VHDL state machine is skipping states - vhdl

I am developing a state machine in VHDL and it doesn't' seem to be functioning properly. The design is shown below:
XMStateMachineClock: PROCESS (CLK25, SYS_RST) IS
END PROCESS XMStateMachineClock;
-- Pend on current XM state
-- Empty: Debug only
XM_STATE_INDICATOR <= "00000001";
-- Idle: Idle state
XM_INDEX := 0;
XM_STATE_INDICATOR <= "00000010";
-- Remain in idle
XM_STATE_INDICATOR <= "00000001";
XM_STATE_INDICATOR <= "00000100";
XM_STATE_INDICATOR <= "00001000";
XM_STATE_INDICATOR <= "00000000";
XM_STATE_INDICATOR <= "00000100";
XM_STATE_INDICATOR <= "00000000";
-- Default
The state machine is being clocked at 25 MHz. Per my understanding, my state machine should progress between the states as follows:
However, what I see when I hook up my logic analyzer is the following:
It seems as if the state machine is only alternating between the transmit and transmit confirm states once, as opposed to the 11 times that is should, and I cannot figure out why.

If you make XM_INDEX a signal have an XM_INDEX_NEXT that is latched in your XMStateMachineClock process and then change XM_INDEX := XM_INDEX + 1 to XM_INDEX_NEXT <= XM_INDEX + 1. I believe that this will fix your issue. XMStateMachine will also need to be sensitive to XM_INDEX.

The example code isn't compete and there's some chance chaning xm_index from a shared variable might upset some plans for it's use, should more than one process write to it. You could note that the user is responsible for controlling exclusive access in -1993 shared variables.
Creating a MCVE by providing a complete entity and architecture pair:
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity xm_sm is
port (
clk25: in std_logic;
sys_rst: in std_logic;
xm_power_up: in std_logic
end entity;
architecture foo of xm_sm is
-- shared variable xm_index: natural range 0 to 99 := 0;
signal xm_index: natural range 0 to 99 := 0; -- CHANGED to SIGNAL
signal xm_index_nxt: natural range 0 to 99; -- ADDED
signal xm_state_indicator: std_logic_vector (7 downto 0) := "00000000";
type xm_state_type is (EMPTY, IDLE, POWER_UP, POWER_UP_CONFIRM,
signal xm_current_state: xm_state_type := EMPTY;
signal xm_next_state: xm_state_type := EMPTY;
process (clk25, sys_rst) is
if sys_rst = '1' then
xm_current_state <= EMPTY;
xm_index <= 0; -- ADDED
elsif rising_edge(clk25) then
xm_current_state <= xm_next_state;
xm_index <= xm_index_nxt; -- ADDED
end if;
end process xmstatemachineclock;
process (xm_current_state, xm_power_up) is
-- pend on current xm state
case xm_current_state is
-- empty: debug only
when EMPTY =>
xm_next_state <= IDLE;
xm_state_indicator <= "00000001";
-- idle: idle state
when IDLE =>
if xm_power_up = '1' then
xm_index_nxt <= 0;
xm_next_state <= POWER_UP;
xm_state_indicator <= "00000010";
-- remain in idle
xm_next_state <= IDLE;
xm_state_indicator <= "00000001";
end if;
when POWER_UP =>
xm_next_state <= TRANSMIT_CHAR;
xm_state_indicator <= "00000100";
if xm_index < 11 then
xm_next_state <= TRANSMIT_CHAR_CONFIRM;
xm_state_indicator <= "00001000";
xm_next_state <= COMPLETED;
xm_state_indicator <= "00000000";
end if;
if xm_index = 99 then -- protect again overflow -- ADDED
xm_index_nxt <= 0;
xm_index_nxt <= xm_index + 1; -- CHANGED
end if;
-- xm_index_nxt <= xm_index + 1;
xm_next_state <= TRANSMIT_CHAR;
xm_state_indicator <= "00000100";
xm_next_state <= COMPLETED;
xm_state_indicator <= "00000000";
-- default
when others =>
end case;
end process xmstatemachine;
end architecture;
This changes xm_index to a signal and including a next value as suggested by Alden in his answer. This works as long as there's only one process that writes to it. xm_index is also now set to 0 during reset. Additionally in the TRANSMIT_CHAR_CONFIRM of the xm_currrent_state case statement xm_index is protected against overflow as a matter of course. The range of xm_index (0 to 99) can be limited to the maximum value (11). It raises suspicions that we're not seeing all of the design.
Adding a test bench:
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity xm_sm_tb is
end entity;
architecture foo of xm_sm_tb is
signal clk25: std_logic := '0';
signal sys_rst: std_logic := '0';
signal xm_power_up: std_logic := '0';
entity work.xm_sm
port map (
clk25 => clk25,
sys_rst => sys_rst,
xm_power_up => xm_power_up
wait for 50 ns;
clk25 <= not clk25;
if now > 3.1 us then
end if;
end process;
wait for 100 ns;
sys_rst <= '1';
wait for 100 ns;
sys_rst <= '0';
wait for 200 ns;
xm_power_up <= '1';
wait for 100 ns;
xm_power_up <= '0';
end process;
end architecture;
and we get:
Where we see we go through all the index values before finishing.
The original code successfully simulated but appears to have not synthesized to a working design due to the combinatorical loop:
where xm_loop is latched by a presumably one hot state representation for state TRANSMIT_CHAR_CONFIRM as a latch enable.
In simulation the sensitivity list being devoid of xm_index would prevent the adder from ripple incrementing xm_index. If xm_index had been in the process sensitivity list it would caused a bounds check violation on assignment after reaching 100. (Integer types aren't modular, they don't wrap and aren't proofed against overflow).
