Better user agent library for Codeigniter - codeigniter

I am looking for a more advanced user agent detection library for Codeigniter.
I want to add short tags for OS, Browser and Browser version to the body tag so
that I am able to write CSS that is gear towards different browsers and platforms.
Like this:
<body id="Win7 IE9">
Right now the default agent detection library for CI produces this:
<body id="Windows 7 Internet Explorer 9.22.2">
How can I "shorten" the response?
This is want I am looking to achieve:
Thankful for all input!

I don't think that user agent library is bad. It just do what it is supposed to do.
Maybe you should build a small helper or extend the user agent library, this is really simple task (you should look at agent->browser(), agent->version, agent->platfrom() etc.)
Despite what Contao says, these are browser hacks. Better way is to build your style sheets and/or javascript the right way (without this type of hacks). I don't ever needed different stylesheets (or browser specific classes) for different browsers.

I see what you are trying to do. To get away with this using CodeIgniter you'll have to basically rewrite the user agent library to return your shorter user agent strings (its time consuming but not too difficult)(the four user agent arrays are in: system/libraries/user_agents.php).

Its been more than a year since this question was asked but i am sure it will help someone in future. User agents names are defined in ./application/config/user_agents.php file in an associative array format you can change the value of array with the one you want.
Note: Changing the value in config file will reflect in the entire application. If you want to change in a particular area of application i would suggest to create your own function.

Try this


Include source code from different directory

I have three different domains all on the same server and I want to run the code on all three domains from one source on the same server, but not sure the best way.
Here's what I have:
I want domain01-03 to run the code inside so the user can go to their domain and not have to go to to see their site. I want to keep all the code inside because I don't want to have to put the code inside each domain every time I make a code change.
For whatever reason I can't get my head around the best way to do this -- and want to do it right.
Any advice?
All you need to do is create a mapping on the first three sites to the appropriate directory in the fourth site, eg map /domain04 to /full/path/to/domain04/sourcecode, then refererence its CFML resources via /domain04 in CFC and include paths. The inference here is the code does need to be accessible via the file system for all sites concerned.
Note that if you also want to server non-CFML files via HTTP (eg: images, css, js), then you will also need a web server virtual directory along the same lines.
None of this requires a framework, it's standard CF / web server functionality.
Are you using a framework? One like ColdBox could make this trivial if your code is written modularly. (Disclaimer, I am affiliated with ColdBox)
If not, it really depends on what the code is. CFCs can be mapped anywhere via ColdFusion mappings. Even .cfm files can be included as long as the file systems are visible. If you're wanting to basically have complete copy of a site in another web root without duplication, I would first consider using a shared source control repo and a build process that checks it out in the appropriate places, and secondly a good old, symlink will also work .

having chrome extensions pulling data from ruby db

I would like to build a chrome extension (CE) that pulls data from a ruby db for a specific user. So, in a basic example, if an user submits their favorite color as 'red' and sport as 'tennis' into the db from the core website, when they click the CE, 'red' and 'tennis' will show up no matter where they are on the internet.
Any guidance on how to build something like this? Seems quite simple but am not sure how the CE files fit in with the ruby folder framework.
Also, is it possible to write to a ruby database from a popped out CE? i.e. - submitting 'red' and 'tennis' from the CE to the ruby database to go along with the previous example. Any guidance?
This is a very general question so it sounds like you will need to learn a lot. Which can be a good thing :)
Here are the general steps you need:
Look into building an API for your ruby application. This will allow you to get data from your database. For example, you can
make an app where you go to and that will return a list of all favorites as JSON. Then in your Chrome Extension you can parse the JSON and display the results to the user. You will probably want to do this using an ajax call (see jquery.ajax for an easy way to use ajax).
Assuming you want user accounts, your user will need to be logged in. Then you can use your user's cookies to verify that they are logged in and show them custom info. i.e. going to will just show the favorites for that user, not for everyone.
Finally, submitting things to the can have another route where users can send stuff. For example, if you go to then it will add the color red to that user's favorites. You will need to write all the logic for adding stuff to the database...again, it might help you to go through a rails tutorial and then look at building an API.
Related to #3, look into RESTful APIs. A good convention is that if you issue a GET request, you're asking for data, but if you issue a POST request, you are adding data (in your case, creating a new favorite).
Finally, for terminology: it's not a "ruby" database, it's just a database. You can access a database using almost any language, and it sounds like you are accessing it using ruby right now :)
If you only need to store data for one machine browsing anywhere online, chrome has a storage api that would work great.
If you do need a ruby server, I would recommend looking at sinatra.

