Call by name vs normal order - lambda-calculus

I know this topic has been discussed several times, but there is something still unclear to me.
I've read this question applicative-order/call-by-value and normal-order/call-by-name differences and there is something I would to clarify once and for all:
As normal order, but no reductions are performed inside abstractions. For example λx.(λx.x)x is in normal form according to this strategy, although it contains the redex (λx.x)x.
In call by name, the expression λx.(λx.x)x is said to be in normal form; is this because "(λx.x)x" is considered to be the body (since the scope of λ extends as far as possible to the right)? And so on the other side, if I apply the normal order, what would be the result?

In call by name, the expression λx.(λx.x)x is said to be in normal form; is this because "(λx.x)x" is considered to be the body (since the scope of λ extends as far as possible to the right)?
Yes, you are right.
And so on the other side, if I apply the normal order, what would be the result?
You do reduction inside the body: (λx.x)x -> x, so the whole thing reduces to the identity function:
λx.(λx.x)x -> λx.x
To clarify it a bit further, let me do this one more time, renaming the variables to conform with the Barendregt variable convention: λx.(λx.x)x =α λx.(λy.y)x:
λx.(λy.y)x -> λx.[y := x](y) = λx.x


Refactoring Business Rule, Function Naming, Width, Height, Position X & Y

I am refactoring some business rule functions to provide a more generic version of the function.
The functions I am refactoring are:
All of them do string parsing, as it is a string parsing business rules engine.
My question is what would be a good name for the newly refactored function?
Obviously I want to shy away from a function name like:
I mean that would work, but it seems unnecessarily long when it could be something like:
DetermineWindowMoniker or something to that effect.
Function objective: Parse an input string like 1280x1024 or 200,100 and return either the first or second number. The use case is for data-driving test automation of a web browser window, but this should be irrelevant to the answer.
Question objective: I have the code to do this, so my question is not about code, but just the function name. Any ideas?
There are too little details, you should have specified at least the parameters and returns of the functions.
Have I understood correctly that you use strings of the format NxN for sizes and N,N for positions?
And that this generic function will have to parse both (and nothing else), and will return either the first or second part depending on a parameter of the function?
And that you'll then keep the various DetermineWindow* functions but make them all call this generic function?
If so:
Without knowing what parameters the generic function has it's even harder to help, but it's most likely impossible to give it a simple name.
Not all batches of code can be described by a simple name.
You'll most likely need to use a different construction if you want to have clear names. Here's an idea, in pseudo code:
ParseSize(string, outWidth, outHeight) {
ParsePair(string, "x", outWidht, outHeight)
ParsePosition(string, outX, outY) {
ParsePair(string, ",", outX, outY)
ParsePair(string, separator, outFirstItem, outSecondItem) {
And the various DetermineWindow would call ParseSize or ParsePosition.
You could also use just ParsePair, directly, but I thinks it's cleaner to have the two other functions in the middle.
Note that you'd probably get cleaner code by using objects rather than strings (a Size and a Position one, and probably a Pair one too).
The ParsePair code (adapted appropriately) would be included in a constructor or factory method that gives you a Pair out of a string.
Of course you can give other names to the various functions, objects and parameters, here I used the first that came to my mind.
It seems this question-answer provides a good starting point to answer this question:
Appropriate name for container of position, size, angle
A search on for "Property" gives some interesting possible answers that provide enough meaningful context to the usage:
I think ConstituentProperty is probably the most apt.