In synthesis without seeing the console output we might presume that the ripply time is sufficient to push the value of xm_index above 11 reliably in one clock time without wrapping to less than 11.


In behavioral simulation, my FSM have a state that take more than 1 clock cycle ... And i don't like it

Please forgive myself if you will find some trivial errors in my code .. I'm still a beginner with VHDL.
Well, I have to deal with a serial interface from an ADC. The interface is quite simple ... there is a wire for the serial data (a frame of 24 bits), a signal DRDY that tells me when the new sample data is available and a serial clock (SCLK) that push the bit into (rising edge). Everything is running continuously...
I need to capture correctly the 24 bit of the sample, put them on a parallel bus (shift register) and provide a "data valid" signal for the blocks that will process the samples ...
Due to the fact that my system clock is x4 the frequency of the serial interface, i was thinking that doing the job with a FSM will be easy ...
When you look into the code you will see a process to capture the rising edges of the DRDY and SCLK.
Then a FSM with few states (Init, wait_drdy, wait_sclk, inc_count, check_count).
I use a counter (cnt unsigned) to check if I've already captured the 24 bits, using also to redirect the states of the FSM in "check_count" state.
Here a picture:
library IEEE;
entity serial_ads1675 is
Port (
clk : in STD_LOGIC;
reset : in STD_LOGIC;
sclk : in std_logic;
sdata : in std_logic;
drdy : in std_logic;
pdata : out std_logic_vector(23 downto 0);
pdready : out std_logic
end serial_ads1675;
architecture Behavioral of serial_ads1675 is
-- Internal declarations
signal ipdata : std_logic_vector (23 downto 0);
signal ipdready : std_logic;
signal tmp1, tmp2, tmp3, tmp4 : std_logic;
signal rise_drdy, rise_sclk : std_logic;
signal cnt : unsigned (4 downto 0);
type state is (init, wait_drdy, wait_sclk, inc_count, check_count);
signal actual_state, next_state : state;
-- Concurrent statements
pdata <= ipdata;
pdready <= ipdready;
rise_drdy <= '1' when ((tmp1 = '1') and (tmp2 = '0')) else '0';
rise_sclk <= '1' when ((tmp3 = '1') and (tmp4 = '0')) else '0';
-- Process
process (clk, reset)
if(reset = '0') then
tmp1 <= '0';
tmp2 <= '0';
tmp3 <= '0';
tmp4 <= '0';
elsif (falling_edge(clk)) then
tmp1 <= drdy;
tmp2 <= tmp1;
tmp3 <= sclk;
tmp4 <= tmp3;
end if;
end process;
process (reset, clk)
if (reset = '0') then
actual_state <= init;
elsif (rising_edge(clk)) then
actual_state <= next_state;
end if;
end process;
process (rise_sclk, rise_drdy) -- Next State affectation
case actual_state is
when init =>
next_state <= wait_drdy;
ipdata <= (others => '0');
ipdready <= '0';
cnt <= (others => '0');
when wait_drdy =>
if (rise_drdy = '0') then
next_state <= actual_state;
next_state <= wait_sclk;
end if;
cnt <= (others => '0');
when wait_sclk =>
if (rise_sclk = '0') then
next_state <= actual_state;
next_state <= inc_count;
end if;
ipdready <= '0';
when inc_count =>
next_state <= check_count;
cnt <= cnt + 1;
ipdready <= '0';
ipdata(23 downto 1) <= ipdata(22 downto 0);
ipdata(0) <= sdata;
when check_count =>
case cnt is
when "11000" =>
next_state <= wait_drdy;
ipdready <= '1';
when others =>
next_state <= wait_sclk;
ipdready <= '0';
end case;
when others =>
next_state <= init;
end case;
end process;
end Behavioral;
My problem is during the check_count state ...
I'm expecting that this state should last one system clock cycle, but actually it last much more.
Here a snapshot of the behavioral simulation:
Due to the fact that this state last more than expected, i miss the following SCLK pulse and don't record the next bit ...
I don't understand why this state last so many system clock cycles instead of just one ...
Anyone has some clues and bring some light in my dark night ?
Thanks in advance.
Edit: I've tried to change the signal cnt for an integer variable internal to the process of the FSM ... Same results
The error is this:
process (rise_sclk, rise_drdy) -- Next State affectation
-- code omitted, but does generally this:
next_state <= SOME_VALUE;
end process;
Because the sensitivity list includes only the signals rise_sclk and rise_drdy, the process is "executed" only if any of these signals changes. You can follow this in the wave diagram.
You don't have a synchronous design running on clk. Put clk on the sensitivity list and base the decisions on the levels of rise_sclk and rise_drdy. As an excerpt:
process (clk) -- Next State affectation
if rising_edge(clk) then
case actual_state is
when init =>
next_state <= wait_drdy;
-- and so on
end case;
end if;
end process;

Implementing a short pulse signal triggered by a push button on a Spartan 3E

I'm trying to implement an "emergency" function on a traffic light controller.
This emergency signal is an std_logic input, and it's triggered by a push button (using a ucf file).
What this signal does is basically whenever the push button is pressed, the controller will detect which of the two roads (north to south or west to east) is on red and it'll immediately switch it to orange (the other one , of course, will turn red) to let the emergency vehicle pass (an ambulance, for example).
I've tried to denounce the switch and then feed the denounced signal into a rising-edge detector. It didn't work: pressing the emergency button makes the red and yellow lights of both roads (NS and WE) light at the same time, just a disaster, the counter which I used to configure how long each light is on also gets disturbed for quite a while before going back to normal.
