Interface DHT22 to FPGA - elbert v2 - vhdl

Now i make a circuit to measure temperature and humidity, then display on LCD. This is my code for DHT22, i use Elbert V2.
After genarating my project, it did not go right.
I tested and my program did not to come to "end_sl"( last state). And i dont know why?. Any suggestions for me? thank you.
my code
entity DHT11 is
generic (
CLK_PERIOD_NS : positive := 83; -- 12MHz
N: positive:= 40);
clk,rst : in std_logic ;
singer_bus: inout std_logic;
dataout: out std_logic_vector (N-1 downto 0);
tick_done: out std_logic
end DHT11;
architecture Behavioral of DHT11 is
constant DELAY_1_MS: positive := 1*10**6/CLK_PERIOD_NS+1;
constant DELAY_40_US: positive := 40*10**3/CLK_PERIOD_NS+1;
constant DELAY_80_US: positive := 80*10**3/CLK_PERIOD_NS+1;
constant DELAY_50_US: positive := 50*10**3/CLK_PERIOD_NS+1; --
constant TIME_70_US: positive := 80*10**3/CLK_PERIOD_NS+1; --bit > 70 us
constant TIME_28_uS: positive := 30*10**3/CLK_PERIOD_NS+1; -- bit 0 > 28 us
constant MAX_DELAY : positive := 5*10**6/CLK_PERIOD_NS+1; -- 5 ms
type state_type is (reset,start_m,wait_res_sl,response_sl,delay_sl,start_sl,consider_logic,end_sl);
signal index, next_index : natural range 0 to MAX_DELAY;
signal state, next_state : state_type;
signal data_out,next_data_out: std_logic_vector (N-1 downto 0);
signal bit_in, next_bit_in: std_logic;
signal number_bit,next_number_bit: natural range 0 to 40;
signal oe: std_logic; -- help to set input and output port.
regis_state:process (clk,rst) begin
if rst = '1' then
state <= reset;
index <= MAX_DELAY;
number_bit <= 0;
bit_in <= '1';
data_out <= (others => '0');
elsif rising_edge(clk) then
state <= next_state;
index <= next_index;
number_bit <= next_number_bit;
bit_in <= next_bit_in;
data_out <= next_data_out;
end if;
end process regis_state;
proces_state: process (singer_bus,index,state,bit_in,number_bit,data_out) begin
tick_done <= '0';
next_data_out <= data_out;
next_number_bit <= number_bit;
next_state <= state;
next_data_out <= data_out;
next_index <= index;
dataout <= (others => '0');
oe <= '0';
next_bit_in <= bit_in;
case(state) is
when reset => -- initial
if index = 0 then
next_state <= start_m;
next_index <= DELAY_1_MS;
next_number_bit <= N-1;
next_state <= reset;
next_index <= index - 1;
end if;
when start_m => -- master send '1' in 1ms
if index = 0 then
next_state <= wait_res_sl;
next_index <= DELAY_40_US;
oe <= '1';
next_state <= start_m;
next_index <= index -1;
end if ;
when wait_res_sl => -- wait for slave response in 40us --
next_bit_in <= singer_bus;
if bit_in ='1' and next_bit_in = '0' then --
next_state <= response_sl;
next_state <= wait_res_sl;
end if;
when response_sl => -- slave response in 80us
next_bit_in <= singer_bus;
if bit_in ='0' and next_bit_in = '1' then
next_state <= delay_sl;
next_state <= response_sl;
end if;
when delay_sl => -- wait for slave delay in 80us
if bit_in = '1' and next_bit_in ='0' then
next_state <= start_sl;
next_state <= delay_sl;
end if;
when start_sl => -- start to prepare in 50us
if (bit_in = '0') and (next_bit_in = '1') then
next_state <= consider_logic;
next_index <= 0;
elsif number_bit = 0 then
next_state <= end_sl;
next_index <= DELAY_50_US;
next_state <= start_sl;
end if;
when consider_logic => -- determine 1 bit-data of slave
next_index <= index + 1;
next_bit_in <= singer_bus;
if bit_in = '1' and next_bit_in = '0' then -- the end of logic state
next_number_bit <= number_bit -1;
if (index < TIME_28_uS) then -- time ~ 28 us - logic = '0'
next_data_out <= data_out(N-2 downto 0) & '0';
elsif (index < TIME_70_US) then -- time ~70 us - logic ='1'
next_data_out <= data_out(N-2 downto 0) & '1';
end if;
next_state <= start_sl;
next_index <= DELAY_50_US;
elsif bit_in ='1' and next_bit_in ='1' then
next_state <= consider_logic;
end if;
when end_sl => -- tick_done = '1' then dataout has full 40 bit.
if index = 0 then
next_index <= MAX_DELAY;
next_state <= reset;
tick_done <= '1';
dataout <= data_out;
next_index <= index -1;
next_state <= end_sl;
end if;
end case;
end process proces_state;
--tristate IOBUFFER
singer_bus <= '0' when oe ='1' else 'Z';
end Behavioral;

There are many errors in your code. How did you debug exactly? Because it seems like you did not.
Why wait for 60 ms after the reset? you waste (valuable) simulation time. 6 ms is more then enough.
Looking at the simulation output, you can see the state does not advance at all: it's stuck ini wait_res_sl. The problem is that you have not added all the signals read in the process to the sensitivity list. I.e.
bit_in ='1' and next_bit_in = '0'
Will not detect a change if next_bit_in is not in the sensitivity list.
A problem -a common mistake made- is that your 'test bench' only provides input stimuli.... But it does not actually test anything.
And then the counters. Why is the delay counter called index? It doesn't index anything.
Why do your time delays not match their label? 70us -> 80 us. 28us -> 30 us.
Small thing don't call a RTL architecture behavioral
I tried to clean your code, seems to work now.
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity dht2 is
generic (
clk_period_ns : positive := 83; -- 12mhz
data_width: positive:= 40);
clk,rst : in std_logic ;
singer_bus: inout std_logic;
dataout: out std_logic_vector(data_width-1 downto 0);
tick_done: out std_logic
end entity;
architecture rtl of dht2 is
constant delay_1_ms: positive := 1*10**6/clk_period_ns+1;
constant delay_40_us: positive := 40*10**3/clk_period_ns+1;
constant delay_80_us: positive := 80*10**3/clk_period_ns+1;
constant delay_50_us: positive := 50*10**3/clk_period_ns+1; --
constant time_70_us: positive := 70*10**3/clk_period_ns+1; --bit > 70 us
constant time_28_us: positive := 28*10**3/clk_period_ns+1; -- bit 0 > 28 us
constant max_delay : positive := 5*10**6/clk_period_ns+1; -- 5 ms
signal input_sync : std_logic_vector(0 to 2);
type state_type is (reset,start_m,wait_res_sl,response_sl,delay_sl,start_sl,consider_logic,end_sl);
signal state : state_type;
signal delay_counter : natural range 0 to max_delay;
signal data_out : std_logic_vector (data_width-1 downto 0);
signal bus_rising_edge, bus_falling_edge : boolean;
signal number_bit : natural range 0 to data_width;
signal oe: std_logic; -- help to set input and output port.
