A views implementation for cg! on matrices - matrix

I am trying to use the cg! function from IterativeSolvers.jl on for solving matrix-matrix linear systems, i.e. AX=B for A,X,B appropriately sized matrices. Given the way the indices work, X[:,i] is independent of all but B[:,i], and so this actually boils down to n different linear solves. Direct solving via \ works automatically in this case, but iterative solvers like CG don't. I can easily do this with a loop on the outside, but I haven't been able to get the in-place op working. For now, my code looks like this:
for j=1:size(u,2)
u[freenode,j],ch = cg!(u[freenode,j],lhs,Dinv.*rhs(u,i)[:,j]) # Requires Vector, need to change rhs
which gives solves CG with the appropriate lefthand side and righthand side. But the reason why it's not in-place boils down to this simple example throwing an error:
using IterativeSolvers
y = view(ones(4,2),:,2)
which is:
ERROR: MethodError: no method matching init!
(::IterativeSolvers.KrylovSubspace{Float64,Array{Float64,2}}, ::SubArray{Float64,1,Array{Float64,2},Tuple{Colon,Int64},true})
Closest candidates are:
init!{T}(::IterativeSolvers.KrylovSubspace{T,OpT}, ::Array{T,1}) at C:\Users\Chris\.julia\v0.5\IterativeSolvers\src\krylov.jl:66
in #cg!#23 at C:\Users\Chris\.julia\v0.5\IterativeSolvers\src\cg.jl:7 [inlined]
in cg!(::SubArray{Float64,1,Array{Float64,2},Tuple{Colon,Int64},true}, ::Array{Float64,2}, ::SubArray{Float64,1,Array{Float64,2},Tuple{Colon,Int64},true}, ::Int64) at C:\Users\Chris\.julia\v0.5\IterativeSolvers\src\cg.jl:6 (repeats 2 times)
The problem seems to not be with the views, given the results of a previous SE question

I have doubts that you'll be able to avoid allocations, because the init! function is implemented as
function init!{T}(K::KrylovSubspace{T}, v::Vector{T})
# K.v = Vector{T}[all(v.==zero(T)) ? v : v/norm(v)]
K.v = Vector{T}[copy(v)]
and hence there's a copy anyway. Nevertheless, if you want this function to accept views, it should not be an issue to just modify the Vector to AbstractVector. (The function is simple enough that if you don't like to modify the package, you can just add a more general method yourself.)

You're right, it's not a "view" problem per se, the problem seems to be that the init! method seems to not have been defined in a way that can accept a 'view' (i.e. a SubArray type). The error suggests that "the closest candidate is"
init!{T}(::IterativeSolvers.KrylovSubspace{T,OpT}, ::Array{T,1})
(i.e. there's no method definition for a SubArray, only for a normal Array, and it appears there's no generic function / base case available to fall back on)
If you 'collect' the array first, then it works (presumably) as expected:
julia> cg!( collect(y), A, view(zeros(4,2),:,2))
except obviously that's of no use to you because you don't really get to change y as intended this way.
The only way I see around it if you're intent on keeping y as a view until that point, is to temporarily 'hack' it into a normal array inside cg! using a compound statement:
cg!((y = collect(y); y),A,view(zeros(4,2),:,2))
but, obviously, it's no longer a view at this point, so you'd have to update the original array it was a view into manually ...


