Win32: Get info on statically linked libraries - winapi

Assuming you only have access to the final product (i.e. in form of the exe file), how would you go about finding out which libraries/components the developer used to create the application?
In my specific case the question is about an application developed in VC++ using a few third party components and I'm curious which those are.
But I think the question is generally valid, e.g. when it should be proven if a developer is in line with license requirements of a specific library.

So, what you're saying is that if I suspect that a binary is using a certain library, I could try to map the respective function calls and see if I get a result. But there is no shortcut to this and unless I am willing to try out hundreds of mappings or the dev left some information in some strings or other resources, I have little chance of finding this out. Yes?
There is small shortcut, here's what I'd do:
check executable for strings and constants, and try to find out what library is that.
IF used libraries are open-source, compile them on my own and create FLAIR signatures (IDA Pro).
Use generated flair signatures on target executable.
In some situations, that can really work like a charm and can let you distinguish actual code from used libraries.
The IDA Pro Book - Ch 12. Library Recognition Using FLIRT Signatures


MinGW / MinGW64 Linking and Dependency on `msvcrt.dll`

I am coding for WinAPI in MinGW
One thing I still have not fully understood is the VC redistributable,
I got a whole pack of question to it
Some say that such programs will need the msvcrt.dll
is the same library needed for bot c++ and c compilation?
is this available on all targets of clients?
must I redistribute it? can I redistribute it?
can I easily get rid of this external dependency?
is there other compiler that will allow me not to carry such unpleasant external dependency? (as I vaguely remember hearing that something is wrong with it - it is probably not core system lib, I heard, or it is not free to use and redistribute the library)
I see something wrong is here as I would like to produce no dependency small exes only calling the system WinAPI and if I use
some like C standard library functions functions I would prefer it economically and statically compiled in, not any third-party dependencies
MSVCRT.DLL contains mostly the C runtime, and MinGW can only use the C part. C++ binary code cannot be used across compilers generally.
It depends on your "target". It is available from Windows 2000.
No. No. It is Microsoft-proprietary code, and every Windows version has a slightly different version.
No. I am not aware of a mature alternative C run-time DLL.
You do not need to worry about the dependency, as it is available everywhere. (Do notice that it is not really a great run-time, esp. regarding multi-byte characters.)
Microsoft compilers can link with "static" libraries so that the resulting executable depends only on system DLLs like kernel32.dll, user32.dll, etc. MinGW cannot do this (yet).
EDIT: A concise description of the MSVCRT.DLL problem is here.
According to the MS White-paper here:
you can redistribute certain parts of the Visual Studio components.
Some software, such as the Microsoft .NET Framework, can be
distributed. Components of software products included in MSDN
subscriptions that can be distributed (either within an application or
as separate files) without royalty are identified in the REDIST.TXT
file associated with the product. Components that can be distributed
to non-Microsoft platforms are identified in the OTHER-DIST.TXT file
associated with the product. Code identified as distributable that has
the extension .lib cannot be directly distributed; it must be linked
into the application. However, the resulting output can be
You may also:
Modify and distribute source code and objects for code marked as “sample” or “Code Snippet”.
Distribute the unmodified output of Microsoft Merge Modules for use with an application's .msi file.
Distribute the MDAC_TYP.EXE file containing core data access components (such as the Microsoft SQL Server OLE DB provider and ODBC
Distribute the object version of C++ libraries (Microsoft Foundation Classes, Active Template Libraries, and C runtimes).
MS also produces a redistributable package specifically for the purpose of developers:
So, to answer your questions:
Yes. Although it is "purely C", it contains fundamental functions that are used by the C++ part of C as well, such as file I/O, time and date functions, math functions, and so on.
Within reason. See link above.
No, yes. As described above: You may choose to just say to customers "you need to download an install this package", but the license should allow you to distribute it free of charge with your product.
Depends on what you call "easily" and exactly what parts of the library your code uses. Some functions may be easy to replace, others not so - but it's not easy in the sense of "yes, just go do" - it would require coming up with some replacement code. The reason MinGW DOESN'T come with its own C library is that it's not entirely trivial to write a replacement for ALL of the windows functionality that you may need here...
See above - if it was easy, someone would have done it. There MAY be some compilers out there that come with their own library, but it's probably not a free-of-charge and free to distribute one (I'm not aware of any product that doesn't rely on the MSVCRT.DLL - but it's not impossible that one exists)

How to defeat framework injections?

