How to insert the output of a pig script into hive external tables using a dynamically generated partition value? - hadoop

I have written a pig script that would generate tuples of a hive table. I am trying to dump the results to a specific partition in HDFS where hive stores the table date. As of now the partition value I am using is a timestamp string value that is generated inside pigscript. I have to use this timestamp string value to store my pig script results but i am have no idea how to do that. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

If I understand it right you read some data from a partition of a HIVE table and want to store into another HIVE table partitions, right?
A HIVI partition (form HDFS perspective) is just a subfolder which name is constructed like this: fieldname_the_partitioning_is_based_on=value
For example you have a date partition it looks like this: hdfs_to_your_hive_table/date=20160607/
So all you need is to specify this output location in the store statement
STORE mydata INTO '$HIVE_DB.$TABLE' USING org.apache.hive.hcatalog.pig.HCatStorer('date=$today');


Unable to partition hive table backed by HDFS

Maybe this is an easy question but, I am having a difficult time resolving the issue. At this time, I have an pseudo-distributed HDFS that contains recordings that are encoded using protobuf 3.0.0. Then, using Elephant-Bird/Hive I am able to put that data into Hive tables to query. The problem that I am having is partitioning the data.
This is the table create statement that I am using
PARTITIONED BY (dt string)
WITH serdeproperties (
The table is created and I do not receive any runtime errors when I query the table.
When I attempt to load data as follows:
ALTER TABLE test_messages_20180116_20180116 ADD PARTITION (dt = '20171117') LOCATION '/test/20171117'
I receive an "OK" statement. However, when I query the table:
select * from test_messages limit 1;
I receive the following error:
Failed with exception FieldDescriptor does not match message type.
I have been reading up on Hive table and have seen that the partition columns do not need to be part of the data being loaded. The reason I am trying to partition the date is both for performance but, more so, because the "LOAD DATA ... " statements move the files between directories in HDFS.
P.S. I have proven that I am able to run queries against hive table without partitioning.
Any thoughts ?
I see that you have created EXTERNAL TABLE. So you cannot add or drop partition using hive. you need to create a folder using hdfs or MR or SPARK. EXTERNAL table can only be read by hive but not managed by HDFS. You can check the hdfs location '/test/dt=20171117' and you will see that folder has not been created.
My suggestion is create the folder(partition) using "hadoop fs -mkdir '/test/20171117'" then try to query the table. although it will give 0 row. but you can add the data to that folder and read from Hive.
You need to specify a LOCATION for an EXTERNAL TABLE
LOCATION '/test';
Then, is the data actually a sequence file? All you've said is that it's protobuf data. I'm not sure how the elephantbird library works, but you'll want to double check that.
Then, your table locations need to look like /test/dt=value in order for Hive to read them.
After you create an external table over HDFS location, you must run MSCK REPAIR TABLE table_name for the partitions to be added to the Hive metastore

Create a HIVE table and save it to a tab-separated file?

I have some data in hdfs.
This data was migrated from a PostgreSQL database by using Sqoop.
The data has the following hadoopish format, like _SUCCESS, part-m-00000, etc.
I need to create a Hive table based on this data and then I need to export this table to a single tab-separated file.
As far as I know, I can create a table this way.
create external table table_name (
id int,
myfields string
location '/my/location/in/hdfs';
Then I can save the table as tsv file:
hive -e 'select * from some_table' > /home/myfile.tsv
I don't know how to load data from hdfs into a Hive table.
Moreover, should I manually define the structure of a table using create or is there any automated way when all columns are created automatically?
I don't know how to load data from hdfs into Hive table
You create a table schema over a hdfs directory like you're doing.
should I manually define the structure of a table using create or is there any automated way when all columns are created automatically?
Unless you didn't tell sqoop to create the table, you must do it manually.
export this table into a single tab-separated file.
A query might work, or unless sqoop set the delimiter to \t, then you need to create another table from the first specifying such column separator. And then, you don't even need to query the table, just run hdfs dfs -getMerge on the directory

