Can't find Cmder in program files - windows

I've been having trouble finding the cmder inside windows program files. I wanted to make a shortcut to it so that I can easily access it using windows docker but can't find the location. I only have cmder now pinned on my taskbar but I would like to know it's directory path. Thanks in advance.
I am using windows x64bit

Open a command line window.
Enter "dir Cmder.exe /s"

It's relative to where you installed it. To find out right-click cmder in your taskbar, and you will see that it says "cmder.exe - shortcut", right-click it again and access properties. In the target field you will see your path.


Can I use VSCode's command palette explorer to open folders on Mac?

Is it possible to set the file explorer for the File: Open Folder... shortcut to use the same one File: Open Recent... uses on Mac?
Right now it opens Finder and I don't really like how I have to start using my mouse/trackpad to navigate I'm quite enjoying just using my keyboard when in VSCode
I've been using VSCode with WSL until this point
I think the closes solution to your problem is discussed previous thread and particularly the answers for Mac.
You can open the folder with the following command code . --user-data-dir=., and the linked answer is how to add code if its not accessible on Mac.
Provided command you would use from the terminal to open a new instance, after navigating to the folder.
Spotlight > Terminal > goto Folder > run $ code .

Using cmder . Windows 10

I downloaded Cmder on my PC but I want that the cmd starts on a folder as then I can navigate because if not the cmd starts in the Cmder folder and I can't go anywhere. Can someone help me, please? Wish you understood me!
Very simple and best way to get CMDER wherever you want is adding it to de Windows Context Menu (right click).
Open a terminal as an Administrator
Navigate to the directory you have placed Cmder
Execute .\cmder.exe /REGISTER ALL
If you get a message "Access Denied" ensure you are executing the command in an Administrator prompt.
In a file explorer window right click in or on a directory to see "Cmder Here" in the context menu.
Tip: put the CMDER files in c:\Program Files\CMDER
If I understood you correctly, you want to change the directory you start from each time you open a new terminal.
To do that:
click Win+Alt+t to open the settings
In the settings group 'Startup' choose 'Tasks'
Choose the console you want to modify (e.g. cmd::Cmder, cmd::Cmder as Admin, etc..)
Click the 'Startup dir...' button
Select the directory you want the console to startup in by default
You dont give us much to go on but you should have a shortcut with which to start cmder perhaps on your desktop something like this.
If not find your installed copy of cmder.exe then Right Click it then select Send To
and then finally select "Desktop (as shortcut)"
Right click the shortcut and select Properties of that shortcut and then add your prefered starting DIRectory after a /start DIRective
If you want to Autorun other start-up commands see

Open a file with a specific program using cmd

I want to open a HTML file using cmd, located in the autostart folder using internet explorer, even tho for example Firefox is selected for standard browser.
I already navigated to the autostart folder.
How can I do that?
Or what is the command for that?
%ProgramFiles%\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe" file://path_to_file
Refer to the command line options for IE11 for details of options that you might need

How to restore bat file execution from explorer on XP

some bat files need to be launched at the start of the session, but they don't.
Actually, when trying to launch one from the explorer, it opens the Open with window instead of just runnig.
However, the bat files still run correctly from the command prompt.
I bet it has been caused by a virus, but the antivirus did not detect anything unfortunately.
Any idea?
Use the Open With command, select cmd.exe, then before you hit OK, check the box that says "always use this program to open this type of file" or something similar.
If cmd.exe is not in the choices, browse to c:\windows\system32, and cmd.exe should be in there.
You can re associate the extension by downloading the reg file for batch from the link below which should solve your problem.

File Access takes me to command prompt rather than Explorer

Whenever I go to my command prompt and type a "c:\temp" or any other file/directory, it takes me to the command prompt rather than the file explorer. Can somebody please tell me how I can fix this so that all file/directory access from cmd takes me to the file explorer.
I have a Win2k3 64bit machine. Has this got anything to do with the 32bit/64bit explorer ?
To run Windows Explorer from command prompt you must type name of the executable:
or just
To open a certain folder, pass the path as an arguments. Details here:
Command-Line Switches for Windows Explorer (MSDN KB)
See examples.
To open Explorer at the directory where your cmd is operating you can use
start .
and at a parent directory you can use
start ..