Refactoring Business Rule, Function Naming, Width, Height, Position X & Y

I am refactoring some business rule functions to provide a more generic version of the function.
The functions I am refactoring are:
All of them do string parsing, as it is a string parsing business rules engine.
My question is what would be a good name for the newly refactored function?
Obviously I want to shy away from a function name like:
I mean that would work, but it seems unnecessarily long when it could be something like:
DetermineWindowMoniker or something to that effect.
Function objective: Parse an input string like 1280x1024 or 200,100 and return either the first or second number. The use case is for data-driving test automation of a web browser window, but this should be irrelevant to the answer.
Question objective: I have the code to do this, so my question is not about code, but just the function name. Any ideas?
There are too little details, you should have specified at least the parameters and returns of the functions.
Have I understood correctly that you use strings of the format NxN for sizes and N,N for positions?
And that this generic function will have to parse both (and nothing else), and will return either the first or second part depending on a parameter of the function?
And that you'll then keep the various DetermineWindow* functions but make them all call this generic function?
If so:
Without knowing what parameters the generic function has it's even harder to help, but it's most likely impossible to give it a simple name.
Not all batches of code can be described by a simple name.
You'll most likely need to use a different construction if you want to have clear names. Here's an idea, in pseudo code:
ParseSize(string, outWidth, outHeight) {
ParsePair(string, "x", outWidht, outHeight)
ParsePosition(string, outX, outY) {
ParsePair(string, ",", outX, outY)
ParsePair(string, separator, outFirstItem, outSecondItem) {
And the various DetermineWindow would call ParseSize or ParsePosition.
You could also use just ParsePair, directly, but I thinks it's cleaner to have the two other functions in the middle.
Note that you'd probably get cleaner code by using objects rather than strings (a Size and a Position one, and probably a Pair one too).
The ParsePair code (adapted appropriately) would be included in a constructor or factory method that gives you a Pair out of a string.
Of course you can give other names to the various functions, objects and parameters, here I used the first that came to my mind.
It seems this question-answer provides a good starting point to answer this question:
Appropriate name for container of position, size, angle
A search on www.thesaurus.com for "Property" gives some interesting possible answers that provide enough meaningful context to the usage:
I think ConstituentProperty is probably the most apt.

IDL Integration

I'm looking to integrate a function I am building, but the function would change each iteration based on a given input. For instance:
I would want to integrate with respect to x with a lower and upper bound, but the value of m would change. I know all my values of m.
Can I work with this? My initial assumption would be to use QROMB but that seems limited and unable to handle my issue.
QROMB (and other integrators) want a function of one variable, so you have to get the m in there through the back door. One way is with a common block:
function integrand,x
common int_common,int_m
function integrator,m,xlow,xhigh
common int_common,int_m
integrator(m,xlow,xhigh) will return the integral you want.

Halide::Expr' is not contextually convertible to 'bool' -- Storing values of functions in variables

I am new to using Halide and I am playing around with implementing algorithms first. I am trying to write a function which, depending on the value of the 8 pixels around it, either skips to the next pixel or does some processing and then moves on to the next pixel. When trying to write this I get the following compiler error:
84:5: error: value of type 'Halide::Expr' is not contextually convertible to 'bool'
if(input(x,y) > 0)
I have done all the tutorials and have seen that the select function is an option, but is there a way to either compare the values of a function or store them somewhere?
I also may be thinking about this problem wrong or might not be implementing it with the right "Halide mindset", so any suggestions would be great. Thank you in advance for everything!
The underlying issue here is that, although they are syntactically interleaved, and Halide code is constructed by running C++ code, Halide code is not C++ code and vice versa. Halide code is entirely defined by the Halide::* data structures you build up inside Funcs. if is a C control flow construct; you can use it to conditionally build different Halide programs, but you can't use it inside the logic of the Halide program (inside an Expr/Func). select is to Halide (an Expr which conditionally evaluates to one of two values) as if/else is to C (a statement which conditionally executes one of two sub-statements).
Rest assured, you're hardly alone in having this confusion early on. I want to write a tutorial specifically addressing how to think about staged programming inside Halide.
Until then, the short, "how do I do what I want" answer is as you suspected and as Khouri pointed out: use a select.
Since you've provided no code other than the one line, I'm assuming input is a Func and both x and y are Vars. If so, the result of input(x,y) is an Expr that you cannot evaluate with an if, as the error message indicates.
For the scenario that you describe, you might have something like this:
Var x, y;
Func input; input(x,y) = ...;
Func output; output(x,y) = select
// examine surrounding values
( input(x-1,y-1) > 0
&& input(x+0,y-1) > 0
&& ...
&& input(x+1,y+1) > 0
// true case
, ( input(x-1,y-1)
+ input(x+0,y-1)
+ ...
+ input(x+1,y+1)
) / 8
// false case
, input(x,y)
Working in Halide definitely requires a different mindset. You have to think in a more mathematical form. That is, a statement of a(x,y) = b(x,y) will be enforced for all cases of x and y.
Algorithm and scheduling should be separate, although the algorithm may need to be tweaked to allow for better scheduling.