Unable to read date value from pig to hive

I have my data processed using pig and stored in an hdfs location(/tmp/output). This data now has to be read into a hive table which point to the same location(/tmp/ouput). But when I try to get the date value from the hive table I shows NULL.
Below are the commands I used:
STORE DATA into '/tmp/output' USING PigStorage('\u0001');
When I fire the below query :
hive -e "select load_date from 'STUDENT'"
It gives me NULL
2015-10-06T10:09:00.000-04:00 is the time format I see in /tmp/output.
Seems like hive is unable to read this format(timestamp in hive).
How can I convert this format into hive readable one.
Any help will be greatly appreciated!
We can use hcatstorer to store the pig output into hive table.but Bydefault hcatstorer consider datatype of input as a at the end ,date column stored in hive table won't have date will be string.

storing pig output into Hive table in a single instance

I would like to insert the pig output into Hive tables(tables in Hive is already created with the exact schema).Just need to insert the output values into table. I dont want to the usual method, wherein I first store into a file, then read that file from Hive and then insert into tables. I need to reduce that extra hop which is done.
Is it possible. If so please tell me how this can be done ?
Ok. Create a external hive table with a schema layout somewhere in HDFS directory. Lets say
create external table emp_records(id int,
name String,
city String)
row formatted delimited
fields terminated by '|'
location '/user/cloudera/outputfiles/usecase1';
Just create a table like above and no need to load any file into that directory.
Now write a Pig script that we read data for some input directory and then when you store the output of that Pig script use as below
A = LOAD 'inputfile.txt' USING PigStorage(',') AS(id:int,name:chararray,city:chararray);
B = FILTER A by id > = 678933;
C = FOREACH B GENERATE id,name,city;
STORE C INTO '/user/cloudera/outputfiles/usecase1' USING PigStorage('|');
Ensure that destination location and delimiter and schema layout of final FOREACH statement in you Pigscript matches with Hive DDL schema.
There are two approaches explained below with 'Employee' table example to store pig output into hive table. (Prerequisite is that hive table should be already created)
A = LOAD 'EMPLOYEE.txt' USING PigStorage(',') AS(EMP_NUM:int,EMP_NAME:chararray,EMP_PHONE:int);
Approach 1: Using Hcatalog
// dump pig result to Hive using Hcatalog
store A into 'Empdb.employee' using org.apache.hive.hcatalog.pig.HCatStorer();
Approach 2: Using HDFS physical location
// dump pig result to external hive warehouse location
STORE A INTO 'hdfs://<<nmhost>>:<<port>>/user/hive/warehouse/Empdb/employee/' USING PigStorage(',')
you can store it using Hcatalog
STORE D INTO 'tablename' USING org.apache.hive.hcatalog.pig.HCatStorer();
see below link
The best way is to use HCatalog and write the data in hive table.
STORE final_data INTO 'Hive_table_name' using org.apache.hive.hcatalog.pig.HCatStorer();
But before storing the data, make sure the columns in the 'final_data' dataset is perfectly matched and mapped with the schema of the table.
And run your pig script like this :
pig script.pig -useHCatalog

How do I partition in hive by a specific column?

I have 3 columns: user, datetime, and data
My data is space delimited and each row is delimited by a new line
right now I'm using the regexserde to read in my input, however I want to partition by the user. If I do that user can no longer be a column, correct? If so how do I load my data onto my tables?
In Hive each partition corresponds to a folder in HDFS. You can reload the data from your unpartitioned Hive table into a new partitioned HIve table using a create-table-as-select (CTAS) statement. See for more details.
You can order the data in HDFS in sub-directories under the current directory, the directory name has to be in the format PART_NAME=PART_VALUE.
If your data is split into files where in each file you have only one type of "user" just create directories corresponding to the usernames (e.g. USERNAME=XYZ) and put all the files that match that username in its directory.
Next you can create an external-table with partitions (see example).
The only problem is that you'll have to define the column "user" that's in your data anyway (but you can just ignore it) and query the other column (USERNAME) which will provide the needed partition pruning.
