Elasticsearch search for sum greater than a value - elasticsearch

Query - find cruises having occupancy.
I need to search for cruises having sum of all (total_occupancy - current_occupancy) of cabins greater than a value (say 100) in ElastcSearch.
PFB a sample cruise document:-
"disDmbarkationLocation": "From Location",
"embarkationLocation": "To Location",
"segments": [
"segmentId": "SEG1",
"cabinInventories": [
"maxOccupancy": 10,
"lastModified": 1469538908559,
"currentOccupancy": 10,
"cabinNo": 1
"maxOccupancy": 10,
"lastModified": 1469538908560,
"currentOccupancy": 9,
"cabinNo": 2
"maxOccupancy": 10,
"lastModified": 1469538908560,
"currentOccupancy": 8,
"cabinNo": 3
"maxOccupancy": 10,
"lastModified": 1469538908560,
"currentOccupancy": 8,
"cabinNo": 4
"segmentId": "SEG2",
"cabinInventories": [
"maxOccupancy": 10,
"lastModified": 1469538908561,
"currentOccupancy": 10,
"cabinNo": 1
"maxOccupancy": 10,
"lastModified": 1469538908562,
"currentOccupancy": 10,
"cabinNo": 2
"maxOccupancy": 10,
"lastModified": 1469538908562,
"currentOccupancy": 10,
"cabinNo": 3
"maxOccupancy": 10,
"lastModified": 1469538908562,
"currentOccupancy": 10,
"cabinNo": 4
"segmentId": "SEG3",
"cabinInventories": [
"maxOccupancy": 10,
"lastModified": 1469538908562,
"currentOccupancy": 10,
"cabinNo": 1
"maxOccupancy": 10,
"lastModified": 1469538908562,
"currentOccupancy": 8,
"cabinNo": 2
"maxOccupancy": 10,
"lastModified": 1469538908563,
"currentOccupancy": 8,
"cabinNo": 3
"maxOccupancy": 10,
"lastModified": 1469538908563,
"currentOccupancy": 8,
"cabinNo": 4


How to use Nifi QueryRecord to lookup for values in a flowfile?

I have a scenario where a flowfile contains the json transformed, I need to now combine fields that are in the json, for example, I want to get the R and PA from the Original.ScoreInfo.Team per ID and get Enriched.Team.Source.HV and Enriched.Team.SourceMapped.HV based on the Team.ID. My desired json looks like:
TeamID: 1000,
ValueR: 3,
ValuePA: 13},
TeamID: 2000,
ValueR: 1,
ValuePA: 14}
Flowfile example:
"Mapping": {
"ScoreInfo": {
"Team": [
"ID": 1,
"Source": {
"HV": 1,
"ID": 1
"ID": 3,
"Source": {
"HV": 2,
"ID": 3
"Original": {
"ScoreInfo": {
"Team": [
"HV": 1,
"ID": 1,
"R": 1,
"PA": 8,
"H": 2,
"BB": 2,
"SB": 0,
"E": 0,
"Score": [
"Inn": 1,
"TB": 2,
"R": 0,
"H": 0,
"BB": 1
"Inn": 2,
"TB": 2,
"R": 1,
"H": 2,
"BB": 1
"HV": 2,
"ID": 3,
"R": 1,
"PA": 10,
"H": 3,
"BB": 0,
"SB": 0,
"E": 0,
"Score": [
"Inn": 1,
"TB": 1,
"R": 1,
"H": 2,
"BB": 0
"Inn": 2,
"TB": 1,
"R": 0,
"H": 0,
"BB": 0
"MatchValue": "99999999",
"Enriched": {
"Team": [
"ID": 1,
"Source": {
"HV": 1,
"ID": 1
"SourceMapped": {
"HV": 1000,
"ID": 1000
"ID": 2,
"Source": {
"HV": 2,
"ID": 2
"SourceMapped": {
"HV": 2000,
"ID": 2000
"MatchValue": "99999999"
I was trying to do it using the QueryRecord and combined with the RPATH but it is returning empty when try this SELECT * FROM FLOWFILE WHERE RPATH(Original, '/ScoreInfo/Team/ID') = RPATH(Enriched, '/Team/ID')
Any idea how can I use the QueryRecord to do it?