Vectorize object oriented implementation in MATLAB

I'm trying to optimize a given object oriented code in matlab. It is an economical model and consists of a Market and Agents. The time consuming part is to update certain attributes of all Agents during each timestep which is implemented in a for loop.
However, I fail to vectorize the object oriented code.
Here is an example (Note, the second thing that slows down the code so far is the fact, that new entries are attached to the end of the vector. I'm aware of that and will fix that also):
for i=1:length(obj.traders)
Where update looks like
function obj=update(obj,price,s,h)
if (obj.c)
My first idea was to try something like
Which didn't work. If someone has any suggestions how to vectorize this code, while keeping the object oriented implementation, I would be very happy.
I cannot provide a complete solution as this depends on the details of your implementation, but here are some tips which you could use to improve your code:
Remembering that a MATLAB object generally behaves like a struct, assignment of a constant value to a field can be done using [obj.field] =​deal(val); e.g.:
[obj.trader.price] = deal(obj.Price);
This can also be extended to non-constant RHS, using cell, like so:
[aStruct.(fieldNamesCell{idx})] = deal(valueCell{:}); %// or deal(numericVector(:));
To improve the update function, I would suggest making several lines where you create the RHS vectors\cells followed by "simultaneous" assignment to all relevant fields of the objects in the array.
Other than that consider:
setfield: s = setfield(s,{sIndx1,...,sIndxM},'field',{fIndx1,...,fIndxN},value);
s = structfun(#(x)x(1:3), s, 'UniformOutput', false, 'ErrorHandler', #errfn);
"A loop-based solution can be flexible and easily readable".
On a side note, I'd suggest you name the obj in your functions according to the class name, which would make it more readable to others, i.e.:
function obj=update(obj,price,s,h) => function traderObj=update(traderObj,price,s,h)

Understanding immutable composite types with fields of mutable types in Julia

Initial note: I'm working in Julia, but this question probably applies to many languages.
Setup: I have a composite type as follows:
type MyType
I write some methods to act on MyType. For example, I write a method that allows me to insert a new element in x, e.g. function insert!(d::MyType, itemToInsert::String).
Question: Should MyType be mutable or immutable?
My understanding: I've read the Julia docs on this, as well as more general (and highly upvoted) questions on Stackoverflow (e.g. here or here), but I still don't really have a good handle on what it means to be mutable/immutable from a practical perspective (especially for the case of an immutable composite type, containing a mutable array of immutable types!)
Nonetheless, here is my attempt: If MyType is immutable, then it means that the field x must always point to the same object. That object itself (a vector of Strings) is mutable, so it is perfectly okay for me to insert new elements into it. What I am not allowed to do is try and alter MyType so that the field x points to an entirely different object. For example, methods that do the following are okay:
MyType.x[1] = "NewValue"
push!(MyType.x, "NewElementToAdd")
But methods that do the following are not okay:
MyType.x = ["a", "different", "string", "array"]
Is this right? Also, is the idea that the object that an immutable types field values are locked to are those that are created within the constructor?
Final Point: I apologise if this appears to duplicate other questions on SO. As stated, I have looked through them and wasn't able to get the understanding that I was after.
So here is something mind bending to consider (at least to me):
julia> immutable Foo
julia> x = Foo([1.0, 2.0, 4.0])
julia> append!(x.data, x.data); pointer(x.data)
Ptr{Float64} #0x00007ffbc3332018
julia> append!(x.data, x.data); pointer(x.data)
Ptr{Float64} #0x00007ffbc296ac28
julia> append!(x.data, x.data); pointer(x.data)
Ptr{Float64} #0x00007ffbc34809d8
So the data address is actually changing as the vector grows and needs to be reallocated! But - you can't change data yourself, as you point out.
I'm not sure there is a 100% right answer is really. I primarily use immutable for simple types like the Complex example in the docs in some performance critical situations, and I do it for "defensive programming" reasons, e.g. the code has no need to write to the fields of this type so I make it an error to do so. They are a good choice IMO whenever the type is a sort of an extension of a number, e.g. Complex, RGBColor, and I use them in place of tuples, as a kind of named tuple (tuples don't seem to perform well with Julia right now anyway, wheres immutable types perform excellently).
