How does U-Boot communicate with Linux kernel? - linux-kernel

I'm reading the book and it tells that:
After U-Boot loads Linux kernel, the kernel will claim all the resources of U-Boot
What does this mean? Does it mean that all data structures that allocated in U-Boot will be discarded?
For example: during U-Boot, PCIE and Network Device will be initialized.
After booting Linux kernel, will the PCIE and Network Device data structure be discarded? Will the Linux kernel do PCIE and NEtwork initialize again? Or U-Boot will transfer some data to kernel?

It depends on your CPU architecture how the communication happens, but it is usually via a special place in RAM, flash or the filesystem. No data structures are transferred, they would be meaningless to the kernel and the memory space will be different between the two. Uboot generally passes boot parameters like what type of hardware is present, what memory to use for something, or which type of mode to use for a specific driver. So yes, the kernel will re-initialize the hardware. The exception may be some of the low level CPU specifics which the kernel may expect uboot or a BIOS to have setup already.

Depending on your architecture, there may be different mechanism for the u-boot to communicate with the Linux kernel.
Actually there may be some structures defined by u-boot which are transferred to and used by the kernel using ATAGS. The address in which these structure are passed is stored in r2 register on ARM. They convey information such as available RAM size and location, kernel command line, ...
Note that on some architectures (like ARM again) we have support for device-tree which intends for defining the hardware in which the kernel is going to be run as well as kernel command line, memory and other thins. Such description is usually created during kernel compile time, loaded into the memory by the u-boot and in case of ARM architecture, its address is transferred through r2 register.
The interesting thing about this (regarding your question) is that u-boot can change this device-tree structure before passing it to the kernel through device tree overlay mechanism. So this is a (relatively) new way of u-boot/kernel communication. Note that device-tree is not supported on some architectures.
And at the end, yes, the hardware is reinitialized by the kernel even in they have already initialized by the u-boot except for memory controller and some other very low level initialization, AFAIK.


How does windows distinguishes between discs?

I wonder how windows distinguishes between diferrent drives and memory modules, I mean how can windows writte somethig specificaly to disc C or disc D.
In every programming language when you declare variable it gets saved into to the memory, and when you need to store something to hdd, you have to use some library.
So, how does windows handle it?
Does it treat all discs and memory modules as a single line of data, and does it only save each mediums beginning adress? - like 0x00000 is where the disc C begins, 0x15616 is where the disc D begins.
Like #MSalters said,
C: is a symlink to something like Device\HarddiskVolume1.
What it means is that disk drivers on Windows are implemented as virtual filesystems a bit like on Linux. I'll explain for Linux since there's much more documentation but the answer is quite similar for Windows even though both OSes do things differently.
Basically, on Linux everything is a file. Linux ships with disk drivers as these are at the basis of every computer. Linux exposes a driver model like every OS. The Linux driver model for files (including hard disks) exposes functions that will be called by the kernel to read/write to disk. There are open, read and write functions that the kernel expects to be present for a file driver.
If you wanted, you could write a disk driver and replace the existing one. You write drivers as modules that you can then load in the kernel using certain utilities that ship with Linux. I won't share more details as I'm not that much aware. Once your code is loaded in the kernel, it has access to all kernel code and all hardware since it runs in kernel mode.
Today, disk drivers probably use PCI DMA which is a controller connected to the PCI bus which allows to do disk operations which ignore the CPU and load disk data to RAM directly. The PCI convention says that all compatible devices (like PCI DMA controllers) must expose a certain interface to the computer. This interface is mostly some memory mapped registers that can be used to send commands to the controller. The OS will write data in these registers to tell the DMA controller to do disk operations. Then the DMA controller will trigger an interrupt once it is done. The OS will then know that the data is readily loaded into RAM and ready for use. The same applies for writing
The OS knows the location of these registers by looking in the ACPI tables at boot.
In modern Windows (2000 or later) C: is a symlink to something like Device\HarddiskVolume1. The number there can vary. Typically, \Device\Bootpartition is also a symlink to the same HarddiskVolume.
Windows doesn't use libraries to write to disk. Instead, it uses drivers. The chief difference is that drivers run as part of the OS kernel, while libraries run as part of applications.

How to add new device in uboot?

