VSTS work items not showing in Visual Studio - visual-studio

I am using Visual Studio Team Services for a project. I created the project on the VSTS website (using the SCRUM template), and successfully added my source code to the project's source control in Visual Studio 2015 Community. I am able to check in source code, so that part is fine.
Then, on the VSTS website, I added some Backlog Items, and added some tasks to them. I then went back to Visual Studio, and went to Team Explorer, and looked in both the "My Work" and the "Work Items" sections, and my Backlog Items are not showing up, even after refreshing.
What am I missing?

You are missing nothing. What you are experiencing is expected. You need create a New Query under Work items section, then query PBI work items.
Also, check my reply in this case, which explains why you not see work items in My Work section.


Where to download Visual Studio 2017 Community edition from?

I Googled "download Visual Studio 2017" and was taken to this page, which, at the present time, looks somewhat like this. I have edited out some elements on the page to make all the parts relevant to my question fit in one graphic.
Clicking the Older Versions button at the bottom of the page takes me to this other page that looks like the picture below.
Clicking the Download button on the page above takes me to this page, which reads as follows as also depicted in the picture below.
If I click the Visual Studio Dev Essentials link, I am taken to my subscriptions page that looks like this:
Now, I don't know where to go from here. I have been using Visual Studio for over 22 years now and all the time doing whatever it asked me to do. If it asked me to put my email somewhere, I did. But I ain't buying no nothing.
So, my question is: where do I get Visual Studio 2017 Community from?
I see other websites claiming to have the download, and I trust that they sure do have good intentions, but I ain't downloading anything from a third-party unless a lot of people vouch for the authenticity of that download.
Why do I want Visual Studio 2017 when there's Visual Studio 2019 already?
I already have been using Visual Studio 2019 since the day it was released. The thing is: I wanted to set up the source code of ASP.NET MVC v5.2.6 on my machine. I tried and it gave me trouble, so I wrote to them team guys. And they wrote back saying it would run only on VS 2017 and not on VS 2019.
In order for downloads to work at my.visualstudio.com you need to have a subscription of some description. The easiest one (and the only one I have associated with my account) is Visual Studio Dev Essentials:
This subscription is free and it looks like there's a button captioned 'Join Visual Studio Dev Essentials' at the top of your Subscriptions page that you should be able to click to subscribe. Once you've done this, the Downloads page should lead you to:
You can download from there.
It's worth mentioning that Visual Studio Dev Essentials has quite a few other benefits (including Azure credit in the first month, other Azure freebies for the first year and some other goodies) so it's well worth a look in general.

Lost VSTS source control bindings in Visual Studio

Visual Studio 2015
Visual Studio 2013
Until recently used TFS for source control with Microsoft live id with my yahoo email.
Recent transition from TFS to VSTS.
Couple weeks ago devops switched my VSTS account to use company email instead of yahoo email.
After that in VS I couldn't use source control anymore,
was getting error: "TF30063: You are not authorized to access usga.visualstudio.com\DefaultCollection."
and not being able to bind to source control.
Devops removed my company-email-account and reactivated my yahoo-email-account
and source control in VS started to work again, and with VSTS now.
I have not used Visual Studio for a week or so.
Today I discovered that:
My solutions lost Source Control Bindings.
I can Not bind my solutions to Source Control Again in Visual Studio.
When I re-bind it tells me that status is 'invalid'.
I do Not get any other errors.
Happens for all solutions that used to work fine with source control.
I seem to have access to www.visualstudio.com -> mycompany.visualstudio.com
and can see my projects there.
Please help me to undestand what is going on and rebind.
Many thanks
This should be a cache related issue, try to delete VS and TFS cache and restart VS.
Also try to remove your account info which stored in Credential Manager (Control Panel-All Control Panel Items-Credential Manager-Windows Manager)
Then reconnect to VSTS in Visual Studio use your personal account, make sure selected the used workspace, get latest; or directly delete the old workspace, create a new one.
My issue was resolved the following way:
1. when I've started to use TFS four years ago, I've created Microsoft Live Id account using my Personal email
this year when our devops were switching us from TFS to VSTS
they have tried to enforce rule of everybody to use their Office email for MS Live Id account. So they have created new account for me with Office email
Then I have described issues
Problem was resolved by switching me back to using original MS account with my Personal email.
I had to delete existing workspaces in Visual Studio 2015
and create new ones for my solutions to rebind code to VSTS.
For some reason I had to repeat this process few times.
Hope it helps

