Problems running Maven Failsafe Plugin - maven-failsafe-plugin

I'm having trouble running failsafe plugin using mvn verify
Basically it doesn't run the integration tests! If I run mvn failsafe:integration-test works ok
Also, do I need jetty plugin or similar for running integration tests.
The failsafe tasks are not bound to verify task
Code has been checked in to..
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns=""
<!-- stop any previous instance to free up the port -->

You need to create a separate execution for the verify goal:


Exclude methods from delombok for Javadoc purposes

I am working on documentation using the Maven Javadoc plugin, including a delombok phase to document getters and setters, then push to gh-pages. However, this pulls in other lombok generated methods such as equals. Is there a way to specify only a subset of methods to be documented after delomboking?
<bottom>Copyright © {currentYear}. All rights reserved.</bottom>
<checkinComment>Publishing javadoc for ${project.artifactId}:${project.version}</checkinComment>

Can't generate neither javadoc nor sources via maven-plugins?

I want to generate javadoc from my code in Intellij idea IDE.
I'm going step by step by This link. but I don't get the appropriate result.
But after doing mvn package there was no neither attach-source-javadoc-1.0-SNAPSHOT-javadoc.jar nor attach-source-javadoc-1.0-SNAPSHOT-sources.jar files under target folder.
This is the whole pom file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns=""
You have added the plugin to the <pluginManagement> which is not executed.
To generate both javadoc and source code via maven-plugins
You have to put this inside <plugins>directly:

How to set Allure reports with Maven

I have selenium setup with testng using maven. I want to configure allure reporting functionality. I looked up Allure website and set it up.While running it gives is blank reports.
Configure your POM with below plugins and add Allure2 dependencies in POM and then run the tests.

combination of shade, proguard and appassembler maven plugins

I'm trying to build and obfuscate a multi module project using maven. I use the shade plugin to create a fat jar containing all of my own class files(every module) so that I could obfuscate the fat jar using proguard-maven-plugin and then create executable build output using appassembler plugin. everything works except that the other module dependencies also appear in the appassembler repo dir, which is wrong because the obfuscated classes already exist in the shaded jar.
I've tried defining the other module dependencies as provided and then adding the dependencies for the shade plugin, but the shade plugin seems to ignore them.
this is the relevant part of pom.xml:
Any ideas are welcome.
I found a solution which is not as convenient as I'd like but its better than removing the other module jars manually. I used assembly plugin to exclude the jars from the build distribution zip.
<assembly xmlns:xsi=""
I think your issue comes from the fact that the shaded jar and the appassembler are ran during the same phase, package.
I think you should try to modify the phase of the appassembler plugin to:

How can I copy an entire directory into another directory using Maven?

I want to know how to copy an entire directory into another directory using Maven without using the Mmaven antrun plugin.
You can use the Maven resources plugin.
As an example taken from their documentation:
<!-- here the phase you need -->
This would copy the content of the directory into the outputDirectory if I'm not mistaken.
You can use
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
