys !



I'm currently developping a miniFilter driver from scratch.
Right now i'm just trying to understand how all of this works, which actions leads to which IRP event etc...
After some tests with the miniSpy filter Driver, I can see those 3 Major operation and can't figure out what is done.
I'm usually using this link :
Can someone explain me what they mean ?
First of all you might want to check this out.
You can think of the IRP_MJ_ACQUIRE_FOR_SECTION_SYNCHRONIZATION as callback for CreateaFileMapping. It essentially tells you that the FILE_OBJECT in question is about to have section object created for it.
IRP_MJ_QUERY_INFORMATION its the file-system callback for ZwQueryInformationFile. Check that one out for more details on various information classes and what structures are behind each buffer for each class.
IRP_MJ_RELEASE_FOR_SECTION_SYNCHRONIZATION has no parameters. Consider it as an equivalent of CloseHandle(SectionHandle). Check this.
Hope it clears things out.
Good luck.

How to properly use Golang packages in the standard library or third-party with Goroutines?

Hi Golang programmers,
First of all I apologize if my question is not very clear initially but I'm trying to understand the proper usage pattern when writing Golang code that uses Goroutines when using the standard lib or other libraries.
Let me elaborate: Suppose I import some package that I didn't have a hand in writing that I want to utilize. Let's say this package does a simple http get request somehow to a website such as Flickr for example. If I want a concurrent request, I can just prefix the function call with the go keyword. But how do I know, that this package when doing the request doesn't already do some internal go calls itself therefore making my go calls redundant?
Do Golang packages typically say in the documentation that their method is "greened"? Or perhaps they provide two versions of a method, one that is green and one that is straight synchronous?
In my quest to understand Go idioms and usage patterns I feel like when using even packages in the standard lib that I can't be sure if my go commands are necessary. I suppose I can profile the calls, or write test code but that feels odd to have to figure out if a func is already "green".
I suppose another possibility is that it's up to me to study the source code of whatever I'm using and understand how it should be used and if the go keyword is necessary.
If anybody can shed some light on this or point me to the right documentation or even a Golang screen-cast I'd much appreciate it. I think Rob Pike briefly mentions in one talk that a good client api written go is just written in a typical synchronous manner and it's up to the caller of that api to have the choice of making it green or not.
Thanks for your time,
If a function / method returns some value(s), or have a side effect like that (io.Reader.Read) - then it's necessarily a synchronous thing. Unless documented otherwise, no safety for concurrent use by multiple goroutines should be assumed.
If it accepts a closure (callback) or a channel or if it returns a channel - then it is often an asynchronous thing. If that's the case, it's normally either obvious or explicitly documented. Asynchronous stuff like this is usually safe for concurrent use by multiple goroutines.

How to stop the termination of the application

I know that my question perhaps sound's a bit confusing, but I wan't to stop the terminating of a Cocoa Mac Os X application. I don't know if there is an API to that. And I also don't know how to do that.
My idea was to call an NSAlert inside the applicationWillTerminate: method. But that doesn't stop the termination of the App.
Another possibility would be to use a while loop, which doesn't stop, but this isn't any good practice, because it uses a lot of CPU and doesn't add any possibility of keeping the rest of the app running.
Please give me an idea, how I could solve this problem.
Much times thanks. =D
Implement the application delegate method applicationShouldTerminate:. Return either NSTerminateCancel or NSTerminateLater. If you return NSTerminateLater then you should eventually call replyToApplicationShouldTerminate: with your final answer.

DMX-Interface to use to write your own DMX-Control-Software

I have a very specific problem: I want to write my own DMX-Software to control our DMX-fixtures. Does anyone know a interface to use? It would be great if there would be any Framework for using it, so that I only have to sent the channel and the value to the interface.
I noticed your question was for Mac, but I wrote a Windows specific C++ program, which could probably be easily modified. It's adapted from the C# example on Enttec's OpenUSB website. See:
There's some really good information & code samples (including a working class that I wrote) here: Lighting USB OpenDMX FTD2XX DMXking
Ultimately, you end up setting byte values (between 0 and 255[FF] (brightest) in a byte array.
It's fairly trivial to implement simple effects such as fades or chases.
You would need to use a USB controller to convert your program's instructions to the actual hardware.
I suggest using a simple iphone application talking to a webservice which then interacts with the hardware.
Code samples above are in c# though will show you how to interact with a DMX controller

Stream sound to loudspeakers on windows

What do I need to know to stream a sound of a given frequency (that is, generated programatically at runtime, not a file) to the loudspeakers of the system on MS Windows?
Please be as specific as you can, I have an idea of winAPI, but I'm more of a linux programmer, so function names are welcome.
The answer with the most concrete steps and functions to call will be accepted.
The first function you need to use is "waveOutOpen". You can follow examples in MSDN that use this function or google for some example in the Internet that uses this function. Take a look, for example, at