SSIS Data Flow Items and SSIS Contol Flow Items Tab missing in Visual Studio 2013 from _Choose Toolbox Items_

I have a VS 2013 installed, and successfully installed "Microsoft SQL Server Data Tools - Business Intelligence for Visual Studio 2013"
All BI project templates are OK, all toolbox items are OK. I also can create a new Integration Services project, and toolbox correctly shows all the SSIS out of the box items.
However when I try to add a new custom Toolbox item and choose Tools/Choose Toolbox Items the dialog has no "SSIS Data Flow Items" and "SSIS Contol Flow Items" tabs.
Because of the tabs are missing, I can not add custom component to my SSIS Data Flow Items tab. The following picture is from a tutorial, it shows what I am expecting to see:
I consider the missing tabs a symptom of something went wrong, but not insist to see the tabs, if there is any alternative way to add custom component to the SSIS Data Flow toolbox. But the most relaxing would be if the tabs were appeared...
Btw I have two machine with this exactly same symptoms, a 2012 Server and a Win 7 box.
Any help appreciated, thanks in advance.
One of the complaints custom component developers for SSIS had was that installation of their product (to the GAC and Program Files) still required the manual adding of them, as your final screenshot depicts.
2012+ no longer has this requirement. Instead, by virtue of a DLL being correctly built for that specific version of SSIS, "it will just show up" TM
I'm not finding the blog references but there were announcements about the change
"It just works" was already claimed

Deleting Visual Studio Team Services team project not behaving as expected

I have deleted several team projects from Team Services using the Collection Administration Page like this:
However, the deleted projects still show up in Source Control Explorer in Visual Studio:
....I expect Source Control Explorer to be a reflection of Team Services. What am I missing?
Looking at that screenshot you just need to refresh your workspace. there are a lot of pending adds and the Services project is greyed out meaning that is not mapped.
If you refresh the source tree does the project disappear?
You have to refresh the source control explorer and the server connection in the team explorer. VS will not realize changes in Team Services if you don't ask specifically for it (meaning that changes aren't pushed automatically to the clients).

Iterations always default to first project & can't select current project

I'm using the Team Foundation Service (TFS in the cloud) for source control. Within my account I have multiple projects. Via the website I can see that the first project has the default Release & Sprint hierarchy set. I have another project that I've created some releases & sprints. In the web admin I've also setup different areas for my project.
Within Visual Studio 2012, when I go to create a task (TEAM > NEW TASK), it always shows the AREA=[FirstProject] and the ITERATION options as only the [FirstProject]. I can't change the area to a different area or the iteration. It acts like Visual Studio is "stuck" within the [FirstProject] and won't let me get to any of my other projects when working with tasks & backlog items. However I can create tasks in the web client. Within Visual Studio I can also run queries and find tasks.
So, I'm trying to figure out how to make sure I can use Visual Studio 2012 to create & manage tasks and not have to go to the website each time. It acts stuck on one project. Ideas?
Note I'm not having issues with any of the other source control issues... it's just an issue with working with tasks.
In the "Team Explorer" in Visual Studio 2012 you can select the Team Project you need by clicking on:
"Home | [FirstProject]", "Projects", and selecting a different one.
Also, in Visual Studio 2012.2 (Update 2) there is also a "Plug" looking icon at the top of Team Explorer, this allows access to many Servers, Collections and Team Projects from a panel in Team Explorer instead of a menu.