Here's my code so far:
library IEEE;
use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
entity TLC is
Port (
Clck : in STD_LOGIC;
Reset: in STD_LOGIC;
emergency:in std_logic;
Trafficlights: out STD_LOGIC_Vector (5 downto 0) --trafficlights (5 downto 3) for the NS road and (2 downto 0) for the WE road.
end TLC;
architecture Behavioral of TLC is
-------------for debouncing
constant COUNT_MAX : integer := 20;
constant BTN_ACTIVE : std_logic := '1';
signal count1 : integer := 0;
type state_type1 is (idle,wait_time);
signal state1 : state_type1 := idle;
signal emergency_debounced:std_logic;
type state_type is (NRWG, NRWY, NGWR, NYWR); --NRWG: North-South on red and West-East on green and so on.
signal one_second_counter: STD_LOGIC_vector(25 downto 0):="00000000000000000000000000";
signal one_second_enable: std_logic;
signal state: state_type:=NRWG;
signal count : std_logic_vector (3 downto 0);
constant sec8 : std_logic_vector ( 3 downto 0) := "1000";
constant sec3 : std_logic_vector (3 downto 0 ) := "0011";
constant sec11: std_logic_vector (3 downto 0 ) := "1011";
--edge detector signals
signal emergencya, emergencyb, emergencyc: std_logic;
controller: process (Clck,reset,emergencyc)
if emergencyc='1' then
if state=NRWG or state=NRWY then ----if NS is on red then switch it to yellow.
if state=NGWR or state=NYWR then ----if WE is on red then switch it to yellow.
end if;
end if;
elsif reset ='1' then
if rising_edge(clck) then
if one_second_enable='1' then
case state is
when NRWG =>
if count < sec8 then
state <= NRWG;
count <= count + 1;
state <= NRWY;
count <= X"0";
end if;
when NRWY =>
if count < sec3 then
state <= NRWY;
count <= count + 1;
state <= NGWR;
count <= X"0";
end if;
when NGWR =>
if count < sec11 then
state <= NGWR;
count <= count + 1;
state <= NYWR;
count <= X"0";
end if;
when NYWR =>
if count < sec3 then
state <= NYWR;
count <= count + 1;
state <=NRWG;
count <= X"0";
end if;
when others =>
state <= NRWG;
end case;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process;
-----------decode state
OUTPUT_DECODE: process (state)
case state is
when NRWG => Trafficlights <= "100001";
when NRWY => Trafficlights <= "100010";
when NGWR => Trafficlights <= "001100";
when NYWR => Trafficlights <= "010100";
when others => Trafficlights <= "100001";
end case;
end process;
slow_clock:process(clck) begin
if(rising_edge(clck)) then
if(one_second_counter="10111110101111000010000000") then
one_second_counter <="00000000000000000000000000";
one_second_counter <= one_second_counter +1;
end if;
end if;
end process;
one_second_enable <= '1' when one_second_counter="10111110101111000010000000" else '0';
-----------------for debouncing---------------
if(rising_edge(Clck)) then
case (state1) is
when idle =>
if(emergency = BTN_ACTIVE) then
state1 <= wait_time;
state1 <= idle;
end if;
emergency_debounced <= '0';
when wait_time =>
if(count1 = COUNT_MAX) then
count1 <= 0;
if(emergency = BTN_ACTIVE) then
emergency_debounced <= '1';
end if;
state1 <= idle;
count1 <= count1 + 1;
end if;
end case;
end if;
end process;
edge_detection:process (clck)
if(rising_edge(clck)) then
emergencya <= emergency_debounced;
emergencyb <= emergencya;
end if;
end process ;
emergencyc <= not emergencyb and emergencya;
end Behavioral;
Any ideas as to why the emergency function doesn't work the way it supposed to?
Your debounce_emergency:process is wrong in many ways. I suggest you simulate your design to see it. What happens if the emergency button is pressed for 40 clock cycles?
Moreover in the controller: process the if emergencyc='1' ... part must be inside the if rising_edge(clck) otherwise will trigger multiple changes in the state signal.

Interface DHT22 to FPGA - elbert v2

Now i make a circuit to measure temperature and humidity, then display on LCD. This is my code for DHT22, i use Elbert V2.
After genarating my project, it did not go right.
I tested and my program did not to come to "end_sl"( last state). And i dont know why?. Any suggestions for me? thank you.
my code
entity DHT11 is
generic (
CLK_PERIOD_NS : positive := 83; -- 12MHz
N: positive:= 40);
clk,rst : in std_logic ;
singer_bus: inout std_logic;
dataout: out std_logic_vector (N-1 downto 0);
tick_done: out std_logic
end DHT11;
architecture Behavioral of DHT11 is
constant DELAY_1_MS: positive := 1*10**6/CLK_PERIOD_NS+1;
constant DELAY_40_US: positive := 40*10**3/CLK_PERIOD_NS+1;
constant DELAY_80_US: positive := 80*10**3/CLK_PERIOD_NS+1;
constant DELAY_50_US: positive := 50*10**3/CLK_PERIOD_NS+1; --
constant TIME_70_US: positive := 80*10**3/CLK_PERIOD_NS+1; --bit > 70 us
constant TIME_28_uS: positive := 30*10**3/CLK_PERIOD_NS+1; -- bit 0 > 28 us
constant MAX_DELAY : positive := 5*10**6/CLK_PERIOD_NS+1; -- 5 ms
type state_type is (reset,start_m,wait_res_sl,response_sl,delay_sl,start_sl,consider_logic,end_sl);
signal index, next_index : natural range 0 to MAX_DELAY;
signal state, next_state : state_type;
signal data_out,next_data_out: std_logic_vector (N-1 downto 0);
signal bit_in, next_bit_in: std_logic;
signal number_bit,next_number_bit: natural range 0 to 40;
signal oe: std_logic; -- help to set input and output port.