D3.js labeled force graph does not reload data

I am trying to create a force graph in d3.js with some labels on top of each node and also some content-dependent style (for instance, the colour of the node is dependent on a 'type' property). I am starting with one of the examples but I cannot make the graph to display new data when I update it. For instance, when changing the text property on the list of data, the label on the node should change, however it does not. I think the problem might be in the data()/enter() procedure, which I am still trying to fully understand. What I have so far managed to get is the following: https://jsfiddle.net/5Luv0btd/2/ . Any help would be much appreciated!
That is because once you've entered the data, you do not have to operate on the nodeEnter anymore. The reason is simple: .enter() merges into the update selection when you append or insert.. In other words, after chaining .enter(), node effectively refers to both the old and new data. Citing the example for the v3.x documentation for d3:
var update_sel = svg.selectAll("circle").data(data)
update_sel.attr(/* operate on old elements only */)
update_sel.enter().append("circle").attr(/* operate on new elements only */)
update_sel.attr(/* operate on old and new elements */)
update_sel.exit().remove() /* complete the enter-update-exit pattern */
Therefore, working with node itself will suffice, i.e.:
// Enter selection
.attr("class", "node")
// From this point onwards:
// `node` will refer to both old and new data
// Do magic ;)
.attr("r", 10)
.style('fill', function(d) {
return color(d.type)
.attr("width", 16)
.attr("height", 16);
.attr("dx", 0)
.attr("dy", ".35em")
.text(function(d) {
return d.name
.attr("text-anchor", "middle");
See working fiddle here: https://jsfiddle.net/teddyrised/5Luv0btd/5/, or refer to the code snippet below:
var data = {
"nodes": [{
"name": "Myriel",
"type": 1
}, {
"name": "Napoleon",
"type": 1
}, {
"name": "Mlle.Baptistine",
"type": 1
}, {
"name": "Mme.Magloire",
"type": 1
}, {
"name": "CountessdeLo",
"type": 1
}, {
"name": "Geborand",
"type": 1
}, {
"name": "Champtercier",
"type": 1
}, {
"name": "Cravatte",
"type": 1
}, {
"name": "Count",
"type": 1
}, {
"name": "OldMan",
"type": 1
}, {
"name": "Labarre",
"type": 2
}, {
"name": "Valjean",
"type": 2
}, {
"name": "Marguerite",
"type": 3
}, {
"name": "Mme.deR",
"type": 2
}, {
"name": "Isabeau",
"type": 2
}, {
"name": "Gervais",
"type": 2
}, {
"name": "Tholomyes",
"type": 3
}, {
"name": "Listolier",
"type": 3
}, {
"name": "Fameuil",
"type": 3
}, {
"name": "Blacheville",
"type": 3
}, {
"name": "Favourite",
"type": 3
}, {
"name": "Dahlia",
"type": 3
}, {
"name": "Zephine",
"type": 3
}, {
"name": "Fantine",
"type": 3
}, {
"name": "Mme.Thenardier",
"type": 4
}, {
"name": "Thenardier",
"type": 4
}, {
"name": "Cosette",
"type": 5
}, {
"name": "Javert",
"type": 4
}, {
"name": "Fauchelevent",
"type": 0
}, {
"name": "Bamatabois",
"type": 2
}, {
"name": "Perpetue",
"type": 3
}, {
"name": "Simplice",
"type": 2
}, {
"name": "Scaufflaire",
"type": 2
}, {
"name": "Woman1",
"type": 2
}, {
"name": "Judge",
"type": 2
}, {
