hit ratio in cache - reading long sequence of bytes - caching

Let assume that one row of cache has size 2^nB. Which hit ratio expected in the sequential reading byte by byte long contiguous memory?
To my eye it is (2^n - 1) / 2^n.
However, I am not sure if I am right. What do you think ?

yes, looks right for simple hardware (non-pipelined with no prefetching). e.g. 1 miss and 63 hits for 64B cache lines.
On real hardware, even in-order single-issue (non-superscalar) CPUs, miss under miss (multiple outstanding misses) is usually supported, so you will see misses until you run out of load buffers. This makes memory accesses pipelined as well, which is useful when misses to different cache lines can be in flight at once, instead of waiting the full latency for each one.
Real hardware will also have hardware prefetching. For example, have a look at Intel's article about disabling HW prefetching for some use-cases.
HW prefetching can probably keep up with a one-byte-at-a-time loop on most CPUs, so with good prefetching you might see hardly any L1 cache misses.
See Ulrich Drepper's What Every Programmer Should Know About Memory, and other links in the x86 tag wiki for more about real HW performance.


Does anyone have an example where _mm256_stream_load_si256 (non-tempral load to bypasse cache) actually improves performance?

Consider massiveley SIMD-vectorized loops on very large amounts of floating point data (hundreds of GB) that, in theory, should benefit from non-temporal ("streaming" i.e. bypassing cache) loads/store.
Using non-temp store (_mm256_stream_ps) actually does significantly improve throughput by about ~25% over plain store (_mm256_store_ps)
However, I could not measure any difference when using _mm256_stream_load instead of _mm256_load_ps.
Does anyone have an example where _mm256_stream_load_si256 can be used to actually improves performance ?
(Instruction set & Hardware is AVX2 on AMD Zen2, 64 cores)
for(size_t i=0; i < 1000000000/*larger than L3 cache-size*/; i+=8 )
__m256 a = _mm256_castsi256_ps (_mm256_stream_load_si256((__m256i *)source+i));
__m256 a = _mm256_load_ps( source+i );
a *= a;
_mm256_stream_ps (destination+i, a);
_mm256_store_ps (destination+i, a);
stream_load (vmovntdqa) is just a slower version of normal load (extra ALU uop) unless you use it on a WC memory region (uncacheable, write-combining).
The non-temporal hint is ignored by current CPUs, because unlike NT stores, the instruction doesn't override the memory ordering semantics. We know that's true on Intel CPUs, and your test results suggest the same is true on AMD.
Its purpose is for copying from video RAM back to main memory, as in an Intel whitepaper. It's useless unless you're copying from some kind of uncacheable device memory. (On current CPUs).
See also What is the difference between MOVDQA and MOVNTDQA, and VMOVDQA and VMOVNTDQ for WB/WC marked region? for more details. As my answer there points out, what can sometimes help if tuned carefully for your hardware and workload, is NT prefetch to reduce cache pollution. But tuning the prefetch distance is pretty brittle; too far and data will be fully evicted by the time you read it, instead of just missing L1 and hitting in L2.
There wouldn't be much if anything to gain in bandwidth anyway. Normal stores cost a read + an eventual write on eviction for each cache line. The Read For Ownership (RFO) is required for cache coherency, and because of how write-back caches work that only track dirty status on a whole-line basis. NT stores can increase bandwidth by avoiding those loads.
But plain loads aren't wasting anything, the only downside is evicting other data as you loop over huge arrays generating boatloads of cache misses, if you can't change your algorithm to have any locality.
If cache-blocking is possible for your algorithm, there's much more to gain from that, so you don't just bottleneck on DRAM bandwidth. e.g. do multiple steps over a subset of your data, then move on to the next.
See also How much of ‘What Every Programmer Should Know About Memory’ is still valid? - most of it; go read Ulrich Drepper's paper.
Anything you can do to increase computational intensity helps (ALU work per time the data is loaded into L1d cache, or into registers).
Even better, make a custom loop that combines multiple steps that you were going to do on each element. Avoid stuff like for(i) A[i] = sqrt(B[i]) if there is an earlier or later step that also does something simple to each element of the same array.
If you're using NumPy or something, and just gluing together optimized building blocks that operate on large arrays, it's kind of expected that you'll bottleneck on memory bandwidth for algorithms with low computational intensity (like STREAM add or triad type of things).
If you're using C with intrinsics, you should be aiming higher. You might still bottleneck on memory bandwidth, but your goal should be to saturate the ALUs, or at least bottleneck on L2 cache bandwidth.
Sometimes it's hard, or you haven't gotten around to all the optimizations on your TODO list that you can think of, so NT stores can be good for memory bandwidth if nothing is going to re-read this data any time soon. But consider that a sign of failure, not success. CPUs have large fast caches, use them.
Further reading:
Enhanced REP MOVSB for memcpy - RFO vs. no-RFO stores (including NT stores), and how per-core memory bandwidth can be limited to the latency-bandwidth product given latency of handing off cache lines to lower levels and the number of LFBs to track them. Especially on Intel server chips.
Non-temporal loads and the hardware prefetcher, do they work together? - no, NT loads are only useful on WC memory, where HW prefetch doesn't work. They kind of exist to fill that gap.