input_syncronizer : process(clk) begin
if rising_edge(clk) then
input_sync <= to_x01(singer_bus)&input_sync(0 to 1);
end if;
end process;
bus_rising_edge <= input_sync(1 to 2) = "10";
bus_falling_edge <= input_sync(1 to 2) = "01";
regis_state:process (clk) begin
if rising_edge(clk) then
case(state) is
when reset => -- initial
if delay_counter = 0 then
number_bit <= data_width;
oe <= '1';
delay_counter <= delay_1_ms;
state <= start_m;
delay_counter <= delay_counter - 1;
end if;
when start_m => -- master send '1' in 1ms
if delay_counter = 0 then
oe <= '0';
delay_counter <= delay_40_us;
state <= wait_res_sl;
delay_counter <= delay_counter -1;
end if ;
when wait_res_sl => -- wait for slave response in 40us --
if bus_falling_edge then --
state <= response_sl;
end if;
when response_sl => -- slave response in 80us
if bus_rising_edge then
state <= delay_sl;
end if;
when delay_sl => -- wait for slave delay in 80us
if bus_falling_edge then
state <= start_sl;
end if;
when start_sl => -- start to prepare in 50us
if bus_rising_edge then
delay_counter <= 0;
state <= consider_logic;
elsif number_bit = 0 then
delay_counter <= delay_50_us;
state <= end_sl;
end if;
when consider_logic => -- determine 1 bit-data of slave
if bus_falling_edge then -- the end of logic state
number_bit <= number_bit - 1;
if (delay_counter < time_28_us) then -- time ~ 28 us - logic = '0'
data_out <= data_out(data_width-2 downto 0) & '0';
elsif (delay_counter < time_70_us) then -- time ~70 us - logic ='1'
data_out <= data_out(data_width-2 downto 0) & '1';
end if;
delay_counter <= delay_50_us;
state <= start_sl;
end if;
delay_counter <= delay_counter + 1;
when end_sl => -- tick_done = '1' then dataout has full 40 bit.
if delay_counter = 0 then
delay_counter <= max_delay;
state <= reset;
tick_done <= '1';
dataout <= data_out;
delay_counter <= delay_counter - 1;
end if;
end case;
if rst = '1' then
number_bit <= 0;
data_out <= (others => '0');
delay_counter <= max_delay;
state <= reset;
end if;
end if;
end process regis_state;
--tristate iobuffer
singer_bus <= '0' when oe ='1' else 'Z';
end architecture;
And test bench: I added one check, but you should make more checks: every time you do something, it should have an effect. You should test if that effect actually happens.
entity dht2_tb is end dht2_tb;
library ieee;
architecture behavior of dht2_tb is
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
signal clk : std_logic := '0';
signal rst : std_logic := '0';
signal singer_bus : std_logic := 'H';
signal tick_done : std_logic;
-- clock period definitions
constant clk_period : time := 83.33 ns; -- 12mhz
use ieee.math_real.all;
-- This function generates a 'slv_length'-bit std_logic_vector with
-- random values.
function random_slv(slv_length : positive) return std_logic_vector is
variable output : std_logic_vector(slv_length-1 downto 0);
variable seed1, seed2 : positive := 65; -- required for the uniform function
variable rand : real;
-- Assume mantissa of 23, according to IEEE-754:
-- as UNIFORM returns a 32-bit floating point value between 0 and 1
-- only 23 bits will be random: the rest has no value to us.
constant rand_bits : positive := 23;
-- for simplicity, calculate remaining number of bits here
constant end_bits : natural := slv_length rem rand_bits;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
-- fill sets of 23-bit of the output with the random values.
for i in 0 to slv_length/rand_bits-1 loop
uniform(seed1, seed2, rand); -- create random float
-- convert float to int and fill output
output((i+1)*rand_bits-1 downto i*rand_bits) :=
std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(integer(rand*(2.0**rand_bits)), rand_bits));
end loop;
-- fill final bits (< 23, so above loop will not work.
uniform(seed1, seed2, rand);
if end_bits /= 0 then
output(slv_length-1 downto slv_length-end_bits) :=
std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(integer(rand*(2.0**end_bits)), end_bits));
end if;
return output;
end function;
-- input + output definitions
constant test_data_length : positive := 32;
constant test_data : std_logic_vector(test_data_length-1 downto 0) := random_slv(test_data_length);
signal data_out : std_logic_vector(test_data_length-1 downto 0);
-- instantiate the unit under test (uut)
uut: entity work.dht2 -- use entity instantiation: no component declaration needed
generic map (
clk_period_ns => clk_period / 1 ns,
data_width => test_data_length)
port map (
clk => clk,
rst => rst,
singer_bus => singer_bus,
dataout => data_out,
tick_done => tick_done
-- clock stimuli
clk_process: process begin
clk <= '0', '1' after clk_period/2;
wait for clk_period;
end process;
-- reset stimuli
rst_proc : process begin
rst <= '1', '0' after 100 us;
end process;
-- bidir bus pull-up
-- as you drive the bus from the uut and this test bench, it is a bidir
-- you need to simulate a pull-up ('H' = weak '1'). slv will resolve this.
singer_bus <= 'H';
-- stimulus process
bus_proc: process
-- we use procedures for stimuli. Increases maintainability of test bench
-- procedure bus_init initializes the slave device. (copied this from your code)
procedure bus_init is begin
-- singer_bus <= 'Z'; -- initial
wait for 6 ms;
-- singer_bus <= '0'; -- master send
-- wait for 1 ms;
singer_bus <= 'Z'; -- wait response for slave
wait for 40 us;
singer_bus <= '0'; -- slave pull low
wait for 80 us;
singer_bus <= 'Z'; -- slave pull up
wait for 80 us;
end procedure;
function to_string(input : std_logic_vector) return string is
variable output : string(1 to input'length);
variable j : positive := 1;
for i in input'range loop
output(j) := std_logic'image(input(i))(2);
j := j + 1;
end loop;
return output;
end function;
-- procedure send_data
procedure send_data(data : std_logic_vector) is begin
-- we can now send a vector of data,length detected automatically
for i in data'range loop
singer_bus <= '0'; -- slave start data transmission
wait for 50 us;
singer_bus <= 'Z'; -- slave send bit;
-- I found the only difference between sending bit '0'
-- and '1' is the length of the delay after a '0' was send.
case data(i) is
when '0' => wait for 24 us;
when '1' => wait for 68 us;
when others =>
report "metavalues not supported for bus_proc send_data"
severity failure;
end case;
singer_bus <= '0';
end loop;
-- next is VHDL-2008 (else use ieee.std_logic_textio.all;)
report "transmitted: "&to_string(data);
end procedure;
wait until rst = '0';
bus_init; -- call procedure
send_data(test_data); -- call procedure
wait for 100 us; -- final delay
singer_bus <= 'Z'; -- release bus
report "received: "&to_string(data_out);
-- test correctness of output
assert data_out = test_data
report "data output does not match send data"
severity error;
report "end of simulation" severity failure;
end process;
end architecture;


Different Clock Domain VHDL

I'm making a custom hardware ARINC 429 Core.
For now I have described the module in transmission (TX-FSM), according to the ARINC 429 standard and a FIFO in transmission from which it takes the data and sends them to the outside.
The FIFO works at a frequency of 2MHz (clk2M), while TX-FSM can generate a frequency of 100kb / s or 12.5kb / s (clk429) from 2MHz as per standard.
Since the FIFO works at a higher frequency (2 MHz), and the TX-FSM works at a lower frequency (100 kb/s), when the TX-FSM requests a data from the FIFO by raising the "TX_FIFO_rd" signal ("rd_en" on FIFO ), the FIFO supplies all the data contained within it, since in the FIFO clock domain the "rd_en" signal remains high for several cycles.