A views implementation for cg! on matrices

I am trying to use the cg! function from IterativeSolvers.jl on for solving matrix-matrix linear systems, i.e. AX=B for A,X,B appropriately sized matrices. Given the way the indices work, X[:,i] is independent of all but B[:,i], and so this actually boils down to n different linear solves. Direct solving via \ works automatically in this case, but iterative solvers like CG don't. I can easily do this with a loop on the outside, but I haven't been able to get the in-place op working. For now, my code looks like this:
for j=1:size(u,2)
u[freenode,j],ch = cg!(u[freenode,j],lhs,Dinv.*rhs(u,i)[:,j]) # Requires Vector, need to change rhs
which gives solves CG with the appropriate lefthand side and righthand side. But the reason why it's not in-place boils down to this simple example throwing an error:
using IterativeSolvers
y = view(ones(4,2),:,2)
which is:
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching init!
(::IterativeSolvers.KrylovSubspace{Float64,Array{Float64,2}}, ::SubArray{Float64,1,Array{Float64,2},Tuple{Colon,Int64},true})
Closest candidates are:
init!{T}(::IterativeSolvers.KrylovSubspace{T,OpT}, ::Array{T,1}) at C:\Users\Chris\.julia\v0.5\IterativeSolvers\src\krylov.jl:66
in #cg!#23 at C:\Users\Chris\.julia\v0.5\IterativeSolvers\src\cg.jl:7 [inlined]
in cg!(::SubArray{Float64,1,Array{Float64,2},Tuple{Colon,Int64},true}, ::Array{Float64,2}, ::SubArray{Float64,1,Array{Float64,2},Tuple{Colon,Int64},true}, ::Int64) at C:\Users\Chris\.julia\v0.5\IterativeSolvers\src\cg.jl:6 (repeats 2 times)
The problem seems to not be with the views, given the results of a previous SE question
I have doubts that you'll be able to avoid allocations, because the init! function is implemented as
function init!{T}(K::KrylovSubspace{T}, v::Vector{T})
# K.v = Vector{T}[all(v.==zero(T)) ? v : v/norm(v)]
K.v = Vector{T}[copy(v)]
and hence there's a copy anyway. Nevertheless, if you want this function to accept views, it should not be an issue to just modify the Vector to AbstractVector. (The function is simple enough that if you don't like to modify the package, you can just add a more general method yourself.)
You're right, it's not a "view" problem per se, the problem seems to be that the init! method seems to not have been defined in a way that can accept a 'view' (i.e. a SubArray type). The error suggests that "the closest candidate is"
init!{T}(::IterativeSolvers.KrylovSubspace{T,OpT}, ::Array{T,1})
(i.e. there's no method definition for a SubArray, only for a normal Array, and it appears there's no generic function / base case available to fall back on)
If you 'collect' the array first, then it works (presumably) as expected:
julia> cg!( collect(y), A, view(zeros(4,2),:,2))
except obviously that's of no use to you because you don't really get to change y as intended this way.
The only way I see around it if you're intent on keeping y as a view until that point, is to temporarily 'hack' it into a normal array inside cg! using a compound statement:
cg!((y = collect(y); y),A,view(zeros(4,2),:,2))
but, obviously, it's no longer a view at this point, so you'd have to update the original array it was a view into manually ...

Unwanted evaluation in assignments in Mathematica: why it happens and how to debug it during the package-loading?

