Issues with installation LTTNG for fedora22 - lttng

using: 4.2.8-200.fc22.x86_64
I have a lot of issues with installing latest package of fedora's lttng.
I have installed the latest version available for fedora as for 29/6/16.
Available Packages
Name : lttng-tools
Version : 2.6.0
whereas the latest available for other distributions is 2.8.0;a=shortlog;h=refs/heads/stable-2.8
as for fedora lttng-modules need to be installed manually.
none or the 2.5 through 2.6.1 are compiling.
error: implicit declaration of function ‘__get_cpu_var’
and 2.6.3 report
Can't read private key
for each module and reports
depmod: WARNING: /lib/modules/4.2.8-200.fc22.x86_64/extra/probes/lttng-probe-x86-exceptions.ko needs unknown symbol lttng_pid_tracker_lookup
none of the modules are available at insmod.
trying 2.8.0 modules result
Error: Kernel tracer ABI version (2.1) is not compatible with expected ABI major version (1.*)
second attempt result with the following.
lttng (create, enable, start, stop, view) result with no results.
Is there any plans you guys know of for further support for fedora beyond 2.6?
any Ideas for how can I make lttng works for my 22 fedora.
(not upgrading to fedora 24 due to performance degradation )

I have recently taken over the maintenance of the lttng packages in Fedora, F25 will ship with the latest lttng 2.8 packages. As for F22, you best option would be to try to rebuild the F25 sources packages on F22. For the kernel modules you can use this source package intended for RHEL7 :
Hope it helps, cheers.


latest version glibc not configured properly on my Linux distro image

Recently, I have installed glibc-2.35 version on my Linux distribution, before I have glibc-2.27 version. After Installing I am not able to use latest version glibc as a default for compiling source code.
As a sample trail, I have successfully compiled sample program with the latest version glibc by using following command.
gcc sample.c -o out -Wl,--rpath=/usr/lib -Wl,--dynamic-linker=/usr/lib/
Here, I am facing a big difficulty is how to set latest glibc as a default glibc so that I can compile source packages normally like .configure and make -j8 and make install.
Please help me to solve this issue. I am not aware of pathcelf stuff how to use exactly.

Install older version of gcc cross compiler for arm on Ubuntu

I need to use gcc-arm-linux-gnueabi version 6.5, along with a version of libc that came out around the same period (I believe is libc-2.26). My host system is Ubuntu 18.04.
If I go with just a simple
sudo apt-get install gcc-arm-linux-gnueabi g++-arm-linux-gnueabi binutils-arm-linux-gnueabi
I'll get v7 for the gcc cross compiler and v2.30 for binutills, which does not work for me, since I'll end up with errors similar to the one described here.
If I try to download the deb packages, I get unmet dependencies.
I have also tried to force apt-get to install specific versions, using something like described here but I get error messages that the version I'm looking for cannot be found.
Is there a way to force ubuntu to install specific (older) version of gcc, libc, etc.?
I know that gcc v 6 is obsolete, but I cannot do otherwise.
You could give a try to the Linaro release of gcc 6.5, available here, which comes with glibc version 2.23.

( /lib/ version `GLIBC_2.28' not found

I am testing a Linux-PAM installation with this test program. When the module is called, the test program application fails with a segmentation error. Looking at the /var/log/messages, I can red the following error message:
petalinux authpriv.err pam_test: PAM unable to dlopen(/usr/lib/security/ /lib/ version `GLIBC_2.28' not found (required by /usr/lib/
petalinux authpriv.err pam_test: PAM adding faulty module: /usr/lib/security/
The system is an embedded Linux running on a Zynq processor.
Can anyone help me understand the source of the problem?
Thank you.
Can anyone help me understand the source of the problem?
You linked against GLIBC-2.28 (or later).
But at runtime, the version of GLIBC is 2.27 (or earlier).
GLIBC supports backward compatibility (binaries built against earlier version of GLIBC continue to run on systems with newer GLIBC versions).
But it doesn't support "build on newer, run on older" compatibility.

Application RPM Install Error: is needed by ....

I have an application rpm which when installed is failing to get installed with error
error: Failed dependencies: is needed by testSam-4.7.x86_64 is needed by testSam-4.7.x86_64 is needed by testSam-4.7.x86_64
The system has RHEL 7.3 with glibc 2.17.
# cat /etc/redhat-release
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 7.3 (Maipo)
# rpm -qf /lib64/
So the application built using older glibc(it needs glibc between 2.0 and 2.1) is failing to run on a system having newer glibc 2.17.
How to get rid of this issue and run the application on systems having newer glibc?
I guess there are some glibc backward compatibility packs which will help us run such applications on systems having newer glibc.
From where can I download such compatibility packs?
Despite the package name of testSam-4.7.x86_64 , there are probably some binaries in that rpm that are NOT 64 bit, but built as 32 bit. You might need to install the glibc.i686 package first
If there is a 32 bit executable or library in the package it will add a dependency on , while 64 bit executables adds a dependency on

How to Install an Earlier Version of libsvn-java

I installed the latest version of Eclipse Neon in Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS. When I attempted to create a PHP project I got this error:
Failed to load JavaHL Library.
These are the errors that were encountered:
no libsvnjavahl-1 in java.library.path
no svnjavahl-1 in java.library.path
no svnjavahl in java.library.path
java.library.path = /usr/java/packages/lib/amd64:/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/jni:/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu:/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu:/usr/lib/jni:/lib:/usr/lib
So I attempted to install JavaHL follow the instructions at:
In Eclipse: Help => Installation Details I see I have Subclipse version 1.10.13. According that web page I need to install SVN/JavaHL version 1.8.x. When I follow the directions farther down that page and execute the command:
sudo apt-get install libsvn-java
what is installed is version 1.9.3-2ubuntu1. How can I install version 1.8.x?
I attempted to install Subclipse version 1.12.x by pasting the URL:
In Eclipse: Help => Install New Software => Work with field, after removing both Subclipse and SVNKit. But the versions it was going to install was still Subclipse 1.10.13 and SVNKit Library 1.8.12
You are doing the right thing. The Subclipse version is the same because it is not possible to host both the 1.8.x and 1.9.x version of the JavaHL plugin on the same site and there is otherwise no difference in the versions.
That said, since you have 1.9.x available you should just move on to the new location and version of Subclipse that only supports 1.9.x. The project has moved here:
Information on installation and JavaHL is in the wiki.
Note that other than a few small bug fixes that have been released, it is not much different than the version that was on tigris. That said, that version is dead and will not receive any more updates so it makes sense to move to this version now.