The FIFO should only provide one data at a time. Once the data has been transmitted, the TX-FSM will request the next data.
How can I make the FIFO and TX-FSM work in sync using a single clock?
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
entity FIFO is
generic (
FIFO_WIDTH : natural := 32;
FIFO_DEPTH : integer := 10;
ALMOST_FULL_LEVEL : integer := 8;
ALMOST_EMPTY_LEVEL : integer := 2
port (
reset : in std_logic;
clk : in std_logic;
-- FIFO Write Interface
wr_en : in std_logic;
wr_data : in std_logic_vector(FIFO_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
ALMOST_FULL : out std_logic;
FULL : out std_logic;
-- FIFO Read Interface
rd_en : in std_logic;
rd_data : out std_logic_vector(FIFO_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
ALMOST_EMPTY : out std_logic;
EMPTY : out std_logic
end FIFO;
architecture rtl of FIFO is
type t_FIFO_DATA is array (0 to FIFO_DEPTH) of std_logic_vector(FIFO_WIDTH-1 downto 0);
signal r_FIFO_DATA : t_FIFO_DATA := (others => (others => '0'));
signal r_WR_INDEX : integer range 0 to FIFO_DEPTH -1 := 0;
signal r_RD_INDEX : integer range 0 to FIFO_DEPTH -1 := 0;
-- # Words in FIFO, has extra range to allow for assert conditions
signal r_FIFO_COUNT : integer range -1 to FIFO_DEPTH+1 := 0;
signal w_FULL : std_logic;
signal w_EMPTY : std_logic;
-- FIFO process
WRITE_INDEX : process(clk)
if rising_edge(clk) then
if reset = '1' then
r_WR_INDEX <= 1;
if (wr_en = '1' and w_FULL = '0') then
if r_WR_INDEX = FIFO_DEPTH-1 then
r_WR_INDEX <= 1;
r_WR_INDEX <= r_WR_INDEX + 1;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process;
READ_INDEX : process(clk)
if rising_edge(clk) then
if reset = '1' then
r_RD_INDEX <= 0;
if (rd_en = '1' and w_EMPTY = '0') then
if r_RD_INDEX = FIFO_DEPTH-1 then
r_RD_INDEX <= 0;
r_RD_INDEX <= r_RD_INDEX + 1;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process;
COUNT_INDEX : process(clk)
if rising_edge(clk) then
if reset = '1' then
r_FIFO_COUNT <= 0;
if (wr_en = '1' and rd_en = '0') then
elsif (wr_en = '0' and rd_en = '1') then
if r_FIFO_COUNT > 0 then
end if;
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process;
Write_Data : process (clk) is
if rising_edge(clk) then
if wr_en = '1' then
r_FIFO_DATA(r_WR_INDEX) <= wr_data;
end if;
end if;
end process;
rd_data <= r_FIFO_DATA(r_RD_INDEX);
w_FULL <= '1' when r_FIFO_COUNT = FIFO_DEPTH else '0';
w_EMPTY <= '1' when r_FIFO_COUNT = 0 else '0';
end rtl;
TX-FSM code
-- Arinc 429 trasmitter interface
library IEEE;
entity Tx is
clk2M : in std_logic; -- clock signal
reset : in std_logic; -- reset signal
enable : in std_logic; -- enable signal
en_parity : in std_logic; -- enable parity bit
parity : in std_logic; -- odd/even parity
speed : in std_logic; -- speed 100kbps or 12.5kbps
gap : in std_logic; -- gap between two messages: 4 or 64 bit of gap
TX_FIFO_ep : in std_logic; -- TX FIFO EMPTY
a429TX_in : in std_logic_vector (31 downto 0); -- data in
a429TX_outA : out std_logic; -- positive out
a429TX_outB : out std_logic; -- negative out
TX_FIFO_rd : out std_logic -- TX FIFO READ
end entity;
architecture RTL_A429TX of Tx is
-- FSM state name
signal state : state_type;
-- FSM register
signal shift_reg : std_logic_vector (31 downto 0);
signal shift_counter : std_logic_vector (4 downto 0);
signal gap_counter : std_logic_vector (6 downto 0);
-- speed clock register
signal clk429 : std_logic;
signal clk429_counter : integer;
signal clk429_max_count : integer;
signal clk429_half_count : integer;
-- speed clock process
-- select speed process
process (speed)
if (speed = '1') then
clk429_max_count <= 19; -- 100kbs/s
clk429_half_count <= 10;
clk429_max_count <= 159; -- 12.5kbs/s
clk429_half_count <= 80;
end if;
end process;
-- clock429 generate speed process
process (clk2M, reset)
if (reset = '1') then
clk429 <= '0';
elsif rising_edge(clk2M) then
if (clk429_counter <= clk429_half_count ) then
clk429 <= '1';
clk429 <= '0';
end if;
end if;
end process;
-- counter activity process
process (clk2M, reset)
if (reset = '1') then
clk429_counter <= 0;
elsif rising_edge(clk2M) then
if (clk429_counter >= clk429_max_count) then
clk429_counter <= 0;
clk429_counter <= clk429_counter + 1;
end if;
end if;
end process;
-- a429TX interface process
process (clk429, reset)
variable p : std_logic;
if reset = '1' then
state <= IDLE;
shift_reg <= (others => '0');
shift_counter <= (others => '0');
gap_counter <= (others => '0');
a429TX_outA <= '0';
a429TX_outB <= '0';
TX_FIFO_rd <= '0';
elsif rising_edge(clk429) then
case state is
when IDLE => -- idle state
if (enable = '1') then
if (gap = '1') then
gap_counter <= "0000100"; -- 4
gap_counter <= "1000000"; -- 64
end if;
if TX_FIFO_ep = '0' then
TX_FIFO_rd <= '1';
state <= START;
state <= IDLE;
end if;
state <= IDLE;
end if;
when START =>
-- data formatting
TX_FIFO_rd <= '0';
shift_reg <= a429TX_in(31 downto 8)& a429TX_in(0) & a429TX_in(1) & a429TX_in(2) & a429TX_in(3) & a429TX_in(4) & a429TX_in(5) & a429TX_in(6) & a429TX_in(7);
shift_counter <= "11111";
if ( en_parity = '1') then
state <= PAR;
end if;
when PAR => -- parity state
--TX_FIFO_rd <= '0';
p := '0';
for I in 31 downto 0 loop
p := p xor shift_reg(I);
end loop;
if (parity = '1') then
shift_reg(31) <= p; -- odd
shift_reg(31) <= not p; -- even
end if;
when TRANSMITTING => -- transmission state
--TX_FIFO_rd <= '0';
a429TX_outA <= shift_reg(0);
a429TX_outB <= not shift_reg(0);
shift_reg <= shift_reg(0) & shift_reg(31 downto 1);
if (shift_counter = "00000") then
state <= WAITING;
shift_counter <= shift_counter -1;
end if;
when WAITING => -- wait state. generate gap
a429TX_outA <= '0';
a429TX_outB <= '0';
if (gap_counter > 0) then
gap_counter <= gap_counter - 1;
state <= WAITING;
state <= IDLE;
end if;
when others => -- default
state <= IDLE;
end case;
elsif falling_edge (clk429) then
a429TX_outA <= '0';
a429TX_outB <= '0';
end if;
end process;
clk429 <= clk429;
end architecture;
Thanks for your help.
