React-native AwesomeProject buid failure - xcode

I am learning react-native from a Udemy course. I have followed the exact steps used by both my instructor as well as the RN documentation. However, I get 105 errors when I open in XCode (v6.4 on OSX 10.10.1). I tried targeting different builds, but to no avail. A few of the errors I get include
Expected '>'
Expected '}'
All the errors here seem to originate in the external files such as
And so on.
The build tools I used are the ones recommended by fb.
brew install node
npm install -g react-native-cli
react-native init AwesomeProject
cd AwesomeProject
react-native run-ios (Even tried opening it using Xcode in the finder)
On a side note, using Node v4.4.5, react-native cli 1.0.0, Homebrew 0.9.9.
Right up till I build the project, I encounter nothing unusual (Creating the project did take quite long and threw a few warnings at me.) Are there any dependencies I have failed to install? Help is appreciated!
EDIT: I either hadn't observed this before, or this appeared now. Here's the image.

From the React Native Getting Started prerequisites:
Xcode 7.0 or higher. Open the App Store or go to This will also install git as well.
So you should update your XCode.


Flutter_CLI: Because every version of flutterfire_cli depends on xml >=5.3.0 which requires SDK version >=2.14.0 <3.0.0, flutterfire_cli is forbidden

I am trying to install firebase_cli for my flutter project, but it tells me:
"Because every version of flutterfire_cli depends on xml >=5.3.0 which
requires SDK version >=2.14.0 <3.0.0, flutterfire_cli is forbidden"
Showing that my SDK version is 2.13.4 and it needs 2.14.0 onwards.
I went to flutter console as administrator and run choco upgrade dart-sdk. It told me I now have version v2.17.3.
However, I still get the same problem in flutterfire_cli.
Things I've tried:
creating a .bashrc file with the line export PATH="$PATH": "C:\Users\sjrol\OneDrive\Documentos\flutter\.pub-cache\bin" in it (it is the route flutter console told me to save).
creating a system environment variable inside PATH that points to my dart folder , with the newer version.
In my pubspec.yaml file I've got .
Then rebooted the PC. Same problem. No idea of what's happening.
Dart pub global and choco upgrade results (running the firebase console as administrator):
Flutter doctor (I don't use android studio so no problem, and the android status problem is something I've been facing for a long time and has never given me any problem. Maybe it still has something to do with this?).
I can tell I'm working with the new dart version in my VSCode now, thanks to the new features it has, but firebase still won't let me install CLI. Thank you in advance for your help.
Try this:
Change your sdk version in pubspec.yaml to sdk: ">=2.17.3 <3.0.0"
Run dart --version to make sure the new path is working
Run flutter clean
Run the app

Cocoapods Pod Packages Version Checking - Flutter

I just recently updated my MacOS BigSur to 11.6 to accommodate the new iOS 15 release. I also updated my XCode to 13. To make sure my Flutter packages are using the most up to date version, I checked and confirmed that the package/s versions in pubsec.yaml is indeed the newest via I then updated Flutter, reinstalled Cocoapods and ran 'pod repo remove trunk', 'pod repo update' and 'pod update'. I then tried checking whether the pod packages are the most up to date. However, when I try visiting via browser, I am getting an internal server error. How do I verify that I do have the most recent versions which are in sync with the version showing in of Flutter? Is it correct to assume that the build version showing for a specific package should be the same when I check the package in Pods of XCode?
FYI. The reason I am asking this is because I am getting a lot of build errors due to pods with deprecation errors. So I wish to rule out any version discrepancies before tshooting further.
Thanks in advance.
I'm not sure about the first problem, but for the problem "a lot of build errors due to pods with deprecation errors" I always use this steps to solve it.... try it might work for you too:
delete: podfile, pods folder, and podfile.lock
cd ios
pod install --repo-update (this will take time)
cd ..
flutter clean
flutter pub get
Thanks Remoo. Unfortunately your recommendation didn't work. What worked is: 1. Deleted my project. 2. Copied original saved copy fresh to MacOS. 3. Ran flutter clean and then flutter packages get and then in ios dir, did pod install. 4. Flutter run and flutter build ios --release were successful. 5. I just ran archive via XCode but still saw a lot of deprecation errors but it went through. Also performed Validate and Distribute. I will see if the app works on my iphone.