How long does it take to fill a cache line?

Assuming a cache line is 64 bytes,
100 nanoseconds is the often quoted figure for main memory access, is this figure for 1 byte at a time or for 64 bytes at a time?
It's for a whole cache line, of course.
The busses / data-paths along the way are at least 8 bytes wide at every point, with the external DDR bus being the narrowest. (Possibly also the interconnect between sockets on a multi-core system.)
The "critical word" of the cache line might arrive a cycle or two before the rest of it on some CPUs, maybe even 8 on an ancient Pentium-M, but on many recent CPUs the last step between L2 and L1d is a full 64 bytes wide. To make best use of that link (for data going either direction), I assume the L2 superqueue waits to receive a full cache line from the 32-byte ring bus on Intel CPUs, for example.
Skylake for example has 12 Line Fill Buffers, so L1d cache can track cache misses on up to 12 lines in flight at the same time, loads+stores. And the L2 Superqueue has a few more entries than that, so it can track some additional requests created by hardware prefetching. Memory-level parallelism (as well as prefetching) is very important in mitigating the high latency of cache misses, especially demand loads that miss in L3 and have to go all the way to DRAM.
For some actual measurements, see https://www.7-cpu.com/cpu/Skylake.html for example, for Skylake-client i7-6700 with dual-channel DDR4-2400 CL15.
Intel "server" chips, big Xeons, have significantly higher memory latency, enough that it seriously reduces the memory (and L3) bandwidth available to a single core even if the others are idle. Why is Skylake so much better than Broadwell-E for single-threaded memory throughput?
Although I haven't heard if this has improved much with Ice Lake-server or Sapphire Rapids; it was quite bad when they first switched to a mesh interconnect (and non-inclusive L3) in Skylake-server.

How are cache blocks fetched from RAM into the cpu?

I'm learning more about the theoretical side of CPUs, and I read about how cache can be used to fetch a line/block of memory from RAM into an area closer to the CPU that can be accessed more quickly (I think it takes less clock cycles because the CPU doesn't need to move the entire address of the next word into a register, also it's closer to the CPU physically).
But now I'm not clear on the implementation exactly. The CPU is connected to RAM through a data bus that could be 32 or 64 bits wide in modern machines. But L3 cache can in some cases be as large as 32MB in size, and I am pretty convinced there aren't millions of data lines going from RAM to the CPU's cache. Even the tiny-in-comparison L1 cache of only a few KB will take hundreds or even thousands of clock cycles to fetch from RAM only through that tiny data bus.
So what I'm trying to understand is, how exactly is CPU cache implemented to transfer so much infortmation while still being efficient? Are there any examples of simple (relatively) CPUs from the last decades at which I can look to see and learn how they implemented that part of the architecture?
As it turns out, there actually is a very wide bus to move info between levels of cache. Thanks to Peter for pointing it out to me in the comments and providing useful links for further reading.
Since you want the implementation of the CPU cache and RAM(main memory) here's a helpful simulation link where you can give your size of RAM and cache and see how they work.

Slowdown when accessing data at page boundaries?

