Lost VSTS source control bindings in Visual Studio - visual-studio

Visual Studio 2015
Visual Studio 2013
Until recently used TFS for source control with Microsoft live id with my yahoo email.
Recent transition from TFS to VSTS.
Couple weeks ago devops switched my VSTS account to use company email instead of yahoo email.
After that in VS I couldn't use source control anymore,
was getting error: "TF30063: You are not authorized to access usga.visualstudio.com\DefaultCollection."
and not being able to bind to source control.
Devops removed my company-email-account and reactivated my yahoo-email-account
and source control in VS started to work again, and with VSTS now.
I have not used Visual Studio for a week or so.
Today I discovered that:
My solutions lost Source Control Bindings.
I can Not bind my solutions to Source Control Again in Visual Studio.
When I re-bind it tells me that status is 'invalid'.
I do Not get any other errors.
Happens for all solutions that used to work fine with source control.
I seem to have access to www.visualstudio.com -> mycompany.visualstudio.com
and can see my projects there.
Please help me to undestand what is going on and rebind.
Many thanks

This should be a cache related issue, try to delete VS and TFS cache and restart VS.
Also try to remove your account info which stored in Credential Manager (Control Panel-All Control Panel Items-Credential Manager-Windows Manager)
Then reconnect to VSTS in Visual Studio use your personal account, make sure selected the used workspace, get latest; or directly delete the old workspace, create a new one.

My issue was resolved the following way:
1. when I've started to use TFS four years ago, I've created Microsoft Live Id account using my Personal email
this year when our devops were switching us from TFS to VSTS
they have tried to enforce rule of everybody to use their Office email for MS Live Id account. So they have created new account for me with Office email
Then I have described issues
Problem was resolved by switching me back to using original MS account with my Personal email.
I had to delete existing workspaces in Visual Studio 2015
and create new ones for my solutions to rebind code to VSTS.
For some reason I had to repeat this process few times.
Hope it helps


cannot Publish web app with Visual Studio 2019 and Azure

There are lots of examples of people having a similar problem to mine, but none of them are the problem that I'm having.
I'm running the Community edition of Visual Studio 2019 (maybe that's the problem). I've already created a free Azure account using the same username/pw/email as the account that I have the version of Visual Studio installed as (note that Azure didn't used to support Core, but it does now).
I'm following this Microsoft Doc on how to create a ASP.NET Core web app with Azure. I've created the project, and it's time to "publish" the web app.
Seems simple: right click on the project >> Publish. Here is the first window, where I should make sure that App Service is highlighted, then hit Create New and Create Profile.
In the next window I can either create my Azure account (which I already have) or sign in. This option seems strange, being that I'm clearly already signed in. Perhaps they mean signed into Azure? In any case, I choose "Already have an account (sign in)" because I do. If I were to choose the first option to create an account, it would tell me that I already have an account.
Next, it asks me to sign into Microsoft Visual Studio account (of which I'm already signed in -- my picture is on the upper right corner of the IDE). I do it anyways:
Next I put in the password (I'll spare you this screenshot -- I showed the last one to illustrate that it wanted me to sign into Visual Studio when I'm already signed in), and...
It takes me back to the App service window. According to the Microsoft doc, the wizard should continue to creating the resource group.
What I've tried:
getting to "Publish" without signing into Visual Studio
getting to "Publish" without signing into Azure (note that the email/pw associated with the Azure account is the same as my Visual Studio account, and I have access to the Azure account; I can go to the Dashboard, at least)
and every variation of being signed into one and not the other or none or both
repeated the entire thing while running Visual Studio 2019 as admin
from the "Pick a publish target" window selecting select existing instead of create new. It takes me to the same window that create new does
instead of .NET Core, using just plain old .NET Framework 4.7.2
What I haven't tried
Uninstalling and reinstalling the Azure SDKs. I'm scared if I do that, then Microsoft won't let me re-install them (because I already have once), and besides, this seems to be a problem with signing in.
Maybe there's some config that I'm missing, either in Visual Studio or Azure?
Maybe it's because I'm using the free Visual Studio version AND the free Azure?
Maybe it knows that I'm laid off and broke, and just wants to push the nail in?
I'm stuck. Does anyone know anything about this?
This question involves both Azure accounts and Visual Studio.To deal with this problem, we can start with these two aspects.
First, we can publish the created project using FTP. If the project runs normally, it means that there is no problem with the free subscription account. The problem may appear on VS.
Second, we can devenv.exe / resetuserdata to clear the personal account cache information on Visual Studio.
I solved the problem, just enable yours directories in visual studio 2019.
Thanks :)
I solved this problem.
After 30 days of a free trial account, when you want to deploy for example a new Azure app service you can see the label "(disabled) free". This is why you cannot proceed with Visual Studio publishing anymore.
I had the same problem with you. I created a new Microsoft account and then a new Azure account. Now Visual Studio allows me to proceed with creating a new profile in order to publish my app.
I hope I helped you.

