Using cmder . Windows 10 - windows

I downloaded Cmder on my PC but I want that the cmd starts on a folder as then I can navigate because if not the cmd starts in the Cmder folder and I can't go anywhere. Can someone help me, please? Wish you understood me!

Very simple and best way to get CMDER wherever you want is adding it to de Windows Context Menu (right click).
Open a terminal as an Administrator
Navigate to the directory you have placed Cmder
Execute .\cmder.exe /REGISTER ALL
If you get a message "Access Denied" ensure you are executing the command in an Administrator prompt.
In a file explorer window right click in or on a directory to see "Cmder Here" in the context menu.
Tip: put the CMDER files in c:\Program Files\CMDER

If I understood you correctly, you want to change the directory you start from each time you open a new terminal.
To do that:
click Win+Alt+t to open the settings
In the settings group 'Startup' choose 'Tasks'
Choose the console you want to modify (e.g. cmd::Cmder, cmd::Cmder as Admin, etc..)
Click the 'Startup dir...' button
Select the directory you want the console to startup in by default

You dont give us much to go on but you should have a shortcut with which to start cmder perhaps on your desktop something like this.
If not find your installed copy of cmder.exe then Right Click it then select Send To
and then finally select "Desktop (as shortcut)"
Right click the shortcut and select Properties of that shortcut and then add your prefered starting DIRectory after a /start DIRective
If you want to Autorun other start-up commands see


How to add cmd command execution to right click menu on Windows?

I’m trying to add a menu button when I right click a file and the button will let me execute a command. To be more specific, I’m trying to right click a apk file, and the I can execute a “adb install” command of the selected file. I did some search and found out to add a menu item we need to modify the registry. But I’m not sure how to execute a command and moreover, how can I get the current selected file in right click?
Any help will be much appreciated!
Read about Verbs and File Associations on MSDN.
If you don't need it to be the default command, adding it under SystemFileAssociations is a good idea and works on Windows XP and later.
A minimal .reg file might look like this:
#="ADB Install"
#="\"C:\\path\\to\\androidsdk\\adb.exe\" install \"%1\""
%1 is replaced with the full path of the file you right-click on.

To open a folder in Terminal

Is there any option to open the program files in Terminal(windows) directly from the folder's location in the drive, without actually typing all the commands to navigate and then executing it.
I guess "open in Terminal" option in present in Ubuntu;
You can achieve this in a number of ways.
Click on File at the top left corner of the current folder location. You will see Open Windows PowerShell option. Click on any option. It will open Power Shell and automatically navigate to the current folder.
Another option, Press Shift and Right Click. It will show Open PowerShell window here option.
If you are looking for Ubuntu-like terminal(bash) then you can install the Git terminal from here. Then, on right-click you will see Git Bash Here option.

Is there a way to open command prompt in current folder?

I have a project folder somewhere, and many times I need to open command prompt (on windows 7/8.1/10) and cd to that folder. It would be very handy if there's an option right click > open cmd here.
is there a tool for that?
Just go to your folder location and type "cmd" on the address bar.
Press Shift + Menu, then choose Open Command Window Here. It works.
In win7/8, try right click while holding shift key, should have cmd prompt here
How about to use the PowerShell OpenHere module?
Run PowerShell with elevated permissions and type:
Install-Module OpenHere; Import-Module OpenHere
Set-OpenHereShortcut -ShortcutType:WindowsPowerShell
I'm a developer of this module.
use the description in and put "run as administrator" checkbox on
Open 'File Explorer' and enter "shell:sendto" in location bar + hit return to get into this folder
Right mouse click and create a "New"->"Shortcut", put cmd.exe into the path, done
Edit the properties of the shortcut and edit the target to "%windir%\system32\cmd.exe /k pushd"
you can also create a copy of that shortcut, rename it to cmd.exe_admin, select properties, hit button "Advanced" an select the checkbox "run as Administrator"
Now use the "SendTo"-submenu in the explorer right click context menu to send any filepath or folder into the normal or elevated commandbox.
This "shell:sendto"-trick is also very useful for eg. Notepad++ or any program you want to start in "elevated" mode.
Type cmd command in address bar where path or location of the file or folder is shown.

Can't find Cmder in program files

I've been having trouble finding the cmder inside windows program files. I wanted to make a shortcut to it so that I can easily access it using windows docker but can't find the location. I only have cmder now pinned on my taskbar but I would like to know it's directory path. Thanks in advance.
I am using windows x64bit
Open a command line window.
Enter "dir Cmder.exe /s"
It's relative to where you installed it. To find out right-click cmder in your taskbar, and you will see that it says "cmder.exe - shortcut", right-click it again and access properties. In the target field you will see your path.

Running the cmd in windows command line as admin

Am opening windows cmd.exe as administrator and executing an installer(just call installer.exe) and it runs fine. But if I open the cmd.exe in normal mode ( not as administrator) but run the command as user administrator ( runas /profile /user:adminstrator installer.exe) am not able to execute the installer successfully.
The installer unpacks certain files in c:\users\ dir.
The error that I get is :
"Error running java -Dpython.console.encoding=UTF-8 -jar C:\users\<username>/tools/x.jar : Program ended with an error exit code. "
How can I solve this issue? Since am trying to automate executing this installer, opening the cmd.exe as admin is out of question. I would like to run the command as a normal user or if not possible, as an admin.
Am new to Windows. Any help is appreciated.
You could create the .bat file with the line you want to run, then follow the procedures listed below to have it automatically run as an administrator.
Right click on the original file and click Create shortcut.
Right click on the shortcut and select the properties option.
Under the shortcut tab, click on the advanced button in the bottom right hand corner.
Check the box that says run as administrator
Click ok, and then ok.
Now when you double click on the batch file shortcut it will run as an administrator. You can delete the original if you wish to.
