version control of vivado vhdl project - vhdl

I am wondering if there is a way of version control in vivado for a VHDL project.
One way would be to add the version number to the bitstream file name.
Would that be possible?
What other options are there if that isn't possible?
Thanks in advance

Think about what you require
Version information format and size: What is the version? Is a natural number? String? Real? Do you save date or time stamp? Do you need a build number? Need extra space for sub-unit versions?
Version source and design flow: What sets the version? Is it a source control tool? Do you manually set the version? Do you need automation to update parts of the version information (timestamp, build number, etc.)?
Version accessibility/observability: Where do you want to read the version number and have it viewable? In the source code? External file? The bitstream file name? The flash file contents? Do you need the FPGA logic to be able to access the version information (to be read via communication channel, embedded processor, etc.)?
Vendor Tools/Device/System/Source dependency: Implementation and automation of version information may depend on several things: Each vendor has different tools (even within the same vendor's). Different devices may allow you to do different things. The system where you work may allow different forms of automation (OS, installed script tools, etc.). The source files (VHDL, Verilog, System C, ...) and directory structure may influence the applicability of your solution.
Automation options
Makefile (builder script) automation
The most flexible way is to have some kind of builder script which may or may not be hooked to your source control mechanism (makefile, perl, python, etc.). Think about the transportability of your project between designers and even design platforms (Windows, Linux, etc.).
Complete control of what you want to do.
Can be hooked to any source control automation.
Can be modified to work on any platform when using standard tools (be sure to take special care of file paths which differ between OS).
Does not flow well with GUI vendor tools (see Vivado TCL hooks).
Vivado TCL hooks
Vivado has TCL hooks which you can use to run when you synthesize, implement, etc.
Using a pre-synthesis TCL hook will allow you to connect a script to run just before synthesis, and implement your version information update mechanism.
Using a post-bitstream TCL hook will allow you to connect a script to run just after bitstream file creation, and create a file name matching your updated version information, or other final operation you may require.
More information:
Works with a GUI flow (automatically takes care of everything when you click on Synthesize).
(Vivado) tool dependent
Need to remember to create the hooks in your Vivado project
Implementation options
Source code modification
Version number, build number, timestamp, and basically everything you need can be modified (within the VHDL/Verilog code) automatically using a script which parses a known file format. I've done this with Vivado TCL hooks and a well formatted package VHDL file. Works like a charm.
Note: When updating source files using pre-synthesis TCL hooks, Vivado will think the files were modified after, and will consider the implementation as not updated. I added to the script a command to save the current timestamp of the package file, updated it, and then wrote back the timestamp (meaning the package file will forever hold its system date and time).
Version information easily viewable accessible to designer (package file).
Version information easily accessible for logic usage.
Device independent.
Version information cannot be read by examining the bitstream file.
Writing the script may take some work and may force you to a standardisation of your project sources directory structure [which may not be a totally bad thing ;) ]
Top level entity/module generic
Generics at the top level design module/entity can be modified by the Synthesis tool and accessed by the design's logic.
Less complicated scripting than modifying the source code.
Version information cannot be read by examining the bitstream file.
You still need to save your version/build number somewhere (a file).
For VHDL/Verilog, using generics is more complicated than using a package, since you need to wire the generics through your hierarchies until you reach the design code which writes the value to a register.
Synthesis tool dependency. Different tools have different commands to update the top level generic values.
Most FPGAs support the IEEE Std. 1149.1 JTAG feature USERCODE, which gives the user a 32-bit value to identify the bitstream. This value can be set using the Vendor tools when creating the bitstream file. However, this value cannot be read by the FPGA's logic (unless you implement logic to read the flash and track the correct address for this value, which is a big overkill).
Fit for most devices.
Version information is accessible by examining the file.
Version information cannot be read by the logic without extreme procedures.
Limited information size (only 32 bits).
Xilinx USR_ACCESS Register
Similar to the JTAG USERCODE, Xilinx have a implemented a USR_ACCESS Register for Virtex-5, Virtex-6, and all 7 series devices. They provided a primitive for VHDL/Verilog to allow you to read the value via logic.
More information here:
Version information can be read by the design logic.
Version information is accessible by examining the file.
Solution for specific devices (not even all Xilinx devices support this).
Limited information size (only 32 bits).
ROM static information
You can implement a version information ROM and use an external file to set its value. (see Verilog : Memory block Instantiation)
Can include large version information (even ASCII code).
Version information viewable by the designer (external file).
Fit for most devices and tools which accept the VHDL/Verilog code for ROM.
A bit more complicated logic may be required to read all the ROM (depends on how you implement it).
It is difficult (yet possible) to examine version information by examining the file (You need to extract ROM bitstream locations).
Flash image modification
Many systems have their FPGAs load from flash devices. Usually there is more room than just the FPGA bitstream. It is possible to create a large flash image file to include extra information, among which is version information. This is probably to worst option of all I've written above, and mentioned this for completeness.
Potentially large information cache.
Flash image file can be examined for version information.
Difficult to implement.
Dependent on vendor tools.