Run both FIFOs at the 2 MHz clk2M, and then generate a single cycle enable indication on TX_FIFO_rd when FIFO read data transfer is required.
Thereby you can get the benefit from synchronous design, without the hazzle of handling multiple clock domains.
Also, it is not good (but actually very bad :-) synchronous design practice to generate internal clock like the clk429, since it results in error prune design and more complex timing closure with Static Timing Analysis (STA). Instead make an enable signal that is asserted a single cycle, run the design on the clk2M, and the only update the relevant state when the enable signal is high.

How can i reduce number of ALMs in my VHDL design?

I'm trying to implement an alarm module for the digital clock in VHDL. I have written architecture for it, but when I run Compilation I get too many Adaptive Logic Modules (around 2000), which I think is too much. I will post my code below.
I think division and modulus operation could be causing it, in this line of code.
alarm_hour1 <= std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(savedHours/10,alarm_hour1'length));
alarm_hour0 <= std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(savedHours mod 10,alarm_hour0'length));
alarm_minute1 <= std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(savedMinutes/10,alarm_minute1'length));
alarm_minute0 <= std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(savedMinutes mod 10,alarm_minute0'length));
Still, I'm not sure how can I work around this.
Also, I would be very grateful if You give more comments on my design, and point out some mistakes, and ways how I can improve my design. I'm fairly new to VHDL so any advice is appreciated.
Thanks a lot.
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
entity alarm is
reset : in std_logic;
clock : in std_logic;
alarm_enable : in std_logic;
alarm_set : in std_logic;
alarm_increment : in std_logic;
alarm_decrement : in std_logic;
currentTime_hour1 : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
currentTime_hour0 : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
currentTime_minute1 : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
currentTime_minute0 : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
alarm_buzzer : out std_logic;
alarm_hour1 : buffer std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := "0000";
alarm_hour0 : buffer std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := "0000";
alarm_minute1 : buffer std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := "0000";
alarm_minute0 : buffer std_logic_vector(3 downto 0) := "0000"
end alarm;
architecture alarmBehaviour of alarm is
signal savedHours : integer := 0;
signal savedMinutes : integer := 0;
signal incrementDecrementbuttonDetect : std_logic;
signal set_lastButtonState : std_logic := '0';
signal setButtonDetect : std_logic := '0';
type state_type is (idle, setHour, setMinute);
signal state_reg, state_next : state_type;
incrementDecrementbuttonDetect <= alarm_increment or alarm_decrement;
process(clock, reset)
if (reset = '1') then
state_reg <= idle;
elsif rising_edge(clock) then
state_reg <= state_next;
end if;
end process;
if(rising_edge(clock)) then
if(alarm_set = '1' and set_lastButtonState = '0') then
setButtonDetect <= '1';
setButtonDetect <= '0';
end if;
set_lastButtonState <= alarm_set;
end if;
end process;
process(state_reg, setButtonDetect)
case state_reg is
when idle =>
if setButtonDetect = '1' then
state_next <= setHour;
state_next <= idle;
end if;
when setHour =>
if setButtonDetect = '1' then
state_next <= setMinute;
state_next <= setHour;
end if;
when setMinute =>
if setButtonDetect = '1' then
state_next <= idle;
state_next <= setMinute;
end if;
end case;
end process;
process (incrementDecrementbuttonDetect, state_reg)
if rising_edge(incrementDecrementbuttonDetect) then
case state_reg is
when idle =>
when setHour =>
if alarm_increment = '1' then
if savedHours = 23 then
savedHours <= 0;
savedHours <= savedHours + 1;
end if;
else null;
end if;
if alarm_decrement = '1' then
if savedHours = 0 then
savedHours <= 23;
savedHours <= savedHours - 1;
end if;
else null;
end if;
when setMinute =>
if alarm_increment = '1' then
if savedMinutes = 59 then
savedMinutes <= 0;
savedMinutes <= savedMinutes + 1;
end if;
else null;
end if;
if alarm_decrement = '1' then
if savedMinutes = 0 then
savedMinutes <= 59;
savedMinutes <= savedMinutes - 1;
end if;
else null;
end if;
end case;
end if;
end process;
alarm_hour1 <= std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(savedHours/10,alarm_hour1'length));
alarm_hour0 <= std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(savedHours mod 10,alarm_hour0'length));
alarm_minute1 <= std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(savedMinutes/10,alarm_minute1'length));
alarm_minute0 <= std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(savedMinutes mod 10,alarm_minute0'length));
process (currentTime_hour1, currentTime_hour0, currentTime_minute1, currentTime_minute0,
alarm_enable, alarm_hour1, alarm_hour0, alarm_minute1, alarm_minute0)
if((alarm_hour1 = currentTime_hour1) and (alarm_hour0 = currentTime_hour0)
and (alarm_minute1 = currentTime_minute1) and (alarm_minute0 = currentTime_minute0) and alarm_enable = '1') then
alarm_buzzer <= '1';
alarm_buzzer <= '0';
end if;
end process;
end alarmBehaviour;
Consider keeping the alarm time in Binary-Coded Decimal (BCD) format instead of binary format, whereby you can compare it directly with the current time, that is provided in BCD format.
This is a good example of how using the appropriate internal data format can reduce the computational problem significantly, since you can simply eliminate the costly division and modulo operations by keeping just one data format (BCD) instead of mixing BCD and binary data formats.
The range of signals savedHours and savedMinutes is not specified, so Quartus assumes they are 32 bits wide. Inference of a divider with one 32-bit operand results into a large tree of conditional subtractions.
Updating your code to something like
signal savedHours : natural range 0 to 23 := 0;
signal savedMinutes : natural range 0 to 59 := 0;
will very likely result into less ALM usage.
Also, please note that rising_edge should be used for clock signals only (at VHDL starter level). Instead of connecting logic to the clock input of a register, what you probably want is some button debounce logic.

VHDL uart which send 16 chars string

I have to do UART with vhdl on the Xilinx which will send 16 chars string. I wrote such code
library IEEE;
use ieee.numeric_std.ALL;
entity uartByJackob is
Port ( CLK, A, B, C : in STD_LOGIC;
end uartByJackob;
architecture Behavioral of uartByJackob is
signal K: std_logic_vector(14 downto 0);
signal Q: std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
signal CLK_Txd: std_logic;
signal ENABLE: std_logic;
signal QTxD: std_logic_vector(9 downto 0);
signal DATA : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 downto 0);
-- freq of clock
process(CLK, RESET)
if rising_edge(CLK) then
if(A = '1' and K < 10416) then
K <= K + 1;
CLK_Txd <= K(13);
elsif(B = '1' and K < 5208) then
K <= K + 1;
CLK_Txd <= K(12);
elsif(C = '1' and K < 20832) then
K <= K + 1;
CLK_Txd <= K(14);
K <= (others => '0');
end if;
end if;
end process;
process(CLK_Txd, RESET, ENABLE)
if(RESET = '1' and ENABLE = '0') then
Q <= "0000";
elsif (rising_edge(CLK_Txd)) then
Q <= Q + 1;
end if;
end process;
ENABLE <= '1' when (Q > 4) else '0';
process(Q, CLK_Txd)
if (rising_edge(CLK_Txd)) then
case Q is
when "0001" => DATA <= x"40";
when "0010" => DATA <= x"41";
when "0011" => DATA <= x"42";
when "0100" => DATA <= x"43";
when "0101" => DATA <= x"44";
when "0110" => DATA <= x"45";
when "0111" => DATA <= x"46";
when "1000" => DATA <= x"47";
when "1001" => DATA <= x"48";
when "1010" => DATA <= x"49";
when "1011" => DATA <= x"50";
when "1100" => DATA <= x"51";
when "1101" => DATA <= x"52";
when "1110" => DATA <= x"53";
when "1111" => DATA <= x"54";
when others => DATA <= x"55";
end case;
end if;
end process;
process(CLK_Txd, ENABLE, DATA)
if(ENABLE = '0') then
QTxD <= DATA & "01";
elsif rising_edge(CLK_Txd) then
QTxD <= '1'&QTxD(9 downto 1);
end if;
end process;
TxD <= QTxD(0);
TxDOSC <= QTxD(0);
end Behavioral;
It's send data completely not connected with that what i have in transcoder and realy dont know why. Do you have any ideas what is wrong with my code, or do you have any diffrent examples of it how to send your own 16 chars with uart? I suppose that something is wrong with my counter or comparator.