regis_state:process (clk,rst) begin
if rst = '1' then
state <= reset;
index <= MAX_DELAY;
number_bit <= 0;
bit_in <= '1';
data_out <= (others => '0');
elsif rising_edge(clk) then
state <= next_state;
index <= next_index;
number_bit <= next_number_bit;
bit_in <= next_bit_in;
data_out <= next_data_out;
end if;
end process regis_state;
proces_state: process (singer_bus,index,state,bit_in,number_bit,data_out) begin
tick_done <= '0';
next_data_out <= data_out;
next_number_bit <= number_bit;
next_state <= state;
next_data_out <= data_out;
next_index <= index;
dataout <= (others => '0');
oe <= '0';
next_bit_in <= bit_in;
case(state) is
when reset => -- initial
if index = 0 then
next_state <= start_m;
next_index <= DELAY_1_MS;
next_number_bit <= N-1;
next_state <= reset;
next_index <= index - 1;
end if;
when start_m => -- master send '1' in 1ms
if index = 0 then
next_state <= wait_res_sl;
next_index <= DELAY_40_US;
oe <= '1';
next_state <= start_m;
next_index <= index -1;
end if ;
when wait_res_sl => -- wait for slave response in 40us --
next_bit_in <= singer_bus;
if bit_in ='1' and next_bit_in = '0' then --
next_state <= response_sl;
next_state <= wait_res_sl;
end if;
when response_sl => -- slave response in 80us
next_bit_in <= singer_bus;
if bit_in ='0' and next_bit_in = '1' then
next_state <= delay_sl;
next_state <= response_sl;
end if;
when delay_sl => -- wait for slave delay in 80us
if bit_in = '1' and next_bit_in ='0' then
next_state <= start_sl;
next_state <= delay_sl;
end if;
when start_sl => -- start to prepare in 50us
if (bit_in = '0') and (next_bit_in = '1') then
next_state <= consider_logic;
next_index <= 0;
elsif number_bit = 0 then
next_state <= end_sl;
next_index <= DELAY_50_US;
next_state <= start_sl;
end if;
when consider_logic => -- determine 1 bit-data of slave
next_index <= index + 1;
next_bit_in <= singer_bus;
if bit_in = '1' and next_bit_in = '0' then -- the end of logic state
next_number_bit <= number_bit -1;
if (index < TIME_28_uS) then -- time ~ 28 us - logic = '0'
next_data_out <= data_out(N-2 downto 0) & '0';
elsif (index < TIME_70_US) then -- time ~70 us - logic ='1'
next_data_out <= data_out(N-2 downto 0) & '1';
end if;
next_state <= start_sl;
next_index <= DELAY_50_US;
elsif bit_in ='1' and next_bit_in ='1' then
next_state <= consider_logic;
end if;
when end_sl => -- tick_done = '1' then dataout has full 40 bit.
if index = 0 then
next_index <= MAX_DELAY;
next_state <= reset;
tick_done <= '1';
dataout <= data_out;
next_index <= index -1;
next_state <= end_sl;
end if;
end case;
end process proces_state;
--tristate IOBUFFER
singer_bus <= '0' when oe ='1' else 'Z';
end Behavioral;
There are many errors in your code. How did you debug exactly? Because it seems like you did not.
Why wait for 60 ms after the reset? you waste (valuable) simulation time. 6 ms is more then enough.
Looking at the simulation output, you can see the state does not advance at all: it's stuck ini wait_res_sl. The problem is that you have not added all the signals read in the process to the sensitivity list. I.e.
bit_in ='1' and next_bit_in = '0'
Will not detect a change if next_bit_in is not in the sensitivity list.
A problem -a common mistake made- is that your 'test bench' only provides input stimuli.... But it does not actually test anything.
And then the counters. Why is the delay counter called index? It doesn't index anything.
Why do your time delays not match their label? 70us -> 80 us. 28us -> 30 us.
Small thing don't call a RTL architecture behavioral
I tried to clean your code, seems to work now.
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity dht2 is
generic (
clk_period_ns : positive := 83; -- 12mhz
data_width: positive:= 40);
clk,rst : in std_logic ;
singer_bus: inout std_logic;
dataout: out std_logic_vector(data_width-1 downto 0);
tick_done: out std_logic
end entity;
architecture rtl of dht2 is
constant delay_1_ms: positive := 1*10**6/clk_period_ns+1;
constant delay_40_us: positive := 40*10**3/clk_period_ns+1;
constant delay_80_us: positive := 80*10**3/clk_period_ns+1;
constant delay_50_us: positive := 50*10**3/clk_period_ns+1; --
constant time_70_us: positive := 70*10**3/clk_period_ns+1; --bit > 70 us
constant time_28_us: positive := 28*10**3/clk_period_ns+1; -- bit 0 > 28 us
constant max_delay : positive := 5*10**6/clk_period_ns+1; -- 5 ms
signal input_sync : std_logic_vector(0 to 2);
type state_type is (reset,start_m,wait_res_sl,response_sl,delay_sl,start_sl,consider_logic,end_sl);
signal state : state_type;
signal delay_counter : natural range 0 to max_delay;
signal data_out : std_logic_vector (data_width-1 downto 0);
signal bus_rising_edge, bus_falling_edge : boolean;
signal number_bit : natural range 0 to data_width;
signal oe: std_logic; -- help to set input and output port.