(My question is related to computer architecture and performance understanding. Did not find a relevant forum, so post it here as a general question.)
I have a C program which accesses memory words that are located X bytes apart in virtual address space. For instance, for (int i=0;<some stop condition>;i+=X){array[i]=4;}.
I measure the execution time with a varying value of X. Interestingly, when X is the power of 2 and is about page size, e.g., X=1024,2048,4096,8192..., I get to huge performance slowdown. But on all other values of X, like 1023 and 1025, there is no slowdown. The performance results are attached in the figure below.
I test my program on several personal machines, all are running Linux with x86_64 on Intel CPU.
What could be the cause of this slowdown? We have tried row buffer in DRAM, L3 cache, etc. which do not seem to make sense...
Update (July 11)
We did a little test here by adding NOP instructions to the original code. And the slowdown is still there. This sorta veto the 4k alias. The cause by conflict cache misses is more likely the case here.
There's 2 things here:
Set-associative cache aliasing creating conflict misses if you only touch the multiple-of-4096 addresses. Inner fast caches (L1 and L2) are normally indexed by a small range of bits from the physical address. So striding by 4096 bytes means those address bits are the same for all accesses so you're only one of the sets in L1d cache, and some small number in L2.
Striding by 1024 means you'd only be using 4 sets in L1d, with smaller powers of 2 using progressively more sets, but non-power-of-2 distributing over all the sets. (Intel CPUs have used 32KiB 8-way associative L1d caches for a long time; 32K/8 = 4K per way. Ice Lake bumped it up to 48K 12-way, so the same indexing where the set depends only on bits below the page number. This is not a coincidence for VIPT caches that want to index in parallel with TLB.)
But with a non-power-of-2 stride, your accesses will be distributed over more sets in the cache. Performance advantages of powers-of-2 sized data? (answer describes this disadvantage)
Which cache mapping technique is used in intel core i7 processor? - shared L3 cache is resistant to aliasing from big power-of-2 offsets because it uses a more complex indexing function.
4k aliasing (e.g. in some Intel CPUs). Although with only stores this probably doesn't matter. It's mainly a factor for memory disambiguation, when the CPU has to quickly figure out if a load might be reloading recently-stored data, and it does so in the first pass by just looking just at page-offset bits.
This is probably not what's going on for you, but for more details see:
L1 memory bandwidth: 50% drop in efficiency using addresses which differ by 4096+64 bytes and
Why are elementwise additions much faster in separate loops than in a combined loop?
Either or both of these effects could be a factor in Why is there huge performance hit in 2048x2048 versus 2047x2047 array multiplication?
Another possible factor is that HW prefetching stops at physical page boundaries. Why does the speed of memcpy() drop dramatically every 4KB? But changing a stride from 1024 to 1023 wouldn't help that by a big factor. "Next-page" prefetching in IvyBridge and later is only TLB prefetching, not data from the next page.
I kind of assumed x86 for most of this answer, but the cache aliasing / conflict-miss stuff applies generally. Set-associative caches with simple indexing are universally used for L1d caches. (Or on older CPUs, direct-mapped where each "set" only has 1 member). The 4k aliasing stuff might be mostly Intel-specific.
Prefetching across virtual page boundaries is likely also a general problem.

Optimal buffer size to avoid cache misses for recent i7 / i9 CPUs

Let's assume an algorithm is repeatedly processing buffers of data, it may be accessing say 2 to 16 of these buffers, all having the same size. What would you expect to be the optimum size of these buffers, assuming the algorithm can process the full data in smaller blocks.
I expect the potential bottleneck of cache misses if the blocks are too big, but of course the bigger the blocks the better for vectorization.
Let's expect current i7/i9 CPUs (2018)
Any ideas?
Do you have multiple threads? Can you arrange things so the same thread uses the same buffer repeatedly? (i.e. keep buffers associated with threads when possible).
Modern Intel CPUs have 32k L1d, 256k L2 private per-core. (Or Skylake-AVX512 has 1MiB private L2 caches, with less shared L3). (Which cache mapping technique is used in intel core i7 processor?)
Aiming for L2 hits most of the time is good. L2 miss / L3 hit some of the time isn't always terrible, but off-core is significantly slower. Remember that L2 is a unified cache, so it covers code as well, and of course there's stack memory and random other demands for L2. So aiming for a total buffer size of around half L2 size usually gives a good hit-rate for cache-blocking.
Depending on how much bandwidth your algorithm can use, you might even aim for mostly L1d hits, but small buffers can mean more startup / cleanup overhead and spending more time outside of the main loop.
Also remember that with Hyperthreading, each logical core competes for cache on the physical core it's running on. So if two threads end up on the same physical core, but are touching totally different memory, your effective cache sizes are about half.
Probably you should make the buffer size a tunable parameter, and profile with a few different sizes.
Use perf counters to check if you're actually avoiding L1d or L2 misses or not, with different sizes, to help you understand whether your code is sensitive to different amounts of memory latency or not.
