Understanding method references [duplicate] - java-8

This question already has an answer here:
lambda with non-static methods in Java 8
(1 answer)
Closed 6 years ago.
I have the following example:
public class App {
public static void main( String[] args ) {
List<Car> list = Arrays.asList(new Car("green"), new Car("blue"), new Car("white"));
//Ex. 1
List<String> carColors1 = list.stream().map(CarUtils::getCarColor).collect(Collectors.toList());
//Ex. 2
List<String> carColors2 = list.stream().map(Car::getColor).collect(Collectors.toList());
static class CarUtils {
static String getCarColor(Car car) {
return car.getColor();
static class Car {
private String color;
public Car(String color) {
this.color = color;
public String getColor() {
return color;
Ex. 1 works since method getCarColor in CarUtils class has the same method signature and return type as apply method in Function interface.
But why Ex. 2 works? Method getColor in Car class has a different from apply method signature and I expect to get a compile time error here.

Method getColor in Car class has a different from apply method signature and I expect to get a compile time error here.
Not really. Car.getColor() is an instance method. You can see it as a function that takes one argument: this, of type Car, and returns a String. So that matches with the signature of apply() in Function<Car, String>.


Unity C# Error: 'Sprite' does not contain a constructor that takes 0 arguments

I've been working on an item system for my game in Unity. I am still pretty new to coding, but I am giving it my best effort.
My Item system Works by accessing interfaces with the data I need. While trying to assign my sprite from the interface to a private variable, I get the error "'Sprite' does not contain a constructor that takes 0 arguments." I have looked all over for solutions, and haven't found any fixes that have worked for me so far.
The Class I created to access the interface looks like this:
public class ISType : IISType {
[SerializeField] string _name;
[SerializeField] Sprite _icon;
_name = "Type";
_icon = new Sprite(); }
public string Name
{ return _name; }
{ _name = value }
public Sprite Icon {
{ return _icon; }
{ _icon = value; }
If anyone can tell what is going on I would really appreciate the help! :)
It looks like Sprite does not contain a public constructor accepting zero arguments.
A class with no constructors defined will have a parameterless constructor.
public class MyClass { }
MyClass x= new MyClass(); // this is valid
However if it has any other constructors defined, this parameterless 'default' constructor is no longer 'a given'.
Difference between default constructor and paramterless constructor?
Answer by Nicole Calinoiu
The "default" constructor is added by the C# compiler if your class does not contain an explicit instance constructor. It is a public, parameterless constructor.
public class MyClass {
public MyClass(string foo)
MyClass x= new MyClass(); // this is invalid
The class would have to manually define a parameterless constructor.
public class MyClass {
// parameterless constructor
public MyClass()
public MyClass(string foo)
MyClass x= new MyClass(); // this is valid again!
Sometimes no constructors are provided publicly, and a class instead provides static methods to instantiate the object.
public class MyClass
private MyClass()
public static MyClass Create()
return new MyClass();
A private constructor is a special instance constructor. It is generally used in classes that contain static members only. If a class has one or more private constructors and no public constructors, other classes (except nested classes) cannot create instances of this class.
Without knowing more about the Sprite class, my guess is that there is a static method for creating instances of the Sprite
something like
Sprite sprite = Sprite.Create(...);
The answer is in the error. There is no constructor that takes 0 parameters for Sprite. Without seeing the code I'm guessing you made a custom constructor with parameters and didn't add a paramaterless one.
A default parameterless constructor would look like:
Be sure to do a lot more reading and tutorials. This is fairly basic class information.

How java 8 evaluates internally when passing "pass a reference" to a method that matches the parameter list of abstract method?

