I was interested in the Eudyptula Challenges but I've just posted the solution to Task 1 and they are taking a huge time to respond. Can someone just post the Task List (Not the Solutions) so that I can do them at my own pace. Thanks in Advance :)
P.S I know that this is not exactly a programming question but didn't know where else to ask this.
See here: https://github.com/agelastic/eudyptula
All tasks are in the README file. Try not to look at the solutions!
Thanks for letting me ask my question here.
Some background: In academia as in all fields of life, there are "superstars". Those superstars are widely recognized, and their publications often cited. The question I am asking myself is, are they often cited because their papers are (still) outstanding, or simply because they are well known?
Think of Tweets. Millions of people read Mr. T's (think of what T stands for) tweets, but almost noone reads the thoughtfully written, smart and witty tweet of your neighbor. So, in this particular case, # of likes ("citation") does not necessarily correspond to quality, even though at some point (the beginning of Mr. T's career) it presumably has. Is it the same in academia?
Now, to answer my question I'd like to query authors and make a time-series of their publications and corresponding citations.
The question is, can I do this automatically? So make a txt file authors.txt that contains author1, author2,... and for each one of them query for example their Google Scholar Profile. If anyone has a suggestion for alternative datasources that would support an automatization, that would also be greatly appreciated!
So far, I have stumbled upon "Publish or Perish", which is a great tool and for a single author does exactly what I want it to do. But it doesn't allow for automatic querying. Contacting the developer behind this great program led to the answer "It may well be possible to write your own scripts to collect automated data from all data sources, especially those with APIs, but PoP doesn't facilitate this."
Does anyone know how to do this?
I have basic knowledge of for example bash, so my first idea would be to use wget, but the URLs of authorA seems to be encoded in a random manner, so it's not googlescholar.com/authoraA/... or anything like it.
Thanks so much!
If anyone else should ever happen to have the same question:
This github repo has a python script that does exactly what I want. So call the script for each line in the txt.file and it works!
I couldn't find any documentation on how hadoop handles splilled records. Is there a link that can be found online.
Thanks for your time.
Check out http://hadoop.apache.org/common/docs/r0.20.2/mapred_tutorial.html#Map+Parameters and the section right below it http://hadoop.apache.org/common/docs/r0.20.2/mapred_tutorial.html#Shuffle%2FReduce+Parameters
I'm not sure if this covers what you're looking for, but hopefully it points you in a direction to start looking some more.
I want to schedule a program on multiple nodes how can i do so.Im new to programming so I got some hint about PBS.How can I do it with the following.
Thanks in Advance
If you have a particular problem, you should describe it in your question. If you have no idea how to deal with PBS, you should read the following:
http://www.adaptivecomputing.com/resources/docs/torque/index.php (section 2)
Once again, I advise you to post a complete description of what you want to submit on your cluster (kind of job, input data, output data, number of jobs, ...), so that we can help you a bit more.
I remember reading a how-to book several years ago, about Use Cases. (This was probably before user stories supplanted this part of the terminology.)
The task at hand was something like adding new customers.
There was roughly a 1-page offset section that described a couple developers who said something like "We don't need no stinking Use Cases. We do this all the time. Won't take more than a couple hours."
Next day they came back with your classic CRUD-type table maintenance screen - and were consequently chewed up in comparison to the UI developed from a good Use Case.
Anybody recogize this? It made a big impression at the time, and it's still a good cautionary tale. I'd like to find it again.
I am not certain, but it sounds vaguely like something from The Inmates Are Running the Asylum by Alan Cooper.
I just finished a 2d platformer in C++/Allegro. Its still in an incomplete stage...
I wonder how to go about a peer-review from people who are into game development.
I would like to review my project on grounds of
game play
Collision detection
use of OOP
programming of sounds, effects etc
any further ideas
ways in which i could have done better
ways to optimize
current code looks like a garbage at some places... so could you also suggest some simplification techniques?
you can view my project (if you wish) at updated link - nincompoop (direct link)
As of now I am switching to C# and XNA, finding it very easy and fast to learn all because I'm impressed from -
I do no intend to sell any product or popularise anything here... my intent is to get tips to be better from people who are better. As for the page where I have uploaded my project, its not supported by ads of any kind. so please feel safe.
The first thing I noticed in your source code is that you've got most of your game logic is in the main.cpp file, with the nesting going as deep as 11 tabs! For code organizational purposes, this is a nightmare. Of course, I did this too on my first game. :) The first thing you can do is simplify your main game loop to look something like this:
int main ()
game_object gob;
while(true) {
if (!gob.update())
Everything else should be refactored into your game_object class. It will be much easier to manage this way, also your code might actually fit on the page since you can avoid deep nesting. If you find your code getting more than 3 tabs deep, then whatever you are doing needs to be refactored into another method or even a separate class.
My second suggestion would be to replace your goto's with something a little more sane like this:
bool playerwins = check_win_condition();
if(playerwins) {
// win condition code
} else {
// lose condition code
RECAP from previous episode -
I do not understand why people vote you down and offensive. Keep the good work... – Daok (27 mins ago)
anything awefully wrong in asking for a peer review ? think before hitting the down button, tomorrow you might too be in need of peer review! – Abhishek Mishra (26 mins ago)
#Daok : thats what I was precisely wondering 58 seconds ago! – Abhishek Mishra (25 mins ago)
This is silly. It might not fit the typical mold of a SO question, but a peer-review isn't a bad thing, and not worthy of an offensive much less 4 down votes. – Thomas Owens (23 mins ago)
#Mitchel Sellers : you know what, there had been a good discussion over game dev while I was working on this project.. so I thought it would be good to put it up fr review.. but # stackoverflow ... things are really great! ycombinator crowd is yet more intelligent, they come up wid amazing feedbacks – Abhishek Mishra (21 mins ago)
I think it might be the phrase and tone of the question. It sounds more like product announcement, than a question for help. If it had been phrased as a "How to properly peer-review my project" etc then people might have been less harsh. – Mark Ingram (21 mins ago)
Point is, this is not what Stack Overflow is for. It's for asking specific technical questions. – Remi Despres-Smyth (19 mins ago)
woops... yeah it was rolling in my mind as I typed the question... let me rephrase it into a REAL question! :) – Abhishek Mishra (18 mins ago)
and one could've as well given technical feedbacks as on how to improve the game.. besides I'm putting up the source code for review as well! Is there any way to OPEN a question again ? – Abhishek Mishra (17 mins ago)
I've asked for code review, and received it here. Abhishek, if someone reopens this and you get to edit it, look at this question: K & R Exercise: My Code Works, But Feels Stinky; Advice for Cleanup? as a code review question example. – John Rudy (12 mins ago)
#John : Thanks! hope it works!