input_syncronizer : process(clk) begin
if rising_edge(clk) then
input_sync <= to_x01(singer_bus)&input_sync(0 to 1);
end if;
end process;
bus_rising_edge <= input_sync(1 to 2) = "10";
bus_falling_edge <= input_sync(1 to 2) = "01";
regis_state:process (clk) begin
if rising_edge(clk) then
case(state) is
when reset => -- initial
if delay_counter = 0 then
number_bit <= data_width;
oe <= '1';
delay_counter <= delay_1_ms;
state <= start_m;
delay_counter <= delay_counter - 1;
end if;
when start_m => -- master send '1' in 1ms
if delay_counter = 0 then
oe <= '0';
delay_counter <= delay_40_us;
state <= wait_res_sl;
delay_counter <= delay_counter -1;
end if ;
when wait_res_sl => -- wait for slave response in 40us --
if bus_falling_edge then --
state <= response_sl;
end if;
when response_sl => -- slave response in 80us
if bus_rising_edge then
state <= delay_sl;
end if;
when delay_sl => -- wait for slave delay in 80us
if bus_falling_edge then
state <= start_sl;
end if;
when start_sl => -- start to prepare in 50us
if bus_rising_edge then
delay_counter <= 0;
state <= consider_logic;
elsif number_bit = 0 then
delay_counter <= delay_50_us;
state <= end_sl;
end if;
when consider_logic => -- determine 1 bit-data of slave
if bus_falling_edge then -- the end of logic state
number_bit <= number_bit - 1;
if (delay_counter < time_28_us) then -- time ~ 28 us - logic = '0'
data_out <= data_out(data_width-2 downto 0) & '0';
elsif (delay_counter < time_70_us) then -- time ~70 us - logic ='1'
data_out <= data_out(data_width-2 downto 0) & '1';
end if;
delay_counter <= delay_50_us;
state <= start_sl;
end if;
delay_counter <= delay_counter + 1;
when end_sl => -- tick_done = '1' then dataout has full 40 bit.
if delay_counter = 0 then
delay_counter <= max_delay;
state <= reset;
tick_done <= '1';
dataout <= data_out;
delay_counter <= delay_counter - 1;
end if;
end case;
if rst = '1' then
number_bit <= 0;
data_out <= (others => '0');
delay_counter <= max_delay;
state <= reset;
end if;
end if;
end process regis_state;
--tristate iobuffer
singer_bus <= '0' when oe ='1' else 'Z';
end architecture;
And test bench: I added one check, but you should make more checks: every time you do something, it should have an effect. You should test if that effect actually happens.
entity dht2_tb is end dht2_tb;
library ieee;
architecture behavior of dht2_tb is
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
signal clk : std_logic := '0';
signal rst : std_logic := '0';
signal singer_bus : std_logic := 'H';
signal tick_done : std_logic;
-- clock period definitions
constant clk_period : time := 83.33 ns; -- 12mhz
use ieee.math_real.all;
-- This function generates a 'slv_length'-bit std_logic_vector with
-- random values.
function random_slv(slv_length : positive) return std_logic_vector is
variable output : std_logic_vector(slv_length-1 downto 0);
variable seed1, seed2 : positive := 65; -- required for the uniform function
variable rand : real;
-- Assume mantissa of 23, according to IEEE-754:
-- as UNIFORM returns a 32-bit floating point value between 0 and 1
-- only 23 bits will be random: the rest has no value to us.
constant rand_bits : positive := 23;
-- for simplicity, calculate remaining number of bits here
constant end_bits : natural := slv_length rem rand_bits;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
-- fill sets of 23-bit of the output with the random values.
for i in 0 to slv_length/rand_bits-1 loop
uniform(seed1, seed2, rand); -- create random float
-- convert float to int and fill output
output((i+1)*rand_bits-1 downto i*rand_bits) :=
std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(integer(rand*(2.0**rand_bits)), rand_bits));
end loop;
-- fill final bits (< 23, so above loop will not work.
uniform(seed1, seed2, rand);
if end_bits /= 0 then
output(slv_length-1 downto slv_length-end_bits) :=
std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(integer(rand*(2.0**end_bits)), end_bits));
end if;
return output;
end function;
-- input + output definitions
constant test_data_length : positive := 32;
constant test_data : std_logic_vector(test_data_length-1 downto 0) := random_slv(test_data_length);
signal data_out : std_logic_vector(test_data_length-1 downto 0);
-- instantiate the unit under test (uut)
uut: entity work.dht2 -- use entity instantiation: no component declaration needed
generic map (
clk_period_ns => clk_period / 1 ns,
data_width => test_data_length)
port map (
clk => clk,
rst => rst,
singer_bus => singer_bus,
dataout => data_out,
tick_done => tick_done
-- clock stimuli
clk_process: process begin
clk <= '0', '1' after clk_period/2;
wait for clk_period;
end process;
-- reset stimuli
rst_proc : process begin
rst <= '1', '0' after 100 us;
end process;
-- bidir bus pull-up
-- as you drive the bus from the uut and this test bench, it is a bidir
-- you need to simulate a pull-up ('H' = weak '1'). slv will resolve this.
