Laravel 5.2 not broadcasting events - events

I've tried to broadcast event with pusher. But after a long hours of debugging I am still without a working solution.
Pusher works great, it's getting events from the debug console. Laravel is also firing the event. I also set up the queue and broadcasting configuration, but I noticed that my queue listener never getting any response.
This is my event listener:
namespace App\Listeners;
use App\Events\SomeEvent;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Queue\ShouldQueue;
class EventListener implements ShouldQueue
* Create the event listener.
* #return void
public function __construct()
* Handle the event.
* #param SomeEvent $event
* #return void
public function handle(SomeEvent $event)
Route::get('event', function () {
event(new App\Events\SomeEvent());
return "event fired";
Event file:
namespace App\Events;
use App\Events\Event;
use Illuminate\Queue\SerializesModels;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Broadcasting\ShouldBroadcast;
class SomeEvent extends Event implements ShouldBroadcast
use SerializesModels;
public $data;
public $x = 1111;
* Create a new event instance.
* #return void
public function __construct()
$this->data = array(
'power'=> '10'
* Get the channels the event should be broadcast on.
* #return array
public function broadcastOn()
return ['test_channel'];
i reinstalled laravel and now the queue seems to respond and create row in the job table. but the pusher still dont recive any events from laravel.

Your App\Providers\EventServiceProvider needs to be made aware of the events and listeners.
protected $listen = [
App\Events\SomeEvent::class => [
These can be automatically populated by running php artisan event:generate.


Laravel Echo with Pusher and Livewire - not receiving notifications client-side

I'm able to broadcast a notification to Pusher, but I'm unable to receive the response back in my livewire component.
Here is my Notification class:
namespace App\Notifications;
use App\Models\Statement;
use Illuminate\Bus\Queueable;
use Illuminate\Notifications\Notification;
use Illuminate\Broadcasting\PrivateChannel;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Queue\ShouldQueue;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Broadcasting\ShouldBroadcast;
class StatementCompletedNotification extends Notification implements ShouldQueue, ShouldBroadcast
use Queueable;
public $statement;
* Create a new notification instance.
* #return void
public function __construct(Statement $statement)
$this->statement = $statement;
* Get the notification's delivery channels.
* #param mixed $notifiable
* #return array
public function via($notifiable)
return ['database', 'broadcast'];
* Get the array representation of the notification.
* #param mixed $notifiable
* #return array
public function toArray($notifiable)
return [
'user_id' => $this->statement->uploadedBy->id,
'statement_id' => $this->statement->id,
'file_name' => $this->statement->original_file_name
* Get the channels the event should broadcast on.
* #return \Illuminate\Broadcasting\Channel|array
public function broadcastOn()
return new PrivateChannel('users.' . $this->statement->uploadedBy->id);
And here is the getListeners() method on my Livewire component. I've tried several different things here, first off I tried the way it's shown in the docs, just by referencing my StatementCompletedNotification in the listener, like so:
public function getListeners()
return [
"echo-private:users.{$this->user->id},StatementCompletedNotification" => 'refreshNotifications'
I noticed that in pusher, my event type is listed as Illuminate\Notifications\Events\BroadcastNotificationCreated, and I found this post online, so I tried that method like so:
public function getListeners()
return [
"echo-private:users.{$this->user->id},.Illuminate\\Notifications\\Events\\BroadcastNotificationCreated" => 'refreshNotifications'
Neither way has worked for me.
Here's where I'm attempting to just get something back in my javascript on the client-side:
.notification((notification) => {
I don't get any response and I have no idea what the problem is. I've spent an insane amount of time on this and can't seem to figure it out.
Also, it appears that my notification is being picked up multiple times in the queue:
A little more background, the flow that I have set up right now is basically:
StatementCompleted event gets fired (not queued), there's a listener that handles the StatementCompleted event which is queued, and calls my StatementCompletedNotification class like so:
public function handle($event)
$event->statement->uploadedBy->notify(new StatementCompletedNotification($event->statement));

Getting an array_merge error on account verified event using Laravel 8 and Pusher

I am using Pusher 5 running on Laravel 8, I was trying to broadcast user verified event. However, when I verify my account I get the following error:
Pusher error
My listener code is as follows:
namespace Illuminate\Auth\Events;
use Illuminate\Queue\SerializesModels;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Broadcasting\ShouldBroadcast;
use Illuminate\Broadcasting\Channel;
class Verified implements ShouldBroadcast
use SerializesModels;
public $afterCommit = true;
* The verified user.
* #var \Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\MustVerifyEmail
public $user;
* Create a new event instance.
* #param \Illuminate\Contracts\Auth\MustVerifyEmail $user
* #return void
public function __construct($user)
$this->user = $user;
public function broadcastOn()
return new Channel('users');
public function broadcastAs()
return 'account-verified';
public function broadcastWith()
return ['id' => 'heya'];
Any help would be highly appreciated!
try composer require pusher/pusher-php-server ^4.1,
at least this works with the beyondecode/laravel-websockets,
not sure about the official pusher server