Error: Unable to 'pub upgrade' flutter tool. Retrying in five seconds... (9 tries left)

After updating flutter version from 1 to 2, got unresolveable errors, so deleted all flutter sdk and redownload it using this command
git clone -b stable
After this i entered command flutter precache which started downloading Dart Sdk, after that it get crash always...
no matter which command i run flutter doctor or any other, it always starts with Building flutter tool... and then crash.
Also tried other related questions and their answers but no luck...
flutter precache command exceution Image
Flutter and Dart Installed Directory Image
Crash proper image
If you are facing this on the Mac OS BigSur, please install rosetta first.
To do so you can use the following command:
/usr/sbin/softwareupdate --install-rosetta --agree-to-license
It worked for me :).
Several packages are not yet fully updated for Flutter 2.0. So I recommend that you continue using Flutter 1.x until everything is resolved. The easiest way is to normally install Flutte 2.0 as if you were going to use it and then downgrade.
To download it, follow this tutorial here:
How to downgrade Flutter SDK (Dart 1.x)
When the flutter pub get fails to return the dependencies it gets stuck trying several times. And if you get a pub get via the interface you won't see any errors happening, so I recommend making flutter pub get.
Ok so i have filed this issue on flutter github.
You can checkout the link
the answer they told me is: something in the certificate validation is broken on older Mac OS X versions.
Until they resolve issue for older versions of Mac OS. There are two possible solutions:
First is absolutely to upgrade Mac Version but if you have low Ram or Disk switch to solution no.2
Second solution is to downgrade flutter version.
Also like to point out that if you have installed flutter version 2, it won't downgrade to version 1 using command "Flutter Downgrade", atleast this was not working for me so i downloaded older version manually using this link:
Try delete your flutter sdk folder and checkout it's again.
git clone -b stable

100+ buildtime issues on fresh react-native project

When building a react-native app, the build succeeds, but Xcode logs more than 100 issues in the buildtime log. Is this normal?
All I did was:
Installed Xcode (9.2)
brew install node (9.9.0)
brew install watchman (4.9.0)
npm install -g react-native-cli (2.0.1)
cd ~/Development && react-native init Test
Open ios/Test.xcodeproj and hit the Run button (iPhone 8 simulator)
Again - the build succeeds. But all the issues in the logs concerns me and I was not able to find others with the same issue.
Those warnings are not a big issue. The various RCT projects were created with an older version of Xcode. Xcode is suggesting you update the projects to Xcode's recommended settings.
To update to the recommended settings, select one of the Update to recommended settings warnings shown in your screenshot. A sheet will open. Click the Perform Changes button to update the project settings.

Ionic1 with CocoaPods does not let me build my app in Xcode9

I work on an older App of mine which is Ionic-v1. I install the OneSignal plugin which is working now only with CocoaPods. At first all went fine, Android works flawless but I am not able anymore to build my IOS app because of CocoaPods. I can do what I want I keep getting the following error:
ld: 72 duplicate symbols for architecture arm64
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
I lost the entire day trying to figure this out, I tried uncountable times any combination of “pod install, pod clean, pod disintegrate” etc. etc. but without any success.
I also found a post inside the ionic forum from #blakgeek and install his plugin “cordova-plugin-cocoapod-support” but keep getting the same errors. But with or without this plugin I keep getting the same error.
I would be happy if anybody can help me here because at this point I am pretty lost.
Thank you in advance
Xcode 9
Ionic 3.18 (But app is Ionic v1)cli packages: (/usr/local/lib/node_modules)
#ionic/cli-utils : 1.18.0
ionic (Ionic CLI) : 3.18.0
global packages:
cordova (Cordova CLI) : 7.1.0
Gulp CLI : CLI version 3.9.1 Local version 3.9.1
local packages:
Cordova Platforms : android 6.3.0 ios 4.5.3
Ionic Framework : ionic1 1.2.4
Android SDK Tools : 26.1.1
ios-deploy : 1.9.2
ios-sim : 5.0.6
Node : v8.9.1
npm : 2.15.12
OS : macOS Sierra
Xcode : Xcode 9.0.1 Build version 9A1004
Environment Variables:
ANDROID_HOME : /Volumes/Mac External HD/Android/sdk
backend : pro
I just ended up deleting once again my entire ios platform for the xxx time and somehow solved it with the following steps.
a. deleted my complete ios platform
b. deleted the onesignal cordova plugin
c. reinstalled the onesignal plugin
d. recreated my ios platform BUT forced version ios4.4.0 with the following command "ionic cordova platform add ios#4.4.0"
e. changed into my /platform/ios directory and made one "pod install"
f. opened xcode and build and run without any further issue.
Short explanation. I ended up with tone of duplicate symbol erros because I tried just to many things and manually added to many things. (cant recall what I did all) how ever I never paid attention in the number of duplicate symbols. I started out with just 2 which seems to be a known issue (thankx to this issue report but with my tests and trials I ended up with much more and got completely of track.
After clean install with ios#4.4.0 all worked fine for me.
thank all for your attention...