Thans for your effort, i can't try your code at the Xilinx right now couse I am workin on it at my university. I see that you made a lot of changes in my code. Of course first i try to do it like you show and i hope this will be acceptable, but I propably have to do it with transcoder according to this picture.
From last time i made such changes i my code
library IEEE;
use ieee.numeric_std.ALL;
entity uartByJackob is
Port ( CLK, A, B, C : in STD_LOGIC;
end uartByJackob;
architecture Behavioral of uartByJackob is
signal K: std_logic_vector(14 downto 0);
signal Q: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal CLK_Txd: std_logic;
signal ENABLE: std_logic;
signal QTxD: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal DATA : STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 downto 0);
signal QPrim: std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
process(CLK, RESET)
CLK_Txd <= CLK;
end process;
process(CLK_Txd, RESET, ENABLE)
if(ENABLE = '0') then
Q <= "00000000";
elsif (rising_edge(CLK_Txd)) then
Q <= Q + 1;
end if;
end process;
ENABLE <= '1' when (Q <= 255) else '0';
process(Q(7 downto 4))
case Q(7 downto 4) is
when "0000" => DATA <= x"40";
when "0001" => DATA <= x"41";
when "0010" => DATA <= x"42";
when "0011" => DATA <= x"43";
when "0100" => DATA <= x"44";
when "0101" => DATA <= x"45";
when "0110" => DATA <= x"46";
when "0111" => DATA <= x"47";
when "1000" => DATA <= x"48";
when "1001" => DATA <= x"49";
when "1010" => DATA <= x"50";
when "1011" => DATA <= x"51";
when "1100" => DATA <= x"52";
when "1101" => DATA <= x"53";
when "1110" => DATA <= x"54";
when "1111" => DATA <= x"55";
when others => DATA <= x"56";
end case;
end process;
process(CLK_Txd, ENABLE, DATA)
if(ENABLE = '1') then
elsif rising_edge(CLK_Txd) then
QTxD <= '1'&QTxD(7 downto 1);
end if;
end process;
TxD <= QTxD(0);
TxDOSC <= QTxD(0);
end Behavioral;
According to that i send MSB to transcoder and LSB to comparator but my program all the time still send x"40" to DATA and it is propably connected with this counter which you were talking about.
There is my simulation efect. I becoming upset with that couse i don't have enough skills in vhdl to do it by my self. I hope that you will help me to do rebuild my project. On simulation it looks good i dont know how it looks on Xilinx.
Can you show me a piece of code? - Stefan
The entire purpose to providing the link to Adrian Adamcyzk's code (Altera FPGA hardware (has an issue) vs ModelSim simulation (ok) - self implemented UART) was to provide an example with a bit (baud) counter and flip flop used to control sending the message once.
Here's Jackob's modified:
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
-- use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
entity uartbyjackob is
port (
clk, a, b, c: in std_logic;
reset: in std_logic;
txd, txdosc: out std_logic
end entity uartbyjackob;
architecture foo of uartbyjackob is
-- signal k: unsigned(14 downto 0); -- FOR simulation
-- note if k were used in simulation it would require initialization
signal q: unsigned (3 downto 0); -- WAS std_logic_vector
signal clk_txd: std_logic;
signal enable: std_logic;
signal qtxd: std_logic_vector(9 downto 0);
-- signal data: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
-- added:
signal bdcnt: unsigned (3 downto 0);
signal ldqtxd: std_logic;
signal davl: std_logic;
type data_lut is array (0 to 15) of std_logic_vector (7 downto 0);
constant data: data_lut := (
x"40", x"41", x"42", x"43", x"44", x"45", x"46", x"47",
x"48", x"49", x"50", X"51", x"52", X"53", x"54", x"55"
signal datalut: std_logic_vector (7 downto 0); -- FOR SIMULATION visibility
-- -- freq of clock -- NOTE k never in known binary state for simulation
-- process (clk, reset)
-- begin
-- if rising_edge(clk) then
-- if a = '1' and k < 10416 then
-- k <= k + 1;
-- clk_txd <= k(13);
-- elsif b = '1' and k < 5208 then
-- k <= k + 1;
-- clk_txd <= k(12);
-- elsif c = '1' and k < 20832 then
-- k <= k + 1;
-- clk_txd <= k(14);
-- else
-- k <= (others => '0');
-- end if;
-- end if;
-- end process;
clk_txd <= clk; -- SHORTENS SIMULATION
process (clk_txd, reset)
if reset = '1' then
davl <= '0';
elsif rising_edge (clk_txd) then
if q = 15 and bdcnt = 9 then -- a JK FF equivalent
davl <= '0';
elsif q = 0 then
davl <= '1'; -- one clock holderover from reset
-- else
-- davl <= davl;
end if;
end if;
end process;
-- process(clk_txd, reset, enable)
-- begin
-- if reset = '1' and enable = '0' then
-- q <= "0000";
-- elsif rising_edge(clk_txd) then
-- q <= q + 1;
-- end if;
-- end process;
process (clk_txd, reset)
if reset = '1' then
q <= (others => '0');
elsif rising_edge (clk_txd) then
if enable = '1' then
q <= q + 1;
end if;
end if;
end process;
process (clk_txd, reset)
if reset = '1' then
bdcnt <= (others => '0');
elsif rising_edge (clk_txd) then
if davl = '0' or bdcnt = 9 then
bdcnt <= (others => '0');
bdcnt <= bdcnt + 1;
end if;
end if;
end process;
-- comparator
-- enable <= '1' when (q > 4) else '0';
enable <= '1' when bdcnt = 9 and davl = '1' and q /= 15 else
-- q latches at 15;
ldqtxd <= '1' when bdcnt = 9 and davl = '1' else
datalut <= data(to_integer(q)); -- FOR SIMULATION VISIBILITIY
-- process(q, clk_txd)
-- begin
-- if rising_edge(clk_txd) then
-- case q is
-- when "0001" => data <= x"40";
-- when "0010" => data <= x"41";
-- when "0011" => data <= x"42";
-- when "0100" => data <= x"43";
-- when "0101" => data <= x"44";
-- when "0110" => data <= x"45";
-- when "0111" => data <= x"46";
-- when "1000" => data <= x"47";
-- when "1001" => data <= x"48";
-- when "1010" => data <= x"49";
-- when "1011" => data <= x"50";
-- when "1100" => data <= x"51";
-- when "1101" => data <= x"52";
-- when "1110" => data <= x"53";
-- when "1111" => data <= x"54";
-- when others => data <= x"55";
-- end case;
-- end if;
-- end process;
-- uart
-- process (clk_txd, enable, data)
-- begin
-- if enable = '0' then
-- qtxd <= data & "01";
-- elsif rising_edge(clk_txd) then
-- qtxd <= '1' & qtxd(9 downto 1);
-- end if;
-- end process;
process (clk_txd, reset) -- shift regiseter Tx UART
if reset = '1' then
qtxd <= (others => '1'); -- output mark by default
elsif rising_edge (clk_txd) then
if ldqtxd = '1' then
qtxd <= '1' & data(to_integer(q)) & '0';
-- STOP & Data(q) 7 downto 0 & START , a MUX and expansion
qtxd <= '1' & qtxd(9 downto 1); -- shift out;
end if;
end if;
end process;
txd <= qtxd(0);
txdosc <= qtxd(0);
end architecture foo;
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity uartbyjackob_tb is
end entity;
architecture foo of uartbyjackob_tb is
signal clk: std_logic := '0';
signal reset: std_logic := '0';
signal txd: std_logic;
entity work.uartbyjackob
port map (
clk => clk, -- clk_txd driven by clk
a => 'X',
b => 'X',
c => 'X', -- a, b, c aren't used
reset => reset,
txd => txd,
txdosc => open
wait for 52.35 us;
clk <= not clk;
if now > 20000 us then
end if;
end process;
wait for 104.7 us;
reset <= '1';
wait for 104.7 us;
reset <= '0';
end process;
end architecture;
The model has been modified for faster simulation, ignoring the baud rate clock generator.