singer_bus <= 'H';
-- stimulus process
bus_proc: process
-- we use procedures for stimuli. Increases maintainability of test bench
-- procedure bus_init initializes the slave device. (copied this from your code)
procedure bus_init is begin
-- singer_bus <= 'Z'; -- initial
wait for 6 ms;
-- singer_bus <= '0'; -- master send
-- wait for 1 ms;
singer_bus <= 'Z'; -- wait response for slave
wait for 40 us;
singer_bus <= '0'; -- slave pull low
wait for 80 us;
singer_bus <= 'Z'; -- slave pull up
wait for 80 us;
end procedure;
function to_string(input : std_logic_vector) return string is
variable output : string(1 to input'length);
variable j : positive := 1;
for i in input'range loop
output(j) := std_logic'image(input(i))(2);
j := j + 1;
end loop;
return output;
end function;
-- procedure send_data
procedure send_data(data : std_logic_vector) is begin
-- we can now send a vector of data,length detected automatically
for i in data'range loop
singer_bus <= '0'; -- slave start data transmission
wait for 50 us;
singer_bus <= 'Z'; -- slave send bit;
-- I found the only difference between sending bit '0'
-- and '1' is the length of the delay after a '0' was send.
case data(i) is
when '0' => wait for 24 us;
when '1' => wait for 68 us;
when others =>
report "metavalues not supported for bus_proc send_data"
severity failure;
end case;
singer_bus <= '0';
end loop;
-- next is VHDL-2008 (else use ieee.std_logic_textio.all;)
report "transmitted: "&to_string(data);
end procedure;
wait until rst = '0';
bus_init; -- call procedure
send_data(test_data); -- call procedure
wait for 100 us; -- final delay
singer_bus <= 'Z'; -- release bus
report "received: "&to_string(data_out);
-- test correctness of output
assert data_out = test_data
report "data output does not match send data"
severity error;
report "end of simulation" severity failure;
end process;
end architecture;

reset statement is not synthesizable since it does not hold its value under NOT(clock-edge) condition

I have searched about this problem but it all seemed Greek to me so I came here as last effort.I have the following VHDL code that I want to be implemented on an fpga.
library IEEE;
use IEEE.std_logic_arith.all;
use work.conversions.all;
entity counter is
port ( clk_in: in std_logic; --new clock
target : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 1); --Set the target with the switches (SW7-SW1)
start : in std_logic; --Start/pause (SW0)
rst : in std_logic; --Reset (BT0)
LD : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 1); --Leds show the target at binary (LD7-LD1)
LD0 : out std_logic; --LD0 indicates thw the limit has been reached
seg : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); --7 segment display
digit : out std_logic_vector(3 downto 0)
end counter;
architecture Behavioral of counter is
variable timer : natural := 0;
variable counter : natural := 0;
variable display_counter : natural range 0 to 4 := 0;
LD0 <= '0';
LD <= target; --Show the target at the leds
digit <= "1110"; --Last digit active
seg <= "00000011"; --Show zero
<--->if(rst='1') then --Reset counter
counter := 0;
timer := 0;
digit <= "1110"; --Last digit active
seg <= "00000011"; --Show zero
LD0 <= '0';
elsif rising_edge(clk_in) then
if(start = '0') then --Pause
--counter := counter;
elsif(counter = conv_integer(unsigned(target))) then --timer limit has been reached
LD0 <= '1';
counter := counter + 1;
display_counter := display_counter + 1;
if(counter rem 10 = 0) then --one second has elapsed (10Hz cycle)
timer := timer + 1; --increase timer
end if;
case display_counter is --Select which digits are gonna be activated and with what
when 1 =>
seg <= int2led(timer/1000);
if(int2led(timer/1000) = "00000000") then
digit(3) <= '1';
digit(3) <= '0';
end if;
when 2 =>
seg <= int2led((timer/100) mod 10);
if(int2led((timer/100) mod 10) = "00000000") then
digit(2) <= '1';
digit(2) <= '0';
end if;
when 3 =>
seg <= int2led((timer/10) mod 10);
if(int2led((timer/10) mod 10) = "00000000") then
digit(1) <= '1';
digit(1) <= '0';
end if;
when others =>
seg <= int2led(timer/10);
if(int2led(timer/10) = "00000000") then
digit(1) <= '1';
digit(1) <= '0';
end if;
end case;
if (display_counter = 4) then --reset the display counter from time to time
display_counter := 0;
display_counter := display_counter;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process;
end Behavioral;
The problem is at if(rst='1') then. Can anyone explain to me in plain English why is this happening and a solution to it so I won't have the same kind problems again? Thanks in advance
You have default signal assignments before the if rst='1' then clause.
That means, when rst returns to 0 (in simulation) these default assignments will execute, and delete the reset values of those signals.
XST is telling you that the hardware can't actually do that.
The solution is to delete those default assignments, which will restore this process to a standard form. Then think carefully about what they were for and how to keep their functionality if you need to.
The traditional place for such assignments is immediately after the elsif rising_edge(clk) then clause, where they will be executed on every clock edge (provided Rst is low) then overridden by any other assignments that are executed yb the process.

Unintentional latches in finite state machine (VHDL) + feedback

This project is about adding user's custom peripheral core to MicroBlaze project on FPGA board "spartan 6 lx9". Using ISE Design Suite 14.6 and EDK.
My problem is being not enough experienced in writing VHDL code. I'm still getting 1-bit unintentional latches on signals: "data_bits" and "latest_value" from <0> til <15>, even though I have used recommended coding style for signal's assignment. I have set default values, but no success... Assignment of signal in each branch of case statement is not an option, since I want to retain value especially for "data_bits" since this vector is being build from several clock cycles. I'm trying to solve this problem for several days.