"name": "Champmathieu",
"type": 2
}, {
"name": "Brevet",
"type": 2
}, {
"name": "Chenildieu",
"type": 2
}, {
"name": "Cochepaille",
"type": 2
}, {
"name": "Pontmercy",
"type": 4
}, {
"name": "Boulatruelle",
"type": 6
}, {
"name": "Eponine",
"type": 4
}, {
"name": "Anzelma",
"type": 4
}, {
"name": "Woman2",
"type": 5
}, {
"name": "MotherInnocent",
"type": 0
}, {
"name": "Gribier",
"type": 0
}, {
"name": "Jondrette",
"type": 7
}, {
"name": "Mme.Burgon",
"type": 7
}, {
"name": "Gavroche",
"type": 8
}, {
"name": "Gillenormand",
"type": 5
}, {
"name": "Magnon",
"type": 5
}, {
"name": "Mlle.Gillenormand",
"type": 5
}, {
"name": "Mme.Pontmercy",
"type": 5
}, {
"name": "Mlle.Vaubois",
"type": 5
}, {
"name": "Lt.Gillenormand",
"type": 5
}, {
"name": "Marius",
"type": 8
}, {
"name": "BaronessT",
"type": 5
}, {
"name": "Mabeuf",
"type": 8
}, {
"name": "Enjolras",
"type": 8
}, {
"name": "Combeferre",
"type": 8
}, {
"name": "Prouvaire",
"type": 8
}, {
"name": "Feuilly",
"type": 8
}, {
"name": "Courfeyrac",
"type": 8
}, {
"name": "Bahorel",
"type": 8
}, {
"name": "Bossuet",
"type": 8
}, {
"name": "Joly",
"type": 8
}, {
"name": "Grantaire",
"type": 8
}, {
"name": "MotherPlutarch",
"type": 9
}, {
"name": "Gueulemer",
"type": 4
}, {
"name": "Babet",
"type": 4
}, {
"name": "Claquesous",
"type": 4
}, {
"name": "Montparnasse",
"type": 4
}, {
"name": "Toussaint",
"type": 5
}, {
"name": "Child1",
"type": 10
}, {
"name": "Child2",
"type": 10
}, {
"name": "Brujon",
"type": 4
}, {
"name": "Mme.Hucheloup",
"type": 8
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var width = 960,
height = 500,
color = d3.scale.category20();
var svg = d3.select("body").append("svg")
.attr("width", width)
.attr("height", height);
var force = d3.layout.force()
.size([width, height]);
var draw = function(data) {
var drag = d3.behavior.drag().origin(function(d) {
return d;
var link = svg.selectAll(".link")
var linkEnter = link.enter().append("line")
.attr("class", "link");
var node = svg.selectAll(".node")
.data(data.nodes, function(d) {
return d.name
.attr("class", "node")
.attr("r", 10)
.style('fill', function(d) {
return color(d.type)
.attr("width", 16)
.attr("height", 16);
.attr("dx", 0)
.attr("dy", ".35em")
.text(function(d) {
return d.name
.attr("text-anchor", "middle");
force.on("tick", function() {
link.attr("x1", function(d) {
return d.source.x;
.attr("y1", function(d) {
return d.source.y;
.attr("x2", function(d) {
return d.target.x;
.attr("y2", function(d) {
return d.target.y;
node.attr("transform", function(d) {
return "translate(" + d.x + "," + d.y + ")";
setTimeout(function(d) {
data.nodes[0].name = "A changed name";
data.nodes[0].type = 2;
// The node 'Myriel' should now have the labed 'A changed name'
}, 2000);
.link {
stroke: #ccc;
.node text {
pointer-events: none;
font: 10px sans-serif;
<script src="//d3js.org/d3.v3.min.js"></script>

How to add text in the center of node in force directed graph? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Placing labels at the center of nodes in d3.js
(3 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
Here is the code to draw to text in the center of the circle.