laravel job/notification failing

I am trying to set up a contact form on my site whereby when someone clicks send, then a job is run and in that job, a notification is sent to all admin users. I keep getting this error in my failed jobs table though:
Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\ModelNotFoundException: No query results for model [App\Contact]. in /var/www/html/leonsegal/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Database/Eloquent/Builder.php:412
I have been all over my code and I can't see what I have done wrong. Would anyone be able to help please?
Here is my controller:
namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use App\Contact;
use App\Jobs\SendContactJob;
class ContactController extends Controller
* #return \Illuminate\Contracts\View\Factory|\Illuminate\View\View
public function create()
return view('contact');
public function store()
'name' => 'required|max:255',
'email' => 'required|email|unique:contacts|max:255',
'message' => 'required|max:2000',
$contact = Contact::create(
return back()->with('success', 'Thank you, I will be in touch as soon as I can');
my job:
namespace App\Jobs;
use App\Contact;
use App\Notifications\SendContactNotification;
use App\User;
use Illuminate\Bus\Queueable;
use Illuminate\Queue\SerializesModels;
use Illuminate\Queue\InteractsWithQueue;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Queue\ShouldQueue;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Bus\Dispatchable;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Notification;
class SendContactJob implements ShouldQueue
use Dispatchable, InteractsWithQueue, Queueable, SerializesModels;
protected $contact;
* Create a new job instance.
* #param Contact $contact
public function __construct(Contact $contact)
$this->contact = $contact;
* Execute the job.
* #return void
public function handle()
$users = User::all()
->where('admin', 1)
->where('approved', 1);
Notification::send($users, new SendContactNotification($this->contact));
my notification:
namespace App\Notifications;
use App\Contact;
use Illuminate\Bus\Queueable;
use Illuminate\Notifications\Notification;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Queue\ShouldQueue;
use Illuminate\Notifications\Messages\MailMessage;
class SendContactNotification extends Notification implements ShouldQueue
use Queueable;
protected $contact;
* Create a new notification instance.
* #param $contact
public function __construct(Contact $contact)
$this->contact = $contact;
* Get the notification's delivery channels.
* #param mixed $notifiable
* #return array
public function via($notifiable)
return ['mail'];
* Get the mail representation of the notification.
* #param mixed $notifiable
* #return \Illuminate\Notifications\Messages\MailMessage
public function toMail($notifiable)
return (new MailMessage)
* Get the array representation of the notification.
* #param mixed $notifiable
* #return array
public function toArray($notifiable)
return [
The weird thing is that when I run a die dump in the handle method of the job, it never fires, but the artisan queue worker says it was processed correctly but the subsequent notification is where it is failing. I am not sure why that handle method in the job wouldn't be firing.
I have set my .env file to database queue driver.
I thought it might be that I didn't import the contact model, but you can see I have.
Any help would be appreciated.
Could be that because both the job and the notification are queued, the contact could be getting 'lost in transit' so to speak. try making the job non queueable, and only queue the notification (or the other way around). Or scrap the job altogether and just send the notification from the controller.
Did you check on your model path? Coz for newer laravel the path should be
use App\Models\Contact;

Map Eloquent event to a dedicated classes and get the ID of the logged in user

I'm trying to find out how I could access the logged in users ID in the handle method of the listener.
This is how the listener looks like:
namespace App\Listeners;
use App\Events\ProjectWasDeleted;
class DeleteUserProjectMapping
* Create the event listener.
* #return void
public function __construct()
* Handle the event.
* #param ProjectWasDeleted $event
* #return void
public function handle(ProjectWasDeleted $event)
$project = $event->project->toArray();
var_dump($project['id']); // This is working.
This is how the event:
namespace App\Events;
use Illuminate\Queue\SerializesModels;
use Illuminate\Broadcasting\PrivateChannel;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Events\Dispatchable;
use Illuminate\Broadcasting\InteractsWithSockets;
class ProjectWasDeleted
use Dispatchable, InteractsWithSockets, SerializesModels;
public $project;
* Create a new event instance.
* #param $project
public function __construct($project)
$this->project = $project;
* Get the channels the event should broadcast on.
* #return \Illuminate\Broadcasting\Channel|array
public function broadcastOn()
return new PrivateChannel('channel-name');
The user id is necessary as I would like to delete in a pivot table a record that requires the user id & the project id.
You can access current user instance globally with:
And get ID with:

Laravel 5.1 : Queue event in background not working

I have created a test event under \app\Events\TestEventTriggered.php :
namespace App\Events;
use App\Events\Event;
use Illuminate\Queue\SerializesModels;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Broadcasting\ShouldBroadcast;
class TestEventTriggered extends Event
use SerializesModels;
* Create a new event instance.
* #return void
public function __construct()
{ }
* Get the channels the event should be broadcast on.
* #return array
public function broadcastOn()
return [];
And an event listener under app\Listeners\ListenToMyEvent.php :
namespace App\Listeners\Events;
use App\Events\TestEventTriggered;
use Illuminate\Queue\InteractsWithQueue;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Queue\ShouldBeQueued;
class ListenToMyEvent implements ShouldBeQueued
use InteractsWithQueue;
* Create the event handler.
* #return void
public function __construct()
* Handle the event.
* #param TestEventTriggered $event
* #return void
public function handle(TestEventTriggered $event)
// do some stuff
In app\Providers\EventServiceProvider.php :
protected $listen = [
'App\Events\TestEventTriggered' => [
I then trigger the event for example inside my model's save method :
\Event::fire(new \App\Events\TestEventTriggered);
When i save my model now the event is processed synchronously. So the event's handle method is not processed by the queue.
The docs say to implement the ShouldBeQueued contract in the listener, which is the case in my listener. However, how am i supposed to actually push the event's handle method to the queue? What steps am i missing here? Where do i declare to which queue/tube the event should be pushed?
I am using Amazon SQS to handle my queues.
The laravel docs are a bit confusing about this matter...
Any help is appreciated.
The solution is to add a queue method in which you can set the specific tube the event should be sent to :
public function queue($queue, $command)