There's an added flip flop (davl) for enabling the UART to run. There's an added baud (bit) counter bdcnt.
I changed the order of the start, stop and data values loaded into QTxD so the start bit came out first, followed by 8 data bits and the stop bit.
You can read off TxD from left to right start bit, data(q)(0) ... data(q(7), stop bit. The enable or ldqtxd will occur at the same time as a stop bit.
There's only one observable draw back to this implementation, if you reset while a value in the shift register hasn't finished loading you'll cause a framing error for the receiver. Don't reset it for 10 baud times after davl goes false.
The simulation is shown with a 9600 baud clk_txd, the characters go out back to back.
It has fewer flip flops than the original (disregarding k). There is no data register separate from QTxD ( - 8 FFs) plus bdcnt (+ 4) plus davl (+ 1). There are two comparisons (optimized to two) bdcnt = 9, q =, /= 9. Those could be expressed separately so it doesn't require optimization during synthesis.
I changed the look up table style, a matter of personal preference also the excuse for changing counters to type unsigned and using only package numeric_std for arithmetic.
The little testbench likewise doesn't expect the k counter to generate the baud clock.
Running the testbench gives:
Where there's an added signal datalut to show the value being shifted out after ldqtxd.
After your change making the q counter (7 downto 0)
We still see from your waveform that it doesn't work.
This is due to the enable and the shift register.
If you use a single counter with the upper four bits indexing the output character your character is transmitted in 10 out of the 16 clk_txd times indexed by the lower four bits of the counter. The remaining clock times TxD should be '1' (idle line marks in RS-232 parlance).
The order for data to be transmitted will be a space (the start bit), data(0) through data(7) and a mark (the stop bit). (Shown left to right on TxD).
For simulation the k counter is not used. I included it commented out below.
I made several changes for proper simulation. These include synchronously loading the shift register containing QTxD, synchronously clearing the rightmost bit of QTxD to provide a full width and moving enable to occur once every sixteen clocks (clk_txd). The enable is preceded by a new clear for the start bit and both been offset to prevent it from occurring during reset which has the effect of causing a framing error on the first character for any receiver.
Simulation is done with the same testbench I provide above.
The changes to your new code are shown by comments:
architecture behavioral of uartbyjackob is
-- signal k: std_logic_vector(14 downto 0);
signal q: unsigned (7 downto 0); -- std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal clk_txd: std_logic;
signal enable: std_logic;
signal qtxd: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
-- using an 8 bit shift register requires a method of outputting a
-- synchronous start bit (the width is important for receive framing)
-- and synchronous stop bit
signal data: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal qprim: std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
signal clear: std_logic; -- synchronous clear for start bit
-- let's keep this here for when you put it the FPGA
-- -- freq of clock -- NOTE k never in known binary state for simulation
-- process (clk, reset)
-- begin
-- if rising_edge(clk then
-- if a = '1' and k < 10416 then
-- k <= k + 1;
-- clk_txd <= k(13);
-- elsif b = '1' and k < 5208 then
-- k <= k + 1;
-- clk_txd <= k(12);
-- elsif c = '1' and k < 20832 then
-- k <= k + 1;
-- clk_txd <= k(14);
-- else
-- k <= (others => '0');
-- end if;
-- end if;
-- end process;
process (clk) -- , reset)
clk_txd <= clk; -- if simply a concurrent assignment statement this
end process; -- would look similar to the elaborated equivalent
-- process. The difference, no sensitivity list and
-- an explict wait on clk statement at the end.
-- This process wants to be removed and replaced by
-- the above commented out process for synthesis
process (clk_txd, reset) -- , reset, enable) -- enable a reset?
-- if enable = '0' then
if reset = '1' then -- puts q counter in known state for simulation
q <= "00000000";
elsif rising_edge(clk_txd) then
if q /= 255 then -- stop after sending once
q <= q + 1;
end if;
end if;
end process;
-- enable <= '1' when q <= 255 else '0'; -- this appears incorrect
enable <= '1' when q(3 downto 0) = "0010" else
clear <= '1' when q(3 downto 0) = "0001" else
-- USING ONE COUNTER requires some clocks output MARKS
-- (idle bits) each 16 clocks. It requires the load (enable)
-- occur once every 16 clocks.
-- q(3 downto 0) is selected for enable to prevent outputting spaces
-- TxD during reset (q is reset to all '0's). This would cause a receive
-- framing error.
process (q(7 downto 4))
case q(7 downto 4) is
when "0000" => data <= x"40";
when "0001" => data <= x"41";
when "0010" => data <= x"42";
when "0011" => data <= x"43";
when "0100" => data <= x"44";
when "0101" => data <= x"45";
when "0110" => data <= x"46";
when "0111" => data <= x"47";
when "1000" => data <= x"48";
when "1001" => data <= x"49";
when "1010" => data <= x"50";
when "1011" => data <= x"51";
when "1100" => data <= x"52";
when "1101" => data <= x"53";
when "1110" => data <= x"54";
when "1111" => data <= x"55";
when others => data <= x"56";
end case;
end process;
process (clk_txd) -- , enable, data) -- synchronous enable and clear
-- if enable = '1' then -- this appears incorrect
-- qtxd <= data;
if reset = '1' then
qtxd <= (others => '1'); -- outputs mark after reset
elsif rising_edge(clk_txd) then
if clear = '1' then -- synchronous clear for start bit
qtxd(0) <= '0';
elsif enable = '1' then -- synchronous load
qtxd <= data;
qtxd <= '1' & qtxd(7 downto 1); -- shift right
end if;
end if;
end process;
-- the synchronous load prevents the first start bit from being stretched
-- q(3 downto 0) the following in hex notation
-- q(3 downto 0) = 2 is the start bit
-- = 3 is data(0)
-- ...