Populate file list with previously uploaded files

Using the jQuery wrapped version of Fineuploader v3.3.
Is it possible to populate the file list with files already in the upload folder?
I think "_addToList(id, name)" should do the trick, but I can't get it to work. Any ideas?
Seems that they are currently working on this feature:
So, this will be available soon.
This is not a behavior that Fine Uploader currently supports. Fine Uploader only displays files that users have submitted to the uploader since the current uploader instance was created. It doesn't try to be an all-in-one web application. You could probably add your own item to the list/UI via javascript. That probably wouldn't be terribly difficult, but seems like an odd thing to do.
If you'd like to discuss your specific use case more, please open up a feature request in the Github issue tracker.
Generally, client side code cannot add stored or hard-coded path based file names for use in any type of POST or upload operation. Obviously this is a security measure, you can imagine if a malicious web page could add to a generic POST operation some type of baked in file name. So from what I understand, only the user can specify path based file names, via a file browser for the session that it is included in. This applies to HTML/JavaScript/jQuery but am unsure if Flash/Silverlight based solutions would also be limited. I think a Java based uploader would be free of this. But you are just moving closer and closer to installed software.

How to manage URLs in CodeIgniter so they can be updated in a single place

I believe Smarty templates has functionality built in that allows you to manage your site URLs from a config file so if something gets moved, you only have to update the URL in one place. Does this sort of functionality exist in CodeIgniter? If not, any pointers or examples on how/where to add it?
For example:
Instead of hard-coding the link it would be: Settings
But where would you want to set $links so that it was available everywhere? Or is it really best to just hard code them?
Take a look at the config class. It allows you to make custom config files.
It's not entirely made for URL's but you sure can use them.
The base url should be basically right at the start of /app/config/config.php, where app is the name of your codeigniter application folder. You access it through calls to the base_url() function.
Yes, it's called Routes, configuration located at config/routes.php. Documentation
If you ask about the rendered html of the links, then your best bet would be using site_url() in conjunction with constants, for example site_url(URL_SETTINGS);, there is no built in functionality for that, but I can say I don't think that is necessary as it would be used too rarely, but it would influence performance every single load.

How can I set up custom ImageResizer urls?

I'm just getting started with ImageResizer and I'm stuck on what seem like totally basic questions:
I have an uploader that I use to put images into a directory that's not directly accessible over HTTP. (If I just put a image at, say, /images/myimage.jpg, then anyone could access it by just asking for it, whereas I want to limit access via thumbnails, watermarks, etc.). So I want to put it at /offlimits/myimage.jpg, but be able to serve it up at /public/images/myimage.jpg.
I don't really want to dump all the images in the same offlimits folder, because putting lots of files in one folder makes Windows unhappy. But I don't want to expose the details of that subdirectory structure either, so where do I put the mapping between the public facing url and the actual image location?
Most generally, I don't necessarily want an image extension at all, so I'd like to say /public/image_id?width=100... and have this map to /offlimits/sub1/sub2/sub3/image_id.jpg.
Can anyone advise about how to set this up?
Three part questions are generally frowned upon here at SO, but I'll bite anyhow :)
If you're allowing access to images based on authentication, then you need to use ASP.NET's URL Authorization feature. ImageResizer supports URL Authorization rules. If you just don't want the source files available, and want to force them resized or watermarked, read the docs on how to implement arbitrary rules like this.
You can rewrite image paths to your heart's content with Config.Current.Rewrite, which works just like the PostRewrite event mentioned earlier. Just remember you'll have to keep it all straight in your head later.
Image extensions are good things. Don't fight them. They let the server figure out the right mime-type to send and help errant browsers recover from related bugs. They prevent issues on several platforms and make the Save As dialog work. They significantly improve server efficiency as well, since handling logic doesn't have wait as long. This is particularly relevant because of the design of the IIS/ASP.NET modules system.
