Web pages download to desktop instead of load? - magento

I am in the middle of migrating a Magento site over to a new server. I followed instructions provided in this video to a T-
However, now when I try to access the transferred site, any pages just download to my desktop instead of displaying in browser.
I have never encountered this before. Have you? Does anyone know what this could be? I apologize if this is too broad, but I'm wondering if maybe it's something I have to change in a file like .htaccess or something

As I suspected- it was the .htaccess file. I fixed the issue by deleting the file altogether, though I'm sure I want only able to get away with that because I migrated everything into a subdirectory to begin with rather than the root. I am unsure if this will still be a viable solution for those experiencing the same problem in a root directory.


Is there a way to recover an entire website from the wayback machine?

My website files got corrupted and lost all the backup files somehow. Can any one please suggest the process to download entire site.
Its a simple html site. Once after downloading how can I host it ?
Please help
You can't use a regular crawler because the contents served have the original links, so you get out of the first page immediately when you're crawling it if you don't rewrite the links: in the browser they are rewritten with a client-side script to point back to the Wayback Machine.
If it's simple html, like you mentioned, and very small you might want to save the pages manually or even copy the contents by hand to a new website structure. If it's not small, then try the tools mentioned in the answers to this similar question in superuser: https://superuser.com/questions/828907/how-to-download-a-website-from-the-archive-org-wayback-machine
After downloading it you may have to check the structure of the files downloaded for links that may have been incorrectly rewritten or for missing files. The links that point to files that belong to the website should be local links and not external ones. Then you can host it again on a web hosting service of your preference.

Joomla 2.5.16 take up to 2min to load

A relative asked me to fixed a Joomla website (v2.5.16) who has been hacked last year, probably due to lack of update (is up to date now), unfortunately I have no information about this. The issue is that the front end take 2~ min to load. The administration is loading normally so whatever the issue is, it depend of the front end. I already disabled all modules one by one and switched the template with another one to make sure that thebug is not in template or plugins folders, without success.
I must add that the problem is "probably" more recent than the hack, according to this person. So maybe there was a script somewhere reaching a random server which may not work anymore.
PS : the website is on a shared hosting. I have the FTP access but no ssh.
I know that I don't give any details which can lead to resolve this, but I need more a method to track what can go wrong and where than a solution.
Thanks in advance,
We have written a lengthy post explaining why a website might be slow: http://www.itoctopus.com/20-questions-you-should-be-asking-yourself-if-your-joomla-website-is-slow
From the looks of it, it might that the website is still hacked. Try overwriting the Joomla files with a fresh Joomla install and see if that addresses the problem.
Solving this issue will probably involve some or all of the following:
updating Joomla and all third party extensions to the latest versions
checking for and fixing malicious files using http://myjoomla.com or
https://sucuri.net or similar
analysing the performance of the website using http://gtmetrix.com
(it's free) or similar to pinpoint and fix what is taking the most time to
If the website has been hacked, you may need to reset passwords etc once the malicious files have been removed. See https://joomla.stackexchange.com/a/180/120 for more information about securing the website once it is fixed.

Strange file on my FTP

Can any one know what this file is about? http://www.symbios.pk/x.dep.PIE.htc? Is it safe to keep on server? I've never seen such before and this is one of highest accesses pages on my site.
At a fast glance, this looks safe and appears to stem from a CSS3 compatibility layer: CSS3 PIE. If you are worried, you can always re-download the file from the website and re-add it, but I would keep a backup first in case of any version incompatibilities.
The file on your web server doesn't match Beta 1.0.0's PIE.htc exactly but it is rather similar and it also already good to know that a .htc file does indeed come from CSS3 PIE. The extension of a file obviously doesn't say much about its contents but it's still reassuring to see that it is an expected file ending. (I've never encountered an .htc file before, so this raised some concerns for me.)
As for it being visited a lot, this doesn't have to mean anything. Possibly the file is being checked out by bots or someone is hotlinking your JS file; it's hard to say without context but if it's a JavaScript file from some framework you should be fine. The good news here is that this is JavaScript, so it can't compromise your server (but it could attack a browser loading the file).
If all else fails and you know where your pages use this file, you could try renaming the file so anyone hotlinking or just guessing for the existence of the file would have a tougher time. I don't really understand why someone would take interest in a small JavaScript file, though.
Interestingly, visiting your main page at symbios.pk doesn't load the file, though. Maybe some back-end module? If multiple people are working on the website, I would suggest asking all of the developers if they know about this file. It would be interesting to compare the creation date with that of similar files.

URL in Joomla does not work

I have a live joomla website which i copied on my development server which has the URL "dev.xxx.ch". The base site works but when i click on a link it fails. The link is generated right: dev.xxx.ch/gyger/ but then the sites goes to xxx.ch
Can anybody fix me?
Check your configuration.php file in your root directory. This line should say:
public $live_site = 'http://dev.pingag.ch';
If it doesn't change it. With that said, that's not the only thing you need to worry about. Make sure you have followed the proper directions on copying over a site.
I also highly recommend using Akeeba backup. It is free and takes care of everything for you. Really the only way to go. Although a word of warning with Akeeba backup, make sure to follow the documentation carefully, it will save you tons of time.

Moved website, now images broken

Unsure if this should be on here or serverfault so apologies if I'm wrong.
I just moved my site from one folder to another on my server (what happened was, I was doing an update, which didn't quite work, so I transferred all the old files back). Now all my images on the site are broken.
Does anyone know why this happens? Or how to fix it more importantly?
Any help/advice would be appreciated!
Okay, apparently I need to make sure the code is compiled, but completely lost as to how to do this..any ideas?
I'm also on a windows 2008 server, running IIS7. The application is written in C# .net MVC.
It doesn't seems that you have a compilation problem since the aplication is working. I mean, if you can run the website, but you are only missing the images, try to look for the paths and check if the image files are in there.
For an MVC (C#) app you should have the directory like this:
´root´ is gonna be your first public folder on the WebServer
Hope it helps!
Make sure the paths to your image files (and any files for that matter) are relative to the root directory of your web site. This way, if you ever move all of the files pertaining to your web site from one location to another, everything stays relative and nothing should be broken.