Win32: Get info on statically linked libraries

Assuming you only have access to the final product (i.e. in form of the exe file), how would you go about finding out which libraries/components the developer used to create the application?
In my specific case the question is about an application developed in VC++ using a few third party components and I'm curious which those are.
But I think the question is generally valid, e.g. when it should be proven if a developer is in line with license requirements of a specific library.
So, what you're saying is that if I suspect that a binary is using a certain library, I could try to map the respective function calls and see if I get a result. But there is no shortcut to this and unless I am willing to try out hundreds of mappings or the dev left some information in some strings or other resources, I have little chance of finding this out. Yes?
There is small shortcut, here's what I'd do:
check executable for strings and constants, and try to find out what library is that.
IF used libraries are open-source, compile them on my own and create FLAIR signatures (IDA Pro).
Use generated flair signatures on target executable.
In some situations, that can really work like a charm and can let you distinguish actual code from used libraries.
The IDA Pro Book - Ch 12. Library Recognition Using FLIRT Signatures

What is the difference between "binary install" and "compile and install from source"? Which is better?

I want to install a driver for Ros (robot operating system), and I have two options the binary install and the compile and install from source. I would like to know which installation is better, and what are the advantages and disadvantages of each one.
Source: AKA sourcecode, usually in some sort of tarball or zip file. This is RAW programming language code. You need some sort of compiler (javac for java, gcc for c++, etc.) to create the executable that your computer then runs.
You can see what the source code is which means....
You can edit the end result program to behave differently
Depending on what you're doing, when you compile, you could enable certain optimizations that will work on your machine and ONLY your machine (or one EXACTLY like it). For instance, for some sort of gfx rendering software, you could compile it to enable GPU support, which would increase the rendering speed.
You can create a version of an application for a different OS/Chipset (see Binary below)
You have to have your compiler installed
You need to manually install all required libraries, which frequently also need to be compiled (and THEIR libraries need to be installed, etc.) This can easily turn a quick 30-second command into a multi-hour project.
There are any number of things that could go wrong, and if you're not familiar with what the various errors mean, finding support online could be quite difficult.
Binary: This is the actual program that runs. This is the executable that gets created when you compile from source. They typically have all necessary libraries built into them, or install/deploy them as necessary (depending on how the application was written).
It's ready-to-run. If you have a binary designed for your processor and operating system, then chances are you can run the program and everything will work the first time.
Less configuration. You don't have to set up a whole bunch of configuration options to use the program; it just uses a generic default configuration.
If something goes wrong, it should be a little easier to find help online, since the binary is pre-compiled....other people may be using it, which means you are using the EXACT same program as them, not one optimized for your system.
You can't see/edit the source code, so you can't get optimizations, or tweak it for your specific application. Additionally, you don't really know what the program is going to do, so there could be nasty surprises waiting for you (this is why Antivirus is useful....although LESS necessary on a linux system).
Your system must be compatible with the Binary. For instance, you can't run a 64-bit application on a 32-bit operating system. You can't run an Intel binary for OS X on an older PowerPC-based G5 Mac.
In summary, which one is "better" is up to you. Only you can decide which one will be necessary for whatever it is you're trying to do. In most cases, using the binary is going to be just fine, and give you the least trouble. Sometimes, though, it is nice to have the source available, if only as documentation.

Does anyone know any RTL Compression tool?

Does anyone know a good tool for compression files using Windows API function called RtlCompressBuffer? I want to compress an executable using this method.
RtlCompressBuffer is a fairly low-level tool. You'd normally use it to create some higher-level tool before actually compressing an executable.
Windows has a couple such higher level tools, depending on exactly what you want to accomplish. If you want an executable that's stored on a file system in compressed form, then you probably want to use NTFS compression. To compress your executable with this, you call DeviceIoControl with the FSCTL_SET_COMPRESSION flag.
If you want to compress a file for distribution (e.g., so a user will be able to download it faster) you normally want to put it into a cabinet file, which you might then ship by itself, or (generally preferred) package it up into an MSI package. As far as pre-packaged tools to do this, you'd be looking at Microsoft's cabarc. If you want to do the job in your own code, you can use the File Compression Interface (FCI).
Obligatory side note: although both of these do compression (and also support matching decompression), no I'm not really sure whether either (not to mention both) is actually implemented using RtlCompressBuffer. I don't believe Microsoft's documentation specifies their implementation in nearly that level of detail.

How would I go about programmatically interacting with VST(i) Plugins to synthesize audio?