.attr("dx", 10)
.attr("dy", ".35em")
.text(function(d) { return d.group });
Here is the jsfiddle
Just set text-anchor attribute middle to the text element. This code would work even for nodes having different size.
.attr("text-anchor", "middle")
.attr("dy", ".35em")
.text(function(d) { return d.group });
Working snippet:
var width = 500,
height = 500;
var color = d3.scale.category20();
var force = d3.layout.force()
.size([width, height]);
var svg = d3.select("body").append("svg")
.attr("width", width)
.attr("height", height);
var mis = document.getElementById('mis').innerHTML;
graph = JSON.parse(mis);
var link = svg.selectAll(".link")
.attr("class", "link")
.style("stroke-width", function(d) {
return Math.sqrt(d.value);
var node = svg.selectAll(".node")
.attr("class", "node")
.attr("r", function(d,i){ return i%2==0?10:8 })
.style("fill", function(d) {
return color(d.group);
.attr("text-anchor", "middle")
.attr("dy", ".35em")
.text(function(d) {
return d.group
force.on("tick", function() {
link.attr("x1", function(d) {
return d.source.x;
.attr("y1", function(d) {
return d.source.y;
.attr("x2", function(d) {
return d.target.x;
.attr("y2", function(d) {
return d.target.y;
d3.selectAll("circle").attr("cx", function(d) {
return d.x;
.attr("cy", function(d) {
return d.y;
d3.selectAll("text").attr("x", function(d) {
return d.x;
.attr("y", function(d) {
return d.y;
.link {
stroke: #ccc;
.node text {
pointer-events: none;
font: 10px sans-serif;
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/d3/3.4.11/d3.min.js"></script>
<script type="application/json" id="mis">
{ "nodes": [{ "name": "Myriel", "group": 1 }, { "name": "Napoleon", "group": 1 }, { "name": "Mlle.Baptistine", "group": 1 }, { "name": "Mme.Magloire", "group": 1 }, { "name": "CountessdeLo", "group": 1 }, { "name": "Geborand", "group": 1 }, { "name": "Champtercier", "group": 1 }, { "name": "Cravatte", "group": 1 }, { "name": "Count", "group": 1 }, { "name": "OldMan", "group": 1 }, { "name": "Labarre", "group": 2 }, { "name": "Valjean", "group": 2 }, { "name": "Marguerite", "group": 3 }, { "name": "Mme.deR", "group": 2 }, { "name": "Isabeau", "group": 2 }, { "name": "Gervais", "group": 2 }, { "name": "Tholomyes", "group": 3 }, { "name": "Listolier", "group": 3 }, { "name": "Fameuil", "group": 3 }, { "name": "Blacheville", "group": 3 }, { "name": "Favourite", "group": 3 }, { "name": "Dahlia", "group": 3 }, { "name": "Zephine", "group": 3 }, { "name": "Fantine", "group": 3 }, { "name": "Mme.Thenardier", "group": 4 }, { "name": "Thenardier", "group": 4 }, { "name": "Cosette", "group": 5 }, 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"target": 24, "value": 1 }, { "source": 68, "target": 27, "value": 1 }, { "source": 68, "target": 48, "value": 1 }, { "source": 68, "target": 41, "value": 1 }, { "source": 69, "target": 25, "value": 6 }, { "source": 69, "target": 68, "value": 6 }, { "source": 69, "target": 11, "value": 1 }, { "source": 69, "target": 24, "value": 1 }, { "source": 69, "target": 27, "value": 2 }, { "source": 69, "target": 48, "value": 1 }, { "source": 69, "target": 41, "value": 1 }, { "source": 70, "target": 25, "value": 4 }, { "source": 70, "target": 69, "value": 4 }, { "source": 70, "target": 68, "value": 4 }, { "source": 70, "target": 11, "value": 1 }, { "source": 70, "target": 24, "value": 1 }, { "source": 70, "target": 27, "value": 1 }, { "source": 70, "target": 41, "value": 