-- = A is data(7)
-- = B is the stop bit
-- = C - 1 are mark (idle) bits (q(3 downto 0) rolls over)
-- = 1 enable occurs loading qtxd
-- The offset is caused by synchronous load (1 clk_txd) and the load point
-- (q(3 downto 0) = 1 in enable term).
-- The load point wants to occur in the first 6 counts of q(3 downto 0) to
-- insure a trailing mark when q is stopped.
-- q(3 downto 0) = 1 is selected for enable to prevent spurious spaces
-- during reset from causing a receive framing error.
txd <= qtxd(0);
txdosc <= qtxd(0);
end architecture behavioral;
The comment table:
-- the synchronous load prevents the first start bit from being stretched
-- q(3 downto 0) the following in hex notation
-- q(3 downto 0) = 2 is the start bit
-- = 3 is data(0)
-- ...
-- = A is data(7)
-- = B is the stop bit
-- = C - 1 are mark (idle) bits (q(3 downto 0) rolls over)
-- = 1 enable occurs loading qtxd
-- The offset is caused by synchronous load (1 clk_txd) and the load point
-- (q(3 downto 0) = 1 in enable term).
-- The load point wants to occur in the first 6 counts of q(3 downto 0) to
-- insure a trailing mark when q is stopped.
-- q(3 downto 0) = 1 is selected for enable to prevent spurious spaces
-- during reset from causing a receive framing error.
tells you where to find bits of the data(q(7 downto 0)) selected character. In the following waveform q is shown as hex to match:
You'll find with the fixes the first character transmitted is 0x40, the second 0x41,...

implementing a 50ns delay in VHDL

I'm sending data to and A/D converter and I need the command data to be delayed at least 50ns from clk_19khz. Here is what I have so far.
How do I insert a delay of 50ns which is a requirement for the A/D between the clk_19khz and my first Dout bit to the A/D?
I'm using a Xilinx FPGA. Thanks for the help!
library IEEE;
-- Uncomment the following library declaration if using
-- arithmetic functions with Signed or Unsigned values
-- Uncomment the following library declaration if instantiating
-- any Xilinx primitives in this code.
--library UNISIM;
--use UNISIM.VComponents.all;
entity PSOL is
Port ( clk : in STD_LOGIC;
clk_19khz : OUT std_logic;
Dout :out std_logic);
end PSOL;
architecture Behavioral of PSOL is
signal temp : std_logic;
signal count : integer range 0 to 1301 := 0; --1301
signal temp2 : std_logic;
signal dcount : integer range 0 to 11 := 0; --
signal start : std_logic := '1'; -- indicates the start of
signal parity : std_logic := '1'; --used to varify data sent
signal stop : std_logic := '0'; --indicate when word/command has
--signal chip_select : bit :='1'; -- active low
process (clk)
if (clk' EVENT AND clk='1') then
if (count = 1301) then --1301
temp <= not(temp);
count <=0;
count <= count + 1;
end if;
end if;
end process;
clk_19khz <= temp;
temp2 <= temp;
process (temp2)
If (temp2' EVENT and temp2 ='0') then
dcount <= dcount + 1;
parity <= '1';
stop <= '0';
start <='1';
if (dcount < 12 and start = '1' and stop = '0') then
CASE dcount is
when 1 => Dout <= start; -- need delay 50ns before this
when 2 => Dout <= '0';
when 3 => Dout <= '1';
when 4 => Dout <= '0';
when 5 => Dout <= '1';
when 6 => Dout <= '0';
when 7 => Dout <= '0';
when 8 => Dout <= '1';
when 9 => Dout <= '1';
when 10 => Dout <= parity;
when 11 => Dout <= '0';
when others => null;
end case;
end if;
end if;
--dcount <= 0;
--start <='1';
end process;
end Behavioral;
Your clock (50 MHz) has a period of 20 ns. So you'll need a modulo-3 counter to count a delay of at least 3 clock pulses which gives a delay of 60 ns.
signal delay_en : std_logic;
signal delay_us : unsigned(1 downto 0) := (others => '0');
signal delay_ov : std_logic;
if rising_edge(clk) then
if (delay_en = '1') then
delay_us <= delay_us + 1;
delay_us <= (others => '0');
end if;
end if;
end process;
delay_ov <= '1' when (delay_us = 2) else '0';
Your current implementation needs to drive delay_en while it's waiting for the timespan. If the delay is over, it emits the signal delay_ov (ov = overflow). This can be used by your solution to go on the in algorithm. Your code should also deassert delay_en, what clears the counter to 0.

Explanation of several TX and RX data pins in VHDL

I have been doing VHDL for a while, but still i am a beginner.
I have a UART code, and its working perfectly, but unable to understand the use of few pins
Please explain me the use of following pins
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
-- Entity
entity uart_mod is
generic (CLK_FREQ : integer := 18500000;
BAUDRATE : integer := 115200);
port (
-- general ports
clk_i : in std_logic;
rst_i : in std_logic;
-- tx ports
tx_o : out std_logic; -- transmit data line
txData_i : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- data to transmit
txReady_o : out std_logic; -- transmit ready flag
txStart_i : in std_logic; -- start transmission signal
-- rx ports
rx_i : in std_logic; -- receive data line
rxData_o : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- received data
rxNewData_o : out std_logic; -- new data received flag
rxDataAck_i : in std_logic; -- acknowledge of received data signal
rxErr_o : out std_logic); -- receive error
end uart_mod;
-- Architecture
architecture Behavioral of uart_mod is
-- Constants
-- sample values
constant BIT_COUNT_DIV1 : integer := CLK_FREQ/BAUDRATE - 1;
constant BIT_COUNT_DIV2 : integer := CLK_FREQ/BAUDRATE/2 - 1;
constant BIT_COUNT_DIV4 : integer := CLK_FREQ/BAUDRATE/4 - 1;
constant MAX_BIT_ERROR : integer := BIT_COUNT_DIV2/3; -- 33% errors allowed
-- Signals
-- tx signals
signal txWaitCnt : integer range 0 to BIT_COUNT_DIV1;
signal txBitCnt : integer range 0 to 7;
type txStates is (idle, startBit, dataBit, stopBit);
signal txState : txStates;
-- rx signals
signal rxInput : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal rxTrigger : std_logic;
signal rxSync : std_logic;
signal rxWeight : integer range 0 to 5;
signal sampleCnt : integer range 0 to BIT_COUNT_DIV2 + BIT_COUNT_DIV4;
signal dataCnt : integer range 0 to 8;
signal highCnt : integer range 0 to BIT_COUNT_DIV2;
type rxStates is (idle, startBit, waitState, dataBit, stopBit, resetCycle);
signal rxState : rxStates;
type rxAckStates is (idle, waitAck);
signal rxAckState : rxAckStates;
-- debug signals
signal txState_as_vector : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
signal rxState_as_vector : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);
signal rxAckState_as_vector : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
-- Transmit FSM
txMonitor : process (clk_i)