Is anyone hardening their code in an attempt to detect injections? For example, if someone is trying to intercept a username/password via NSUrlConnection, they could use LD_PRELOAD/DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH, provide exports for my calls into NSUrlConnection, and then forward the calls to the real NSUrlConnection.
Ali gave excellent information below, but I'm trying to determine what measures should be take for a hostile environment, where a phone might be jail broken. Most applications don't have to care, but one class of apps do - high integrity software.
If you are hardening, what method(s) are you using? Is there a standard way to detect injections on Macs and iPhones? How are you defeating framework injections?
For iOS / CocoaTouch, loading dynamic libraries is not allowed* (except for the System frameworks). To build and distribute an Application thru the AppStore, you can only link with static libraries and system frameworks, no dynamic library.
So on iOS you can't use that for code injection, neither can you use LD_PRELOAD of course (as you don't have access to such environment variables on iOS).
Except for jailbroken iPhones probably, but people jailbreaking their iPhone should take upon themselves that jailbreaking is by definition lifting all securities provided by iOS to avoid things such as injections (so you can't expect to remove the lock on your door to avoid having to use your key… and still expect that you're still protected against thieves robbing your house ;-))
That's the advantage of the Sandboxing + CodeSigning + No dylib constraints on iOS. No Code injection possible.
(On OSX it is still possible anyway, inparticular using LD_PRELOAD)
[EDIT] Since iOS8, iOS also allows dynamic frameworks. But as that's still sandboxed (you can only load code-signed frameworks that are inside your application bundles, and can't load frameworks that comes from outside your app bundle) injection is still not possible*
*except if the user jailbreaks its phone but it means that s/he chose to get rid of all protections and purpose and thus put its phone at risk — we can't crack our phone security and still expect it to provide all the protections those securities provided
This is an answer specific to UNIX like operating systems, I apologize if it doesn't make sense for your question but I don't know your platform well. Simply don't create a dynamically linked executable.
There are two ways I can think of to do this. Method #2 is probably best for you. They're both similar.
Important for both, the executable must be statically compiled using -static at build time
Method 1 - static exe, manual load shared libraries by their trusted full paths
Manually dlopen each library you need via a full path and then get the function addresses via dlsym at runtime and assign them to function pointers to use them. You'll need to do this for every external function you want to use. I believe reentrant unsafe functions won't like this so for those that use static variables- you'll need to use the reentrant safe versions, these end with "_r" i.e. use strtok_r instead of strtok
This will be difficult or simple depending on what your app does and how many functions you're using.
Method 2 - Statically link the executable, period
You can solve your subversion problem by just linking a static executable to avoid using dynamic libraries at all. This will generate a much larger exe than the the dlopen()/dlsym() method. Build using the -static compile flag and instead of using, for example gcc bah.c -o bah lssl use gcc -static bah.c -o bah /usr/lib/libssl.a to use the statically compiled version of the libraries you need instead of the dynamic shared libraries. In other words, use -static and don't use -l while building
For either method:
Once built, use file bah to confirm the executable is statically linked. Or confirm by running ldd on it
Note you'll need statically compiled versions of all the libraries you're linking against present in your system. These files end with.a instead of .so)
Also note upgrading system libraries will not update your executable. If there's a new security bug in OpenSSL, you'll need to get the latest libssl.a and recompile it. If you use the dlopen()/dlsym() method you won't have this problem but you will have portability issues if symbols change in different versions
Each method has its pros and cons based on your needs.
Taking the method 1 dlopen and dlsym approach makes your code more "obfuscated" and smaller, but sacrifices portability in most cases so probably isn't what you want. The upside is that it can possibly benefit when security bugs are fixed system wide.

What runtime is used by most Windows Viruses?

Most applications created with Microsoft developer tools need some kind of runtime to be installed first.
However most viruses never need any kind of runtime to work. Also they also seem to use undocumented core/kernel APIs without have lib files etc.
So what runtime/application do most virus /virus writers use ?
If the runtime is statically linked in (as opposed to dynamically), then an EXE will be self-contained and you won't need a runtime DLL. However, really, you don't even need a runtime library at all if your code can do everything without calling standard library functions.
As for Windows APIs, in many cases you don't strictly need an import library either -- particularly if you load addresses dynamically via GetProcAddress. Some development tools will even let you link directly against the DLLs (and will generate method stubs or whatever for you). MS tries to ensure that names for documented API calls stay the same between versions. Undocumented functions, not so much...but then, compatibility typically isn't the foremost of concerns anyway when you're deliberately writing malicious software.

How to determine development tools used to make a Windows application?

I've got a working proprietary application (windows exe) and would like to know which particular toolkit was used to make it. The reason is that I like the widgets it uses and seek to use same library in my project (to buy it if it's proprietary as well).
Just use Process Explorer to see what DLLs the application has loaded. That will be your widget set. Sort the results by folder to roughly group them by manufacturer. You may need to examine the properties of the DLLs for more detailed info as well.
If the library is statically linked you may have to do some deep looking around, maybe you'll get lucky and find a string saying the name of the library or a class/function in it. You can use OllyDbg for this to view strings loaded at runtime, or something like the linux command strings to look through statically, although that wont work if the program decodes itself at startup. If that doesn't work, you'd have to come up with a list of libraries that do what the one you are looking at does, and find some artifacts in the binary that are common between the two. Anyways, better to check the dlls first like Paul Sasik said.
You can use PEiD to identify the compiler, which can be a hint aswel. PEiD also has a nice process explorer.
For instance, Google Chrome uses C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\IEFRAME.DLL :-) Nice isn't it?
(Don't trust it 100%. For instance, my own compiler has the "Morphine 1.2 - 1.3 -> rootkit" description, which I find quite awkward: that's a packer/compiler trace obfuscator.)