I am developing a (large) package which does not load properly anymore.
This happened after I changed a single line of code.
When I attempt to load the package (with Needs), the package starts loading and then one of the setdelayed definitions “comes alive” (ie. Is somehow evaluated), gets trapped in an error trapping routine loaded a few lines before and the package loading aborts.
The error trapping routine with abort is doing its job, except that it should not have been called in the first place, during the package loading phase.
The error message reveals that the wrong argument is in fact a pattern expression which I use on the lhs of a setdelayed definition a few lines later.
Something like this:
……Some code lines
Changed line of code
g[x_?NotGoodQ]:=(Message[g::nogood, x];Abort[])
……..some other code lines
g/: cccQ[g[x0_]]:=True
When I attempt to load the package, I get:
g::nogood: Argument x0_ is not good
As you see the passed argument is a pattern and it can only come from the code line above.
I tried to find the reason for this behavior, but I have been unsuccessful so far.
So I decided to use the powerful Workbench debugging tools .
I would like to see step by step (or with breakpoints) what happens when I load the package.
I am not yet too familiar with WB, but it seems that ,using Debug as…, the package is first loaded and then eventually debugged with breakpoints, ect.
My problem is that the package does not even load completely! And any breakpoint set before loading the package does not seem to be effective.
So…2 questions:
can anybody please explain why these code lines "come alive" during package loading? (there are no obvious syntax errors or code fragments left in the package as far as I can see)
can anybody please explain how (if) is possible to examine/debug
package code while being loaded in WB?
Thank you for any help.
In light of Leonid's answer and using his EvenQ example:
We can avoid using Holdpattern simply by definying upvalues for g BEFORE downvalues for g
notGoodQ[x_] := EvenQ[x];
g /: cccQ[g[x0_]] := True
g[x_?notGoodQ] := (Message[g::nogood, x]; Abort[])
In[6]:= cccQ[g[1]]
Out[6]= True
In[7]:= cccQ[g[2]]
During evaluation of In[7]:= g::nogood: -- Message text not found -- (2)
Out[7]= $Aborted
So...general rule:
When writing a function g, first define upvalues for g, then define downvalues for g, otherwise use Holdpattern
Can you subscribe to this rule?
Leonid says that using Holdpattern might indicate improvable design. Besides the solution indicated above, how could one improve the design of the little code above or, better, in general when dealing with upvalues?
Thank you for your help
Leaving aside the WB (which is not really needed to answer your question) - the problem seems to have a straightforward answer based only on how expressions are evaluated during assignments. Here is an example:
In[1509]:= g/:cccQ[g[x0_]]:=True
During evaluation of In[1509]:= g::nogood: -- Message text not found -- (x0_)
Out[1509]= $Aborted
To make it work, I deliberately made a definition for notGoodQ to always return True. Now, why was g[x0_] evaluated during the assignment through TagSetDelayed? The answer is that, while TagSetDelayed (as well as SetDelayed) in an assignment h/:f[h[elem1,...,elemn]]:=... does not apply any rules that f may have, it will evaluate h[elem1,...,elem2], as well as f. Here is an example:
In[1515]:= h/:f[h[1,2]]:=3
During evaluation of In[1515]:= Evaluated
During evaluation of In[1515]:= TagSetDelayed::tagnf: Tag h not found in f[Null]. >>
Out[1515]= $Failed
The fact that TagSetDelayed is HoldAll does not mean that it does not evaluate its arguments - it only means that the arguments arrive to it unevaluated, and whether or not they will be evaluated depends on the semantics of TagSetDelayed (which I briefly described above). The same holds for SetDelayed, so the commonly used statement that it "does not evaluate its arguments" is not literally correct. A more correct statement is that it receives the arguments unevaluated and does evaluate them in a special way - not evaluate the r.h.s, while for l.h.s., evaluate head and elements but not apply rules for the head. To avoid that, you may wrap things in HoldPattern, like this:
This goes through. Here is some usage:
In[1527]:= cccQ[g[1]]
Out[1527]= True
In[1528]:= cccQ[g[2]]
During evaluation of In[1528]:= g::nogood: -- Message text not found -- (2)
Out[1528]= $Aborted
Note however that the need for HoldPattern inside your left-hand side when making a definition is often a sign that the expression inside your head may also evaluate during the function call, which may break your code. Here is an example of what I mean:
This code attempts to catch cases like h[f[something]], but it will obviously fail since f[something] will evaluate before the evaluation comes to h:
In[1535]:= h[f[5]]
Out[1535]= h[25]
For me, the need for HoldPattern on the l.h.s. is a sign that I need to reconsider my design.
Regarding debugging during loading in WB, one thing you can do (IIRC, can not check right now) is to use good old print statements, the output of which will appear in the WB's console. Personally, I rarely feel a need for debugger for this purpose (debugging package when loading)
In response to the edit in the question:
Regarding the order of definitions: yes, you can do this, and it solves this particular problem. But, generally, this isn't robust, and I would not consider it a good general method. It is hard to give a definite advice for a case at hand, since it is a bit out of its context, but it seems to me that the use of UpValues here is unjustified. If this is done for error - handling, there are other ways to do it without using UpValues.
Generally, UpValues are used most commonly to overload some function in a safe way, without adding any rule to the function being overloaded. One advice is to avoid associating UpValues with heads which also have DownValues and may evaluate -by doing this you start playing a game with evaluator, and will eventually lose. The safest is to attach UpValues to inert symbols (heads, containers), which often represent a "type" of objects on which you want to overload a given function.
Regarding my comment on the presence of HoldPattern indicating a bad design. There certainly are legitimate uses for HoldPattern, such as this (somewhat artificial) one:
Out[27]= {a,b,c}
Here it is justified because in many cases Plus remains unevaluated, and is useful in its unevaluated form - since one can deduce that it represents a sum. We need HoldPattern here because of the way Plus is defined on a single argument, and because a pattern happens to be a single argument (even though it describes generally multiple arguments) during the definition. So, we use HoldPattern here to prevent treating the pattern as normal argument, but this is mostly different from the intended use cases for Plus. Whenever this is the case (we are sure that the definition will work all right for intended use cases), HoldPattern is fine. Note b.t.w., that this example is also fragile:
In[28]:= ff[Plus[a]]
Out[28]= ff[a]
The reason why it is still mostly OK is that normally we don't use Plus on a single argument.
But, there is a second group of cases, where the structure of usually supplied arguments is the same as the structure of patterns used for the definition. In this case, pattern evaluation during the assignment indicates that the same evaluation will happen with actual arguments during the function calls. Your usage falls into this category. My comment for a design flaw was for such cases - you can prevent the pattern from evaluating, but you will have to prevent the arguments from evaluating as well, to make this work. And pattern-matching against not completely evaluated expression is fragile. Also, the function should never assume some extra conditions (beyond what it can type-check) for the arguments.