This account has no subscription - Publishing to Azure from Visual Studio

Earlier this year I successfully deployed a MVC app to Azure from Visual Studio.
Now I'm trying to do the same thing again, but now I am told my azure account "has no subscription".
However I am 100% positive I do have a subscription associated with my email. My old MVC app still runs and I can see my Pay-as-you-go is properly charged.
What I Have tried to fix it
Emptied my browser caches, history, cookies etc.
Removed my account from Visual Studio, restarted, and added them again.
Formatted my computer and reinstalled everything (not really because of this problem, but the timing was perfect).
Updated the Azure SDK to the newest 2.9.5.
I did the following things above based on advice from these pages:
Visual Studio not finding my Azure subscriptions
Unable to publish to Azure with VS2015
No subscription found in windows azure account
But alas, no luck.
The only thing that comes to thought is I tried to add an Azure Pass to my account, but without luck. But I can't see how that should change anything...
So my question is: How do I make Visual Studio recognize my current Pay-as-you-go subscription, so I can publish my services, apps, etc. from Visual Studio directly?
Or at least: What has gone wrong? Whom can I contact to get help with this?
As always, thank you for your time and patience, and please write a comment if you need further information.
You may try to connect first via the server explorer (ctrl+alt+s). (The server explorer has an azure root node, if the azure sdk installed)
If you have connected, the publish wizard won't ask (usually) for sign in again.
In my case, the solution was as follows:
Open Server Explorer in Visual Studio, right-click on Azure and select "Manage and filter subscriptions":
Screenshot of Manage Subscriptions Dialog
Click the Certificates tab, click Import, then click Download subscription file. This will take you to the azure portal page where you can download a .publishsettings file for your subscription. After downloading that file, click the Browse button in the Import dialog shown above and select that file.
I had the same issue. To solve it I opened the server explorer (ctrl+alt+s) and refreshed the Azure connection. It still said 0 subscriptions, but in the publishing options I could connect without any issue.

Visual Studio change Source Control from TFS back to VSS

Using Visual Studio 2015 I was previously working on a project which is in an old Visual Source Safe repository.
I needed to connect to a project in Visual Studio Online (Team Foundation Server) and so in Tools -> Options -> Source Control -> Plug In Selection I choose Team Foundation Server and successfully connected to the Visual Studio Online repository pulled down the code, worked on it and checked it in.
The problem comes when I need to access the project in VSS again. I tried to reverse the process. Setting the Plug In Selection back to Visual Source Safe. However even when I don't have a solution open the 'Team Explorer' is still connected to Visual Studio online and I can't connect back to VSS. When I open my VSS based project it is STILL connected to Visual Studio Online as well.
I don't have the option of moving the older project out of VSS just now (not my choice, I'm hoping it's going to change soon but not a choice I can make), and need to carry on working on it. I basically need to disconnect VS from VSO and can't, and can't connect to anything else instead.
Has anyone come across this problem and a solution to it? I've searched but only find answers about disconnecting a project from it's current source control, I don't want to do that, I want each project to remain with it's source control, but I need to be able to choose which source control VS is connected to.
Well I've found AN answer eventually, through trial and error... it's a bit of a faff.
First thing is I forgot that VSS doesn't use the Team Explorer. When I opened the VSS based project the project HAD actually connected to VSS, but the Team Explorer wasn't reflecting that. So I could carry on working on my VSS based project and just ignore Team Explorer.
However I still wanted to disconnect, because it had only been a one-off requirement to connect to that Visual Studio Online project.
What I did was...
1. Log out of my Microsoft account from Visual Studio.
2. Close and re-open Visual Studio.
3. Click close on the prompt to log in to my Microsoft account.
4. THEN the option to delete the connection was available in Team Explorer. Pretty sure it hadn't been there before.
5. Log back in to my Microsoft account.
Unfortunately I had also reset my Microsoft Account password in the trial and error, which I now think was unnecessary. I was just trying to force VS to stop connecting to that repository.
As Team Explorer is not use with VSS you may want to use "Team | Disconnect from TFS" to disconnect. Then switch your control...
Note: As VSS as been completely unsupported for many years you are incurring a significant business risk by staying with it. Have you raised this risk with your executive team? Do they know that their organisational asset is at risk?