Is There a Way to Tell What Language Was Used for a Program?

I have a desktop program I downloaded and installed. It runs from an .exe file.
Is there some way from the .exe file to tell what programming language was used to write the program?
Are there any tools are available to help with this?
What languages can be determined and which ones cannot?
Okay here are two of the sort of things I'm looking for:
Tips to Determine Whether an App is Written in Delphi or Not
This "IsDelphi" program by Bruce McGee will find all applications built with Delphi, Delphi for .Net or C++ Builder that are on your hard drive.
I use WinDowse (a small freeware utility written in Delphi) to spy the windows of the program.. for example if you look at the "Class" TabSheet you can discover the "Class" Name of the control..
For example:
TFormXX, TEditYY, TPanelZZZ for delphi apps
WindowsForms10.XXXX.yyy, for .NET apps
wxWindowsXXX for wxWindows apps
AfxWndXX for MFC/VC++ apps (I think)
I think this is the fastest way (although not the most accurate) to find information about apps..
I understand your curiosity.
You can identify Delphi and C++ Builder apps and their SKU by looking for a couple of specific resources that the linker adds. Specifically RC Data\DVCLAL and RC DATA\PACKAGEINFO. The XN Resource Editor makes this a lot easier, but it might choke on compressed EXEs.
EXE compressors complicate things a little. They can hide or scramble the contents of the resources. Programs compressed with UPX are easy to identify with a HEX editor because the first 2 sections in the PE header are named UPX0 and UPX1. You can use the app to decompress these.
Applications compiled with .Net aren't difficult to detect. Recent versions of Delphi even include an IsAssembly function, or you could do a little spelunking in the PE header. Check out the IsManaged function in IsDelphi.
Telling which .Net language was used is trickier. By default, VB.Net includes a reference to Microsoft.VisualBasic, and VCL.Net apps included Borland specific references. However, VCL.Net is defunct in favour of Delphi Prism, and you can add a reference to the VB assembly to any managed language.
I haven't looked at some of the apps that use signatures to identify the the compiler, so I don't know how well they work.
I hope this helps.
First, look to see what run time libraries it loads. A C program won't normally load Visual Basic's library.
Also, examine the executable for telltale strings. In most executables, this is near the end. If the program uses string constants, there might be a clue in how they are stored.
A good disassembler, plus of course an excellent understanding of the underlying CPU architecture, can often help you identify the runtime libraries that are in play. Unless the exe has been carefully "stripped" of symbols and/or otherwise masked, the names of symbols seen in runtime libraries will often provide you with programming-language hints, because different languages' standards specify different names, and vendors of compilers and accompanying runtime libraries usually respect those standards pretty closely.
Of course, you won't get there without knowledge of the various possible languages and their library standards -- and if the code's author was intent to mask the information, that's not too hard for them to do, either.
If you have available a large set of samples from known compilers, I should think this would be an excellent application for machine learning. I believe so-called "supervised learning" is relevant here. Unfortunately I know next to nothing about the topic—only that I have heard some impressive results presented at conferences.
You might dig through the proceedings of the Working Conference on Reverse Engineering to see if anyone else is interested in this problem.
Assuming this is an application for Windows...
Does Reflector recognize it as a .NET assembly? Then it's MSIL, 99% either VB or C#, but you'll likely never know which, nor does it matter.
Does it need an intrepreter (like Java?)? Then it's Java (or whatever the interpreter is.)
Check what runtime DLLs it requires.
Does it require the VB runtime dlls? Congratulations, VB from VisualStudio 6.0 or earlier.
Does it require the Delphi dlls? Congratulations, Delphi.
Did you make it this far? C/C++. Assume C++ unless it requires msys or cygwin dlls, in which case C has maybe a 25% chance.
Congratulations, this should come out correct for the vast majority of Windows software. This probably doesn't actually help you though, as a lot of the same things can be done in all of these languages.
IDA Pro Free ( may be helpful. Even if you don't understand assembly language, if you load the EXE into IDA Pro then its initial progress output might (if there are any telltale signs) include its best guess as to which compiler was used.
Start with various options to dumpbin. The symbol names, if not carefully erased, will give you all kinds of hints as to whether it is C, C++, CLR, or something else.
Other tools use signatures to identify the compiler used to create the executable, like PEiD, CFF Explorer and others.
They normally scan the entry point of the executable vs the signature.
Signature Explorer from CFF Explorer can give you an understanding of how one signature is constructed.
It looks like the VC++ linker from V6 up adds a signature to the PE header which youcan parse.
i suggest PEiD (freeware, closed source). Has all of Delphi for Win32 signatures, also can tell you which was packer used (if any).
