Aurelia: How to get user's window's username - windows

I'm not sure if this is even possible. I need to be able to get the users windows username. We are all on an intranet, so I don't have to worry about cross platform issues.
Does Aurelia have windows authentication?

Aurelia runs completely in the browser, so it doesn't have any way to support windows auth (unless the browser supports it). But there's no reason you can't send the user's username via an API call.


Ember js login without token

Initially I would like to inform you that I am using ember 2.10.
Can anyone tell me how to make a login system without a token?
I am developing an offline application with Ember and Electron and I need to make the login system without using external APIs.
If I understand you right, you want to create an application that will support few users. It is possible. You will need to perform following steps:
Install ember-simple-auth plugin. It makes auth-related things much easier
Create custom authenticator that will take a login and password or something from your users and save some identifier in session
Create login and register routes, where users will be able to login or create new credentials
Most probably you will not need an authorizer, because you don't have server api and don't send requests to it
Bear in mind that this will be zero-security system, even if you will use some encryption, because js code is not secured well from exploration. Also bear in mind that electron most probably stores user's data in user's home directory (I can't say for sure as I didn't work with electron, but node-webkit does that). In this case having different windows (or what OS your users will use) users is enough to separate data and you actually don't need any login system.

Know windows username via WebScripting [duplicate]

I have a site which is built in and C#. Let's call it webapp. it uses a Form system to log on into it, and cannot be changed easliy.
I got a request to change the log in to some kind of windows authentication. I'll explain.
Our windows login uses active directory for users to log into their windows account. their login name is sXXXXXXX. X are numbers.
in my webapp, I want to take the users numbers from their active directory login, and check if those exist in the webapp database. if it exists, they will automatically log in. If it doesn't, they will be referred to the regular login page for the webapp system which is currently in use.
I tried changing my IIS to disable anonymous login and enabling windows authentication, therefore making the user browser to send it's current logged in user name to my webapp. I changed the web config as well from "Forms" to "Windows", which made my whole webapp obsolete as the whole forms system did not work.
My question is this - is there a different way for the browser only to send the username to my webapp? I thought maybe javascript, I just don't know how to implement that, if it's even possible. I know it's not very secure, but all this platform and system is built outside the internet, it's on a private network.
<script language="javascript">
var username = '<%HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name %>';
The only way you could get at the user's domain credentials via javascript would be by deploying some type of ActiveX component to expose that data to the browser. I wouldn't recommend that.
I would look at implementing a Login page for forms authentication that authenticates the user on the page load using HttpContext.Current.User.
The way forms works is that if an unauthenticated user attempts to access an access-controlled page and have not logged in (no cookie), they will be redirected to a login page that gives the facility to log in (this sets a cookie on the client-side). The user is then directed to the page they initially requested. You would simply be automating the login part.
If you have a mixture of pass-through and user who need to manually login you could check their client IP address to see if it matches one on your domain or not.
The solution I found for getting the username sent to the server was:
string winlogon = Request.ServerVariables["LOGON_USER"];
After enabled Windows Authentication Mode in IIS.

Browser interact with external application

I have a webpage that which need to access some user data on his windows PC.
Ex.Read Outlook Email , due to security restrictions browsers wont allow this.
What is the best way to achieve this ?
Write an ActiveX control ? [what about FF,Chrome]
I need this work with Firefox,IE,Chrome.
You can't do this - it would be a huge security/privacy issue if a browser could access information on the user's machine. The only way to get Outlook emails would be to tell the user to export their emails from Outlook and have them upload the exported emails to your website.
You will need to write a tool like Google Calendar Sync that your users would download and install.
They would have to input their website credentials or a token that you generate for them and your app would do whatever needs to be done on the local PC. You may also have a trust issue as well. Will your users trust running your app to read their emails? Depends on the situation I guess, but a totally browser based solution probably won't work if it needs to be cross-browser compliant.

How do I implement OAuth 1.0 in a Windows Phone 7 app without asking the user for their password?

I am building a WP7 Twitter client. The normal OAuth 1.0 flow involves obtaining a request token by navigating a web browser to with my app's consumer key; this page will show a login prompt and ask the user to authorize my app to perform actions on their behalf. Upon completion, this page will redirect to a callback URL supplied by my app, with the request token supplied as a parameter.
For web apps this makes sense. I don't understand how this is supposed to work for a standalone mobile/desktop app, though. The Twitter API documentation seems to imply that this should be a feasible option. They do offer an alternative xAuth mechanism that allows an app to gather username/password itself and then supply that directly to obtain an access token. The API documentation points out that this is an inferior option (as it requires the user to trust the app, not just Twitter, with their password), but I don't see how I have any reasonable alternative?
(there is also a PIN-based option, but that's a pretty burdensome solution for the user)
I just want to make sure I'm not missing anything obvious.
"For web apps this makes sense. I don't understand how this is
supposed to work for a standalone mobile/desktop app, though."
Just embed a web browser control in your app, and navigate to the twitter authentication page. Then detect the redirection to the callback url (using the Navigating event) and retrieve the parameter. Many twitter apps do that, it's basically the same as asking the user for the login and password, except that instead of your own controls you're displaying twitter's page.
Nope, you're correct. The option for a mobile/desktop application is either a pin-based option or to use xAuth. Once you have an xAuth application has an access token it is indistinguishable from OAuth (it only changes the authorisation workflow). One thing it does change, and this is very specific to Twitter, is that if you do use xAuth then your application will not be allowed to read or write Direct Messages. See Twitter's The Application Permission Model page for more information.

Uploadify insecure manner upload

Does anyone knows?
My web server requiring auth, while uploading a file i've got window with auth. Even if I'll put username and pass application is crashed.
This is due to a known bug in Flash that sends IE cookies regardless of the browser that is hosting the plugin, thus borking your authentication/authorization scheme.
Here is an based workaround. It is plainly written and can easily be ported to your environment.