Take, for example, the VSTi Triforce, by Tweakbench. When loaded up in any VST host on the market, it allows the host to send a (presumably MIDI) signal to the VSTi. The VSTi will then process that signal and output synthesized audio as created by a software instrument within the VSTi.
For example, sending an A4 (MIDI note, I believe) to the VSTi will cause it to synthesize the A above Middle C. It sends the audio data back to the VST Host, which then could either play it on my speakers or save it to .wav or some other audio file format.
Let's say I have Triforce, and am trying to write a program in my language of choice that could interact with the VSTi by sending in an A4 note to be synthesized, and automatically saving it to a file on the system?
Eventually, I'd like to be able to parse an entire one-track MIDI file (using established, stable libraries already available for this purpose) and send it to the VSTi to "render"/synthesize it into an audio file.
How would I go about this, and in what language should I look to build the core framework?
Ultimately, it will be used in a Ruby-based project, so any pointers to specific Ruby resources would be nice as well.
However, I'm just trying to understand basically how the API of a VSTi works. (I've realized that this question is very much related to the question of building a VST host in the first place, albeit one that can only save VST outputs to file and not play them back, and with considerably smaller scope)
Well, since you asked, the ideal language for a project like this is going to be C++. Although there are wrappers for higher-level languages such as Java & .NET for the VST SDK, I couldn't find one for Ruby (though I did find this rather cool project which lets you program VST plugins in Ruby). So you will be stuck doing some degree of C/C++ integration on your own.
That said, you have basically two options here:
Write a VST Host in C++, and launch it as a separate process from within Ruby.
Integrate your Ruby code directly to the VST SDK, and load the plugin DLL's/Bundles directly from your code. This is probably the cleaner but harder way to accomplish your goal.
I wrote up a VST host programming tutorial on my blog awhile back which you may find useful in either case. It details how you open and communicate with VST plugins on both Mac OSX and Windows. Once you have gotten your host to load up the plugins, you need to be able to either send MIDI events directly to the plugin, either by reading them from file or some type of communication between your Ruby code and the VST host (ie, a named pipe, socket, file, etc.). If you are unfamiliar with the MIDI protocol, check out these links:
The MIDI technical fanatic's brainwashing center (silly name, serious resource)
The Sonic Spot's MIDI file specification (in case you need to read MIDI files)
As you might have already figured out, VST is fundamentally a block-based protocol. You request small blocks of audio data from the plugin, and you send along any MIDI events to the plugin right before it processes that respective block. Be sure not to ignore the MIDI delta field; this will ensure that the plugin starts processing the MIDI event directly on the desired sample. Otherwise, the plugin will sound a bit off-tempo, especially in the case of instruments.
The VST SDK is also based around floating-point blocks, so any data you get back will contain individual samples in the range { -1.0 .. 1.0 }. Depending on your desired output format, you may need to convert these to some other format. Fortunately, there seems to be a Ruby binding for the audiofile library, so you may be able to send your output into that in order to generate a proper AIFF/WAV file.
In all, it'll be a fair amount of work to get to your desired end goal, but it's not impossible by any means. Good luck!

Is there a Linux equivalent of Windows' "resource files"?

I have a C library, which I build as a shared object for Linux and a DLL for Windows with MinGW32. The API depends on a couple of data files (statistical models) which I'd really like to roll in with the SO/DLL so that deployment is just one file.
It looks like I can achieve this for Windows with a "resource file" compiled with windres, but then I've got to write a bunch of resource-handling code for Windows, and I'm still stuck with the files on Linux.
Is there a way to achieve the same functionality on Linux?
Even better, is there a portable solution?
It's actually quite simple on Linux and other ELF systems:
OS X has bundles, so you just build your library as a framework and put the file in the bundle.
Two potential solutions:
Phong Vo's sfio library, which is part of the AT&T Advanced Software Technology toolset, is a wonderful replacement for C stdio.h, and it will allow you to open either files or memory blocks using a single API. So you can easily convert your existing files to C initialized data to include in your DLL or SO file.
This is a good cross-platform solution, but the penalty is that the learning curve to get started is pretty high. They don't make it easy to figure out how stuff works or to take one part of their toolset and split it out for use independent of the other parts. But the good news is that if you want to adopt their U/Win system for running Unix codes on windows (all part of the same toolset), you can create DLLs and SOs using the same system.
For this kind of problem I often fall back on Lua; I can stored Lua data either in external files or within C as initialized data. This is great for distributing everything in one .so file; I do this for my students.
Again the downside is that you have to master and incorporate a new technology.
In my own work I use Lua over the AT&T stuff for these reasons:
Lua has a much smaller footprint and is designed to play well with others; with AST you really have do adopt their way of doing things.
The learning curve with Lua is much less steep; you can be productive very quickly.
Lua is dead easy to install and it's easy to get information about it. AST has its own quirky installation process shared by nobody else in the world; it's often hard to make the installation work; and it's harder to get information about it.
Using Lua has a lot of other payoffs, so the effort spent learning Lua and learning how to incorporate Lua into C codes is easy to amortize over multiple projects.