1 }, { "source": 70, "target": 58, "value": 1 }, { "source": 71, "target": 27, "value": 1 }, { "source": 71, "target": 69, "value": 2 }, { "source": 71, "target": 68, "value": 2 }, { "source": 71, "target": 70, "value": 2 }, { "source": 71, "target": 11, "value": 1 }, { "source": 71, "target": 48, "value": 1 }, { "source": 71, "target": 41, "value": 1 }, { "source": 71, "target": 25, "value": 1 }, { "source": 72, "target": 26, "value": 2 }, { "source": 72, "target": 27, "value": 1 }, { "source": 72, "target": 11, "value": 1 }, { "source": 73, "target": 48, "value": 2 }, { "source": 74, "target": 48, "value": 2 }, { "source": 74, "target": 73, "value": 3 }, { "source": 75, "target": 69, "value": 3 }, { "source": 75, "target": 68, "value": 3 }, { "source": 75, "target": 25, "value": 3 }, { "source": 75, "target": 48, "value": 1 }, { "source": 75, "target": 41, "value": 1 }, { "source": 75, "target": 70, "value": 1 }, { "source": 75, "target": 71, "value": 1 }, { "source": 76, "target": 64, "value": 1 }, { "source": 76, "target": 65, "value": 1 }, { "source": 76, "target": 66, "value": 1 }, { "source": 76, "target": 63, "value": 1 }, { "source": 76, "target": 62, "value": 1 }, { "source": 76, "target": 48, "value": 1 }, { "source": 76, "target": 58, "value": 1 }] }
You can tamper the dx and dy to move it to the center something like this.
.attr("dx", function(d) { if(d.group > 9) {return -5.5} else {return -1.5;} })
.attr("dy", ".3em")
.text(function(d) { return d.group });
What this does is if the group is 9 then single digit then return -1.5 else for 2 digit return -5.5.
Working code here
Hope this helps!
It works after changing the position of dx;
.attr("dx", -2)
.attr("dy", ".35em")
.text(function(d) { return d.group });
Here is the updated fiddle.

ElasticSearch Aggregations Query

I already spent way too much time on this. I have this aggregation that I can't get to work like it should.
I have a ton of documents with a structure like this (I've ommited some of the parts that aren't relevant for this agg):
"url": "THE_URL",
"url_params": {},
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"type": "xlleaderboard",
"width": 990,
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It's the blocks array that I'm having problems with. I want to know per block the sum of clicks, views and viewTime.
I'm trying to use this query:
"size": 0,
"query": {
"filtered": {
"query": {
"match_all": {}
"filter": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"range": {
"dt": {
"from": "2015-08-25T00:00:00+00:00",
"to": "2015-08-26T23:59:59+00:00"
"term": {
"url": "http://www.nieuwsblad.be/"
"aggs": {
"per_block": {
"term": {
"field": "blocks.blocks"
"aggs": {
"clicks": {
"sum": {
"field": "blocks.click"
For the activeAds, I'm using nearly identical code but there it's working perfectly:
"size": 0,
"query": {
"filtered": {
"query": {
"match_all": {}
"filter": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"range": {
"dt": {
"from": "2015-08-25T00:00:00+00:00",
"to": "2015-08-26T23:59:59+00:00"
"terms": {
"page.page_type": [
"must_not": {
"term": {
"activeAds.timeViewed": 0
"aggs": {
"per_ad": {
"terms": {
"field": "activeAds.type"
"aggs": {
"clicks": {
"sum": {
"field": "activeAds.clicked"
"views": {
"sum": {
"field": "activeAds.viewed"
"total_time_viewed": {
"sum": {
"field": "activeAds.timeViewed"
Anyone have any idea on what I'm doing wrong?