My questions are:
How I can fixed latches problem in this finite-state machine design? --Answered
I would like to get feedback on my state-machine design, styling etc. --Answered, but there is new code
Any design advice for staying on one state for several clocks cycles, using counters or there is a better technique? --Still expecting some advice
Initial Source Code:
library IEEE;
entity adc_16bit is
clk : in std_logic;
rst : in std_logic;
data_reg_out : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
control_reg : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
SDO : in std_logic;
SCK : out std_logic;
CONV : out std_logic
end adc_16bit;
architecture Behavioral of adc_16bit is
type adc_states is (idle, conversation, clocking_low, clocking_high, receiving_bit, update_data);
signal State, NextState : adc_states;
signal data_bits : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) := (others => '0');
signal latest_value : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) := (others => '0');
signal conv_cnt : integer range 0 to 501 := 0;
signal clk_cnt : integer range 0 to 14 := 0;
signal bit_cnt : integer range 0 to 17 := 0;
-- State Machine Register
process(clk, rst)
if(clk'event and clk = '1') then
if(rst = '0') then
State <= idle;
State <= NextState;
end if;
end if;
end process StateReg;
-- Signals Register
process(clk, rst)
if(clk'event and clk = '1') then
conv_cnt <= conv_cnt;
clk_cnt <= clk_cnt;
bit_cnt <= bit_cnt;
--latest_value <= latest_value;
--data_bits <= data_bits;
case State is
when idle =>
conv_cnt <= 0;
clk_cnt <= 0;
bit_cnt <= 0;
when conversation =>
if(conv_cnt = 501) then
conv_cnt <= 0;
conv_cnt <= conv_cnt + 1;
end if;
when clocking_low =>
if(clk_cnt = 14) then
clk_cnt <= 0;
clk_cnt <= clk_cnt + 1;
end if;
when clocking_high =>
if(clk_cnt = 14) then
clk_cnt <= 0;
clk_cnt <= clk_cnt + 1;
end if;
when receiving_bit =>
if(bit_cnt = 16) then
bit_cnt <= 0;
bit_cnt <= bit_cnt + 1;
end if;
when update_data =>
end case;
end if;
end process TimerReg;
-- FSM Logic
process(State, control_reg, conv_cnt, clk_cnt, bit_cnt )
case State is
when idle =>
if(control_reg(0) = '1') then
NextState <= conversation;
NextState <= idle;
end if;
when conversation =>
if(conv_cnt = 500) then
NextState <= clocking_low;
NextState <= conversation;
end if;
when clocking_low =>
if(clk_cnt = 13) then
NextState <= clocking_high;
NextState <= clocking_low;
end if;
when clocking_high =>
if(clk_cnt = 13) then
NextState <= receiving_bit;
NextState <= clocking_high;
end if;
when receiving_bit =>
if(bit_cnt = 15) then
NextState <= update_data;
NextState <= clocking_low;
end if;
when update_data =>
if(control_reg(0) = '1') then
NextState <= conversation;
NextState <= idle;
end if;
end case;
end process FSM_Proc;
-- FSM Output
process(NextState, latest_value, data_bits, bit_cnt, SDO )
CONV <= '0';
SCK <= '0';
data_reg_out(31 downto 16) <= (others => '0');
data_reg_out(15 downto 0) <= latest_value;
--data_bits <= data_bits;
--latest_value <= latest_value;
case NextState is
when idle =>
latest_value <= (others => '0');
data_bits <= (others => '0');
when conversation =>
CONV <= '1';
when clocking_low =>
SCK <= '0';
when clocking_high =>
SCK <= '1';
when receiving_bit =>
SCK <= '1';
--data_bits <= data_bits;
data_bits(bit_cnt) <= SDO;
when update_data =>
latest_value <= data_bits;
when others =>
--latest_value <= latest_value;
--data_bits <= data_bits;
end case;
end process FSM_Output;
end Behavioral;
Thank you for all your responses! I decided to rewrite my FSM on single process and to add more information regarding my problem in order to make it more understandable for others who has similar problems!
Block Diagram of system:
Note: that right now I just want to simulate and verify stand alone adc_core itself without MicroBlaze and AXI interconnection block.
FSM Diagram:
Single process source code:
library IEEE;
entity adc_chip_driver is
clk : in std_logic;
rst : in std_logic;
data_reg_out : out std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
control_reg : in std_logic_vector(31 downto 0);
SDO : in std_logic;
SCK : out std_logic;
CONV : out std_logic
end adc_chip_driver;
architecture Behavioral of adc_chip_driver is
type states is (idle, conversation, clocking_low, clocking_high, receiving_bit, update_data);
signal state : states;
signal data_bits : std_logic_vector(0 to 15) := (others => '0');
signal latest_value : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0) := (others => '0');
signal conv_cnt : integer range 0 to 500 := 0;
signal clk_cnt : integer range 0 to 13 := 0;
signal bit_cnt : integer range 0 to 15 := 0;
process(clk, rst, control_reg)
if(rst = '0') then
state <= idle;
data_bits <= (others => '0');
latest_value <= (others => '0');
data_reg_out <= (others => '0');
elsif(clk'event and clk = '1') then
--!Default Values
data_reg_out(31 downto 16) <= (others => '0'); --unused bits of register
data_reg_out(15 downto 0) <= latest_value; --data_reg_out is always tided to latast_value;
latest_value <= latest_value; --latest_value is being updated only once
data_bits <= data_bits; --has to retain value
conv_cnt <= conv_cnt;
clk_cnt <= clk_cnt;
bit_cnt <= bit_cnt;
case state is
when idle =>
conv_cnt <= 0;
clk_cnt <= 0;
bit_cnt <= 0;
SCK <= '0';
CONV <= '0';
if(control_reg(0) = '1') then
state <= conversation;
state <= idle;
end if;
when conversation =>
SCK <= '0';
CONV <= '1';
if(conv_cnt = 500) then
state <= clocking_low;
conv_cnt <= 0;
state <= conversation;
conv_cnt <= conv_cnt + 1;
end if;
when clocking_low =>
SCK <= '0';
CONV <= '0';
if(clk_cnt = 13) then
clk_cnt <= 0;
state <= clocking_high;
clk_cnt <= clk_cnt + 1;
state <= clocking_low;
end if;
when clocking_high =>
SCK <= '1';
CONV <= '0';
if(clk_cnt = 13) then
clk_cnt <= 0;
state <= receiving_bit;
clk_cnt <= clk_cnt + 1;
state <= clocking_high;
end if;
when receiving_bit =>
data_bits(bit_cnt) <= SDO;
SCK <= '1';
CONV <= '0';
if(bit_cnt = 15) then
bit_cnt <= 0;
state <= update_data;
bit_cnt <= bit_cnt + 1;
state <= clocking_low;
end if;
when update_data =>
latest_value(15 downto 0) <= data_bits(0 to 15);
SCK <= '0';
CONV <= '0';
if(control_reg(0) = '1') then
state <= conversation;
state <= idle;
end if;
end case;
end if;
end process;
end Behavioral;
Maybe I could receive some new feedback on single process design?
