I have completed my site in dreamweaver, Do i just upload my root folder to my host now? - hosting

So as the title says, I have completed my site for my first client in Dreamweaver ( still studying in college ), Do i just upload it to their hosting site of choice and will all the links work? I know how to upload just curious about how the links like images and my root folder will stay in tact.

Yes, Generally, they will. You can try it for yourself and see. As long as your refering to the images relative to your file.

Upload all your files to your live server's 'htdocs' or 'public-html' folder. All your links should work fine, if done properly. As far as you move all your folders (images, css, etc) to the live server everything will work.
Dreamweaver doesn't require any special thing or configuration before deploying, you can even deploy directly from Dreamweaver to be super sure nothing breaks while deploying to the production server.


Is there a way to recover an entire website from the wayback machine?

My website files got corrupted and lost all the backup files somehow. Can any one please suggest the process to download entire site.
Its a simple html site. Once after downloading how can I host it ?
Please help
You can't use a regular crawler because the contents served have the original links, so you get out of the first page immediately when you're crawling it if you don't rewrite the links: in the browser they are rewritten with a client-side script to point back to the Wayback Machine.
If it's simple html, like you mentioned, and very small you might want to save the pages manually or even copy the contents by hand to a new website structure. If it's not small, then try the tools mentioned in the answers to this similar question in superuser: https://superuser.com/questions/828907/how-to-download-a-website-from-the-archive-org-wayback-machine
After downloading it you may have to check the structure of the files downloaded for links that may have been incorrectly rewritten or for missing files. The links that point to files that belong to the website should be local links and not external ones. Then you can host it again on a web hosting service of your preference.

Web pages download to desktop instead of load?

I am in the middle of migrating a Magento site over to a new server. I followed instructions provided in this video to a T-
However, now when I try to access the transferred site, any pages just download to my desktop instead of displaying in browser.
I have never encountered this before. Have you? Does anyone know what this could be? I apologize if this is too broad, but I'm wondering if maybe it's something I have to change in a file like .htaccess or something
As I suspected- it was the .htaccess file. I fixed the issue by deleting the file altogether, though I'm sure I want only able to get away with that because I migrated everything into a subdirectory to begin with rather than the root. I am unsure if this will still be a viable solution for those experiencing the same problem in a root directory.

Best way to share a common CSS and Scripts between web applications?

Using: Dreamweaver CS6, ColdFusion 10, CFBuilder 3 (soon)
I'm currently developing three seperate web projects but am using the same set of resources for each project:
Same CSS reset and initialisation styles e.g grid layouts
Same JQuery initialisation files
At the moment each web project has a copy of the same files in its web root. I'd like to have a place that all the sites link to get these common shared resources. I can only think of two ways to do this, both similar:
Decide on a 'master' site and place all the CSS and JS files in that site only.
Make a new site called 'shared or common' and put all the common stuff in there. but this new site still has to reside on some domain. So I still need to choose a 'master' project.
Both the above points are somewhat difficult to do because there is no 'master' site. None of the sites are linked in any way to each other.
Say I've decided on a master site then I could then link to those files using a fully qualified URL. But this means that when I am in my development environment I won't be able to see these files and use any kind of IDE introspection to see whats in the files when I make changes (e.g. like intellisense detects whats in the files and gives you hints).
Overall whats the best way to share these resources for both development and production environments?
Update: After the answers I realised I need a virtual directory in IIS and also a virtual folder in my Windows 7 local folders where my web project files are kept.
You need to use web server virtual directories (for IIS) or alias (for Apache).
Simply create an alias/virtual directory called 'scripts' (or whatever you want) in the web root of each site (you can do this in your development environment too, if you are using IIS or Apache) and then simply use
<script src="/scripts/my.js" ></script>
I'll venture an answer.
We have shared assets across HTTP to sister sites and some unrelated sites. But the primary site collapsed and it created a single point of failure that cascaded in insane ways across our other sites (support calls were also insane until we got the primary site fixed).
Nightmare. Never again...
What I suggest is to create an Amazon AWS S3 bucket and host your assets there.
Provided you don't exceed 20,000 requests or 15GB of data per month it is free.
There are lots of setup examples on the internet.
AND if I can set this up and get it working like a charm, then you should have no problem either.
Just a consideration...Good luck.
We do this without sites. Instead we use server mappings. In the CFAdmin tool, we have mapped logical path "/" to a directory path. That directory path has folders for js, images, css, and templates. Then if we want to use a javascript file, it's simply:
<script src = "/js/theFileIWant.js">

Can I have XAMPP on localhost with web content hosted on Dropbox?

I'm thinking of hosting WordPress on my Dropbox folder for development work. Has anyone tried this?
I'm wondering if there's a way to keep XAMPP on your local machine but direct the root to the Dropbox folder.
First of all, both WordPress and XAMPP produces a lot of garbage files (logs, PIDs, configs, sessions) etc. that will simply trashout your Dropbox. I'm pretty sure about that, because I tried to version XAMPP on SVN, which is pretty the same as SVN, and got really tired on searching more and more folders that should be ignored (non-versioned) because of containing data and other temp files.
And for answering your question. Sure thing, you can. After installing XAMPP (preferably outside Dropbox), go to "xampp\apache\conf" folder, edit "httpd.conf" file and change the value "DocumentRoot" variable (around line 90) to whatever you need. You may need to use ".." for specifying parent folder many times, if your Dropbox is outside XAMPP folder.
I won't discuss security matters here, as you should know, that such solution is highly risky and on the other side of security topics.

Moved website, now images broken

Unsure if this should be on here or serverfault so apologies if I'm wrong.
I just moved my site from one folder to another on my server (what happened was, I was doing an update, which didn't quite work, so I transferred all the old files back). Now all my images on the site are broken.
Does anyone know why this happens? Or how to fix it more importantly?
Any help/advice would be appreciated!
Okay, apparently I need to make sure the code is compiled, but completely lost as to how to do this..any ideas?
I'm also on a windows 2008 server, running IIS7. The application is written in C# .net MVC.
It doesn't seems that you have a compilation problem since the aplication is working. I mean, if you can run the website, but you are only missing the images, try to look for the paths and check if the image files are in there.
For an MVC (C#) app you should have the directory like this:
´root´ is gonna be your first public folder on the WebServer
Hope it helps!
Make sure the paths to your image files (and any files for that matter) are relative to the root directory of your web site. This way, if you ever move all of the files pertaining to your web site from one location to another, everything stays relative and nothing should be broken.
