How to set Allure reports with Maven - maven

I have selenium setup with testng using maven. I want to configure allure reporting functionality. I looked up Allure website and set it up.While running it gives is blank reports.

Configure your POM with below plugins and add Allure2 dependencies in POM and then run the tests.


VScode maven not executing plugins

I am trying to get my library uploaded to the maven central repository using VScode. In order to meet the requierments for that, I have a bunch of plugins configured in my pom.xml file.
Here are all the plugins:
However when I go through the entire maven lifecycle using the VScode maven plugin, no source or javadoc jars are created, and nothing is signed using gpg, what is the issue here?
I guess you put the whole section into <pluginManagement>, right?
Then it is just a configuration and will not be run.
Move it out of <pluginManagement> and it will run as expected.

Cannot run tests with build-helper-maven-plugin on a groovy project

I have a groovy project in Eclipse. I have to change from Gradle to Maven and now I cannot run the tests that exist in it.
Here is the structure of the project:
Here are the contents of the pom.xml:
<indy />
<!-- optional; supported by batch 2.4.12-04+ -->
However, if I do a mvn clean install, the tests are not being ran.
Here is the output of the console:
The test cases we have are called Spec and not Test, this is fixed like this:

Problems running Maven Failsafe Plugin

I'm having trouble running failsafe plugin using mvn verify
Basically it doesn't run the integration tests! If I run mvn failsafe:integration-test works ok
Also, do I need jetty plugin or similar for running integration tests.
The failsafe tasks are not bound to verify task
Code has been checked in to..
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns=""
<!-- stop any previous instance to free up the port -->
You need to create a separate execution for the verify goal:

cobertura-maven-plugin conflicts with FindBugs

After updating cobertura-maven-plugin from 2.6 to 2.7 Cobertura plugin conflicts with FindBugs plugin. FindBugs plugin detects error in cobertura-instrumented code:
[INFO] Incorrect lazy initialization of static field pl.chilldev.sites.commons.ErrorCode.__cobertura_counters in pl.chilldev.sites.commons.ErrorCode.__cobertura_init() [pl.chilldev.sites.commons.ErrorCode] In
(everything works fine when Cobertura plugin verison is set to 2.6)
Just in case, FindBugs plugin version is 3.0.1.
Is it possible to set these plugins somehow to work together?
Edit 1 (pom.xml)
This is pom.xml of main project directory (sub-modules contain only dependencies list):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
# This file is part of the pl.chilldev.sites.
# #copyright 2015 © by Rafał Wrzeszcz -
<!-- core project settings -->
<!-- project meta info -->
<url><!-- TODO --></url>
<description>Content sites storage service.</description>
<name>Rafał Wrzeszcz -</name>
<!-- plugins configuration -->
<Specification-Vendor>Rafał Wrzeszcz -; Chillout Development</Specification-Vendor>
<Implementation-Vendor>Rafał Wrzeszcz -; Chillout Development</Implementation-Vendor>
<!-- Maven Checkstyle plugin has a 6.1.1 version by default which is buggy -->
<!-- TODO:
- fix rendering of company and project logos
- add UTF-8 font
<!-- reporting plugins -->
<!-- TODO: 2.7 doesn't work well with Findbugs -->
<!-- project dependencies -->
<!-- components of the project -->
Edit 2 (
package pl.chilldev.sites.commons;
* JSON-RPC error codes.
public class ErrorCode
* Dummy code that represents successful operation - should not be used at all.
public static final int OK = 0;
* No entity of specified ID exists.
public static final int NO_ENTITY = 1;
Cobertura 2.7 alters in order to produce report for integration tests (new kind of report introduced in 2.7). In the next step Findbugs checks violations not on just compiled classes but on instrumented.
See bug:
As a workaround you can override classFilesDirectory:
Another solution is to skip integration tests report and proceed with unit tests report only:
If you force findbugs to run in the "compile" phase instead of the "test" phase, it will cause findbugs to run before the code is instrumented by cobertuar, thus solving the issue as described by Mateusz Balbus. This findbugs maven configuration works for me:
Need to know about your project structure first.
I think your problem can be solved by using transitive dependency but not sure.
It does two things.
Set a default version for dependencies in submodules/child projects
override the version of transitive dependencies
it does override a specified value in a transitive dependency.
The enforcer plugin does not ignore the dependencyManagement. But is unable to recognize the discrepancy since the transitive dependency's version was altered before it went to work.
Here is a nice article : You can go through it:
And another source:

Maven site not link to Jacoco report

I can generate Jacoco report from profile 'test' and is save inside site folder. But when I execute profile 'documentacion' which contains site generation description, I get all reports link in site, except link to Jacoco report, but this report still appears inside site folder.
This is part of my POM (I cut down part which is not important):
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<!-- Tests -->
<!-- Dependencia para el informe de traducción -->
<!-- Configuración común a todas las fases -->
<!-- Perfiles -->
<!-- Site -->
<defaultGoal>validate test</defaultGoal>
So, How can I get site link to Jacoco report?
Finally, I can fix my POM so I get links to Jacoco and Surefire reports from maven site.
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<!-- Tests -->
<defaultGoal>clean package</defaultGoal>
<!-- Site -->
<!-- Plugin para generar el site con los reports -->
<!-- Reporte tests -->
<!-- More report plugins place here (PMD, checkstyle...) -->
<defaultGoal>validate test</defaultGoal>
<argLine>${argLine} -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8</argLine>
<!-- Test report -->