team server foundation 2010 is only working in offline mode

In my company, we are using Team Server Foundation 2010.
Last week when I was checking out some ssrs (sql server reporting services 2010) files, I obtained the correct files from TFS. I could see that the files were still connected to TFS.
However, I think there was a time last week where there was a message saying that I was working offline.
Now when I obtained the most current code from TFS, I do get the correct code. However I do not see that the code is connected to TFS any longer. Basically when using Source Control Explorer, I do not see that this code is linked to TFS
Thus I would like to know how to get my code back to accessed in TFS 2010?
Do you see the same problem with all files in TFS or only specific set of files?
Do you see this problem in only one workspace or in all workspaces on a single machine? Or does it affect all users?
What does it mean that files are not linked to TFS, can you post a screenshot?
TFS 2010 was quite weak story for offline and it worked only for solutions (as visible in Solution Explorer). Source Control Explorer always required connection to TFS
I'm also confuse about “files are not linked to TFS”you describle ,can you post a screenshot.
Simply offline mode means TFS 2010 goes offline (disconnect the connectivity properly between your local machine and TFS 2010 server) while your solution is already open though VS 2010.If you checkout files while you are in offline mode, then TFS 2010 source controls system doesn’t record or track any changes you made. But when you reconnect TFS server, the server will get you changes in pengding changes, then you can check in manually.
To get your solution back online to TFS you can try this solution:right-click on the solution name right at the top of the Solution Explorer and select the Go Online option.
More detail: How do I get my solution in Visual Studio back online in TFS?
You need to use the "go online" command to re-sync:
Cannot see go online option in tfs
Note: TFS 2010 is no longer supported and you should upgrade soonest

Visual Studio Community 2015 expiration date

I have downloaded the Visual Studio Community 2015 (free version) and I don't see when the expiration date is.
I have tried to see the expiration date at Help Menu -> About Microsoft Visual Studio and there is no expiration date there.
Is there any expiration date (I have a Microsoft account)? If yes, Where can I see it? Or until when is it?
There is and there isn't an expiration date. If you register Visual Studio 2015 Community Edition by successfully signing into Visual Studio then the product is fully unlocked with no set expiry date. If you don't sign in (or haven't entered a purchased licence key), you only have 30 day evaluation license.
You can check whether your copy of Visual Studio has is registered or not by selecting Help -> About Microsoft Studio and clicking on the "License Status" link in the upper right of the About dialog. If your product isn't registered you'll see something like this:
Visual Studio Community 2015 is free. But I got the 30 day trial expired message. After some googling figured out that I have to sign in with a Microsoft account. So I signed up with my Hotmail account and after that I was able to continue using the VS community 2015.
Here is a simple approach to sneak by that stupid blocker screen in Visual Studio after 30-days expires using Process Hacker:
Details at: https://stackoverflow.com/a/34243422/3135511
It's more of a quick 'n dirty fix than a real solution. However, it may be quicker than doing all that official login/sign up, subscribe, whatever crap Microsoft wants you to do, in order to use Visual Studio Community Version for free.
I am running VSCommunity 2015 in Win8.1 virtual machine installed inside a Parallels 11 virtual machine installed on my Mac OSX El Capitan. To my surprise and delight it installed and ran fine. I used it for 2 weeks without signing into my Microsoft account. I tried to login 6 weeks later and got the 30 day trial screen shown above.
However for me I was able to simply click on the link above shown as "Check for an updated license" and was prompted in to log in to my Microsoft account. I did so and it granted me a license successfully and was seamless. Now under License Status it displays as "This product is licensed to: ".
I guess I got lucky as I'm guessing this is how it is supposed to work.
Over the decades I've disliked most MS products but have been out of the VS IDE development tools game for awhile, and I have to say using VSComm15 has been flawless. Using it to learn C# and the IDE itself for a new contract job and it worked perfectly and has great features.
You can use "RunasDate" to solve this.
There isn't an expiration date for the community edition.
The usage section from the from the Visual Studio website clearly states:
For individuals
Any individual developer can use Visual Studio Community to create
their own free or paid apps.
For organizations
An unlimited number of users within an organization can use Visual
Studio Community for the following scenarios: in a classroom learning
environment, for academic research, or for contributing to open source
For all other usage scenarios: In non-enterprise organizations, up to
five users can use Visual Studio Community. In enterprise
organizations (meaning those with >250 PCs or >$1 Million US Dollars
in annual revenue), no use is permitted beyond the open source,
academic research, and classroom learning environment scenarios
described above.
In case you had enabled 2-Step verification for your Microsoft account disable it when updating the VS License using the 'Check for Updated License' option provided in the window.
I also get same issue after I repair vs2015, even I click check license online, still fail.
Correct action is:
1. Sign out
2. Check License Status, then it will pop-up login window, after login then it able to successfully get the license info.
In my case, even after sign up to Visual Studio account, I cant sign in and the license still expired.
Solution from across the internet:
Download iso version of the installer.
Then run installer, select repair. That would solve the problem for most case.
In my case, I got an iso version of ms Visual Studio 2013. Installed it and I can successfully sign in and its forever free.
Here is an instructions for the problem:
You can evaluate Visual Studio for free up to 30 days.
To Unlock Visual Studio using an online subscription
Link Microsoft account to Visual Studio 2015
I have encountered this problem:
Possible solution can be found at the link above.
This message indicates that while your subscription may still be valid, the license token Visual Studio uses to keep your subscription up to date hasn’t been refreshed and has gone stale due to one of the following reasons:
You have not used Visual Studio or have had no internet connection for an extend period of time.
You signed out of Visual Studio.