I have been working with java 8 functional interfaces and I noticed something unusual when I started executing below code.
interface Carnivore{
default int calories( List<String> food)
System.out.println("=======line ABC ");
return food.size() * 100;
int eat(List<String> foods);
class Tiger implements Carnivore{
public int eat(List<String> foods)
System.out.println("eating "+ foods);
return foods.size();
public class TestClass {
public static int size(List<String> names){
System.out.println("======line XYZ ");
return names.size()*2;
public static void process(List<String> names, Carnivore c){
public static void main(String[] args) {
List<String> fnames = Arrays.asList("a", "b", "c");
Tiger t = new Tiger();
process(fnames, t::eat);
process(fnames, t::calories);
process(fnames, TestClass::size ); // ----> this is where I am confused.
As you can see that static method process(List<String> names, Carnivore c) takes object type Carnivore. The method call process(fnames, TestClass::size ) works, and there's no compile time error, how is this possible? I'm not able to comprehend how internally this method call works. I was expecting an error because TestClass is not Carnivore.
The best answer I found: "You can either pass a Carnivore instance explicitly or pass a reference to a method that matches the parameter list of Carnivore's abstract method eat(List<String> foods)"
The part pass a reference to a method that matches the parameter list of abstract method is confusing to me.
Appreciated if experts help me understand what happens when process(fnames, TestClass::size ); is called.
Carnivore is a functional interface having a single abstract method int eat(List<String> foods);.
Therefore, any method that fits the signature of the eat method can be used to implement the interface.
public static int size(List<String> names) is such a method, since it takes a List<String> argument and returns an int. Therefore TestClass::size can be passed as an argument of type Carnivore, which is why process(fnames, TestClass::size); passes compilation.
BTW, Tiger does not have to implement the Carnivore interface for process(fnames, t::eat); to pass compilation, since the public int eat(List<String> foods) method also matches the signature of the functional interface's single abstract method.

Lambda return type as generic [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Lambda Expression and generic defined only in method
(5 answers)
Closed 4 years ago.
Could someone help me how to write lambda implementation for the following functional interface.
public interface InnerLambda {
public <R> R test(String str);
And I have a class well
public class Example {
public static void main(String[] args) {
public static void testInner(InnerLambda innerLambda){
You cannot use lambda expression for a functional interface with a generic method scoped.
Your interface functional would make more sense by being generic :
public interface InnerLambda<R> {
R test(String str);
Here are some examples.
To concatenate the String param to another String :
InnerLambda<String> l1 = s -> s + "other string";
To return a boolean according to the String param nullity :
InnerLambda<Boolean> l2 = Objects::nonNull;
It's good if you will have interface like this:
#FunctionalInterface // Ensure if your interface have only one bastract method.
public interface InnerLambda<R> {
public R test(String str);
There are many ways to do so one of them is given below:
InnerLamda innerLamda = str -> {
//implementation will go here.
// return the response
//You can call by using below line
int length = innerLamda.test("input");
Lamda will identify the value of R based of value you are returning
from your lamda.
if you want to do it with generic at method level then you can do it with method references as it's not supported by lamda as stated in below document:
method reference example is below:
Note: If you are calling it a functional interface then what is the
issue in defining the generic at the interface level.because there is
only one abstract method.

What does ContainingType mean in java method reference

In Java Method References
ContainingClass::staticMethodName - means that a class can refer the static method (Reference to a Static Method )
containingObject::instanceMethodName - means that a class object is created first and then that object is used to refer the instanceMethod .
My doubt is
ContainingType::methodName - what does the ContainingType mean ?
Is ContainingType a predefined class in java like String or something else ?
Java Language Specification, §4.3. Reference Types and Values:
There are four kinds of reference types: class types (§8.1), interface types (§9.1), type variables (§4.4), and array types (§10.1).
Array type don't have static methods, so that doesn't apply to static method reference, but you can do the other 3:
class MyClass {
static void doIt() {/*doing it*/}
interface MyInterface {
static void doIt() {/*doing it*/}
class Test<T extends MyClass> {
void test() {
Runnable m1 = MyClass::doIt; // class type
Runnable m2 = MyInterface::doIt; // interface type
Runnable m3 = T::doIt; // type variable
Now that link is provided in a comment, it says:
Reference to a static method
Reference to an instance method of a particular object
Reference to an instance method of an arbitrary object of a particular type
Reference to a constructor
Here, again, ContainingType refers to any of the 3 reference types mentioned above: Class, Interface, and Type Variable.
You can then make a method reference for any instance method of such a type.
class MyClass {
void doIt() {/*doing it*/}
interface MyInterface {
void doIt();
class Test<T extends MyClass> {
void test() {
Consumer<MyClass> m1 = MyClass::doIt;
Consumer<MyInterface> m2 = MyInterface::doIt;
Consumer<T> m3 = T::doIt;
In the document you gave,there is a example of the ContainingType:
String[] stringArray = { "Barbara", "James", "Mary", "John",
"Patricia", "Robert", "Michael", "Linda" };
Arrays.sort(stringArray, String::compareToIgnoreCase);
and explains:
The equivalent lambda expression for the method reference String::compareToIgnoreCase would have the formal parameter list (String a, String b), where a and b are arbitrary names used to better describe this example. The method reference would invoke the method a.compareToIgnoreCase(b).
I think,the element of the stringArray dosen't have a name (eg: String s1 = "Barbara"),so you can't refer it by containingObject::instanceMethodName(eg:s1::compareToIgnoreCase). That's why it uses ContainingType.
I think your ContainingType::methodName is a general/common form of the 2 forms above...
Think about the below code. You can replace the <methodReference> width
InterfaceA::method (for ContainingType::methodName)
ClassA::method (for also ContainingType::methodName)
ClassB::instanceMethod (for ContainingObject::instanceMethodName) or
ClassB::staticMethod (for ContainingClass::staticMethodName)
to demonstrate the mentioned cases:
public class App {
interface InterfaceA {
String method();
static class ClassA implements InterfaceA {
public String method() {
return "ContainingType::methodName";
static class ClassB extends ClassA {
public String instanceMethod() {
return "ContainingObject::instanceMethodName";
public static String staticMethod(ClassB classB) {
return "ContainingClass::staticMethodName";
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println(((Function<ClassB, String>) <methodReference>).apply(new ClassB()));

