How to build WOPI validation application - validation
As per this documentation, we need to build some HTML host page.
In this document, they mention one point that I didn't understand completely
The simplest way to use the validation application is to use the view
action. To use the view action hosts should treat .wopitest files the
same way other Office documents are treated. In other words, hosts
should do the following:
Launch a host page pointed at the .wopitest file. Ideally, this should
be the same host page used to host regular Office Online sessions.
This will allow the validation application to test things like
PostMessage and do some validation on the way the Office Online iframe
was loaded.
What is .wopitest file and what I need to do exactly, Can anyone please guide me ? please explain stepwise

They mean that you have to call that action in the same way you call any other action (looking for the action url in the discovery, etc.).
For example, when you want to open a .docx for view, you look into the discovery.xml and you find that you have to call", and of course you must have ready the Rest services for that action (checkFileInfo, etc.) and the WOPISrc pointing to a file that in fact is a .docx . Well, for the validation application is exactly the same, but you should call to WopiTest app instead of Word app (inside the discovery) and your generated WOPISrc should point to a file called "xxxx.wopitest" instead "xxxx.docx". That's it! ;)


Include source code from different directory

I have three different domains all on the same server and I want to run the code on all three domains from one source on the same server, but not sure the best way.
Here's what I have:
I want domain01-03 to run the code inside so the user can go to their domain and not have to go to to see their site. I want to keep all the code inside because I don't want to have to put the code inside each domain every time I make a code change.
For whatever reason I can't get my head around the best way to do this -- and want to do it right.
Any advice?
All you need to do is create a mapping on the first three sites to the appropriate directory in the fourth site, eg map /domain04 to /full/path/to/domain04/sourcecode, then refererence its CFML resources via /domain04 in CFC and include paths. The inference here is the code does need to be accessible via the file system for all sites concerned.
Note that if you also want to server non-CFML files via HTTP (eg: images, css, js), then you will also need a web server virtual directory along the same lines.
None of this requires a framework, it's standard CF / web server functionality.
Are you using a framework? One like ColdBox could make this trivial if your code is written modularly. (Disclaimer, I am affiliated with ColdBox)
If not, it really depends on what the code is. CFCs can be mapped anywhere via ColdFusion mappings. Even .cfm files can be included as long as the file systems are visible. If you're wanting to basically have complete copy of a site in another web root without duplication, I would first consider using a shared source control repo and a build process that checks it out in the appropriate places, and secondly a good old, symlink will also work .

Populate file list with previously uploaded files

Using the jQuery wrapped version of Fineuploader v3.3.
Is it possible to populate the file list with files already in the upload folder?
I think "_addToList(id, name)" should do the trick, but I can't get it to work. Any ideas?
Seems that they are currently working on this feature:
So, this will be available soon.
This is not a behavior that Fine Uploader currently supports. Fine Uploader only displays files that users have submitted to the uploader since the current uploader instance was created. It doesn't try to be an all-in-one web application. You could probably add your own item to the list/UI via javascript. That probably wouldn't be terribly difficult, but seems like an odd thing to do.
If you'd like to discuss your specific use case more, please open up a feature request in the Github issue tracker.
Generally, client side code cannot add stored or hard-coded path based file names for use in any type of POST or upload operation. Obviously this is a security measure, you can imagine if a malicious web page could add to a generic POST operation some type of baked in file name. So from what I understand, only the user can specify path based file names, via a file browser for the session that it is included in. This applies to HTML/JavaScript/jQuery but am unsure if Flash/Silverlight based solutions would also be limited. I think a Java based uploader would be free of this. But you are just moving closer and closer to installed software.

Better user agent library for Codeigniter

I am looking for a more advanced user agent detection library for Codeigniter.
I want to add short tags for OS, Browser and Browser version to the body tag so
that I am able to write CSS that is gear towards different browsers and platforms.
Like this:
<body id="Win7 IE9">
Right now the default agent detection library for CI produces this:
<body id="Windows 7 Internet Explorer 9.22.2">
How can I "shorten" the response?
This is want I am looking to achieve:
Thankful for all input!
I don't think that user agent library is bad. It just do what it is supposed to do.
Maybe you should build a small helper or extend the user agent library, this is really simple task (you should look at agent->browser(), agent->version, agent->platfrom() etc.)
Despite what Contao says, these are browser hacks. Better way is to build your style sheets and/or javascript the right way (without this type of hacks). I don't ever needed different stylesheets (or browser specific classes) for different browsers.
I see what you are trying to do. To get away with this using CodeIgniter you'll have to basically rewrite the user agent library to return your shorter user agent strings (its time consuming but not too difficult)(the four user agent arrays are in: system/libraries/user_agents.php).
Its been more than a year since this question was asked but i am sure it will help someone in future. User agents names are defined in ./application/config/user_agents.php file in an associative array format you can change the value of array with the one you want.
Note: Changing the value in config file will reflect in the entire application. If you want to change in a particular area of application i would suggest to create your own function.
Try this

How can I change how single element paths are handled in Seaside?

Seaside by default points to whatever application is registered at myapp. I'd like to have a core application that can also handle these links, or some other way of handling these links.
So far, I have a home application that is also registered as the default application, so will resolve to it, but if I generate a link, like, Seaside tries to resolve an application registered at more-info. What if I want my home application to handle the link? Or handle it in some other way?
I'm hosting Seaside with Apache, so I could use Apache's URL rewriting engine to rewrite to, which would be handled by my home app.
Is there a better way to do this? Also, if a link exists to an explanation of the Seaside request/response lifecycle, that'd be sweet.
What you are trying to do is not common practice in Seaside applications. If you want to generate a link from one page to another page in your application, you generally use a callback attached to an anchor:
html anchor callback: [ self call: moreInfoComponent]
In such cases, you do not care about how the url looks like and Seaside generates the url for you. Such generated urls never have a nested structure but use parameters.
More information on the Seaside request/response cycle can be found in the online book (chapters "Fundamentals" and "Sequencing Components").
However, if you indeed want to have such a nested url (to make urls bookmarkable), there are different approaches, depending on what you actually want to achieve. You can either take a look at the approach for handling expired sessions (in the book) or at the Seaside-REST package.
Btw, the mapping of urls to applications happens through (instances of) WADispatcher. If you inspect the result of the following expression, you can see the dispatcher tree of Seaside. It's entirely customizable by adding new applications, dispatchers, etc...
WAAdmin defaultServerManager adaptors first requestHandler
Hope this helps you on your way...

Can a website interact with a Click Once application? (launch it, or pass parameters to it?

I have a website that will host many Windows Workflow 4 flowcharts and I'd like to allow an end user to double click a workflow and then launch the Workflow designer (installed as click once, or a regular app) from there.
What is the lowest friction way to achieve this? Is a file association the only way?
You can invoke a CLickOnce application by linking to the deployment manifest (the .application file on the webserver) (assuming it's deployed via the web), AND you can pass query parameters to it if it is an online-only application. You also have to have the option in the publish options set to allow URL parameters to be passed to the application.
How to retrieve query string information :
I think this is your best bet. From the desktop, you can run the application even if it's offline, and pass parameters to it, but from a website, I think this will work best for you.