I want to access the different peripherals of i-MX6 at uboot level but I don't know how to do that?
How to add support for new devices in u-boot?
what are the differences between drivers present in u boot level and kernel level?
The five (4) boot phases.
1.ROM loads x-load (MLO)
2.X-load loads u-boot --> Primary boot-loader
3.U-boot reads commands/Load kernel --> Secondary Boot-Loader
4.Kernel reads root file system.
x-loader (Primary Boot-Loader) :
The x-loader configures the pin muxing, clocks, DDR, and serial console, so that it can access and load the second stage bootloader (u-boot) into the DDR
U-Boot (Secondary Boot-Loader) :
The u-boot can perform CPU dependent and board dependent initialization and configuration not done in the x-loader. The u-boot also includes fastboot functionality for partitioning and flashing the eMMC. The u-boot runs on the Master CPU (CPU ID 0), which is responsible for the initialization and booting; at the same time, the Slave CPU (CPU ID 1) is held in the “wait for event” state.
U-Boot is kind of firmware. It'll basically initialize basic functionality. Like Display, CPU0, FastBoot functionality, Create a temporary file system for loading a kernel and Loading Kernel.
Kernel Driver :
A device driver is a program that controls a particular type of device that is attached to your computer. There are device drivers for printers, displays,Touch, CD-ROM readers, diskette drives, and so on.
U-Boot is mainly for loading a Operating System (Kernel). Device Driver is part of kernel for controlling a device. you want to accesses your device in u-boot loader then you will have to initialize all need hardware for your device like memory an all.

Are PCIe device drivers beneficial if using Linux as a bootloader for bare-metal code?

I am developing an embedded system on a PowerPC processor and there is need for communication with an FPGA via PCIe. I wish to use Linux/embedded-Linux as a bootloader to leverage its PCIe initialization code and driver API for simplified PCIe driver development. However in the end I want to be running bare-metal code (no OS running). So I am looking at using PetitBoot/kexec to jump from Linux to my own code.
Is this possible?
My current understanding of PCIe drivers leads me to believe that once the device is initialized, so long as I have a pointer to the address space, I should be able to simply execute MMIO R/W operations directly to the memory space. So even if kexec overwrites the driver code I should be able to use the device because the driver has done its job already.
Is this correct?
If not, what are my alternatives?
I don't think this approach would be a good idea. Drivers that were written with the Linux OS in mind are going to assume that all of the OS's resources are available, not just memory allocations. For example, it may configure interrupt handlers, but when the OS is not longer available, your hardware may get hung because nothing is acknowledging and servicing its interrupt requests.
I'm skeptical of the memory initialization as well. I suppose you could theoretically allocate some DMA memory and pass the resulting physical address to your bare-metal application as it takes over, but the whole process seems sketchy. It would be very difficult to make sure everything in Linux is shut down cleanly while leaving the PCIe subsystem running. You'll have to look at the driver's shut down routines and see what it does to the card to make sure it doesn't shut down the device and make it unresponsive to your bare-metal code.
I would suggest that you instead go through the Linux-based driver and use it as a guide to construct a new bare-metal driver. Copy the initialization code that you need, and leave out the Linux-specific configuration details.