How to implement drill down in Stacked Bar Chart(amchart)

We have implemented stacked bar chart using amchart. We have displaying the top 5 selling products in the charts.When drill down charts, the product manufactures details will display on the chart.
You can use chart's event clickGraphItem when the user clicks on a column. Then dynamically update chart's dataProvider property and call validateData() method to take in new data.
Here's a complete working demo. It has more stuff in it than just what I mentioned above, like for instance updating labels of current level being displayed, as well as back button to go up a level in drill-down.
var chartData = [{
"category": 2009,
"income": 23.5,
"description":"click to drill-down",
"months": [
{ "category": 1, "income": 1 },
{ "category": 2, "income": 2 },
{ "category": 3, "income": 1 },
{ "category": 4, "income": 3 },
{ "category": 5, "income": 2.5 },
{ "category": 6, "income": 1.1 },
{ "category": 7, "income": 2.9 },
{ "category": 8, "income": 3.5 },
{ "category": 9, "income": 3.1 },
{ "category": 10, "income": 1.1 },
{ "category": 11, "income": 1 },
{ "category": 12, "income": 3 }
}, {
"category": 2010,
"income": 26.2,
"description":"click to drill-down",
"months": [
{ "category": 1, "income": 4 },
{ "category": 2, "income": 3 },
{ "category": 3, "income": 1 },
{ "category": 4, "income": 4 },
{ "category": 5, "income": 2 },
{ "category": 6, "income": 1 },
{ "category": 7, "income": 2 },
{ "category": 8, "income": 2 },
{ "category": 9, "income": 3 },
{ "category": 10, "income": 1 },
{ "category": 11, "income": 1 },
{ "category": 12, "income": 3 }
}, {
"category": 2011,
"income": 30.1,
"description":"click to drill-down",
"months": [
{ "category": 1, "income": 2 },
{ "category": 2, "income": 3 },
{ "category": 3, "income": 1 },
{ "category": 4, "income": 5 },
{ "category": 5, "income": 2 },
{ "category": 6, "income": 1 },
{ "category": 7, "income": 2 },
{ "category": 8, "income": 2.5 },
{ "category": 9, "income": 3.1 },
{ "category": 10, "income": 1.1 },
{ "category": 11, "income": 1 },
{ "category": 12, "income": 3 }
var chart = AmCharts.makeChart("chartdiv", {
"type": "serial",
"theme": "none",
"pathToImages": "/lib/3/images/",
"autoMargins": false,
"marginLeft": 30,
"marginRight": 8,
"marginTop": 10,
"marginBottom": 26,
"titles": [{
"text": "Yearly data"
"dataProvider": chartData,
"startDuration": 1,
"graphs": [{
"alphaField": "alpha",
"balloonText": "<span style='font-size:13px;'>[[title]] in [[category]]:<b>[[value]]</b> [[additional]]</span> <br>[[description]]",
"dashLengthField": "dashLengthColumn",
"fillAlphas": 1,
"title": "Income",
"type": "column",
"valueField": "income","urlField":"url"
"categoryField": "category",
"categoryAxis": {
"gridPosition": "start",
"axisAlpha": 0,
"tickLength": 0
chart.addListener("clickGraphItem", function (event) {
if ( 'object' === typeof event.item.dataContext.months ) {
// set the monthly data for the clicked month
event.chart.dataProvider = event.item.dataContext.months;
// update the chart title
event.chart.titles[0].text = event.item.dataContext.category + ' monthly data';
// let's add a label to go back to yearly data
"!10", 25,
"Go back to yearly >",
// validate the new data and make the chart animate again
// function which resets the chart back to yearly data
function resetChart() {
chart.dataProvider = chartData;
chart.titles[0].text = 'Yearly data';
// remove the "Go back" label
chart.allLabels = [];
#chartdiv {
width : 100%;
height : 300px;
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://www.amcharts.com/lib/3/amcharts.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://www.amcharts.com/lib/3/serial.js"></script>
<div id="chartdiv"></div>