Sort a list of objects based on a parameterized attribute of the object

Assuming that we have an object with the following attributes:
public class MyObject {
private String attr1;
private Integer attr2;
public String getAttr1() {
return this.attr1;
public Integer getAttr2() {
return this.attr2;
One way of sorting a list mylist of this object, based on its attribute attr1 is:
Is it possible to use this code inside a method in a dynamic way and replace the getAttr1 part with a method that returns the getter of an attribute of the object based on its name? Something like:
public void sortListByAttr(List<MyObject> list, String attr) {
The MyObject::getGetterByAttr(attr) part does not compile, I wrote it just as an example to explain my idea
I tried to implement a method with the following code new PropertyDescriptor(attr, MyObject.class).getReadMethod().invoke(new MyObject()) but It's still not possible to call a method with a parameter from the comparing method
You could add a method like
public static Function<MyObject,Object> getGetterByAttr(String s) {
switch(s) {
case "attr1": return MyObject::getAttr1;
case "attr2": return MyObject::getAttr2;
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s);
to your class, but the returned function is not suitable for Comparator.comparing, as it expects a type fulfilling U extends Comparable<? super U> and while each of String and Integer is capable of fulfilling this constraint in an individual invocation, there is no way to declare a generic return type for getGetterByAttr to allow both type and be still compatible with the declaration of comparing.
An alternative would be a factory for complete Comparators.
public static Comparator<MyObject> getComparator(String s) {
switch(s) {
case "attr1": return Comparator.comparing(MyObject::getAttr1);
case "attr2": return Comparator.comparing(MyObject::getAttr2);
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s);
to be used like
public void sortListByAttr(List<MyObject> list, String attr) {
This has the advantage that it also may support properties whose type is not Comparable and requires a custom Comparator. Also, more efficient comparators for primitive types (e.g. using comparingInt) would be possible.
You may also consider using a Map instead of switch:
private static Map<String,Comparator<MyObject>> COMPARATORS;
static {
Map<String,Comparator<MyObject>> comparators=new HashMap<>();
comparators.put("attr1", Comparator.comparing(MyObject::getAttr1));
comparators.put("attr2", Comparator.comparing(MyObject::getAttr2));
COMPARATORS = Collections.unmodifiableMap(comparators);
public static Comparator<MyObject> getComparator(String s) {
Comparator<MyObject> comparator = COMPARATORS.get(s);
if(comparator != null) return comparator;
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s);
More dynamic is only possible via Reflection, but this would complicate the code, add a lot of potential error source, with only little benefit, considering that you need only to add one line of source code for adding support for another property in either of the examples above. After all, the set of defined properties gets fixed at compile time.
You could also have a single place where this comparators would be defined:
static enum MyObjectComparator {
ATTR1("attr1", Comparator.comparing(MyObject::getAttr1));
MyObjectComparator(String attrName, Comparator<MyObject> comparator) {
this.comparator = comparator;
this.attrName = attrName;
private final Comparator<MyObject> comparator;
private final String attrName;
private static MyObjectComparator[] allValues = MyObjectComparator.values();
public static Comparator<MyObject> findByValue(String value) {
return Arrays.stream(allValues)
.filter(x -> x.attrName.equalsIgnoreCase(value))
.map(x -> x.comparator)
And your usage would be:
public void sortListByAttr(List<MyObject> list, String attr) {