Embedded Linux Newbie Questions

So I am on the quest of learning embedded Linux and have a few questions that I cannot seem to find an answer for.
1) Does the kernel depend on the dtb/dts files when compiling? I thought that the kernel only needs to know the chip architecture (i.e. arm) and the dtb file is loaded by the boot loader (uBoot) so therefore the kernel only needs to load its drivers which are configured by the dtb file.
2) Mixing and matching: I'm under the impression that I can mix and match any combination of boot loader, dtb, kernel, rootfs, and modules given the following
kernel: must know which chip it is compiled for
dtb: must know the board details and chip, i.e. how much ram, configure a GPIO for SPI
boot loader: must know the chip and uEnv.txt must have params for the kernel and dtb location
rootfs: completely independent
modules: must be compiled with the specific version of kernel
3) Drivers: If I want to load a SPI driver do I need anything specific or will the kernel know how to operate this because the dtb file setup the required registers?
4) Modules: Are these just dependent on the kernel or do they need to know something about the chip and board (when I say chip what I mean is do they have to know more than a simple arm or x86 architecture)?
Thank you in advance, I know these are some basic questions but any help is appreciated.
1) Does the kernel depend on the dtb/dts files when compiling? I thought that the kernel only needs to know the chip architecture (i.e. arm) and the dtb file is loaded by the boot loader (uBoot [sic]) so therefore the kernel only needs to load its drivers which are configured by the dtb file.
The Linux kernel is compiled without any dependency on the Device Tree.
The compilation of the kernel does depend on the chip architecture, but which code modules that are compiled depends on the board configuration(s) and feature selection.
BTW it's U-Boot for Universal Boot, not microBoot.
2) Mixing and matching: I'm under the impression that I can mix and match any combination of boot loader, dtb, kernel, rootfs, and modules given the following
kernel: must know which chip it is compiled for
dtb: must know the board details and chip, i.e. how much ram, configure a GPIO for SPI
boot loader: must know the chip and uEnv.txt must have params for the kernel and dtb location
rootfs: completely independent
modules: must be compiled with the specific version of kernel
Essentially correct, but typically one doesn't go overboard in trying to "mix-n-match". There are often optimal or preferred (or at least appropriate) choices.
By "rootfs" I'm assuming you mean type of filesystem for the rootfs, rather some image of a rootfs. (See Addendum below.)
3) Drivers: If I want to load a SPI driver do I need anything specific or
There are two types of "SPI driver", the master and protocol.
The SPI master driver is for the SPI controller chip that serves as the one interface master. This is usually a platform driver and not have a device node in /dev.
For each SPI slave device there must be a protocol driver. This driver will typically have a device node in /dev.
will the kernel know how to operate this because the dtb file setup the required registers?
The Device Tree must specify which driver is for which device and any/all resources allocated/assigned to each device.
The dtb file does not "setup" anything. It's only configuration data; there is no executable code. A device driver, typically during its probe or initialization phase, is responsible for acquiring/allocating its resources.
4) Modules: Are these just dependent on the kernel or do they need to know something about the chip and board?
Your use of "modules" is ambiguous. Source code files are sometimes referred to as "modules". Presumably you really mean loadable kernel modules.
Although most people associate kernel modules (only) with device drivers, other kernel services such as filesystems and network protocol handlers can also be built as modules.
The primary rationale for a kernel module versus static linkage (i.e. built in the kernel) is for runtime configurability (which in turn improves memory efficiency). Optional features, services and drivers can be left out of the kernel that is booted, but can still be loaded later when needed.
Loadable modules are "dependent" on the kernel simply because of linking requirements for proper execution. The degree of "chip and board knowledge" obviously depends on the functionality of the module, just like any other piece of kernel code.
when I say rootfs I am referring to a prebuilt rootfs
A kernel image and (prebuilt) rootfs image are not "completely independent".
The executable binaries and the shared libraries in the rootfs image must be compatible with the kernel features. More significantly, since kernel loadable modules are installed in the rootfs and not with the kernel image, and these modules can be strictly tied to a specific build of a kernel version, it makes sense to pair a kernel image with a rootfs image.

What all necessary argument required to boot Linux kernel

I am new to linux kernel and Try to understand booting of Linux kernel from the point it loaded into RAM,I would like to know after Linux image loaded into RAM ,How control is passed to this image ,what all are necessary parameter needs to pass to kernel and can we pass control to linux image without passing any parameter,
I am looking into the UBOOT code with "bootm.c" but unable to understand where control is passed to Linux image,which function is responsible for it.
Is load_zimage() is responsible for passing the control/
Can anybody lead me to right direction or suggest some good tutorials on this particular part
of linux booting from x86 archetectiure.
I think it depends. Different kinds of CPU architecture, they use different ways to pass information to Linux Kernel. Of course, the Linux Kernel can boot up successfully without bootloader pass information to it, but it need to statically set up correctly in the Linux Kernel, such as root device name, console device, mem size, and also some parameters to enable/disable some features in Linux Kernel.
Why bootloader need to pass various information(parameters) to Linux Kernel, I think it's flexible consideration. Think about this case that it's possible to share one Linux Kernel on two board with same CPU but different peripheral modules.
Let me show some examples that UBoot passes information to Linux Kernel:
(1) For PowerPC cpu, nowadays they use DTB(Device Tree Blob) file to pass more information from UBoot to Linux Kernel. They consider UBoot and DTB as firmware, and in Linux Kernel, they adopt one open firmware(OF) infrastructure. You may know "bootm" command in UBoot, bootm can have three parameters, the first is uImage address, the secondary one is initrd address, and the third one is the dtb address.
(2) Earlier days, they use bootargs to pass information to Linux Kernel. Also you may know there is gd/bd structure in the UBoot, they also can pass information to Linux Kernel. But the information passed in this way is limited, not like DTB.
Hope the above information help you to understand your question.