Initialize member variables in a method and not the constructor

I have a public method which uses a variable (only in the scope of the public method) I pass as a parameter we will call A, this method calls a private method multiple times which also requires the parameter.
At present I am passing the parameter every time but it looks weird, is it bad practice to make this member variable of the class or would the uncertainty about whether it is initialized out way the advantages of not having to pass it?
Simplified pseudo code:
public_method(parameter a)
do something with a
private_method(string_a, a)
private_method(string_b, a)
private_method(string_c, a)
private_method(String, parameter a)
do something with String and a
Additional information: parameter a is a read only map with over 100 entries and in reality I will be calling private_method about 50 times
I had this same problem myself.
I implemented it differently in 3 different contexts to see hands-on what are result using 3 different strategies, see below.
Note that I am type of programmer that makes many changes to the code always trying to improve it. Thus I settle only for the code that is amenable to changes, readbale, would you call this "flexible" code. I settle only for very clear code.
After experimentation, I came to these results:
Passing a as parameter is perfectly OK if you have one or two - short number - of such values. Passing in parmeters has very good visibility, clarity, clear passing lines, well visible lifetime (initialization points, destruction points), amenable to changes, easy to track.
If number of such values begin to grow to >= 5-6 values, I swithc to approach #3 below.
Passing values through class members -- did not do good to clarity of my code, eventually I got rid of it. It makes for less clear code. Code becomes muddled. I did not like it. It had no advantages.
As alternative to (1) and (2), I adopted Inner class approach, in cases when amount of such values is > 5 (which makes for too long argument list).
I pack those values into small Inner class and pass such object by reference as argument to all internal members.
Public function of a class usually creates an object of Inner class (I call is Impl or Ctx or Args) and passes it down to private functions.
This combines clarity of arg passing with brevity. It's perfect.
Good luck
Consider preparing array of strings and using a loop rather than writing 50 almost-identical calls. Something like char *strings[] = {...} (C/C++).
This really depends on your use case. Does 'a' represent a state that your application/object care about? Then you might want to make it a member of your object. Evaluate the big picture, think about maintenance, extensibility when designing structures.
If your parameter a is a of a class of your own, you might consider making the private_method a public method for the variable a.
Otherwise, I do not think this looks weird. If you only need a in just 1 function, making it a private variable of your class would be silly (at least to me). However, if you'd need it like 20 times I would do so :P Or even better, just make 'a' an object of your own that has that certain function you need.
A method should ideally not pass more than 7 parameters. Using the number of parameters more than 6-7 usually indicates a problem with the design (do the 7 parameters represent an object of a nested class?).
As for your question, if you want to make the parameter private only for the sake of passing between private methods without the parameter having anything to do with the current state of the object (or some information about the object), then it is not recommended that you do so.
From a performance point of view (memory consumption), reference parameters can be passed around as method parameters without any significant impact on the memory consumption as they are passed by reference rather than by value (i.e. a copy of the data is not created). For small number of parameters that can be grouped together you can use a struct. For example, if the parameters represent x and y coordinates of a point, then pass them in a single Point structure.
Ask yourself this question, does the parameter that you are making as a members represent any information (data) about the object? (data can be state or unique identification information). If the answer to his question is a clear no, then do not include the parameter as a member of the class.
More information
Limit number of parameters per method?
Parameter passing in C#