if rising_edge(clk_i) then
-- sync reset
if rst_i = '1' then
txState <= idle;
tx_o <= '1';
txReady_o <= '1';
txBitCnt <= 0;
txWaitCnt <= 0;
-- debug signal
txState_as_vector <= std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(txStates'pos(txState), 4));
case txState is
when idle =>
-- State 0: Idle and wait for tx request
if txStart_i = '1' then
tx_o <= '0';
txReady_o <= '0';
txState <= startBit;
end if;
when startBit =>
-- State 1: Send startbit
-- check if max cnt value is reached
if txWaitCnt < BIT_COUNT_DIV1 then
txWaitCnt <= txWaitCnt + 1;
txWaitCnt <= 0;
txState <= dataBit;
tx_o <= txData_i(txBitCnt);
end if;
when dataBit =>
-- State 2: Send data bits
-- check if max cnt value is reached
if txWaitCnt < BIT_COUNT_DIV1 then
txWaitCnt <= txWaitCnt + 1;
txWaitCnt <= 0;
-- check if all bits are transmitted
if txBitCnt < 7 then
txBitCnt <= txBitCnt + 1;
tx_o <= txData_i(txBitCnt + 1);
txBitCnt <= 0;
txState <= stopBit;
tx_o <= '1';
end if;
end if;
when stopBit =>
-- State 3: Send stop bit
-- check if max cnt value is reached
if txWaitCnt < BIT_COUNT_DIV1 then
txWaitCnt <= txWaitCnt + 1;
txWaitCnt <= 0;
txReady_o <= '1';
txState <= idle;
end if;
end case;
end if;
end if;
end process txMonitor;
-- 3-of-5 rx sample filter with shifter
process (clk_i) is
begin -- process
if rising_edge(clk_i) then
-- sync reset
if rst_i = '1' then
rxWeight <= 0;
rxInput <= (others => '0');
-- increase or decrease rxWeight
if rx_i = '1' and rxWeight < 5 then
rxWeight <= rxWeight + 1;
elsif rx_i = '0' and rxWeight > 0 then
rxWeight <= rxWeight - 1;
end if;
-- rx shifter with respect to rxWeight
if rxWeight > 2 then
rxInput <= rxInput(6 downto 0) & '1';
rxInput <= rxInput(6 downto 0) & '0';
end if;
end if;
end if;
end process;
-- Receive FSM
rxMonitor : process (clk_i)
if rising_edge(clk_i) then
-- sync reset
if rst_i = '1' then
-- initial state
rxState <= idle;
-- reset signals
rxTrigger <= '0';
rxSync <= '0';
-- reset output ports
rxErr_o <= '0';
rxData_o <= (others => '0');
-- reset counter
sampleCnt <= 0;
highCnt <= 0;
dataCnt <= 0;
-- debug signal
rxState_as_vector <= std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(rxStates'pos(rxState), 4));
case rxState is
when idle =>
-- State 0: Idle and wait for a falling edge (start bit)
-- check rx input for a falling edge
if rxInput(1 downto 0) = "10" then
rxState <= startBit;
sampleCnt <= 1;
end if;
when startBit =>
-- State 1: Check if falling edge results in a start bit
-- sample 3/4 bit
if sampleCnt < (BIT_COUNT_DIV2 + BIT_COUNT_DIV4) then
sampleCnt <= sampleCnt + 1;
-- sum up bit errors
if rxInput(0) = '1' then
if highCnt > MAX_BIT_ERROR then
rxErr_o <= '1';
rxState <= resetCycle;
highCnt <= highCnt + 1;
end if;
end if;
-- start bit detected
rxState <= waitState;
sampleCnt <= 0;
highCnt <= 0;
end if;
when waitState =>
-- State 2: Wait for bit/2 and try to sync if there is a stable edge
if sampleCnt < BIT_COUNT_DIV2 then
-- increase counter
sampleCnt <= sampleCnt + 1;
-- try to sync
if rxSync = '0' then
if rxInput = "00001111" or rxInput = "11110000" then
sampleCnt <= BIT_COUNT_DIV4 + 4;
rxSync <= '1';
end if;
end if;
-- wait time reached
sampleCnt <= 0;
rxSync <= '0';
-- check if all data bits are sampled
if dataCnt < 8 then
rxState <= dataBit;
dataCnt <= 0;
rxState <= stopBit;
end if;
end if;
when dataBit =>
-- State 3: Receive a data bit
if sampleCnt < BIT_COUNT_DIV2 then
sampleCnt <= sampleCnt + 1;
if rxInput(0) = '1' then
highCnt <= highCnt + 1;
end if;
sampleCnt <= 0;
highCnt <= 0;
rxState <= waitState;
dataCnt <= dataCnt + 1;
-- sampling complete, check highCnt
if (BIT_COUNT_DIV2 - highCnt) <= MAX_BIT_ERROR then
-- '1' was sampled
rxData_o(dataCnt) <= '1';
elsif highCnt <= MAX_BIT_ERROR then
-- '0' was sampled
rxData_o(dataCnt) <= '0';
-- sample error
rxErr_o <= '1';
rxState <= resetCycle;
end if;
end if;
when stopBit =>
-- State 4: Receive the stop bit
if sampleCnt < BIT_COUNT_DIV2 then
sampleCnt <= sampleCnt + 1;
if rxInput(0) = '0' then
if highCnt > MAX_BIT_ERROR then
-- stop bit error
rxErr_o <= '1';
rxState <= resetCycle;
highCnt <= highCnt + 1;
end if;
end if;
-- stop bit detected
rxState <= resetCycle;
rxTrigger <= '1';
end if;
when resetCycle =>
-- State 5: cycle to reset flags and counters
highCnt <= 0;
rxTrigger <= '0';
rxErr_o <= '0';
rxState <= idle;
end case;
end if;
end if;
end process rxMonitor;
-- Acknowledge handshake
ackProcess : process (clk_i) is
begin -- process ackProcess
if rising_edge(clk_i) then
-- sync reset
if rst_i = '1' then
rxAckState <= idle;
-- debug signal
rxAckState_as_vector <= std_logic_vector(to_unsigned(rxAckStates'pos(rxAckState), 2));
case rxAckState is
when idle =>
-- State 0: Wait for new received data
-- check if rx data is available
if rxTrigger = '1' then
rxAckState <= waitAck;
end if;
when waitAck =>
-- State 1: Wait for a external ackowlede
if rxDataAck_i = '1' then
rxAckState <= idle;
end if;
end case;
end if;
end if;
end process ackProcess;
rxNewData_o <= '1' when rxAckState = waitAck else '0';
end Behavioral;
Liberal interpretations of the verb SHOUT aside, an examination of the VHDL design specification provided shows that the signals txReady_o,rxNewData_o and rxDataAck_i are part of the clock (clk_i) synchronous handshaking to operate the two parallel interfaces for transmitting and receiving data either sent serially or received serially.
I have a UART code, and its working perfectly, but unable to understand the use of few pins
Besides wondering how you can determine the code works without using the interfaces, each of the parallel transmit and receive interfaces uses a two signal handshake. (And no this is not serial flow control).
Two signal hand shake for transmit
The transmitter signifies that new data can be accepted by asserting txReady_o. When data to be transmitted is made available on txData_i the input txStart_i is asserted until txReady_o is de-asserted (after the next clk_i rising edge, see the tx_Monitor process, case tx_State, when idle).
Two signal hand shake for receive
The receiver signifies a received data value with rxNewData_o and after that data is read from the rxData_o port rxDataAck_i is asserted. rxNewData_o is de-asserted as a result similar to txReady_o, see process ackProcess. rxDataAck_i should likewise be de-asserted when rxNewData_o is de-asserted.
Note that you the time from the stop bit being detected until next first received data bit (following a start bit) to read rxData_o. There is no separate output buffer nor output FIFO.