Also I still do you have unanswered question regarding usage of counters in specific FSM states. I have noticed that usually during second cycle on "clocking_low" and "clocking_high" counter actually starts at 1 instead of 0, I know that in this situation it's not a problem, but I can easily imagine where it could be important. I was thinking about after reset set counters to '-1', but maybe there is better solution?
Your code has a number of problems. To illustrate some of them, I tried to sketch your finite state machine in Figs. 1 and 2 below, based on the VHDL code that you provided.
First and most importantly, the design should begin with a top-level block diagram, showing the circuit ports (as in Fig. 1), followed by a detailed state transition diagram (as in Fig. 2 – incomplete here). Recall, for example, that the circuit outputs (data_reg_out, SCK, and CONV – Fig. 1) are the signals that the FSM is supposed to produce, so it is indispensable that these values be specified in all states (shown inside the state circles in Fig. 2). Once the diagram of Fig. 2 is fixed and completed, writing a corresponding VHDL code should be relatively straightforward (except for the timer - see comments below).
Other problems can be seen directly in the code. Some comments on the four processes follow.
The first process (StateReg), which stores the FSM state, is fine.
The second process (TimerReg) is also registered (under clk’event), which is necessary to build the timer. However, dealing with timers is one of the trickiest parts of any timed FSM, because you MUST devise a correct strategy for stopping/running the timer and also for zeroing it. For this, I suggest that you check reference 1 below, which deals with all possible kinds of FSM implementations from a hardware perspective, including an extensive study of timed FSMs.
The third process (FSM_Proc) defines the next state. It is not registered, which is as it should be. However, to check it, it is necessary to complete first the state transition diagram of Fig. 2.
The last process (FSM_Output) defines the machine outputs. It is not registered, which is as it should be in general. However, the list of outputs is not the same in all states, in spite of the default values. Note, for example, the existence of latest_value and data_bits in state idle, which do not appear in all states, thus causing the inference of latches. Additionally, this process is based on NextState instead of PresentState, which (besides being awkward) might reduce the circuit’s maximum speed.
I hope these comments motivate you to restart from the beginning.
1 V. A. Pedroni, Finite State Machines in Hardware: Theory and Design (with VHDL and SystemVerilog), MIT Press, Dec. 2013.
You get a latch if a signal is not assigned to on all possible paths, as it then becomes stateful.
To avoid the problem, make sure you always assign a value to the signal (one way is to assign a "default" value at the top of the process).
since I want to retain value especially for "data_bits" since this vector is being build from several clock cycles.
"Retaining a value" means state, not purely combinatorial logic. In which case, it should not be in your output process. It should be in your state-update process.
My solution to this has been to always use clocked processes for everything. There is no need to have a separate clocked process for the state register and a separate process for the state transitions. That's a style which was required years ago. In my opinion, you are better off putting everything into a single clocked process and then you cannot get latches.
If you must use two processes then get a VHDL 2008 compiler and use process(all) to ensure that all your signals are correctly in the sensitivity list, and then carefully ensure that every signal you assign to gets an assignment for every logical path through the process. The easiest way to achieve this is often to assign them all some 'default' values at the start of the process.
In a combinational process (like FSM_Output), you should never read a signal and write to the same signal. That is exactly what is going on here, for latest_value and data_bits.
Either create new signals latest_value_r and data_bits_r and copy the values in the clocked process, or stick to a single clocked process with no separate combinational process.
What hardware do you want for data_bits and latest_value? If you want to build a vector over several clock cycles, then you need a storage device. Your choices are: latch (level sensitive storage) and flip-flop (edge sensitive storage). If you don't want latches, then you must code flip-flops.
To code flip-flops use the "if clk='1' and clk'event then", just like you did in TimerReg process. You can alternatively use "if rising_edge(Clk) then" - I like this better for readablity, but the tools don't care either way.
I think where you went wrong is in your planning process. Code is just design capture. What is important is that you plan with a block diagram and know where your design requires flip-flops and where it requires combinational logic. Get this right and the rest is just applying coding templates. So make sure you understand this before you start coding.
It does not matter whether you code with only clocked processes or use a mix of clocked and combinational logic processes. I think the most important thing you do in your coding is make it readable. If you collect opinions, you will see they vary, #Martin and #Brian prefer a single clocked process. I prefer a 2 process statemachine - flip-flop and combinational (present state to next state and ouput decode). You used a 3 process statemachine - for me that is like drawing a bubble diagram to show state transitions and a separate one to show the output transitions. However at the end of the day, they all capture the same intent. As long it is clear to someone reading your code long after you have left, it should be ok.