Fixing Combinatorica redefinition of Element

My code relies on version of Element which works like MemberQ, but when I load Combinatorica, Element gets redefined to work like Part. What is the easiest way to fix this conflict? Specifically, what is the syntax to remove Combinatorica's definition from DownValues? Here's what I get for DownValues[Element]
Combinatorica`Private`a_List \[Element] \
{Combinatorica`Private`index___}] :>
HoldPattern[Private`x_ \[Element] Private`list_List] :>
MemberQ[Private`list, Private`x]}
If your goal is to prevent Combinatorica from installing the definition in the first place, you can achieve this result by loading the package for the first time thus:
Block[{Element}, Needs["Combinatorica`"]]
However, this will almost certainly make any Combinatorica features that depend upon the definition fail (which may or may not be of concern in your particular application).
You can do several things. Let us introduce a convenience function
SetAttributes[redef, HoldRest];
redef[f_, code_] := (Unprotect[f]; code; Protect[f])
If you are sure about the order of definitions, you can do something like
redef[Element, DownValues[Element] = Rest[DownValues[Element]]]
If you want to delete definitions based on the context, you can do something like this:
redef[Element, DownValues[Element] =
rule_ /; Cases[rule, x_Symbol /; (StringSplit[Context[x], "`"][[1]] ===
"Combinatorica"), Infinity, Heads -> True] =!= {}]]
You can also use a softer way - reorder definitions rather than delete:
redef[Element, DownValues[Element] = RotateRight[DownValues[Element]]]
There are many other ways of dealing with this problem. Another one (which I already recommended) is to use UpValues, if this is suitable. The last one I want to mention here is to make a kind of custom dynamic scoping construct based on Block, and wrap it around your code. I personally find it the safest variant, in case if you want strictly your definition to apply (because it does not care about the order in which various definitions could have been created - it removes all of them and adds just yours). It is also safer in that outside those places where you want your definitions to apply (by "places" I mean parts of the evaluation stack), other definitions will still apply, so this seems to be the least intrusive way. Here is how it may look:
elementDef[] := Element[x_, list_List] := MemberQ[list, x];
SetAttributes[elemExec, HoldAll];
elemExec[code_] := Block[{Element}, elementDef[]; code];
Example of use:
In[10]:= elemExec[Element[1,{1,2,3}]]
Out[10]= True
If you need to automate the use of Block, here is an example package to show one way how this can be done:
(* Implementations of your functions *)
var = 1;
f1[x_, y_List] := If[Element[x, y], x^2];
f2[x_, y_List] := If[Element[x, y], x^3];
elementDef[] := Element[x_, list_List] := MemberQ[list, x];
(* The following part of the package is defined at the start and you don't
touch it any more, when adding new functions to the package *)
mainContext = StringReplace[Context[], x__ ~~ "Private`" :> x];
SetAttributes[elemExec, HoldAll];
elemExec[code_] := Block[{Element}, elementDef[]; code];
postprocessDefs[context_String] :=
ToExpression[#, StandardForm,
Function[sym,DownValues[sym] =
DownValues[sym] /.
Verbatim[RuleDelayed][lhs_,rhs_] :> (lhs :> elemExec[rhs])]] &,
Select[Names[context <> "*"], ToExpression[#, StandardForm, DownValues] =!= {} &]];
You can load the package and look at the DownValues for f1 and f2, for example:
In[17]:= DownValues[f1]
Out[17]= {HoldPattern[f1[Test`Private`x_,Test`Private`y_List]]:>
The same scheme will also work for functions not in the same package. In fact, you could separate
the bottom part (code-processing package) to be a package on its own, import it into any other
package where you want to inject Block into your functions' definitions, and then just call something like postprocessDefs[mainContext], as above. You could make the function which makes definitions inside Block (elementDef here) to be an extra parameter to a generalized version of elemExec, which would make this approach more modular and reusable.
If you want to be more selective about the functions where you want to inject Block, this can also be done in various ways. In fact, the whole Block-injection scheme can be made cleaner then, but it will require slightly more care when implementing each function, while the above approach is completely automatic. I can post the code which will illustrate this, if needed.
One more thing: for the less intrusive nature of this method you pay a price - dynamic scope (Block) is usually harder to control than lexically-scoped constructs. So, you must know exactly the parts of evaluation stack where you want that to apply. For example, I would hesitate to inject Block into a definition of a higher order function, which takes some functions as parameters, since those functions may come from code that assumes other definitions (like for example Combinatorica` functions relying on overloaded Element). This is not a big problem, just requires care.
The bottom line of this seems to be: try to avoid overloading built-ins if at all possible. In this case you faced this definitions clash yourself, but it would be even worse if the one who faces this problem is a user of your package (may be yourself a few months later), who wants to combine your package with another one (which happens to overload same system functions as yours). Of course, it also depends on who will be the users of your package - only yourself or potentially others as well. But in terms of design, and in the long term, you may be better off assuming the latter scenario from the start.
To remove Combinatorica's definition, use Unset or the equivalent form =.. The pattern to unset you can grab from the Information output you show in the question:
Element[a_List, {index___}] =.
The worry would be, of course, that Combinatorica depends internally on this ill-conceived redefinition, but you have reason to believe this to not be the case as the Information output from the redefined Element says:
The use of the function
Element in Combinatorica is now
obsolete, though the function call
Element[a, p] still gives the pth
element of nested list a, where p is a
list of indices.
I propose an entirely different approach than removing Element from DownValues. Simply use the full name of the Element function.
So, if the original is
the default is now
because of loading the Combinatorica Package.
Just explicitly use
wherever you need it. Of course check that System is the correct Context using the Context function:
This approach ensures several things:
The Combinatorica Package will still work in your notebook, even if the Combinatorica Package is updated in the future
You wont have to redefine the Element function, as some have suggested
You can use the Combinatorica`Element function when needed
The only downside is having to explicitly write it every time.
